Covid: instructions and practical information for the exams


In view of the June examination session, there is only one address to remember: This mini site explains clearly current health rules and offers useful advice for face-to-face exams. It also contains information on computer support and frequently asked questions.

Does UCLouvain provide study facilities? Does UCLouvain also make study facilities available for distance learning exams? Can I take a distance learning exam if I am in quarantine? What should I do if I am ill? What should I do if I have a computer problem? Who can I contact if I need help? The website provides answers to all these questions.

In addition, the ‘Health rules’ section summarises the procedure for face-to-face exams, from queueing to handing in the exam, including identity checks. Students are encouraged to read this section.

More general information about the coronavirus is still available at

Published on May 19, 2021