Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Public Thesis defense

Non-linear deformation in fibre-reinforced epoxies:...

Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are omnipresent in structural applications requiring high stiffness or strength and low weight.  The matrix, typically made from highly cross-linked epoxies, often plays a crucial role in the damage and failure mechanisms dictating the overall...
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ReDMIL 2024 doctoral summer school

The ReDMIL 2024 doctoral summer school aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them.   The summer...
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Publishing Impactful Research: A Workshop with the...

Management scholars are increasingly expected to publish research that is not only novel, original and theoretical insightful also makes an impact on practice and society at large. But what is actually impact in a management context? In this workshop, we will discuss different forms of...
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Perrine EVRARD - Thesis public defence

Thursday September 5, 2024 – 4.30pm – Auditoire Maisin Perrine EVRARD – Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacoepidemiology research group (CLIP) Enhancing the uptake of benzodiazepine deprescribing in nursing homes: Insights from behaviour-change theories and implementation science...
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Public Thesis defense

Supersaturation Control in Membrane-Assisted Antisolvent...

Antisolvent crystallization is a purification step that is widely used for the recovery of heat-sensitive compounds in pharmaceutical or agrochemical applications. An antisolvent like ethanol reduces the solubility of the targeted compound (such as amino acid in water) and allows it to transform...
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