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Immersive Virtual Environment Laboratory

ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve

Embodied immersion in virtual reality


The aim of this project is to investigate and develop the method of creating correspondence between physical/performed actions and the visual virtual action presented inside the virtual environment. The interest is to have the best physical-virtual correspondence possible and moreover, to observe the effect that an inaccurate visual feed-back will have on the perception of immersion.

correspondence between a real and virtual hand

The people implied in this project are : Christian Van Brussel, Martin Edwards, Benoit Macq.

Spatial cognitionpicture of spatial planes



Research in the psy-naps and the numerical cognition groups work together to investigate how modified interactions in the virtual environment influence spatial cognition processes. Virtual reality provides an excellent experimental method for these investigations as we can manipulate the interaction between action capability, body representation and the environment. The investigations assess how these manipulations influence perception of distances and magnitudes, both between a virtual object and the virtual self, and between different virtual objects.


The people working on this thematic are : Martin Edwards, Mauro Pesenti, Stéphane Grade, Christian Van Brussel, Valerie Dormal.

Anxiety disorders and phobias

The research centre in psychological health and development (CSDP) has an ongoing research project that investigates the psychology of anxiety disorders. Within this project, the psychology of phobias is investigated and in a recent project, the fear of flying (aerophobia), where people are afraid and unable to travel in planes is being considered. The use of virtual reality provides a useful method for investigating phobias within a safe environment, and furthermore, allows for the use of other laboratory measures such as EEG that would normally be difficult to use in real environments where the phobic stimuli is present (for example, in an aeroplane). As well as developing the understanding of phobia cognition, the group is also interested in using virtual reality for the treatment of phobias and anxiety disorders.

The people working on this thematic are : Pierre Philippot and his group.


Social interactions in virtual reality

Information for this project will be posted soon.

The people implied in this project are : Vincent Yzerbyt and his research group.


Brain-computer interface and virtual reality

The aim of this project is to investigate the brain activity associated with executing actions, and to use the brain activity to operate virtual actions made by a virtual avatar in virtual reality. The project will work with participants that have impaired limb actions, either through stroke or through limb amputation, and aim to harness and develop brain action execution simulations as a means of treating psychological deficits that result from impaired body representations.

People working on this thematic are : Emanuele Pasqualotto and Martin Edwards.


Martin Edwards

photo of martin


Professor Martin Edwards is the coordinator of the IVE Lab project and head of the Psy-NAPS group His research aim is to use the laboratory to study perception and action behaviour. He is also interested in developing new technology enabling interactive virtual environments, and in doing so, making the laboratory more useful for behavioural research

Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education,
NeuroCSIPSY, UCLouvain

Christian Van Brussel

Photo of Christian


Christian Van Brussel is currently doing his PhD on perception and action interactions in virtual environments, and is principally supervised by Professor Benoit Macq (secondary by Martin Edwards and Pierre Philippot). With his multiple skills in programming, he is a key person in the development of the laboratory. 

PhD student,
Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain,

Stéphane Grade

photo de stephane grade


Stéphane Grade is currently doing his PhD. His research investigates the involvement of motor and numerical processes in spatial cognition, supervised by Professors Martin Edwards and Mauro Pesenti. He is using the IVE lab to moderate the spatial aspects of virtual environments and measure the effects on action and numerical processes.

Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education,
NeuroCSIPSY, UCLouvain 

 Emanuele Pasqualotto

photo Emmanuel


Emanuele Pasqualotto is a cognitive psychologist with a strong interest in human-computer interaction (HCI), assistive technology (AT) for disabled people, and brain-computer interfaces (BCI). He has joined the Psy-NAPS group of Prof. Martin Edwards and have integrated the IVE Lab in order to conduct experiments exploiting BCIs and virtual reality.

Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education,
NeuroCSIPSY, UCLouvain

 Mauro Pesenti

 Mauro Pesenti


Professor Mauro Pesenti is the head of the adult numerical cognition laboratory. His research aim within the IVE Lab is to investigate how adults behaviourally process magnitudes such as length, numerosity and distance, and what relationships exist between the different cognitions.  


Research Associate, National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS, Belgium),
Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education,
NeuroCSIPSY, UCLouvain

 Pierre Philippot



Professor Pierre Philippot is the current president of the Psychological Sciences Research Institute (IPSY) and is a full member of the Psychological Health and Development Research Center (CSDP). He and his collaborators use the IVE Lab platform to investigate anxiety and phobia disorders (e.g., the fear of flying; aerophobia).

Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education,

 Vincent Yzerbyt

Vincent Yzerbyt


Professor Vincent Yzerbyt is the Research Pro-Rector of the Université catholique de Louvain. He will use the IVE lab to create controlled scenarios to investigate his research interests are in social cognition, attribution, stereotyping and intergroup relations. 

Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation,

 Benoît Macq

Benoit Macq


Professor Benoît Macq is the Service to Society Pro-Rector of the Université catholique de Louvain. He is involved in the development of the IVE lab and the use of new technology and techniques to create better quality immersion.  

Head Mounted Displays

In order to immerse individuals within a 3D virtual environment, we use head mounted display technology. The devices are placed on the participant's head so that two screens are positioned in front of the eyes, one screen for each eye. The visual disparity between the two visual screens enables the perception of a 3D virtual environment. As this is the core feature of presenting a virtual environment to the user, we are acquiring numerous head mounted displays for the different research projects.



Motion analysis

The devices allow for the recording of physical body movements and can be used to create correspondence between a physical and visual virtual action. The equipment is necessary for creating virtual avatar movements.  There are a number of different motion analysis systems that are used in the IVE lab. These are described below.

5DT data gloves.

 5DT gloves

The 5DT data gloves allow for the recording of individual finger movements in each hand. The gloves contain flexible sticks on each of the finger and the thumbs that can be bended. The motion analysis records the amount of bending that occurs for each digit when a participant performs actions (for example grasping). The recordings are used to control the individual digits of the virtual presented hands so that physical hand actions correspond to the visual virtual presentations.  

--> You can visit the 5DT website by clicking here.



  Polhemus liberty motion trackers (wired and wireless).


The Polhemus liberty motion analysis system is used to record body action coordinates, for example, limb position. The recordings are implemented into a virtual avatar that adopts the same movements and body postures that the real person is performing, providing correspondence between the physically performed actions and the visual virtual actions in the virtual environment. The trackers work by a reference source that emits a magnetic field and different sensors that capture their position in space relative to the position of the magnetic field source. Each sensors records 3D coordinates (X, Y, Z) and three different orientation angles (azimuth, elevation and roll) 240 times a second. These recordings are integrated into the virtual reality software and allow animations of movement in the virtual avatars.

wired polhemus      coordinates           wireless polhemus

--> You can visit the polhemus website by clicking here.

Within the IVE lab, we are using different open-sources software to create virtual objects, persons and environments. These are described below.

Crystal space

crystal space








Crystal Space is a software development kit (SDK) providing real-time 3D graphics for applications using virtual reality. We use it to create virtual environments and integrate avatars and objects. Many environments can be created, for example, the inside of a plane, a virtual city or the inside of a house.  


 crystal space

--> You can go to the Chrystal space homepage by following this link



   Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software product used for creating animated films, visual effects, interactive 3D applications or video games.
   Blender is mainly used for 3D modelling, and in       the IVE Lab, we use it to create virtual objects that can be inserted in the virtual environments created by crystal space.




blender examples  --> You can visit the blender website by following this link.


make human

  MakeHuman is also an Open Source software application and it is used to generate 3D humanoid avatars. The created avatars can be edited for their gender, age, appearance, clothes, hair etc...


makehuman  --> You can visit the makehuman website by clicking on this link

The IVE Lab uses a web forum tool to communicate and discuss the activity in the lab. If you would like to join the forum, please email Martin Edwards ( or Stéphane Grade (

Virtual Reality equipment providers

 Research groups involved in the IVE Lab.

- The Psy-NAPS laboratory : The research group investigates the relationships between perception and action behaviour in the disciplines of psychology, neuroscience and neuropsychology.

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) : The institute carries out basic and applied research in the fields of information and communication technologies, electronics, computer science and applied mathematics.

- The Numerical Cognition Group : The research group investigates the functional aspects of calculation and numerical processing, and their related neuro-anatomical correlates.

- The centre for the study of Social Behaviour (CECoS) : The research centre focuses on understanding social behaviour at the individual, interpersonal, organizational and community leve