UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Pierre Cahuc
Pierre Cahuc
(Ecole Polytechnique et directeur du laboratoire de Macroéconomie du CREST (INSEE))
will give a presentation on
Short-time Work and Employment in the Great Recession in France
(Ecole Polytechnique et directeur du laboratoire de Macroéconomie du CREST (INSEE))
will give a presentation on
February 22, 2017
12:45 PM
CORE, c.035
This paper exploits variation in the regular length of the full-time workweek in the German public sector over time and across federal states to identify the effect of weekly working hours on life satisfaction. The effect found is nonlinear and heterogeneous across demographic groups. We derive labour supply elasticities.
February 15, 2017
12:45 PM
CORE, c.035
February 01, 2017
12:45 PM
CORE, c.035
(Joint with Claudia Senik)
will present a paper entitled
June 15, 2017
12:45 PM
May 18, 2017
12:45 PM
Doyens 22
May 11, 2017
12:45 PM
Doyens 22
May 04, 2017
12:45 PM
Doyens 22
April 27, 2017
12:45 PM
Doyens 22