Séminaire COSY: "Face processing during the first year of life: behavioural and electrophysiological evidence."


Le Dr. Adélaïde de HEERING (ULB/CRCN/UNESCOG, UCL/IPSY) présentera le 1 avril un séminaire sur le traitement des visages chez les nourrissons.

Ce séminaire (invitation) se déroulera dans l'auditoire SOCR -242, de 12h30 à 13h30 sur le campus de Louvain-La-Neuve(UCL) et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de séminaires 2015-2016 organisé par le pôle COSY.

ABSTRACT: Faces are salient and biologically significant visual stimuli that provide infants with critical cognitive and social information despite the immaturity of their visual system in the first months of life. In a first behavioural study I will focus on one of the perceptual constraint that influence the information the developing brain has access to, namely their sensitivity to horizontal information. Then I will present several studies conducted on infants with fast periodic visual stimulation (FPVS), a technique derived from electro-encephalography (EEG). For all the FPVS studies, infants were tested on 20-second sequences of visual images flickering at a rapid frequency of 6 images/s, allowing only one fixation by image. Highly variable pictures of images belonging to different visual categories were also interleaved every five stimuli, that is at the slower frequeny of 1.2 Hz (6 Hz/5). Infants’ behavioural and electro-physiological results will be discussed.

Published on March 30, 2016