Archives for SST


Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Integrable Frame Fields for Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Meshing by Mattéo COUPLET Mesh generation is the cornerstone of numerical simulation. Block-structured meshes, made of large quadrilateral or hexahedral blocks, are bound to dominate the scene as they allow to leverage hyper-efficient...
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Public Thesis Defense - LIBST

Plastic ingestion in Procellariiformes: Assessing in vitro release of plastic-associated chemicals during gastric digestion and interactions with estrogen receptors by Liesbeth VAN HASSEL Pour l'obtention du grade académique de doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et Ingénierie biologique...
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Public Thesis Defense - IRMP

Odd Khovanov homology, higher representation theory and higher rewriting theory by Léo SCHELSTRAETE Pour l'obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en Sciences Quantum topology studies the interplay between low-dimensional topology and representation theory; rewriting theory studies...
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Public Thesis defense - ICTEAM

Computer-Aided Analysis of Decentralized Optimization Methods by Sébastien Colla This thesis develops and exploits computational techniques for automatically and accurately calculating the worst-case performance of decentralized optimization algorithms. These algorithms aim to minimize the...
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Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Time-scale dependent modeling and control of LVDC microgrids by Eduardo VASQUEZ MAYEN In the current evolving distribution grid, microgrids are emerging as valuable tools that can facilitate the integration of renewable energies. In recent years, DC microgrids have garnered interest due to...
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