Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Les rencontres du Management Humain

L’objectif de ces premières rencontres du Management Humain est de rassembler la communauté d’enseignant·es-chercheur·es et de praticien·nes du Management Humain afin d’organiser un partage d’expériences, structurer cette communauté, et nourrir la pratique, l’enseignement et la recherche en...
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Public Thesis defense

Exploration of uncertainty-aware energy transition...

The global imperative to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions necessitates adaptive energy transition strategies. This thesis examines uncertainty-aware energy transition pathways, focusing on the Belgian energy system. The research aims to understand how varying degrees of...
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Public Thesis defense

Time-scale dependent modeling and control of LVDC...

In the current evolving distribution grid, microgrids are emerging as valuable tools that can facilitate the integration of renewable energies. In recent years, DC microgrids have garnered interest due to several advantages. These advantages include fewer conversions, the absence of reactive...
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YRD : Young Researchers Day | September 20, 2024

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PhD workshop: Writing a paper for Journal Publication

One of the primary missions of universities is the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Consequently, doctoral programs globally focus on how to train students to do quality research that could be published in reputable and high-quality journals. However, the high-quality and leading...
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