30th anniversary of ISBA | May 12-13, 2022
isba |
The ISBA organises a workshop on behalf of the 30th Anniversary of the Institute of Statistics.
“Statistics and its role in societal challenges”
Date: Thursday May 12 and Friday May 13, 2022
Venue: Aula Magna Foyer Royal - Louvain House, Louvain-la-Neuve
Programme DAY 1
Thursday May 12, 2022
9h00 | Opening
9h10 – 11h30 | Climate and energy
Session 1 (incl. Coffee Break after second presentation 2.)
- Dan Cooley (Colorado State University) on "Statistics in Climate Science and Extreme Event Attribution "
- Anna Kiriliouk (University of Namur) on "Climate extreme event attribution using multivariate peaks-over-thresholds modelling"
- Qiwei Yao (London School of Economics) on "Probabilistic forecasting for daily electricity loads and quantiles for curve-to-curve regression"
- Hans Manner (University of Graz) on "Determinants of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport Sector"
11h30 – 12h15 | Poster session
by PhD students and postdocs of ISBA: lightning talks : more information here.
12h15 – 14h00 | Lunch with poster presentations
14h00 – 15h30 | Personalised medicine
Session 2
- Marc Buyse (IDDI and University of Hasselt) on "Generalized Pairwise Comparisons as a Statistical Method for Patient-Centric Medicine"
- Virginie Rondeau (University of Bordeaux) on "Improving dynamic models for predicting cancer progression: the use of joint modeling"
- Stefan Michiels (Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris) on "Survival prediction from high-dimensional biomarker data in clinical trials"
15h30 – 16h00 | Coffee break
16h00 – 17h30 | Round table discussion
with ISBA Professor emeritus Léopold Simar and ISBA Doctores honoris causa Paul Embrechts, Ray Carroll and Peter Bühlmann (moderator) on “Statistics and its role in societal challenges"
On top of these speaker sessions (and a well-attended poster presentation by 15 young researchers of the ISBA), we organised a Round Table Discussion inviting three of our Doctores honoris causa of the UCLouvain, i.e Peter Bühlmann (ETHZ), Ray Carroll (Texas A&M), Paul Embrechts (ETHZ), together with Leopold Simar (Prof. emerit. UCLouvain) to give us their point of view on the implication of statistics - as a field in academia and industry - in the aforementioned societal challenges. This lively discussion of almost 90 minutes’ length taught us that our field has both a responsibility and sufficient possibilities to contribute: foremost by paying attention how to appropriately and correctly communicate statistical uncertainty to a wider public when using and analysing nowadays available data to take important societal decisions.
You can listen to some short extracts of this Panel Discussion via this link: https://youtu.be/P-L6tf3ce4M
As well as to the full version of the video on the Round Table Discussion to https://youtu.be/KDr_cX6qz94
18h30 – ….. | Drink & Conference dinner : Louvain House
Programme DAY 2
Friday May 13, 2022
9h00 – 11h00 | Statistical Learning and Data Sciences
Session 3
- Peter Bühlmann (ETHZ) on "Robust, Generalizable and Causal-oriented Statistical Machine Learning"
- Johannes Lederer (University of Bochum) on "Sparse Deep Learning"
- Tim Verdonck (University of Antwerpen and KU Leuven) on "Cost-sensitive Learning for fraud detection"
- Hernando Ombao (KAUST) on "Detecting dynamic community structure in functional brain networks across individuals: a multilayer approach"
11h00 - 11h20 / Coffee break
11h20 – 12h50 | Pandemic crisis
Session 4
- Niel Hens (University of Antwerpen and University of Hasselt) on "Estimating generation intervals and the time-varying reproduction number: an application to SARS-CoV-2"
- Catherine Linard (University of Namur) on "Investigating the drivers of the spatio-temporal heterogeneity in COVID-19 hospital incidence - Belgium as a study case"
- Simon Dellicour (Université Libre de Bruxelles) on "Molecular epidemiological approaches to track and understand the dispersal dynamic of SARS-CoV-2"
12h50 – 14h00 | Lunch and Good-bye
Programme, Abstracts Talks and Poster Session : here
Abstracts Talks : here and Abstracts Poster Session : here
We would like to thank both the Sector of Science and Technology (SST) of UCLouvain and the F.N.R.S. for the generous financial support that made this anniversary workshop possible. A very warm thank you also goes to the continuous support of our administrative team at LIDAM/ISBA.