Taking Policy Feedbacks to Europe A Study of Normative Feedbacks

Dupuy, C. & Van Ingelgom, V. (2023). Faire voyager les policy feedbacks en Europe : De la nécessité d’intégrer la notion d’effet-retour normatif des politiques publiques. Revue française de science politique, 73, 401-420. https://doi.org/10.3917/rfsp.733.0401



How do citizens’ multiple policy experiences in the course of their daily life shape their political attitudes? Building on feedback studies on mass publics, this article examines how strong the established concepts and methods — originally elaborated to study the U.S. — are to shed light on Western European cases. This article argues that existing concepts may be useful under two conditions: theoretically, if a normative explanatory mechanism is elaborated on and, methodologically, if a comparative and constitutive approach is adopted. This article thus proposes to further develop feedback studies to accommodate non-US cases.




Published on August 19, 2024