News for sctoday
March 13, 2019
Young people, critical thinking, and the forest
In 2018, the Académie d'Agriculture de France awarded Julie Matagne a silver medal for her thesis on forest literacy. What do young people understand about media coverage of forests?
At a time when young Belgians are taking to the streets to demand more of environmental policy,...
Click to know more March 12, 2019
Using satellite data to track changes in earth’s surface
A team from the Earth and Life Institute has generated a database describing land-use change so thematically detailed that it is now used by institutions such as the OECD and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The database consists of a series of maps characterising...
Click to know more January 29, 2019
Enzymes that clean house
A Welbio team from the de Duve Institute has just published the results of a long-term research project that explains two congenital metabolic diseases characterised by a defect in neutrophils (white blood cells), and considers a new treatment.
Our cells are home to an impressive series...
Click to know more January 29, 2019
Detecting dark matter: seven hints point to primordial...
For several decades, astrophysicists have suspected the existence of so-called dark matter, constituting the bulk of all matter in the universe, but have not detected it directly. Rather than continue to search for new, hypothetical particles for dark matter, Sébastien Clesse...
Click to know more January 28, 2019
Managing the post-war period: the European ‘example’?
An article by Valérie Rosoux on reconciliation speeches related to the European Union received the Journal of Contemporary European Studies prize. We took the opportunity to return with her to her chosen field: managing the post-war period.
After the weapons fall silent comes the...
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