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Zirconium in all its forms!

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It’s been already more than two years since I began my thesis, so it is time to give you an update on my work. A you may know (or may not know), I work on a 3D printed high performance aluminium alloy (Al7075 for intimates). In order to avoid having cracks everywhere in my samples, I add Zirconium to my metallic powder of Al7075. Thus, I have encountered Zr in a lot of different forms and sizes in my microstructure. The main goal of this seminar is for you to meet and understand all these fascinating Zr species.

Afterwards, I would also like to present you a few more recent results that I will present in a poster in may. It will allow me to gather all your very interesting and precious insights about them! So please come in large number for this Friday’s seminar!


Speaker: Nicolas Nothomb started a PhD thesis in 2020 under the supervision of Pr. Aude Simar and in strong collaboration with Pr. Brecht Van Hooreweder of KULeuven. His research focuses on the improvement of fatigue life of high performance aluminium alloys produced by selective laser melting.


  • Friday, 21 April 2023, 08h00
    Friday, 21 April 2023, 17h00
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