Place Montesquieu 2/L2.07.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Sylvie Sarolea
Professeure ordinaire
- Vice-Dean for International Relations (2020-...)
- President of Cedie, Centre for International and European Law (2016-2020)
- President of the Doctoral Commission in Legal Sciences (CDJ) (2017-2020)
- Coordination of International Francqui Professor of Prof. François Crepeau (McGill University) for 2017-2018
- Global College of Law project: collaboration with Pr. Delphine Nakache (University of Ottawa, 2017, 2018), Francesco Gatta (University of Milan, 2017), Petra Herzfelt Olsson (University of Uppsala, 2018), Pr. Jack Mangala (Grand Lake University, Michigan, 2018); Pr. Baudouin Dupret (CNRS, University of Bordeaux, 2019), Pr. Mathias Audit (University of Paris 1-Sorbonne, 2019)
- Promoter of the artist in residence UCLouvain 2018-2019 : Bénédicte Liénard
- Coordinator of Louvain4Migration consortium
- Sponsor of Doctor Honoris Causa Madame Vénantie Bisimwa Nabintu (2 February 2010) - continuation of a project in Kivu since 2010 and in particular the "Henri Simonart Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights" project in Walungu (South Kivu, DRC) - Empowerment of women victims of violence - synergy project
- Involvement in the Access2University Program: program to prepare asylum seekers and refugees for university studies
- President of the Foreigners Commission of the Human Rights League (LDH) and member of the Board of Directors (1997-2002); President of the A.D.D.E. (Association pour le droit des étrangers): 2002 - 2012 ; Vice-President of Ulysse (NGO: mental health for migrants): 2006 - ; Member of the Collectif des femmes ASBL (Women's Collective).
- Expert for the FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) observation mission in the Central African Republic - May 2002
- Design and management of the Henri Simonart Fund (2010-2015): support for projects for access to studies and documentation in South Kivu (creation of the Henri Simonart - Walungu centre), with the Morren Foundation, grants for access to the complementary Master's degree in human rights (2020-2021).
Academic (UCLouvain)
Civil society
- Full Professor in International Law (UCLouvain-Belgium)
- Deputy Dean of International Relations
- Partner Lawyer in Casabel Law Firm (Brabant Walloon Bar)
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1991 Candidate en droit Université catholique de Louvain 1994 Licenciée en droit Université catholique de Louvain 2005 Docteur en droit Université catholique de Louvain
Courses at UCLouvain
- Sources and Principles of Law (Faculty of Law) and Foundations of Law (ESPO) (until 2012)
- Immigration law
- Private international law and fundamental rights
- Private international Law, Current Issues
- Human rights related to the autonomy of the individual (MC in human rights)
- International Law and Protection of Persons (Specialized Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Action)
- Migrations and Children's rights (Specialized Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Approach to the Rights of the Child)
- Seminar of research (Master Thesis), including coordination with C. Romainville, A. Lamine and A. Sinon of the Rosa Parks Human Rights Legal Clinic
- coordinator of the interdisciplinary MOOC "Crossed views on migration" (EdX approved in 2017), in the framework of the project MIRE Project: Migrations: crossed views; coordination (U.C.L., 2016-2017), with Jacinthe MAZZOCCHETTI, Laura MERLA, Vincent YZERBYT, Frédéric DOCQUIER, Pierre-Jo LAURENT, Bruno SCHOUMAKER
- Co-author of the MOOC Droit d'asile et des réfugiés with Pr Jean-Yves Carlier https://www.edx.org/course/droit-dasile-et-des-refugies-2 (2020) and its English version (2021)
Rosa Parks Legal Clinic
- Founder and coordinator with Céline Romainville and Auriane Lamine of the Rosa Parks Law Clinic - set up in 2017-2018: Master thesis in cooperation with NGO's
Inter-University and Inter-disciplinary Certificate in Transitional Justice
- Scientific Committee of the Inter-University Certificate in Transitional Justice with Prof. Damien Scalia, Valérie Rosoux, Aude Merlin, Ms Béatrice Chapaux and the NGO RCN (2021-2022)
Teaching program in Morocco
- Academic partner of Enabel within the framework of the project in Morocco "Legal Empowerment of Migrants" (MOR 17 057 T) with the Mohamed V University of Rabat, the Ain Chock Faculty of Casablanca, the Abelmalek Sadi University of Tangier and the Mohamed I University of Oujda, and their legal clinics.
Visiting professor
- ULB (Brussels - Belgium): Human rights and migration law (Certificate in European Law on Immigration and Asylum, until 2012-2013, Summer School in European Asylum and Immigration Law organized by the Odysseus Network, until today)
- Kent University, Laval University, Ottawa, Caen, Ekaterinburgh, University of Burundi (Bujumbura, UNESCO Chair in Conflict Prevention and Peaceful Management of Disputes, until 2012, suspended programme); University of Lubumbashi (DRC, School of Criminology, Foundations of Human Rights); Catholic University of Bukavu (DRC): Complementary Master's degree in Human Rights, Human Rights linked to Human Autonomy and Asylum and Refugees), from 2019 in Burkina Faso, at the University Ouaga 2 (UO2), Human Rights linked to Human Autonomy
Continuing Education
IGO’s (U.N.H.C.R., in particular Training courses organized by the Helsinki Committee: Le Maroc protège);
• Council of Europe:
- Phare Program in Eastern Europe (courses in Latvia, Croatia, Moldova, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Albania and Montenegro - 1994-2004)
- HELP program - Human Rights Education for Professionals: Asylum and the European Convention on Human Rights (with Nuala Mole and Flip Schüller) - 2014
- Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) - expert (Malta, 2008)
• International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Iihl – San Remo - 2019) ; Fondation René Cassin (Institut international des droits de l’homme – Strasbourg)
• NGO’s (Red Cross; Bar Association; Judges Associations ; Municipalities)
• Synergie Project – ARES – Empowerment of women victims of violence in Kivu - UCLouvain-Université catholique de Bukavu - Médecins du Monde - 2019
- Courses
Name ID Rights preserving the Autonomy of the Person BDRHO2110 Asylum and Refugee Law BDRHO2131 Contemporary legal Issues: a Belgian perspective Introduction to the Principles and Methods of Belgian Law LDROI1053 Law and foreigners LDROI1506 Thesis support seminar LDROI2100 Law and migrations LDROP2092 Droit international et protection des personnes II LHUMA2330
Areas of research:
- Justice and Democracy in post-crisis situations;
- Human Mobility and Rights:
- human rights and borders; migration, asylum and refugee law;
- impact of private international law rules on mobility, agency and autonomy; mutual trust and EU judicial law ;
- different statuses of migrant and sedentary families in the light of equality and non-discrimination;
- transitional justice;
- development of interdisciplinary methods for lawyers (humanities as well as exact sciences)
Research Labo in UCLouvain: Creation (1/2011) and direction of the EDEM (European Rights and Migration Team) at UCLouvain - within the CEDIE (https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/juri/cedie/edem.html)
- Transnational labo working on European laws and Migrations
- Creation and Editorial Manager of the Cahiers de l'EDEM - Louvain Migration Case Law Commentary (monthly online review)
- Odysseus Network member
DIRE (2019-...) (Law - Information - Research): Massive human rights violations in Kivu and the effectiveness of human rights, Leuven Foundation - ARES - in project, in collaboration with the Panzi Foundation
Projet VULNER (2020-2023) – H2020 : Vulnerabilities under the Global Protection Regime. How does the Law assess, address, shape and Produce the Vulnerabilities of the Protection Seekers? - Max Planck Halle (Legal Anthropology), coord., with Martin Luther University of Halle Wittenberg (MLU) Germany, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Institute for Social Research (ISF) Norway, University of Ottawa (Canada), McGill University (Canada), York University (Canada) and the Center for Lebanese Studies (Lebanon).
ISEMI (2020-2023) PDR - FNRS funding: dir. Géraldine Mathieu, Laura Merla and Sylvie Sarolea. Best Interests of the Child and Human Mobility. Two interrelated approaches: case law and social representations.
GLOBMIG (2018-2022) - Concerted Research Action (IRES-DEMO-ICTM-JURI) : New Approaches to Understanding and Modelling Global Migration Trends
LIMA (2015-2020) – Concerted Research Action (JURI-DEMO-CIRFASE): Personal Aspirations and Processus of Adaptation: How the Legal framework Impacts on Migrants’ Agency ?
PALIM: action-research (2019-2021): in collaboration with ENABEL: Pilot project addressing labour shortages through innovative labour migration models
UNHCR, L'accompagnement juridique des demandeurs d'asile en Belgique, en centres d'accueil et en détention administrative, Research report and field surveys, November 2015 - June 2017.
European Refugee Fund (EU): action research :
- 2011-2014: Transposition of EU asylum Law into Belgian law
Editor of the French version of the Refugee Law Reader (http://www.refugeelawreader.org/fr/)
Doctoral supervision
- Luc Leboeuf (2011-2015) : Le droit européen de l'asile au défi de la confiance mutuelle (Anthemis, 2016) – EU Funding – Head of Research Group in the Department of Law and Anthropology (Max Planck Institute), Visiting Prof. at UCLouvain
- Trésor Maheshe (2013-2018) : Statut de réfugié et politique. De la limitation à la reconnaissance des droits politiques. Vers des droits liés à la citoyenneté pour les réfugiés (Anthemis, 2020) - UCLouvain development cooperation scholarship – Prof. at Université catholique de Bukavu, Visiting Prof. at UCLouvain
- Jean-Baptiste Farcy (2016-2020) : L’Union européenne et l’immigration économique : les défis d’une gouvernance multi-niveaux - Concerted Research Action (LIMA) ;
- Hélène Gribomont (2014-…) : La preuve dans la procédure d’asile – FSR funding
- Christelle Macq (2017-…), Etude des contours et enjeux d’un droit pénal des étrangers, co-promoter with Pr. M.-A. Beernaert
- Eleonora Frasca (2018-…) : Migration Compacts and the process of “informalisation” of the EU external dimension of migration law and policy: the best of all possible ways for cooperation in Africa? –Concerted Research Action (GLOBMIG) ;
- Bienfait Kalinda (2018-…) : La réparation d’actes dommageables privés commis au cours d’une opération de maintien de la paix : Reconsidération du fondement de la responsabilité d’une organisation internationale, co-promoter with Pr. F. Dopagne ;
- Pamphile Mpabansi (2018-…) : La protection des réfugiés au Burundi. De l’effectivité et des défis de l’Office national de protection des réfugiés et apatrides au regard des normes internationales, co-promoter with Pr. E.Manirakiza – project ARES
- Alfred Ombeni Musimwa (2019-…) : Partenariats migratoires Afrique-Union européenne à l’aune du Pacte mondial pour les migrations, UCLouvain development cooperation scholarship
- Roland Bigirimana (2019-…) : L’exclusion du statut de réfugié: une sanction adéquate, co-promoter with Pr. Trésor Maheshe
- Marie Courtoy (2019-…) : Au croisement entre justice environnementale et justice migratoire, with Pr. Marie-Claire Foblets (MPI)
- Laura Cools (2020- …) : Intérêt supérieur de l’enfant en contexte migratoire. Analyse multi-méthodes du ressort des décisions des autorités en Belgique, FNRS Funding, co-promoter with Laura Merla
- Zoé Crine (2020-…) : Appréhension des vulnérabilités des demandeurs d’asile dans le système d’asile belge, H2020_EU funding
- Narcisse Mideso (2020-…) : Corruption, ressources disponibles et réalisation des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels dans le contexte d’un pays en développement à l’instar de la RDC
- Steeve Kalumuna (2020-…) : Propriété foncière et développement économique, admission provisoire
- with Philippe Coppens (promoter), Philippe Gauthier et Marc Marc Maesschalck: Melissa Gusmao, La participation citoyenne dans la juridiction internationale à travers l’intervention de l’amicus curiae : contribution du droit à une possible gouvernance démocratique ?
- with Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck et Marc Verdussen (promoter) : Matthieu Lys : Les droits fondamentaux de l’étranger en séjour irrégulier : circonscrire un noyau dur indérogeable
- with Ellen Desmet (promoter, U Ghent), Kay Tisdall : Sara Lembrechts: Children's rights in appellate asylum proceedings: a legal ethnography
- with François Dubuisson (promoter, ULB), Anne Lagerwall: Eugénie Delval, Exploring a New Conceptualization of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Context of Visa Applications and Refugee Resettlement Selection Proceedings to the European Union (2020-…)