Call for abstracts
isba |
Opening : 15 May 2023
Deadline for submission : CLOSED
Notification of acceptance : 30 August 2023
The conference is intended as a meeting place for researchers in all major fields of statistical science. The RSSB2023 annual meeting consists in plenary lectures given by keynote speakers on topics of general interest and parallel sessions including contributed talks on more specialized topics. A poster session (with a lightning presentation) is also scheduled on Friday 20 October.
We invite all researchers, practitioners, and PhD candidates interested in statistics, probability and data science to participate and to present their work.
Each contributed talk will be allocated 20 minutes: 15 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes for discussion and questions.
Lecture rooms are equipped with a computer and video-projector. The speakers generally bring their presentation file on a USB storage device in a common format (ppt/pptx, pdf). Please show up 10 minutes before your session to upload your presentation on the computer. In case of no shows or last-minute cancellations, the assigned time slot is left empty, so that all presentations start as indicated in the program. The best oral presentation delivered by a currently PhD student will be rewarded with a prize. The criteria for the prize allocation include, but are not limited to, scientific accuracy and relevance, ease of ideas transmission, topic interest, quality of slides and of delivery, general responses to the raised questions, etc.
Authors who prefer can alternatively present their research by means of a poster during the dedicated poster session. The participants who submit a poster contribution are asked to prepare a 1-slide summary with a max 2-minute oral presentation to be delivered at the Conference, during the Lightning Poster session. The best poster presentation (consisting of the trio: slide, lightning presentation and general discussion during the poster session) will be rewarded with a prize. The criteria for the prize allocation include, but are not only limited to, scientific accuracy and relevance, ease of ideas transmission, topic interest, quality of the slide and printed poster, general responses to the raised questions and discussions, etc.
Authors who wish to present their work either by a contributed talk or a poster are invited to submit an abstract in LaTeX format using the template available on the Registration page.
To submit your abstract you need to first, download the template and fill it in with the details of your work and then when registering for the conference, the system will ask you to upload the pdf file.
Submitting an abstract without registration is not possible.
If you do not receive an automatic confirmation email within one day after submission, please check your spam folder. If you still face problems, please contact