Calendar for UCLOUVAIN


Applied Statistics Workshop by J.A. Fernández Pierna

J.A. Fernández Pierna Walloon Agricultural Research center (CRA-W), Gembloux, Belgium Invited by Laura Symul will give a presentation on : Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in the Agro-Food Sector Abstract: Vibrational spectroscopy, as Near...
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Seminar | Cefises

The practice of a ‘psychology of peoples’. A...

Sefises seminar, with Stefan Reiners-Selbach (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
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Seminar | Cefises

he practice of a ‘psychology of peoples’. A corpus-based...

Cefises seminar wit Stefan Reiners-Selbach (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
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Public defense of doctoral thesis, Gilles Baudoin

Energy saving potential of thermal mass modification with phase-change materials in temperate climate offices by Gilles Baudoin Thermal energy storage into buildings can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly by lowering energy demand for heating and cooling. Researchers have...
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Applied Statistics Workshop by Philippe Hauschamps

Philippe Hauschamps Institut de Duve, UCLouvain Invited by Laura Symul will give a presentation on : Batch effect detection and visual quality control with CytoMDS, a Bioconductor package for low dimensional representation of distances between cytometry samples Abstract:...
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