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Awards & Activities

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The organizing and scientific committees, together with the Board of the Royal Statistical Society of Belgium, wish to promote the participation of PhD Candidates at the annual meeting.


Best PhD presentation

In order to encourage PhD students on the importance of dissemination of results towards scientific peers, an award will be attributed to the best PhD presentation at the end of the conference on Friday afternoon.

Best poster award

In order to make an active participation to the poster session as attractive as possible, an award will be attributed to the best poster at the end of the conference on Friday afternoon.

StatsComp award

The aim of the statistics and data science competition is to be a friendly competition between teams working on a common subject. An award will be attributed to the best team presentation at the end of the conference on Friday afternoon.
Please use the link below to register for the competition (participation is free of charge, but participants must register):

More details are available on the webpage prepared by our partners from WeLoveDataScience at