News for ispole

Ghost Wars: The Art of Hybrid Warfare in the 21st...

de Swielande, T.S. and Vandamme, D. (2023), "Ghost Wars: The Art of Hybrid Warfare in the 21st Century: The Case of Russia and China", Chatterji, M., Luterbacher, U., Fert, V. and Chen, B. (Ed.) Globalisation and COVID-19 (Contributions...
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De identiteitskloof in onze parlementen verdiept

Dave Sinardet, Min Reuchamps, Christoph Niessen & Jérémy Dodeigne. Samenleving & Politiek, Jaargang 30, 2023, nr. 6 (juni), pages 53 à 65   Abstract Waar vertegenwoordigers van N-VA en Vlaams Belang de Belgische identiteit blijven verwerpen, hebben verkozenen van...
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Negotiating Decolonization : The Limits of a Fairy Tale,...

In this podcast hosted by International Horizons, Valerie Rosoux discusses the disagreements in the historiography of Belgium's human rights violations during its colonial activities in Congo, and how Belgium's case differs from those of Netherlands and France in coming to terms with their...
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3 new PRD-ARES set up by Ispole members in September 2023

  ARES projects consist of collaborative research or training projects carried out in partnership with the Wallonia-Brussels Federation as part of its development cooperation policy.   Michel Liégeois, Fabienne Leloup and Min Reuchamps have all obtained funding for their...
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La police secrète de la Wermacht en Belgique (1940-1944)

Louis Fortemps & Vincent Gabriel. La police secrète de la Wehrmacht en Belgique (1940-1944). Weyrich édition, 2023.   Summary  The Geheime Feldpolizei (GFP), the secret police of the Wehrmacht, is largely unknown to historians and the general public today. We generally...
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