University of Cambridge
Domaine d'expertise : Public Law
Alison Young is the Sir David Williams Professor of Public Law at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Robinson College.
Her researches cover all aspects of public law, both of the UK and the EU. Her main interest is in constitutional theory, particularly dialogue theory, where she draws comparisons between different means of protecting human rights.
She is also interested in comparative public law, specifically drawing comparisons between UK law, EU law, the law in other commonwealth countries and France.
She also has research interests in freedom of expression and in the protection of human rights through private law.
She has published widely in all of these areas, and is the author of Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Human Rights Act (Hart Publishing, 2009). She was the recipient of a Leverhulme Research Fellowship in 2015. The Fellowship enabled her to write a book on dialogue theory, Democratic Dialogue and the Constitution (OUP, 2017), which was a runner up for the main Inner Temple Book Prize, 2018.
She currently co-edits the UKCLA blog on constitutional law, and is a member of the Editorial Board of European Public Law, and of Public Law.
Mardi 9 mars 2021 de 10h45 à 12h45 (Teams) : Contrôle par le juge administratif du contenu de la décision administrative en droit britannique - Droit des politiques publiques [LDROI2108]
Plus d'informations -
Lundi 26 avril 2021 de 10h45 à 12h45 (Teams) : The UK constitution, Parliamentary Sovereignty and Human Rights - Introduction to Comparative Law [LDROI1310]
Lundi 26 avril 2021 de 14h à 16h (A déterminer) : Séminaire doctoral en droit public