Belgian MR Research Community Symposium


February 10, 2024



Campus Hasselt

The Belgian MR Research Community focusses on connecting all researchers working on or using MRI. Although many researchers are working with MRI within Belgium, we are all scattered over the country. With our network we aim to encourage sharing expertise, setting up new collaborations, and defining the future of MR research within Belgium. We hope to bring most MR researchers within Belgium of all fields (from technical, over data acquisition, and data analysis, AI, (pre)clinical, applied etc) together to create a strong community, pushing MR research within Belgium forward.

We organize a kick-off meeting on Febr 10th in Hasselt, with a plenary session on 7T and several break-out sessions organized by UHassel,t UGent, VUB, KU Leuven and ULiege. Additionally, researchers can subscribe for our mailinglist and follow us on our social media platforms.

Check out the program here:

And if you’re interested, register here:

(accreditation available)