Archives for ISPOLE
October 17, 2018
Book Launch. Do Central Banks Serve the People?
Book Launch. Do Central Banks Serve the People?
With Clément Fontan (author, Professor of Political Economy, UCLouvain/USL)
Benjamin Braun (Senior Researcher Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies)
Ad Van Riet (ex-Senior Advisor and researcher at the European Central Bank)
Click to know more From 09 to 10/07/2018
Reconciliation as a Peace-building Process
Since the end of the Cold War, more and more specialists in history, philosophy, psychology and other social sciences pay attention to what is designated as one the most important conditions for maintaining a stable peace: reconciliation between former enemies. However,...
Click to know more May 08, 2018
Seminar CESPOL 08/05, The prosocial disobedience hypothesis
The next CESPOL Seminar will be held on Tuesday, May 8th at 12:45 .
The prosocial disobedience hypothesis: Implications for the study of social change and democratization
Professors Davide Morselli (Université de Lausanne) and Thierry Bornand (Institut wallon de l’évaluation) will discuss...
Click to know more From 26 to 27/04/2018
International Conference : Political Parties Abroad . A...
Political Parties Abroad . A New Arena for Citizenship? a colloque co-organised by ISPOLE (Tudi KERNALEGENN, CESPOL and Émilie VAN HAUTE, ULB) 26 - 27 april Louvain House, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Inscription : Sophie Dothey
More informations
Click to know more February 22, 2018
Séminaire CESPOL 22/02
Dr. GAELLE PELLON, in charge of research- First Spin off Program, will present her work “Les élections dont vous êtes le héros: une expérimentation game-based learning
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