Croix du Sud 2/L7.05.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
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- Spyridon Agathos
Spyridon Agathos
Professeur ordinaire émérite
- Elected Ordinary Member of the Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), 2021 for Bioengineering (Section: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Affiliate Section: Physics & Engineering Sciences)
- Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2021
- Award of Honor, Hellenic Scientific Society Microbiokosmos, 2021 (Honor conferred at 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, Athens, Greece)
- Waksman Outstanding Teaching Award, Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (SIMB), 2019 (Honor conferred at 2019 Annual Meeting, SIMB, Washington, DC)
- Elected Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology (AAM), 2019 (Honor conferred at Microbe 2019, ASM, San Francisco, CA)
- Prize of Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment for Leadership in Biological Monitoring, Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve, Ecuador 2018
- Invited Lecturer on Industrial & Environmental Biotechnology, 18th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2018), Montreal, Canada, 2018
- Opening Keynote Lecture, 5th Belgian Symposium on Tissue Engineering (BSTE), Leuven, Belgium, 2017
- Elected Fellow, International Water Association (IWA), The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015
- Special “Professor S.N. Agathos” Honorary Session, 6th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VI), Chania, Crete, Greece, 2015
- Plenary Lecture Merit Award, 16th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2014), Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014
- Elected Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2014 (Honor conferred at AIMBE Annual Event, US National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC)
- Keynote Lecture Award, 13th International Biotechnology Symposium (IBS2008), Dalian, China, 2008
- Opening Keynote Lecture, 1st (Inaugural) Symposium of Hellenic Scientific Society Microbiokosmos, Athens, 2008
- Elected Fellow, Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2006 (Honor conferred at Annual Meeting, SIMB, Baltimore, MD)
- Best Paper Award 2006, Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering (Springer Journals)
- Keynote Lecturer on Molecular Engineering and Biology of Invertebrate Cell Cultures, 11th International Conference on Invertebrate Cell & Tissue Culture, 2004 World Congress on In Vitro Biology, San Francisco, CA, 2004
- Plenary Lecture Award, International Conference on Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater, Cracow, Poland, 2004
- Foreign Orator in Honour of the CNRS Silver Medal Award to Dr. Annie Marc, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2003
- Plenary Lecture & Topic Coordinator Award, 6th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (ISEB 2002), Veracruz, Mexico, 2002
- Keynote Lecture Award, First European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Greece, 2001
- National Research and Development Council (CNPq) of Brazil Visiting Professorship Award, 1992
- Merit Award from the President of Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey “in Recognition of Service to the University”, 1988
- Career Initiation Award, National Science Foundation (NSF), 1987
- NATO Science Fellowship at MIT, 1978-1981
- Sigma Xi, MIT Chapter, 1976; Rutgers Chapter, 1987
- State Scholarship, Greek Scholarship Foundation (IKY), 1969-1973
- Biotechnology Advances Member of Editorial Board, 1999-present
- Biocatalysis Member of Editorial Board, 2014-present
- Microorganisms Member of Editorial Board, 2016-present
- Recent Patents on Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 2007-present
- Sustainability Member of Editorial Board, 2016-present
- Peer Journal Member of Editorial Board, 2017-present
- Frontiers in Biomaterials Science Review Editor, 2021-present
- Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Review Editor, 2021-present
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2020-2021; Member of Editorial Board, 1993-2002
- Frontiers in Bioengineering & Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2018-2020
- Current Opinion in Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2014-2015
- New Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2012-2014
- Bioresource Technology Guest Editor, 2012-2013
- Enzyme & Microbial Technology Guest Editor, 2010-2011
- Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 1986-2003
- Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 2001-2004
- Biochemical Engineering Journal Associate Editor, 2008-2013
- Biodegradation Member of Editorial Board, 1997-2002
- Biotechnology Letters Member of Editorial Board, 2009-2016
- Process Biochemistry Member of Editorial Board, 1998-2003 & 2007-2011
- Comprehensive Biotechnology, 2nd Edition (Elsevier) Editor, Vol. 6 Environmental Biotechnology 2011
- Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition (Elsevier) Editor, Vol. 6 Environmental Biotechnology 2019
- Scientific Advisor, National Council for Research and Innovation (NCRI), Environment, Energy and Sustainable Mobility, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development, Hellenic Republic (Greece), November 2020 – present
- Member, International Evaluation Committee, Institute of Applied Bioscience (INAB), Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessaloniki, Greece, June - September 2022
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, July 2022
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Development, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, June 2022
- Coordinator, International Expert Panel, Synergy Interdisciplinary Grants, Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, March - June 2022
- International Expert, Review Panel, European Quality Assurance Agency (ENQA) for the renewed 5-year accreditation of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), February 2022
- Chairperson, Selection Committee for the Appointment of Director, Institute of Biosciences and Applications (IBA), National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece, October - December 2021
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, June-July 2021
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, May 2021
- Expert Member, Research Grant Evaluation Panel CE 43 – Bioeconomy: Chemistry, Biotechnology, Processes and System Approaches, from Biomass to its Uses, National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), Paris, France, March – June 2021
- Coordinator, International Expert Panel, Synergy Interdisciplinary Grants, Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, March - June 2021
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, March 2021
- Expert Member, Review Panel for Project Evaluation on Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy, HORIZON 2020 (Framework Program of the European Union), September-October 2020 and May-June 2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the Integrated Master Program of the Department of Biological Applications and Technologies, University of Ioannina, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, October 2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, July 2020
- Member, International Expert Panel, Synergy Interdisciplinary Grants, Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, March – June 2020
- External Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Plant Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, January-February 2020
- External Expert, Discover Grant Review in Civil, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Ottawa, January 2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, November 2019
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Greece. Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, November 2019
- Co-Founder and President, National Ecuadorian Genetics and Genomics Network (ReGG), Quito 2018-2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the quality assurance system of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Greece. Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, November 2018
- Member, Committee of Experts on the Construction of Ecuador’s Position on Synthetic Biology, Digital Sequences and Guides on Evaluation and Assessment of GMOs, Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Ecuador, 2018
- Scientific Advisor, Sectorial Scientific Council on Agriculture, Nutrition, Food, Agro-Biotechnology and Aquaculture, National Council for Research and Innovation (NCRI), General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Republic of Greece, 2018-2020
- Member, National Committee on Microbiology, Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, 2016-present
- Member, Committee of Experts on Ecuador’s Position on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Ecuador, 2016-2017
- Expert Member or Rapporteur, Review Panels for Project Evaluation and Ad Hoc Panels for Programme Monitoring, HORIZON 2020 (Framework Programme of the European Commission), 2014-2020
- Expert on Awards, Scholarships and Scientific Grant Proposals, National Foundation of Scientific Research of the French Community of Belgium (FNRS), 1994-present; Expert evaluator of subsidized monographs, FNRS, 2017
- Member, Selection Committee and Rapporteur, Panel SEC 34 Toxicology / Ecotoxicology (Toxicologie / Ecotoxicologie), National Agency for Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), Paris, France, 2016-2017
- Permanent Member, Working Group on Environmental Biotechnology, United States – European Union Task Force on Biotechnology Research, Washington, DC and Brussels, Belgium, 1997-2015. Bilateral science policies on mobility of young researchers, emerging research themes, interagency cooperation and support
- Chair, External Evaluation Committee of the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens: Institution-level academic evaluation of the Agricultural University of Athens, May 2016
- External Expert Reviewer on the Integral Management of Organic Waste Program (GIRO) of IRTA, The Research and Technology Agency on Food and Agriculture, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain, 2015
- Expert on ERA-Net projects with Latin American Countries on the theme “Screening for new bioactive metabolites and enzymes from terrestrial and marine microorganisms for industrial use, based on market demand”, European Commission, 2015
- Expert on ERA-Net projects with Latin American Countries on the theme “Small-scale self-sustainable biorefineries for multi-feedstock processing of agroindustrial and urban wastes for advanced biofuels, biobased chemicals and biomaterials” European Commission, 2015
- Evaluator and Rapporteur, International Life Sciences Evaluation Committee, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greek Ministry of Education, Athens, 2013-2014. Multiannual evaluation of: Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (IMBB, Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas), Heraklion, Crete; Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBA, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research), Heraklion, Crete; National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – Biosciences and Applications, Athens; Institute of Medical Chemistry and Biotechnology (IBMCB, National Hellenic Research Foundation), Athens; Institute of Applied Bioscience (IAB, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas), Thessaloniki; Institute for Research & Technology of Thessaly (IRTT, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas), Volos; Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens; Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”, Vari, Attica. Greece, January 2014
- Elected External Member, Institution Board, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2013 - 2017
- Member, Selection Committee, Programme Bio-Matter and Energy (Bio-Matières et Energies, Bio-ME) National Agency for Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), Paris, France, 2013
- External Expert, Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), United Kingdom, 2012
- External Expert, Helmholtz-Association of German Research Centres, Bonn, Germany, 2012
- External Expert, Hellenic Ministry of Education and Lifelong Learning, Directorate General for Research and Technology. Programmes “Thales”, “Archimedes” and “Aristeia”, 2011-2012; Second phase “Aristeia”, 2012-2013
- Expert, Member or Rapporteur, Review Panels for Project Evaluation and Ad Hoc Panels for Programme Monitoring, 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, (a) Programme KBBE, (b) Programme ENERGY, (c) PEOPLE-ITN, 2010-2013
- Expertise on ERA Net projects and on Bioenergy initiative projects (EIBI), FP7, European Commission, 2010-2013
- Expert, High-Level Panel to the European Commission Directorate E – Biotechnologies, to identify key scientific and technological challenges in the field of Environmental Biotechnology and to provide insights for future EU research priorities within the axis KBBE (Knowledge-Based BioEconomy) and Horizon 2020 under preparation, 2010-2011
- Member, Quadrennial Visiting Committees of the French Agency for the Evaluation of Research & Higher Education (AERES), Paris, 2008-2012: Evaluation of the Laboratory of Reactions and Process Engineering (LRGP; UPR CNRS 3349), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2012; Evaluation of Unit of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Chemical & Biochemical Process Engineering (“Institut Pascal”: LASMEA UMR 6602 – LAMI EA 3867 – LGCB EA 3866), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2011; Evaluation of Unit of Microbial Ecology (UMR CNRS 5557 – USC INRA 1193), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Lyon, France, 2010; Evaluation of Laboratory Cluster ‘Villermaux’ [Chemical Engineering Science (LSGC), Physical Chemistry of Reactions (DCPR), Chemical Engineering of Rheologically Complex Media (GEMICO), Thermodynamics of Polyphasic Media (LTMP), Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules (LCPM)], Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Nancy, France, 2008
- Chair or Member, Evaluation Committees of the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, 2010-2013: Department of Biology, University of Patras, December 2013; Department of Biology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, December 2013; Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, November 2013; Department of Natural Resources & Environment, Technological Education Institute of Crete, Chania, June 2012; Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management, University of Western Greece, Agrinio, April 2012; Department of Animal Production, Technological Education Institute of Epirus, Arta, December 2011; Department of Computer Science & Biomedical Informatics, University of Central Greece, Lamia, November 2011; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Agricultural University of Athens, October 2011; Department of Biological Applications & Technology, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, June 2011; Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, February 2011; School of Agronomy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, December 2010; Department of Biology, University of Crete, Heraklion, March 2010
- External Expert, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2009-2010
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Associate Professorship, Ben-Gourion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus, Midreshet Ben-Gurion (Beersheba), Israel, 2009
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Full Professorship, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, U. S. A., 2008
- External Expert, Agency for the Evaluation of Research & Higher Education (AERES), Paris, France, 2008
- Expert Evaluator, COST Action Office, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Berne, Switzerland, 2008
- Expert, European Commission, Directorate General Research, Programme Food-Agriculture-Biotechnology on EU-Russia Cooperation in the Seventh Framework Programme, 2006
- External Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER), 2005-2006 and 2006-2007; Biochemical & Biomass Engineering Program, 2005-2006
- International Expert, Curriculum Assessment, Department of Environmental Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, 2005
- External Reviewer, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2005
- External Reviewer, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GGET): Program PENED, 2005
- Member, Working Group on Bioproducts and Bioprocesses, Belgian Interdisciplinary Platform for Industrial Biotechnology (BIPIB), Science Policy -- Belgian Federal Government (BELSPO), 2005
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Full Professorship, University of Bologna, Italy, 2005
- Member, Working Group on Industrial Biotechnology and Sustainable Chemistry, of the Belgian Academy of Science (Group 32 Comité de l’Académie pour les Applications de la Science – CAPAS), 2003-2004
- International Expert, United States – Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD), Bet-Dagan, Israel, 2003
- Chairman, International Selection Committee, United States – European Union Exchange Fellowships for Early Career Scientists in Environmental Biotechnology Research, 2003-2005
- Member, Visiting Evaluation Audit Committee, Laboratory of Chemical Engineering Science (LSGC), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Nancy, France, 2003
- Member, College of Expert Evaluators, Public Federal Service, Brussels Capital Region, 2003-2004
- External Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Jerusalem, 2002
- Member, Jury for selection of A.P.E.F.E. (Association pour la Promotion de l’Éducation et de la Formation à l’Étranger - Association for the Promotion of Education & Training Abroad) posts, French Community of Belgium, Brussels, 1998-1999
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Full Professorship, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, 1998
- Member, Independent Committee for Annual Programme Monitoring, European Commission, DG XII, Programme ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, 1997-1998
- Member, Informal Focus Consultation Panel for New (5th) Framework Programme, European Commission, DG XII, Programme FAIR, 1997
- Expert, Review Panel for Project Evaluation, 4th Framework Programme of the European Commission, (a) Programme FAIR, (b) Programme BIOTECHNOLOGY, (c) International Science and Technology Cooperation Programme, 1995-1999
- External Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): Biotechnology Programme, 1990-1993: Division of International Programmes, 1988-1989; Biochemical and Biomass Engineering,1987-1988
- External Reviewer, International Science Foundation (ISF): Biotechnology Programme for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 1992-1993
- External Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada: (a) Operating Grants Programme, 1989-90 and 1992-93; (b) University-Industry Research and Development (CRD) Grants Programme, 1989-90; (c) Strategic Grants Programme in Biotechnology, 1987-88; (d) Grant Selection Committee in Cell Biology & Genetics, 1983-85
- Review Panel Member, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Grant Selection in Biochemical Engineering and in Biotechnology Programs, 1988
- External Reviewer, Commission of European Communities, Biotechnology Grants (BAP), 1984
- Panel Member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Selection Board, Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1985-86
- External Expert Reviewer of Biotechnology Textbooks and Monographs: Elsevier; CRC Press; Academic Press; Hanser Publishers.
- Regular and Ad Hoc Reviewer for Scientific Journals: Acta Biotechnologica, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Biodegradation, Biomolecular Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Bioresource Technology, Biotechnology Advances, Biotechnology Progress, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Science, Environmental Science and Technology, Frontiers in Microbiology, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Journal of General Microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Marine Biotechnology, Mathematical Population Dynamics, Microorganisms, Nature, New Biotechnology, Process Biochemistry, Spectroscopy Letters, Sustainability.
- Université Catholique de Lille, Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISA), International Bioprocess Management (IBM) Programme, Lille, France, November-December 2007
- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Department of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
- Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Centro de Investigaciones Avanzadas (CINVESTAV), Department of Bioengineering & Biotechnology, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2001
- Universidad de Córdoba, Department of Food Technology, Córdoba, Spain, May-June 1999
- Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Department of Chemical Engineering, Quito, Ecuador, May-June 1995
- Federal University of Sao Carlos; State University of Campinas; University of Sao Paulo: Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Units, Brazil, July - August 1992
- University of Crete, Department of Biology and FORTH, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Iraklion, Greece, March-April 1987
- Member, Scientific Committee, 8th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VIII), Chania, Crete, Greece, June 12 – 17, 2022
- Member, Scientific Committee, 7th National REDU Congress -- Network of Universities for Research and Graduate Studies (VII Congreso REDU), Yachay Tech, Urcuquí, Ecuador, November 11 – 15, 2019
- Chair, Scientific Committee, 43rd National Days of Biology (XLIII Jornadas Nacionales de Biología), Yachay Tech, Urcuquí, Ecuador, October 14 – 19, 2019
- Chair, Scientific Symposium on Genetics and Genomics in Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, April 25 – 26, 2019
- Co-Chair, Scientific Sessions ‘Biomaterials and Bioproducts 1’ and ‘Biomaterials and Bioproducts 2’, Thematic Track 4 – Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies, 18th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2018), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 12 – 17, 2018
- International Scientific Committee, 11th International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology (International Society of Environmental Biotechnology ISEB 2018) jointly with 7th European Bioremediation Conference, EBC-VII, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 24 - 28, 2018
- International Scientific Committee, 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM09) – “Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability”, Bologna, Italy, September 6 - 9, 2017
- International Scientific Committee, 4th International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Environment and Evolution of Social and Life Processes (4th IIWEE), Manizales, Colombia, August 2 - 4, 2017
- International Committee, 1st International Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Americas – “Empowering Latin America: Research with a Purpose”, Bogotá, Colombia, May 17 - 19, 2017
- Session Chair, Bioprocess Engineering, 1st International Conference on Metabolic Science (ICMS 2016), Shanghai, China, October 20 - 23, 2016
- Scientific Committee, 10th International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology (International Society of Environmental Biotechnology ISEB 2016), Barcelona, Spain, June 1 - 3, 2016
- Scientific Committee, IVth Congress of the Latin American Society of Environmental and Algal Biotechnology (IV SOLABIAA), Florianópolis, Brazil, November 8 - 13, 2015
- International Scientific Committee, 6th European Bioremediation Conference, EBC-VI, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 29 - July 2, 2015
- International Advisory Committee, 16th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2014) – "Biotechnology for the Development of a Green Economy", Fortaleza, Brazil, September 14-19, 2014
- International Scientific Committee, 2nd European Symposium on Water Technologies and Management (WT&MS), Leuven, Belgium, November 20-21, 2013
- Scientific Committee, 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM07) – "Integration Challenges for Sustainability", Vienna, Austria, September 18-21, 2013
- Scientific Committee, 23rd Meeting of the ESACT – European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT 2013) – "Better Cells for Better Health", Lille, France, June 23-26, 2013
- International Adisory Committee, 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2012) – "Innovative Biotechnology for a Green World and Beyond", Daegu, South Korea, September 16-21, 2012
- Scientific Committee Co-Chair, Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology in the Frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio & Green Economy (EMB2012), Bologna, Italy, April 12-14, 2012
- International Scientific Committee, 5th European Bioremediation Conference, EBC-V, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 4-7, 2011
- International Scientific Committee, 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2010) – "Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society", Rimini, Italy, September 14-18, 2010
- International Scientific Committee, 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation – "WasteEng", Beijing, China, May 17-19, 2010
- Organizing Committee, 1st Symposium of Hellenic Scientific Society MikroBioKosmos, Athens, Greece, December 12-14, 2008
- International Scientific Committee, 13th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS) -- "Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society", Dalian, China, October 12-17, 2008 (coordinator of sessions on Environmental Biotechnology)
- International Scientific Committee, 4th European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 3-6, 2008
- International Advisory/Scientific Committee, Asian Mycology Congress (AMC 2007) and Xth International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium (IMFMS), Penang, Malaysia, December 2-6, 2007
- Scientific Committee, International Conference on Technologies for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region (TIWATMED), Jerba, Tunisia, May 24-26, 2007
- International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Management ICCTEM 2007, Pondicherry, India, January 4-6, 2007
- International Scientific Committee, Third European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 4-7, 2005
- Scientific Committee, International Conference on Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater, Cracow, Poland, September 5-8, 2004
- International Scientific Committee, 10th International Summer School on Chemical Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, May 24-31, 2004
- Organizing Committee, European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology “ESEB 2004”, Oostende, Belgium, April 25-28, 2004
- International Scientific Committee, Second European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30- July 4, 2003
- Advisory Committee, 6th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology ISEB 2002 and 4th International Symposium on Cleaner Bioprocesses and Sustainable Development, Veracruz, Mexico, June 9-12, 2002
- International Scientific Committee, 9th International Summer School on Chemical Engineering, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 14-22, 2001
- Organizing Committee, 9th World Congress on Anaerobic Gigestion “Anaerobic Digestion 2001 – Anaerobic Conversion forSustainability”, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2-5, 2001
- International Scientific Committee, First European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001
- International Scientific Committee, 4th Panhellenic Congress on Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, May 31-June 2, 2001
- Organizing Committee, International Congress on Implementation of In-Situ Remediation Techniques, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 9-10, 2000
- Organizing Committee, 9th European Congress of Biotechnology (ECB9) and Scientific Coordinator of 20 Sessions in the Symposium on «Biotechnology for the Environment», Brussels, July 11-15, 1999
- International Scientific Committee, 8th International Summer School on Chemical Engineering, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 3-9, 1998
- International Scientific Committee, 2nd Engineering Foundation Conference on Metabolic Engineering («Metabolic Engineering II»), Elmau, Germany, October 25-30, 1998
- Programme Committee Member and Chairman of Scientific Session on Environmental Applications of Metabolic Engineering, 4th Engineering Foundation Conference on Recombinant DNA Biotechnology («Metabolic Engineering»), Danvers, Massachusetts, October 6-11, 1996
- International Organizing Committee, 10th International Invertebrate Tissue Culture Conference of 1996 in San Francisco, California, 1995-1996
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Biodegradation and Bioremediation, International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Boston, Massachusetts, July 15-20, 1996
- International Organizing Committee, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Biotechnologies for Radioactive and Toxic Waste Management and Site Restoration: Scientific, Educational, Social, Economic, Business Aspects", Mol, Belgium, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 1994
- International Scientific Council, International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS), for the Planning and Organization of the World Congress of Microbiology, Prague, July 1994
- Moderator, Sixth Annual Mid-Atlantic Biochemical Engineering Consortium (MABEC) Student Symposium, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, March 20, 1992
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Expression of Proteins by Mammalian and Insect Cells in Culture, Third Engineering Foundation Conference on Cell Culture Engineering (Cell Culture Engineering III), Palm Coast, Florida, February 2-7, 1992
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Cell Engineering of Yeasts and Molds, Seventh Engineering Foundation Conference on Biochemical Engineering (Biochemical Engineering VII), Santa Barbara, California, March 3-8, 1991
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Engineering Aspects of Insect Cell Culture Technology, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 11-16, 1990
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Insect Cell Technologies, Annual AIChE Meeting, Washington, DC, November 27-December 2, 1988
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Bioreactors for Higher Eukaryotic Systems, Biochemical Engineering VI, Santa Barbara, California, October 2-7, 1988
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Antibiotic Fementations, Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 25-30, 1984
A. Editorial Boards of International Scientific Journals and Volume Series
B. Expert Panels and Science Policy Advisory Bodies
C. Visiting Professorships
D. Scientific Event Planning and Organization
Spiros N. Agathos est professeur émérite à l'Université catholique de Louvain, en Belgique. Il est également professeur titulaire et directeur du centre de bio-ingénierie marine à la Harbin Engineering University, Qingdao Innovation & Development Base, en Chine depuis 2023. Il a été recteur et président du conseil d'administration de l'Université Yachay Tech, la première université à forte intensité de recherche en Équateur et dans la région andine d'Amérique du Sud (2019) et a été doyen inaugural des Sciences biologiques et de l'Ingénierie à Yachay Tech (2015- 2019). Auparavant, il était professeur (1993-2015) et Responsable de l'Unité de Génie biologique (1998-2010) à l'Université catholique de Louvain. Il a obtenu son Dipl. Eng. en génie chimique de l'Université technique nationale d'Athènes, son M. Eng. dans le même domaine de l'Université McGill, et son doctorat en génie biochimique du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Le professeur Agathos a été membre du corps professoral de l'Université Western Ontario au Canada (1982-1985) et de l'Université Rutgers aux États-Unis (1985-1993) et a été professeur invité en Europe et en Amérique Latine. Il a publié plus de 200 articles, 5 livres et 4 brevets. Il a reçu plus de 70 subventions concurrentielles, est rédacteur ou membre du comité de rédaction de nombreuses revues et est membre ou président de comités de subventions ainsi que de comités internationaux pour la politique scientifique et pour l'accréditation institutionnelle. Il conseille des gouvernements, des agences, des organismes transnationaux et l'industrie au niveau mondial. Ses anciens étudiants et post-doctorants occupent des postes universitaires et industriels importants à travers le monde. Il est membre ordinaire de l'Académie de l'Europe (Academia Europaea), membre correspondant de l'Académie d'Athènes, membre élu ('Fellow') de l'American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), de l'American Academy of Microbiology (AAM), de l'International Water Association (IWA), de l'American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE) et de la Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (SIMB). Il est le lauréat du prix d'enseignement exceptionnel Waksman 2019 pour son rôle de mentor et d'éducateur. Ses intérêts de recherche en bioingénierie comprennent les cultures de cellules microbiennes et animales en bioréacteur, le développement de biocatalyseurs, l'optimisation des bioprocédés, la conception et la mise à l'échelle des bioréacteurs, la biodégradation des polluants et la biorestauration des sites, l'écogénomique microbienne et la biotechnologie pour la durabilité.
Année Diplôme Institution
1973 Diploma in Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens
1976 Master in Chemical Engineering McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1983 Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USAEXPÉRIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE
Oct. 2015 – present
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Apr. 2019 – Aug. 2019
President (“Rector”), Yachay Tech University, San Miguel de Urcuquí, Ecuador
Oct. 2015 – March 2019
Inaugural Dean, School of Biological Sciences and Engineering, Yachay Tech University
Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2015
Full Professor (“Professeur Ordinaire”), Unit of Bioengineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Catholic University of Louvain
May 1998 – Feb. 2010
Head, Unit of Bioengineering, Catholic University of Louvain
Oct. 1999 – Sept. 2005
Sept. 1993 – Sept. 1999
Professor, Unit of Bioengineering, Catholic University of Louvain
Associate Professor, Unit of Bioengineering, Catholic University of Louvain
July 1985 - Aug. 1993
(a) Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (60% appointment) and (b) Principal Investigator – Laboratory Director, Waksman Institute of Microbiology (40% appointment), Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, N.J., U.S.A.
Feb. 1983 - June 1985
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Western University (U. of Western Ontario), London, Canada
July 1982 - Feb. 1983
Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Western University
Sept. 1978 - June 1982
Teaching Assistant, Graduate Program in Biochemical Engineering, Department of Biological Engineering (formerly, Department of Nutrition & Food Science), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.
Sept. 1980 - June 1982
Graduate Tutor, Eliot House, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Sept. 1979 - June 1980
Graduate Tutor, East Campus, MIT
Sept. 1975 - Jan. 1977
Research Assistant, Naval Research Laboratory, Department of Hematology, Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
- Elected Ordinary Member of the Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), 2021 for Bioengineering (primary affiliation: Section of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; secondary affiliation: Section of Physics and Engineering Sciences)
- Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2021
- Award of Honor, Hellenic Scientific Society Mikrobiokosmos, 2021 (Honor conferred at 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, Athens, Greece)
- Waksman Outstanding Teaching Award, Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (SIMB), 2019 (Honor conferred at Annual Meeting, SIMB, Washington, DC)
- Elected Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology (AAM), 2019 (Honor conferred at ASM Meeting Microbe 2019, San Francisco, CA)
- Prize of Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment for Leadership in Biological Monitoring, Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve, Ecuador 2018
- Invited Lecturer on Industrial & Environmental Biotechnology, 18th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2018), Montréal, Canada, 2018
- Opening Keynote Lecture, 5th Belgian Symposium on Tissue Engineering (BSTE), Leuven, Belgium, 2017
- Elected Fellow, International Water Association (IWA), The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015
- Special "Professor S.N. Agathos" Honorary Farewell Session, 6th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VI), Chania, Crete, Greece, 2015
- Plenary Lecture Merit Award, 16th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2014), Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014
- Elected Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2014 (Honor conferred at AIMBE Annual Event, US National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC)
- Keynote Lecture Award, 13th International Biotechnology Symposium (IBS2008), Dalian, China, 2008
- Opening Keynote Lecture, 1st (Inaugural) Symposium of Hellenic Scientific Society MicroBioKosmos, Athens, 2008
- Elected Fellow, Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2006 (Honor conferred at Annual Meeting, SIMB, Baltimore, Maryland)
- Best Paper Award 2006, Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering journal of Springer
- Keynote Lecturer on Molecular Engineering and Biology of Invertebrate Cell Cultures, 11th International Conference on Invertebrate Cell & Tissue Culture, 2004 World Congress on In Vitro Biology, San Francisco, California, 2004
- Plenary Lecture Award, International Conference on Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater, Cracow, Poland, 2004
- Foreign Orator in Honor of the CNRS Silver Medal Award to Dr. Annie Marc, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2003
- Plenary Lecture & Topic Coordinator Award, 6th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (ISEB 2002), Veracruz, Mexico, 2002
- Keynote Lecture Award, First European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Greece, 2001
- National Research and Development Council (CNPq) of Brazil Visiting Professorship Award, 1992
- Merit Award from the President of Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey “in Recognition of Service to the University”, 1988
- Research Career Initiation Award at Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, National Science Foundation, 1987
- NATO Science Fellowship at MIT, 1978-1981
- Sigma Xi, MIT Chapter, 1976; Rutgers Chapter, 1987
- State Scholarship, Greek Scholarship Foundation (IKY), 1969-1973
- Rector (President) and Chair of Governing Board (Comisión Gestora), Yachay Tech University, Ecuador, 2019
- Member of Governing Board, Yachay Tech University, Ecuador, 2018-2019
- Member of Academic Council, Yachay Tech University, Ecuador, 2015-2019
- Dean, School of Biological Sciences and Engineering, Yachay Tech University, Ecuador, 2015-2019
- Chair, Campus Infrastructure Committee, Yachay Tech University, Ecuador, 2016-2017
- Member of the Board of Trustees, Technical University of Crete, Greece, 2013-2017
- Principal Investigator, Earth and Life Institute (ELI), Cluster of Applied Microbiology (ELIM) Member of the Board, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 2009-present
- Member, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Committee on Diploma in Chemical & Bioengineering (BIRC), Catholic University of Louvain, 2009-2015
- Member, Polytechnic School of Louvain (ex-Faculty of Applied Sciences) Committee on Chemical Engineering Diploma (FYKI), Catholic University of Louvain, 1997-2015
- Member, University-wide Commission on Environment and Sustainability, Catholic University of Louvain, 2003-2010
- Member, Faculty Commission on Academic Promotions, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Catholic University of Louvain, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011
- Member, Working Group on Cell Therapy under the coordination of the Pro-Rector for Medical Sciences, Catholic University of Louvain, 2003-2004
- Principal Investigator and founding member, Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology (formerly, Institute of Life Sciences / Institut des Sciences de la Vie – ISV), Catholic University of Louvain, 1998-2015
- Chairman, Unit of Bioengineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Catholic University of Louvain, 1998-2010
- Member of the Board, Department of Applied Chemistry & Bioindustry, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Catholic University of Louvain, 1996-2009
- Member, Interfaculty Group on Process Engineering Curriculum, Polytechnic School of Louvain (ex-Faculty of Applied Sciences) and Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, 1999-2004
- Member, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Committee on Teaching, Catholic University of Louvain, 1996-2000
- Member, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Committee on Advanced Degrees (Diplômes d'Etudes Approfondies), Catholic University of Louvain, 1995-1999
- Member, Faculty Search Committee for Academic Position in Environmental Bioengineering, Catholic University of Louvain, 1997-1998; 1998-1999
- Member, Faculty Search Committee for Academic Position in Molecular Biology of Microorganisms, Catholic University of Louvain, 1995
- Member, Faculty Committee on Environment and Society, Catholic University of Louvain, 1993-1994
- Founding Director, Certificate Program in Biotechnology, Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1986-1993
- Chairman, Curriculum Committee, NIH Training Program in Biotechnology, Rutgers University and University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 1989-1993
- Member, Search Committee for Biotechnology Faculty, Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, 1986-1987
- Advisor, Cell and Cell Products Fermentation Facility (Pilot Plant), New Jersey Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM), U.S.A., 1986-1993
- Member, Graduate Program in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers University, 1986-1993
- Member, Graduate Program in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Rutgers University, 1988-1993
- Member, Laboratory Directors Council, Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, 1989-1993
- Member, Seminars and Programs Committee, College of Engineering, Rutgers University, 1991-1993
- Member, Library Committee, College of Engineering, Rutgers University, 1991-1993
- Member, Committee on Committees, College of Engineering, Rutgers University, 1989-1991
- Member, University Hearing Board, College of Engineering, Rutgers University, 1986-1989
- Member, Health and Safety Committee, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 1984-1985
- Member, Sector Planning Committee, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Western Ontario, 1983-1985
A. Comités de rédaction
Biotechnology Advances Member of Editorial Board, 1999-present
Biocatalysis Member of Editorial Board, 2014-present
- Microorganisms Member of Editorial Board, 2016-present
- Recent Patents on Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 2007-present
- Sustainability Member of Editorial Board, 2016-present
- Peer Journal Member of Editorial Board, 2017-present
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2020-present
- Frontiers in Bioengineering Guest Editor, 2018-2020
- Current Opinion in Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2014-2015
- New Biotechnology Guest Editor, 2012-2014
- Bioresource Technology Guest Editor, 2012-2013
- Enzyme & Microbial Technology Guest Editor, 2010-2011
- Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 1986-2003
- Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 2001-2004
- Biochemical Engineering Journal Associate Editor, 2008-2013
- Biodegradation Member of Editorial Board, 1997-2002
- Biotechnology Letters Member of Editorial Board, 2009-2016
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology Member of Editorial Board, 1993-2002
- Process Biochemistry Member of Editorial Board, 1998-2003 & 2007-2011
- Comprehensive Biotechnology, 2nd Edition (Elsevier) Editor, Vol. 6 Environmental Biotechnology 2011
- Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition (Elsevier) Editor, Vol. 6 Environmental Biotechnology 2019
- B. Panels d'expertise and Politique Scientifique
Scientific Advisor, National Council for Research and Innovation (NCRI), Environment, Energy and Sustainable Mobility, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development, Republic of Greece, November 2020 - present
Member, International Evaluation Committee, Institute of Applied Bioscience (INAB), Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessaloniki, Greece, June - September 2022
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, July 2022
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Development, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, June 2022
- Coordinator, International Expert Panel, Synergy Interdisciplinary Grants, Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, March - June 2022
- International Expert, Review Panel, European Quality Assurance Agency (ENQA) for the renewed 5-year accreditation of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), February 2022
- Chairperson, Selection Committee for the Appointment of Director, Institute of Biosciences and Applications (IBA), National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece, October - December 2021
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, June-July 2021
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, May 2021
- Expert Member, Research Grant Evaluation Panel CE 43 – Bioeconomy: Chemistry, Biotechnology, Processes and System Approaches, from Biomass to its Uses, National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), Paris, France, March – June 2021
- Coordinator, International Expert Panel, Synergy Interdisciplinary Grants, Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, March - June 2021
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, March 2021
- Expert Member, Review Panel for Project Evaluation on Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy, HORIZON 2020 (Framework Program of the European Union), September-October 2020 and May-June 2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the Integrated Master Program of the Department of Biological Applications and Technologies, University of Ioannina, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, October 2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly, Greece. Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), Athens, July 2020
- Member, International Expert Panel, Synergy Interdisciplinary Grants, Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, March – June 2020
- External Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Plant Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, January-February 2020
- External Expert, Discover Grant Review in Civil, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Ottawa, January 2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, November 2019
- Member, International Accreditation Panel for the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Greece. Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, November 2019
- Co-Founder and President, National Ecuadorian Genetics and Genomics Network (ReGG), Quito 2018-2020
- Chair, International Accreditation Panel for the quality assurance system of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Greece. Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, November 2018
- Member, Committee of Experts on the Construction of Ecuador’s Position on Synthetic Biology, Digital Sequences and Guides on Evaluation and Assessment of GMOs, Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Ecuador, 2018
- Scientific Advisor, Sectorial Scientific Council on Agricultural production, Nutrition, Food, Agro-biotechnology and Aquaculture, National Council for Research and Innovation (NCRI), General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Republic of Greece, 2018-2020
- Member, National Committee on Microbiology, Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, 2016-present
- Member, Committee of Experts on Ecuador’s Position on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Ecuador, 2016-2017
- Expert Member or Rapporteur, Review Panels for Project Evaluation and Ad Hoc Panels for Programme Monitoring, HORIZON 2020 (Framework Programme of the European Commission), 2014-present
- Expert on Awards, Scholarships and Scientific Grant Proposals, National Foundation of Scientific Research of the French Community of Belgium (FNRS), 1994-present; Expert evaluator of subsidized monographs, FNRS, 2017
- Member, Selection Committee and Rapporteur, Panel SEC 34 Toxicology / Ecotoxicology (Toxicologie / Ecotoxicologie), National Agency for Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), Paris, France, 2016-2017
- Permanent Member, Working Group on Environmental Biotechnology, United States – European Union Task Force on Biotechnology Research, Washington, DC and Brussels, Belgium, 1997-2015. Bilateral science policies on mobility of young researchers, emerging research themes, interagency cooperation and support
- Chair, External Evaluation Committee of the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens: Institution-level academic evaluation of the Agricultural University of Athens, May 2016
- External Expert Reviewer on the Integral Management of Organic Waste Program (GIRO) of IRTA, The Research and Technology Agency on Food and Agriculture, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain, 2015
- Expert on ERA-Net projects with Latin American Countries on the theme “Screening for new bioactive metabolites and enzymes from terrestrial and marine microorganisms for industrial use, based on market demand”, European Commission, 2015
- Expert on ERA-Net projects with Latin American Countries on the theme “Small-scale self-sustainable biorefineries for multi-feedstock processing of agroindustrial and urban wastes for advanced biofuels, biobased chemicals and biomaterials” European Commission, 2015
- Evaluator and Rapporteur, International Life Sciences Evaluation Committee, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greek Ministry of Education, Athens, 2013-2014. Multiannual evaluation of: Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (IMBB, Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas), Heraklion, Crete; Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBA, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research), Heraklion, Crete; National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – Biosciences and Applications, Athens; Institute of Medical Chemistry and Biotechnology (IBMCB, National Hellenic Research Foundation), Athens; Institute of Applied Bioscience (IAB, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas), Thessaloniki; Institute for Research & Technology of Thessaly (IRTT, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas), Volos; Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens; Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”, Vari, Attica. Greece, January 2014
- Elected External Member, Institution Board, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2013 - 2017
- Member, Selection Committee, Programme Bio-Matter and Energy (Bio-Matières et Energies, Bio-ME) National Agency for Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), Paris, France, 2013
- External Expert, Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), United Kingdom, 2012
- External Expert, Helmholtz-Association of German Research Centres, Bonn, Germany, 2012
- External Expert, Hellenic Ministry of Education and Lifelong Learning, Directorate General for Research and Technology. Programmes “Thales”, “Archimedes” and “Aristeia”, 2011-2012; Second phase “Aristeia”, 2012-2013
- Expert, Member or Rapporteur, Review Panels for Project Evaluation and Ad Hoc Panels for Programme Monitoring, 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, (a) Programme KBBE, (b) Programme ENERGY, (c) PEOPLE-ITN, 2010-2013
- Expertise on ERA Net projects and on Bioenergy initiative projects (EIBI), FP7, European Commission, 2010-2013
- Expert, High-Level Panel to the European Commission Directorate E – Biotechnologies, to identify key scientific and technological challenges in the field of Environmental Biotechnology and to provide insights for future EU research priorities within the axis KBBE (Knowledge-Based BioEconomy) and Horizon 2020 under preparation, 2010-2011
- Member, Quadrennial Visiting Committees of the French Agency for the Evaluation of Research & Higher Education (AERES), Paris, 2008-2012: Evaluation of the Laboratory of Reactions and Process Engineering (LRGP; UPR CNRS 3349), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2012; Evaluation of Unit of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Chemical & Biochemical Process Engineering (“Institut Pascal”: LASMEA UMR 6602 – LAMI EA 3867 – LGCB EA 3866), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2011; Evaluation of Unit of Microbial Ecology (UMR CNRS 5557 – USC INRA 1193), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Lyon, France, 2010; Evaluation of Laboratory Cluster ‘Villermaux’ [Chemical Engineering Science (LSGC), Physical Chemistry of Reactions (DCPR), Chemical Engineering of Rheologically Complex Media (GEMICO), Thermodynamics of Polyphasic Media (LTMP), Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules (LCPM)], Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Nancy, France, 2008
- Chair or Member, Evaluation Committees of the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA), Athens, 2010-2013: Department of Biology, University of Patras, December 2013; Department of Biology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, December 2013; Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, November 2013; Department of Natural Resources & Environment, Technological Education Institute of Crete, Chania, June 2012; Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management, University of Western Greece, Agrinio, April 2012; Department of Animal Production, Technological Education Institute of Epirus, Arta, December 2011; Department of Computer Science & Biomedical Informatics, University of Central Greece, Lamia, November 2011; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Agricultural University of Athens, October 2011; Department of Biological Applications & Technology, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, June 2011; Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, February 2011; School of Agronomy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, December 2010; Department of Biology, University of Crete, Heraklion, March 2010
- External Expert, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2009-2010
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Associate Professorship, Ben-Gourion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus, Midreshet Ben-Gurion (Beersheba), Israel, 2009
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Full Professorship, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, U. S. A., 2008
- External Expert, Agency for the Evaluation of Research & Higher Education (AERES), Paris, France, 2008
- Expert Evaluator, COST Action Office, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Berne, Switzerland, 2008
- Expert, European Commission, Directorate General Research, Programme Food-Agriculture-Biotechnology on EU-Russia Cooperation in the Seventh Framework Programme, 2006
- External Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER), 2005-2006 and 2006-2007; Biochemical & Biomass Engineering Program, 2005-2006
- International Expert, Curriculum Assessment, Department of Environmental Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, 2005
- External Reviewer, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2005
- External Reviewer, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GGET): Program PENED, 2005
- Member, Working Group on Bioproducts and Bioprocesses, Belgian Interdisciplinary Platform for Industrial Biotechnology (BIPIB), Science Policy -- Belgian Federal Government (BELSPO), 2005
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Full Professorship, University of Bologna, Italy, 2005
- Member, Working Group on Industrial Biotechnology and Sustainable Chemistry, of the Belgian Academy of Science (Group 32 Comité de l’Académie pour les Applications de la Science – CAPAS), 2003-2004
- International Expert, United States – Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD), Bet-Dagan, Israel, 2003
- Chairman, International Selection Committee, United States – European Union Exchange Fellowships for Early Career Scientists in Environmental Biotechnology Research, 2003-2005
- Member, Visiting Evaluation Audit Committee, Laboratory of Chemical Engineering Science (LSGC), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Nancy, France, 2003
- Member, College of Expert Evaluators, Public Federal Service, Brussels Capital Region, 2003-2004
- External Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Jerusalem, 2002
- Member, Jury for selection of A.P.E.F.E. posts, French Community of Belgium, Brussels, 1998-1999
- External Expert, Evaluation of Promotion to Full Professorship, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, 1998
- Member, Independent Committee for Annual Programme Monitoring, European Commission, DG XII, Programme ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE, 1997-1998
- Member, Informal Focus Consultation Panel for New (5th) Framework Programme, European Commission, DG XII, Programme FAIR, 1997
- Expert, Review Panel for Project Evaluation, 4th Framework Programme of the European Commission, (a) Programme FAIR, (b) Programme BIOTECHNOLOGY, (c) International Science and Technology Cooperation Programme, 1995-1999
- External Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): Biotechnology Programme, 1990-1993: Division of International Programmes, 1988-1989; Biochemical and Biomass Engineering,1987-1988
- External Reviewer, International Science Foundation (ISF): Biotechnology Programme for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 1992-1993
- External Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada: (a) Operating Grants Programme, 1989-90 and 1992-93; (b) University-Industry Research and Development (CRD) Grants Programme, 1989-90; (c) Strategic Grants Programme in Biotechnology, 1987-88; (d) Grant Selection Committee in Cell Biology & Genetics, 1983-85
- Review Panel Member, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Grant Selection in Biochemical Engineering and in Biotechnology Programs, 1988
- External Reviewer, Commission of European Communities, Biotechnology Grants (BAP), 1984
- Panel Member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Selection Board, Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1985-86
- External Expert Reviewer of Biotechnology Textbooks and Monographs: Elsevier; CRC Press; Academic Press; Hanser Publishers.
- Regular and Ad Hoc Reviewer for Scientific Journals: Acta Biotechnologica, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Biodegradation, Biomolecular Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Bioresource Technology, Biotechnology Advances, Biotechnology Progress, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Science, Environmental Science and Technology, Frontiers in Microbiology, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Journal of General Microbiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Marine Biotechnology, Mathematical Population Dynamics, Microorganisms, Nature, New Biotechnology, Process Biochemistry, Spectroscopy Letters, Sustainability.
C. Professeur invité
- Université Catholique de Lille, Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISA), International Bioprocess Management (IBM) Programme, Lille, France, November-December 2007
- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Department of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
- Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Centro de Investigaciones Avanzadas (CINVESTAV), Department of Bioengineering & Biotechnology, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2001
- Universidad de Córdoba, Department of Food Technology, Córdoba, Spain, May-June 1999
- Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Department of Chemical Engineering, Quito, Ecuador, May-June 1995
- Federal University of Sao Carlos; State University of Campinas; University of Sao Paulo: Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Units, Brazil, July - August 1992
- University of Crete, Department of Biology and FORTH, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Iraklion, Greece, March-April 1987
D. Planification et Organisation d'Événements Scientifiques
- Member, Scientific Committee, 8th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VIII), Chania, Crete, Greece, June 13 – 18, 2021
- Member, Scientific Committee, 7th National REDU Congress -- Network of Universities for Research and Graduate Studies (VII Congreso REDU), Yachay Tech, Urcuquí, Ecuador, November 11 – 15, 2019
- Chair, Scientific Committee, 43rd National Days of Biology (XLIII Jornadas Nacionales de Biología), Yachay Tech, Urcuquí, Ecuador, October 14 – 19, 2019
- Chair, Scientific Symposium on Genetics and Genomics in Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, April 25 – 26, 2019
- Co-Chair, Scientific Sessions ‘Biomaterials and Bioproducts 1’ and ‘Biomaterials and Bioproducts 2’, Thematic Track 4 – Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies, 18th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2018), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 12 – 17, 2018
- International Scientific Committee, 11th International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology (International Society of Environmental Biotechnology ISEB 2018) jointly with 7th European Bioremediation Conference, EBC-VII, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 24 - 28, 2018
- International Scientific Committee, 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM09) – “Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability”, Bologna, Italy, September 6 - 9, 2017
- International Scientific Committee, 4th International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Environment and Evolution of Social and Life Processes (4th IIWEE), Manizales, Colombia, August 2 - 4, 2017
- International Committee, 1st International Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Americas – “Empowering Latin America: Research with a Purpose”, Bogotá, Colombia, May 17 - 19, 2017
- Session Chair, Bioprocess Engineering, 1st International Conference on Metabolic Science (ICMS 2016), Shanghai, China, October 20 - 23, 2016
- Scientific Committee, 10th International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology (International Society of Environmental Biotechnology ISEB 2016), Barcelona, Spain, June 1 - 3, 2016
- Scientific Committee, IVth Congress of the Latin American Society of Environmental and Algal Biotechnology (IV SOLABIAA), Florianópolis, Brazil, November 8 - 13, 2015
- International Scientific Committee, 6th European Bioremediation Conference, EBC-VI, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 29 - July 2, 2015
- International Advisory Committee, 16th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2014) – "Biotechnology for the Development of a Green Economy", Fortaleza, Brazil, September 14-19, 2014
- International Scientific Committee, 2nd European Symposium on Water Technologies and Management (WT&MS), Leuven, Belgium, November 20-21, 2013
- Scientific Committee, 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM07) – "Integration Challenges for Sustainability", Vienna, Austria, September 18-21, 2013
- Scientific Committee, 23rd Meeting of the ESACT – European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT 2013) – "Better Cells for Better Health", Lille, France, June 23-26, 2013
- International Adisory Committee, 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2012) – "Innovative Biotechnology for a Green World and Beyond", Daegu, South Korea, September 16-21, 2012
- Scientific Committee Co-Chair, Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology in the Frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio & Green Economy (EMB2012), Bologna, Italy, April 12-14, 2012
- International Scientific Committee, 5th European Bioremediation Conference, EBC-V, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 4-7, 2011
- International Scientific Committee, 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS2010) – "Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society", Rimini, Italy, September 14-18, 2010
- International Scientific Committee, 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation – "WasteEng", Beijing, China, May 17-19, 2010
- Organizing Committee, 1st Symposium of Hellenic Scientific Society MikroBioKosmos, Athens, Greece, December 12-14, 2008
- International Scientific Committee, 13th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS) -- "Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society", Dalian, China, October 12-17, 2008 (coordinator of sessions on Environmental Biotechnology)
- International Scientific Committee, 4th European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 3-6, 2008
- International Advisory/Scientific Committee, Asian Mycology Congress (AMC 2007) and Xth International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium (IMFMS), Penang, Malaysia, December 2-6, 2007
- Scientific Committee, International Conference on Technologies for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region (TIWATMED), Jerba, Tunisia, May 24-26, 2007
- International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Management ICCTEM 2007, Pondicherry, India, January 4-6, 2007
- International Scientific Committee, Third European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 4-7, 2005
- Scientific Committee, International Conference on Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater, Cracow, Poland, September 5-8, 2004
- International Scientific Committee, 10th International Summer School on Chemical Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, May 24-31, 2004
- Organizing Committee, European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology “ESEB 2004”, Oostende, Belgium, April 25-28, 2004
- International Scientific Committee, Second European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30- July 4, 2003
- Advisory Committee, 6th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology ISEB 2002 and 4th International Symposium on Cleaner Bioprocesses and Sustainable Development, Veracruz, Mexico, June 9-12, 2002
- International Scientific Committee, 9th International Summer School on Chemical Engineering, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 14-22, 2001
- Organizing Committee, 9th World Congress on Anaerobic Gigestion “Anaerobic Digestion 2001 – Anaerobic Conversion forSustainability”, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2-5, 2001
- International Scientific Committee, First European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001
- International Scientific Committee, 4th Panhellenic Congress on Chemical Engineering, Athens, Greece, May 31-June 2, 2001
- Organizing Committee, International Congress on Implementation of In-Situ Remediation Techniques, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 9-10, 2000
- Organizing Committee, 9th European Congress of Biotechnology (ECB9) and Scientific Coordinator of 20 Sessions in the Symposium on «Biotechnology for the Environment», Brussels, July 11-15, 1999
- International Scientific Committee, 8th International Summer School on Chemical Engineering, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 3-9, 1998
- International Scientific Committee, 2nd Engineering Foundation Conference on Metabolic Engineering («Metabolic Engineering II»), Elmau, Germany, October 25-30, 1998
- Programme Committee Member and Chairman of Scientific Session on Environmental Applications of Metabolic Engineering, 4th Engineering Foundation Conference on Recombinant DNA Biotechnology («Metabolic Engineering»), Danvers, Massachusetts, October 6-11, 1996
- International Organizing Committee, 10th International Invertebrate Tissue Culture Conference of 1996 in San Francisco, California, 1995-1996
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Biodegradation and Bioremediation, International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Boston, Massachusetts, July 15-20, 1996
- International Organizing Committee, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Biotechnologies for Radioactive and Toxic Waste Management and Site Restoration: Scientific, Educational, Social, Economic, Business Aspects", Mol, Belgium, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 1994
- International Scientific Council, International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS), for the Planning and Organization of the World Congress of Microbiology, Prague, July 1994
- Moderator, Sixth Annual Mid-Atlantic Biochemical Engineering Consortium (MABEC) Student Symposium, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, March 20, 1992
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Expression of Proteins by Mammalian and Insect Cells in Culture, Third Engineering Foundation Conference on Cell Culture Engineering (Cell Culture Engineering III), Palm Coast, Florida, February 2-7, 1992
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Cell Engineering of Yeasts and Molds, Seventh Engineering Foundation Conference on Biochemical Engineering (Biochemical Engineering VII), Santa Barbara, California, March 3-8, 1991
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Engineering Aspects of Insect Cell Culture Technology, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 11-16, 1990
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Insect Cell Technologies, Annual AIChE Meeting, Washington, DC, November 27-December 2, 1988
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Bioreactors for Higher Eukaryotic Systems, Biochemical Engineering VI, Santa Barbara, California, October 2-7, 1988
- Chairman of Scientific Session on Antibiotic Fementations, Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 25-30, 1984
- Belgian Society for Microbiology (BSM). Member of Executive Board 2006-2016; Member of Advisory Board 2016-2019; Member National Belgian Committee for Microbiology 2019 - present
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Divisions: (a) Food, Pharmaceuticals and Bioengineering; (b) Environmental. Alternate Director, New Jersey Section, 1986-1987
- American Chemical Society (ACS). Divisions: (b) Biochemical Technology; (b) Environmental Chemistry
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and American Academy for Microbiology (AAM). Councilor, Theobald Smith Society (NJ Chapter of ASM), 1992-1993
- Society for Industtrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB)
- American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), College of Fellows
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
- International Water Association (IWA). Local Section: Belgium (B-IWA). Member of Executive Committee, 2003-present; 1st Vice-President, 2009-2013
- European Federation for Biotechnology (EFB). Section: Environmental Biotechnology. Member of Executive Board, 2002-2010; Vice-Chair, 2010-2013; Co-Chair for Scientific Issues & Academic Relations, 2013-2019
- European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT). Local Chapter: Belgium (BELSACT)
- National Ecuadorian Network of Genetics and Genomics (ReGG). President 2019-2020
- Greek Society for Microbiology ‘Microbiokosmos’
- World Hellenic Biomedical Association (WHBA)
- National Ecuadorian Network of Genetics and Genomics (ReGG). President 2019-2020
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 1973 Ingénieur civil en chimie Université Nationale Technique d'Athènes 1976 Maître en génie chimique Université McGill de Montréal 1983 Docteur en génie biochimique Massachusetts Institute of Techologie of Cambridge
2017-2019 Yachay Tech University
TCG 308 Introduction to Engineering (Undergraduate)
BIOL 902 Microbiology (Undergraduate)
BIME 813 Tissue Engineering (Undergraduate)
1993-2015 Université catholique de Louvain
SNAP 2110 Introduction au monde vivant: aspects biochimiques et microbiologiques (2ème/3ème cycle)
CABI 2213 Génie des industries agricoles (2ème/3ème cycle)
LBIRC 2108/CABI 2232 Génie biologique et microbiologique (2ème/3ème cycle)
CABI 2220 Chimie et Biologie de l'eau (2ème/3ème cycle)
LMAPR 2643 Traîtement des effluents liqides (2ème/3ème cycle)
FSA 2220 Introduction au monde vivant (2ème/3ème cycle)
CABI 3002 Advanced Bioreactor Design and Modeling (3ème cycle)
CABI 3004 Science and Technology of Cell Culture (3ème cycle)
CABI 3008 Research Seminars on Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology (3ème cycle)
CHIM 3320 Chemistry and Environment (3ème cycle)
1985-1993 Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey
16:155:411 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering I (Undergraduate)
16:155:412 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering II (Undergraduate)
16:155:414 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering Laboratory (Undergraduate)
16:155:581 Biochemical Engineering (Graduate)
16:155:582 Enzyme Engineering (Graduate)
16:155:701 Research in Chemical & Biochemical Engineering I (Graduate)
16:155:702 Research in Chemical & Biochemical Engineering II (Graduate)
16:680:524 Industrial Microbiology (Graduate)
16:680:525 Fundamentals of Large Scale Fermentation (Graduate)
16:680:641 Independent Studies in Microbiology I (Graduate)
16:680:642 Independent Studies in Microbiology II (Graduate)
1982-1985 University of Western Ontario
E.S. 311A Unit Operations Laboratory I (Undergraduate)
E.S. 316B Unit Operations II (Undergraduate)
E.S. 416A Biochemical Engineering (Undergraduate)
E.S. 463A Water Pollution Design (Undergraduate)
E.S. 515 Biochemical Engineering (Graduate)
E.S. 663 Water Pollution Design (Graduate)
2018 VI Advanced International School “Scale-Up of Bioprocesses and Training in Bioreactor Operation” (“Escalado de Bioprocesos y Entrenamiento en Operación de Biorreactores”)
Co-organized by the CYTED Network and the National University of Colombia (UNAL), UNAL Sede Medellín, November 19-23, 2018, Medellín, Colombia
2018 Golden Helix Summer School “Rare Genomics” Co-organized by the Golden Helix Foundation and the Genomic Medicine Alliance, Dolphin Bay Resort, September 26-30, 2018, Syros, Greece
2015 Pre-Congress Workshop Advanced Course “Bioaugmentation for Site Restoration–When Does it Work” Organized by the Latin American Society for Environmental & Algal Biotechnology, SOLABIAA
IVth SOLABIAA Latin American Congress, November 8-13, 2015, Florianópolis, Brazil
2014 Workshop Wallonia-Brussels “Success Stories from Research to Innovation and Entrepreneurship” Organized by the Technology Transfer Office of Francophone Belgian Universities in association with
Universidad Catolica del Norte, April 14, 2014, Antofagasta, Chile
2014 2nd Technology Workshop Organized by the Technology Transfer Office of Francophone Belgian Universities in association with the Center for Mathematical Modeling, Faculty of Physical Sciences,
Universidad de Chile, April 9-11, 2014 , Santiago, Chile
2013 Summer School on Biotechnology and Alternative Energy Advanced lectures for Ph.D. candidates and working scientists and engineers. Organized by “New Engineering Technologies” Center, July 8-13, 2013
Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), Moscow, Russian Federation
2012 Summer School on Contaminated Soils – From Characterization to Remediation EU Summer School for Ph.D. candidate scientists and engineers seeking training in site remediation with biological and physico-chemical approaches. Organized by Erasmus Mundus ETeCoS3 joint doctorate and GITISA (Italian Group of Sanitary Engineering), June 18-22, 2012 University Paris-Est, Champs-sur-Marne, France
2010 “Laccase Academy” Short course on Laccase enzymes for European early stage researchers. Organized jointly between COST Action 868 - Biotechnological Functionalization of Renewable Materials and COST Action 602 – Biotechnology for Lignocellulose Biorefineries, March 8-10, 2010, Seminario de Vilar, Porto, Portugal
2009 Advanced Summer Course “Theoretical and Practical Course on Molecular Approaches for in situ Biodegradation”. An EC-US course in Environmental Biotechnology. Theoretical and practical course organized by the EC-US Task Force on Biotechnology Research. Advanced training for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers, May 24-June 7, 2009. Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, U. S. A.
2007 Environmental Biotechnology. Post-graduate course training for international master’s students (International Biotechnology Master). November-December, 2007. Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture de Lille, Université Catholique de Lille, Lille, France
2006 Advanced Bioreactor Design, Scale-up and Modeling. Post-graduate course training for doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and industry professionals. May 21-27, 2006. Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2006 1st Course on Microbial Bioremediation and Environmental Genomics. International advanced course for research scientists, March 12-16, 2006. European Genetics Foundation, University of Bologna Residential Center, Bertinoro, Italy
2005 Biomonitoring, Bioavailability and Microbial Transformation of Pollutants in Sediments and Approaches to Stimulate their Biodegradation. International Summer School for research scientists, September 12-14, 2005. Inter-University Consortium “Chemistry for the Environment”, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
2004 Innovative Approaches to the Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites. European Summer School for Young European scientists in the area of bioremediation and site restoration, September 7-11, 2004. Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2004 Trends in Remediation of Soils and Sediments. Euro Summer School for scientists seeking training in site remediation with microbial, plant and physico-chemical approaches, June 6-11, 2004. Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands
2003 Molecular Biology for the Environment: an EC-US course in Environmental Biotechnology. Theoretical and practical course organized by the EC-US Task Force on Biotechnology Research. Advanced training for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers, February 2-15, 2003. National Center for Biotechnology - CSIC and Faculty of Biology, Autonomous University, Madrid, Spain
2001 Animal Cells Engineering: Advanced course training for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers and industry professionals, November 4-9, 2001. Department of Bioengineering & Biotechnology, CINVESTAV, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico
1998 Molecular Approaches to In Situ Biodegradation: Theoretical and practical course organized by the U.S. - E.U. Task Force on Biotechnology Research. Advanced training for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers, June 14-26, 1998, Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment, Cook College, Rutgers University (NJ, U.S.A.)
1997 Biological Treatment of Polluted Soils: A one-day advanced training for scientists and engineers from the public and private sectors, February 28, 1997
Wastewater treatment technology: A two-day advanced training for scientists and engineers from the public and private sectors, May 20-21, 1997
Faculty of Agronomical Sciences, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
1996 Biological Treatment of Polluted Soils: A one-day advanced training for scientists and engineers from the public and private sectors, May 15, 1996
Faculty of Agronomical Sciences, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
1995 Simulation, Kinetics and Control of Fermentation Processes: A one-week advanced course for scientists and engineers from industry, May 29-June 2, 1995. Department of Chemical Engineering, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
1990 Production of Biotechnology Products by Animal Cell Culture: A two-day training seminar for industry research and production personnel, December 4-5, 1990. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc., Ridgefield, Connecticut, U.S.A.
1988 Bioreactors for Biotechnology: A two-day intensive course for scientists and engineers from industry April 28-29, 1988. Cook College, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, U.S.A.
Recherche fondamentale et appliquée dans les domaines suivants: - catalyse enzymatique et stabilisation d'enzymes - optimisation de bioprocédés pour la production de molécules d'intérêt pharmaceutique, nutrititif ou industriel à partir de bactéries, de champignons et d'algues - conception, analyse et développement de bioréacteurs pour la production de protéines recombinantes au moyen de cellules animales - propagation et différenciation contrôlées de cellules souches en bioréacteur - biodégradation des polluants toxiques et bioremédiation - biotechnologie pour le développement durable.
Profil Google Scholar:
Citations: 14015 h-index: 61
Western University (U. Western Ontario)
- Dr. Elias Nerantzis, 1984 “Inoculum Development of Tolypocladium inflatum”.
- Dr. Catherine Moraiti, 1984-85 NATO Fellow, “C- and N-Sources in Cyclosporine Fermentations”.
- Dr. Rannade Parekh, 1984-86 “Genetic Improvement of Tolypocladium inflatum”.
Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey
- Dr. Mohammed Saeed, 1988 “Extracellular Polysaccharides in Cyclosporine Fermentations”.
- Dr. Nandita Baidyaroy, 1988 “Metal Ions in Cyclosporine Fermentations”.
Université catholique de Louvain
- Dr. Maria Kosseva, 1995-96 “Nitroaromatic Degradation by Immobilized Cells”.
- Dr. Philippe Ledent, 1996-99 “Wastewater Cleanup using Enzyme-Bacterial Complexes”.
- Dr. Francis Verhoeye, 1998-99 “The Elimination of N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Residues in Recombinant Glycoproteins”; 1999-02, “New System for the Production of Recombinant Glycoproteins in High-Cell Density Perfusion Bioreactors”.
- Dr. Rachid El Mamouni, 1999-01 “In Situ Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Chlorinated Ethenes and Nickel; Demonstration of Cleanup by Anaerobic Bacteria”.
- Dr. Ivana Sokolovska, 2000-02 “Utilisation of Psychrophilic Bacteria for Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons”; 2002-04, “Use of Bioavailability Promoting Organisms to Decontaminate PAH-Polluted Soils: Preparation towards Large Scale Field Exploitation”.
- Dr. Dirk Wesenberg, 2000-02 “Innovative Process of Biodegradation of Industrial Dyes Using Fungal Strains”.
- Dr. Pierre Wattiau, 2000-03 “Use of Bioavailability Promoting Organisms to Decontaminate PAH-Polluted Soils: Preparation towards Large Scale Field Exploitation”.
- Dr. Saïd El Fantroussi, 2002-05 "Molecular and Engineering Approach to Anaerobic Degradation of Recalcitrant Xenobiotic Compounds: In Situ Removal of Nitro- and Aminoaromatic Chemicals".
- Dr. George Aggelis (Visiteur, U. Patras, Grèce) 2004 "Microbial Biotechnology".
- Dr. Isabelle F. George, 2004-09 “Study of Microbial Diversity in Soils and Evaluation of the Taxonomic and Physiological Importance of the Acidobacteria Phylum”; 2009-10 “Metagenomics for Bioexploration”.
- Dr. Charles Junghanns, 2008-10 “Insolubilized Oxizymes: Innovative Biocatalysts for Industry and the Environment”; 2010-11 “Efficient Photobioreactors for the Production of High Added Value Molecules”; 2011-12 “Microorganism and Enzyme Immobilization for Upgraded Remediation”.
- Dr. Rakesh R. Nair, 2009-2014 “The Potential of White Rot Fungal Oxidative Enzyme Systems for Removal of Organic Micropollutants”.
- Dr. Atef Jaouani, 2009-10, “Fungal Laccases: Production and Biotechnological Applications”.
- Dr. Clayton Jeffryes, 2009-present, “Microalgae Cultivation in Novel Photobioreactors”, “Sustainable Cultivation of Marine Organisms for Bioactive Molecules” and “Photosynthetic Biorefinery – Fundamental Aspects”.
- Dr. David Moreels, 2010-11, “Metagenomics for Bioexploration”.
- Dr. Jian Li, 2011-2013, “Microalgae Cultivation in Novel Photobioreactors”.
- Dr. Eirini Velliou, 2012, “Development of Hybrid Photosynthetic Materials by Microalgae Encapsulation”.
- Dr. Inés Ardao Palacios, 2012-2014, “Microorganism and Enzyme Immobilization for Upgraded Remediation”.
- Dr. Giovanni Colica, 2013-2014, “Sustainable Cultivation of Marine Organisms for Bioactive Molecules”.
- Dr. Michal Bochenek, 2013-2016, “Development of Hybrid Photosynthetic Materials by Microalgae Encapsulation”.
- Dr. Benoît Stenuit, 2013-2017, “Molecular Systems Synecology Applied to Microbial Communities Involved in Biodegradation Processes”.
- Dr. Katholiki Skopelitou, 2013-2016, “Isolation and Characterization of Fungal Strains and Fungal-Bacterial Consortia for Bioremediation”.
- Dr. Caroline Zaoui, 2014-2017, “Mycoremediation of Sites Affected by Complex Pollution”.
Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey
- Jaegwan Lee, Ph.D., August 1989, “Physiological Factors in Cyclosporin A Production by Tolypocladium inflatum – Experimental and Mathematical Modeling”.
- Gie-Taek Chun, Ph.D., January 1992, “Comparative Bioreactor Studies of Suspended and Immobilized Cell Systems for Optimal Production of Cyclosporin A”
- Eock-Kee Hong, Ph.D., January 1992, “Plasmid Propagation and Heterologous Gene Expression in Recombinant Yeast” (Co-supervisor: A. Constantinides).
- William T. Hensler, Ph.D., January 1994, “Growth, Infectivity, and Recombinant Protein Expression in Insect Cell Culture”.
Université catholique de Louvain
- Saïd El Fantroussi, Ph.D., May 1997, “Introduction of Anaerobic Bioremediation Activities in Soil: From Laboratory Bench Scale to Pilot Soil Bioreactor” (Co-supervisor: H. Naveau).
- Caroline M. Perès, Ph.D., November 1998, “Improved Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds: Degradation of a Nitroaromatic Compound together with the Aminoaromatic Derivative Produced by its Reduction”.
- Victor Alejandro Achà Fuertes, Ph.D., June 1999, “Development of a FTIR Sensor for Monitoring and Modelling an Anaerobic Dechlorinating Bioreactor” (Co-supervisor: H. Naveau).
- Sébastien Goux, Ph.D., March 2000, “Biodegradation of Atrazine by Soil Microorganisms: Molecular Aspects and Potential Use in Bioremediation” (Co-supervisor: L. Pussemier).
- Benoît Van Aken, Ph.D., November 2000, “Biodegradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) by White-Rot Fungi”.
- Lacina Coulibaly, Ph.D., January 2002, “Bioconversion of macromolecules in a reactor simulating plug flow in transient regime: case of bioremediation of synthetic wastewater by Aspergillus niger”.
- Laertis Ikonomou, Ph.D., June 2002, “Development of High-Density Systems for the Production of Recombinant Proteins by Insect Cells” (Co-supervisor: G. Bastin).
- Johann Mols, Ph.D., July 2004. “Cultivation of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cells in Protein-Free Media Supplemented with Plant Peptones is Sufficient to Prevent Proteolysis of Secreted Rcombinant Glycoproteins” (Co-supervisor: Y.-J. Schneider).
- Jan Dries, Ph.D., September 2004. “Development and Comparison of Different Multiple Permeable Reactive Barrier (MPRB) Concepts for the Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated by Pollutant Mixtures” (Co-supervisors: L. Bastiaens & D. Springael).
- Laurent Eyers, Ph.D., January 2007. “Characterization of Bacterial Populations of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Contaminated Soils and Isolation of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strain with TNT Denitration Activities”.
- Jean-Christophe Drugmand, Ph.D., February 2007. “Characterization of Insect Cell Lines Is Required for Appropriate Industrial Processes – Case Study of High-Five Cells for Recombinant Protein Production” (Co-supervisor: Y.-J. Schneider
- Luc Schuler, Ph.D., December 2007. “Identification of Genes Involved in the Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Two Sphingomonas spp”.
- Hubert Cabana, Joint Ph.D. (Catholic University of Louvain and University of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada), April 2008. “Elimination of the endocrine disruptors nonylphenol, bisphenol A and triclosan by the oxidative action of the laccase from Coriolopsis polyzona” (Co-supervisor: J.P. Jones).
- Benoît Stenuit, Ph.D., November 2009. “Biological degradation of 2,4,6 – Trinitrotoluene (TNT): Bioprospecting for TNT-denitrating bacteria and deciphering of multiple TNT denitration pathways”.
- Jean-François Michiels, Ph.D., May 2011. “Investigation of the role of peptones in animal cell culture: Case study of a commercial soy peptone in a CHO cell serum-free medium” (Co-supervisor: Y.-J. Schneider).
- Sébastien Sart, Ph.D., August 2011. “Controlled expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in microcarrier-based stirred bioreactors” (Co-supervisor: Y.-J. Schneider).
- Leticia Isabel Ramirez Cavazos, Ph.D., May 2014. “Thermostable laccases from Pycnoporus sanguineus CS43, production enhancement, purification and characterization” (Co-supervisor: Roberto Parra Saldivar, Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico).
- Philippe Demarche, Ph.D., May 2014. “Immobilized phenoloxidases in reactors for the oxidation of aquatic contaminants of emerging concern. Towards a scalable industrial system”.
- Borhane Samir Grama, Ph.D., June 2014. “Production of high added value molecules by microalgae isolated from the Algerian Sahara: optimization of culture conditions and of induction parameters” (Co-supervisor: Douadi Khelifi, University of Constantine I, Algeria).
- Emna Bouhajja, Ph.D., November 2014. “Development and application of metagenomic tools for characterization of toluene degradation in hydrocarbon-contaminated sediments”.
- Guilherme Inocêncio Matos, Ph.D., July 2016. “Evaluation of cultivable microbial community and biodegrading activity in the bioremediation of soils contaminated with diesel and B5 biodiesel (B100)” (“Avaliação da comunidade microbiana cultivabel e atividade biodegradadora na biorremediação de solos contaminados com diesel B5 e biodiesel (B100)”) (Co-supervisors: Eliana Flávia Camporese Sérvulo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil and Márcia Teresa Soares Lutterbach, National Institute of Technology (INT), Brazil).
- Floriana Augelletti, Ph.D., August 2019. “Steering Biodiversity to Optimize Microbial Community Function”.
Western University – U. Western Ontario
- J. Wayne Marshall, M.E.Sc., February 1986, “Factors for the Process Development of Cyclosporine Fermentations”.
- James C. Tasker, M.E.Sc., September 1986, “Studies on the In Vivo Stabilization of Gramicidin S Synthetase”.
Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey
- Gie-Taek Chun, M.Sc., October 1988, “Immobilization of Tolypocladium inflatum Conidiospores for Production of the Immunosuppressive Agent Cyclosporine”.
- Teija H. Aarnio, M.Sc., June 1989, “Biotechnological Exploitation of Tolypocladium inflatum as a Producer of Immunosuppressive and Entomocidal Compounds”.
- Juan A. Rios del Prado, M.Sc., October 1989, “Effect of Oxygen on the Production of Cyclosporin A by Tolypocladium inflatum”.
- Barbro Melgert, M.Sc., June 1992 (Netherlands Honors Research Exchange) “Extraction of Cyclosporin by Solvents and Supercritical CO2” (joint with University of Groningen, The Netherlands).
Université catholique de Louvain
- Benoît Van Aken, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1994, “Biodegradation of TNT by the White-Rot Basidiomycete P. chrysosporium”.
- Véronique Simonart, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1994, “Biodegradation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene by Bacterial Consortia: Comparison of Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes” (“Biodégradation du 2,4-dinitrotoluène par des consortia bactériens: Comparaison des processus anaérobie et aérobie”).
- Caroline Hennaut, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1995, “Metabolic Pathway of Degradation of Carbon Tetrachloride by an Anaerobic Microbial Consortium Consortium” (“Voie métabolique de dégradation du tétrachlorure de carbone par un consortium microbien anaérobie”).
- Lucien Ricchiuto, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1995, “Optimization of the Biotransformation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene by a Bacterial Consortium under Aerobiosis” (“Optimisation de la biotransformation du 2,4-dinitrotoluène par un consortium bactérien en anaérobiose”).
- Marc Bieswal, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 1995, “Mathematical Modeling of Wastewater Treatment Plants by Activated Sludge according to the System Unitank”.
- Fabrice Vandermesse, M.Sc. Applied Natural Sciences 1996, “Capacity of a Mixed Microbial Community to Degrade Methyl Ethyl Ketone in Batch for Bioreactor Optimization” (“Capacité d'une communauté microbienne mixte à dégrader la methyl ethyl kétone en réacteur batch en vue de l'optimisation d'un bioréacteur”).
- Koen Smets, M.Sc. Applied Natural Sciences 1997, “Bioremediation of Soils Polluted by Organochlorine Compounds in a Pilot Anaerobic Reacrtor” (“Bioremédiation de sols pollués par des organochlorés en réacteur pilote anaérobie”).
- Henri Michels, M.Sc. Applied Natural Sciences 1997, “Biological Treatment of Sewage: Action of an Enzyme-Bacterial Complex” (“Traitement biologique des eaux d’égouts : l’action d’un complexe enzymo-bactérien”).
- Chafik Azmy, M.Sc. Applied Natural Sciences 1997, “Study of the Degradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene as a Function of Pellet Size of the ‘White-Rot’ Basidiomycete P. chrysosporium” (“Etude de la dégradation du 2,4,6-trinitrotoluène en fonction de la taille des pelotes du ‘white- rot’ basidiomycète P. chrysosporium”).
- Olga-Birgit Vounaki, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1998, “Biological Treatment of Sewage by Means of an Enzyme-Bacterial Complex: Development of a Model Reactor” (“Traitement biologique des eaux d’égout au moyen d’un complexe enzymo-bactérien : mise au point d’un réacteur modèle”).
- Xénia Gascón i Tomás, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 1998, “Design, Construction and Modeling of a Pilot Sewer Reactor” (“Conception, construction et modélisation d’un réacteur pilote-égout”) (joint with Universitat de Lleida, Spain).
- Jean-Jacques Evina, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1998, “Comparative Study of the Kinetics of Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Urban Wastewater by Two Strains of Aspergillus: Aspergillus niger MUCL 28817 and Aspergillus oryzae VTT 85248” (“Etude comparée des cinétiques de dégradation des polluants organiques présents dans les eaux résiduaires urbaines par deux souches d’Aspergillus: Aspergillus niger MUCL 28817 et Aspergillus oryzae VTT 85248”).
- Abdelslam Mahtour, DES (= Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Specialized Master’s) Hydrology 1998, "Biological Treatment of Urban Wastewater: action of hydrolases on the growth of activated sludge" (“Traitement biologique des eaux usées urbaines: action d’hydrolases sur la croissance des boues activées”).
- Sophie Oger, M.Sc. Bioengineering 1999, “Control of wastewater treatment by UV-VIS spectrophotometry” (“Contrôle de l’épuration des eaux usées par spectrophotométrie UV-VIS ”).
- Jerôme Bindelle, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 1999, “Simulation and pilot reactor study of the effect of adding an enzyme complex on wastewater degradation in sewers” (“Simulation et étude en réacteur pilote de l’effet de l’adjonction d’un complexe enzymatique sur la dégradation des eaux usées en égout”).
- Lacina Coulibaly, DEA (= Diplôme d’Études Approfondies, Advanced Master’s) Bioengineering 1999, “A new tanks-in-series bioreactor to simulate macromolecular wastewater pretreatment under sewer conditions by Aspergillus niger”.
- Valérie Baton, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Bioremediation of a soil contaminated with trichlorethylene. Influence of sulfate-reducing bacteria” (“Bioremédiation d’un sol contaminé par du trichloroéthylène. Influence des bactéries sulfato-réductrices”).
- Jean-Christophe Drugmand, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Comparative study of the immobilization of insect cells to produce heterologous proteins” (“Etude comparative de l’immobilisation de cellules d’insectes en vue de produire des hétéroprotéines”).
- Olivier Duez, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Application of UV-Vis-NIR spectrometry to the characterization of wastewater: determination of protein and polysaccharide content” (“Application de la spectrométrie UV-Vis-NIR à la caractérisation des eaux résiduaires: dosage du contenu protéique et polysaccharidique”).
- Benoît Englebert, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Effect of enzyme addition on the properties of activated sludge: laboratory results and discussion” (“L’effet de l’ajout d’enzymes sur les propriétés des boues activées: résultats de laboratoire et discussions”).
- Grégory Fabry, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Decontamination of soil polluted with trichloroethylene : interest of bioaugmentation” (“Décontamination d’un sol pollué par le trichloroéthylène : intérêt d’une bioaugmentation”).
- Pierre-Antoine Mariage, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Development and optimization of serum-free culture media for culturing cell line CHO K1 in suspension and on microcarriers” (“Développement et optimisation de milieux nutritifs dépourvus de sérum pour cultiver la lignée cellulaire CHO K1 en suspension et sur microporteurs”).
- Nadine Questiaux, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Study of the dissolved CO2 content in a stirred bioreactor” (“Étude de la teneur en CO2 dissous dans un bioréacteur parfaitement agité”) (co-supervisor with Dr. Eric De Buyl).
- Sabrina Vandeplas, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2000, “Optimization of the growth of cell line CHO-UH1 (Universal Host-1) in shake flasks and in bioreactors in the presence of serum-free medium” (“Optimisation de la croissance de la lignée CHO-UH1 (Hôte Universel-1) en flacons agités et en bioréacteur en présence de milieu dépourvu de sérum”).
- Maria Patricia Hurtado, DES (= Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Specialized Master’s) Environmental Science & Management 2001, “Use of oxidative enzymes in applied biotechnology”. (“L’utilisation des enzymes oxydatives en biotechnologie appliquée”).
- Estelle Reter, DES (= Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Specialized Master’s) Environmental Science & Management 2001, “Study and improvement of industrial water” (“Etude et amélioration des rejets en eaux industrielles”).
- Michael Gielen, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2001, “Potential of enzymes in the treatment of sewage sludge: The case of the proteases” (“Potentialités des enzymes dans le traitement des boues d’épuration: Cas des protéases”) (co-supervisor with Prof. Patrick Gerin).
- Samuel Caillou, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2001, “The ligninolytic system of the fungal strain TV17 and its ability to degrade textile dyes” (“Le système ligninolytique de la souche fongique TV17 et ses capacités à dégrader des colorants textiles”).
- Sébastien Ballez, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2001, “Bioengineering of CHO-320 cells. Study of the growth and the production of gamma-interferon in the presence of a culture medium devoid of animal proteins” (“Bioingénierie des cellules CHO-320. Etude de la croissance et de la production d’interféron-gamma en présence de milieu nutritif dépourvu de protéines animales”) (co-supervisor with Prof. Yves-Jacques Schneider).
- Séverine Lenglois, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2001, “Influence of the composition of the culture medium on the energy metabolism of CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells grown in the absence of serum” (“Influence de la composition du milieu nutritif sur le métabolisme énergétique de cellules CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cultivées en l’absence de sérum”) (co-supervisor with Prof. Yves-Jacques Schneider).
- Christelle Desmet, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2002, “The potential of enzymes in the treatment of sewage sludge: the fate of enzymes in secondary sludge” (“La potentialité des enzymes dans le traitement des boues d’épuration: le devenir des enzymes dans les boues secondaires”).
- Delphine Hanus, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2002, “Participation in the study of genes involved in the fluorene degradation pathway by Sphingomonas sp. LB126” (“Participation à l’étude des gènes impliqués dans la voie de dégradation du fluorène par Sphingomonas sp. LB126”).
- Heike Zimmermann, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2002, “Preliminary study of the removal of a recalcitrant pollutant by a combined microbiological/electrochemical method ” (“Étude préliminaire de l’enlèvement d’une pollution récalcitrante par une méthode combinée microbiologique/électrochimique”) (co-supervisor with Prof. Patrick Gerin).
- Benoît Stenuit, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2003, “Characterization of microbial ecology of soils contaminated with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and attempted anaerobic bioremediation in the presence of different electron acceptors” (“Caractérisation de l’écologie microbienne de sols contaminés par le 2,4,6-trinitrotoluène (TNT) et tentative de bioremédiation anaérobie en présence de différents accepteurs d’électrons”).
- Jean-François Michiels, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2003, “Optimization of feeding strategies for the production of heterologous proteins in cultures using insect cell-baculovirus systems” (“Optimisation des stratégies d’alimentation pour la production de protéines hétérologues dans les cultures utilisant les systèmes cellules d’insecte-baculovirus”) (co-supervisor with Prof. Yves-Jacques Schneider).
- Valérie Perpette, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2003, “Characterization of cell death in insect cells Spodoptera frugiperda and Trichoplusia ni” (“Caractérisation de la mort cellulaire chez les cellules d’insecte Spodoptera frugiperda et Trichoplusia ni”).
- Luc Schuler, M.Sc. Biology 2003, “Characterization of mutants of Sphingomonas sp. LB126 affected in the pathway of fluorene degradation” (“Caractérisation des mutants de Sphingomonas sp. LB126 touchés dans la voie de dégradation du fluorène”) (co-supervisor with Prof. Pascal Hols).
- Michaela Findova, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 2003 (CEE Socrates Program), “Microbial Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons” (co-supervisor with Prof. Katarina Dercova, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia).
- Maria Pouli, DEA (= Diplôme d’Études Approfondies, Advanced Master’s) Bioengineering 2004, “Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by bacteria isolated from contaminated sites: the effect of co-substrate”.
- Quentin Kevers, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2004, “Actinomycetes as bioremediation agents of linear, branched and aromatic hydrocarbons” (“Les actinomycètes comme agents de bioremédiation des hydrocarbures linéaires, branchés et aromatiques”).
- Nathalie Scuttenaire, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 2004, “Biodegradation of an industrial water; study at reduced scale and modeling” (“Biodégradation d’une eau industrielle; étude à échelle réduite et modélisation”).
- Hubert Cabana, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 2004, “Elimination of the estrogenic activity of nonylphenol ethoxylates and their metabolites using chemical and biological oxidation” (“Élimination de l'activité oestrogénique des nonylphénols éthoxylés et de leurs métabolites à l'aide d'oxydation chimique et biologique”) (co-supervisor with Prof. J. Peter Jones, University of Sherbrooke, Canada).
- Bénédicte Mangeot, DES (= Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Specialized Master’s) Environmental Science & Management 2004, “Evaluation of the quality of receiving water: the case of the Vogian watersheds” (“Évaluation de la qualité du milieu récepteur aquatique: cas de bassins versants Vosgiens”). (Co-supervisor with Prof. Patrick Gerin).
- Luc Schuler, DEA (= Diplôme d’Études Approfondies, Advanced Master’s) Biology 2005, “Identification of genes involved in the degradation of PAHs and other xenobiotics” (co-supervisor with Dr. Pascal Hols).
- Benoît Stenuit, DEA (= Diplôme d’Études Approfondies, Advanced Master’s) Bioengineering 2005, “Bioremediation of sites contaminated with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT): biological denitration of TNT as a key step in the mineralization process” (“Bioremédiation de sites contaminés au 2,4,6-trinitrotoluène (TNT): dénitration biologique du TNT comme étape clef dans le processus de minéralisation”).
- Piseth Hym, DEA (= Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, Advanced Master’s) Food Science & Technology 2005, “Use of new bacterial strains for degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)” (“Utilisation de nouvelles souches bactériennes pour la dégradation des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) ”). (Joint degree between Catholic University of Louvain and Gembloux Faculty of Agronomy).
- Elisiane De Pril, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2005, “Elimination of the endocrine disruptors bisphenol A and triclosan with laccases from white rot fungi” (“Élimination des perturbateurs endocriniens bisphénol A et triclosan à l’aide de laccases de champignons de la pourriture blanche du bois”). (Co-supervisor with Prof. Michel Penninckx, Free University of Brussels).
- Émilie Butaye, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2005, “Study of psychrotolerant microorganisms during enrichment and genetic characterization of the alkane degradation mechanism in Rhodococcus erythropolis 24H and E1” (“Étude de microorganismes psychrotolérants lors d’un enrichissement et caractérisation génétique du mécanisme de dégradation des alcanes chez Rhodococcus erythropolis 24H et E1”).
- Joëlle Pourtois, DES (= Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Specialized Master’s) Environmental Science & Management 2005, “Participation in the realization of the study of environmental impact of the intermunicipal public slaughterhouses of Liege and of Waremme SC and its associated enterprises” (“Participation à la réalisation de l’étude d’incidences sur l’environnement de l’intercommunale des abattoirs publics de Liège et de Waremme SC et ses entreprises associées”). (Co-supervisor with Prof. Patrick Gerin).
- Pierre-Yves Wathour, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 2005, “Study of environmental parameters on the metabolism and cell growth of lepidoptera cells” (“Étude des paramètres environnementaux sur le métabolisme et la croissance cellulaire des cellules de lépidoptères”).
- Hubert Cabana, DEA (= Diplôme d’Études Approfondies, Advanced Master’s) Bioengineering 2006, “Elimination of endocrine disrupting substances nonylphenol, bisphenol A and triclosan using laccase from the white rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona” (co-supervisor with Prof. J. Peter Jones).
- Céline Alexandre, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2006, “Elimination of the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A with an immobilized laccase from a white rot fungus” (“Élimination du perturbateur endocrinien bisphénol A à l’aide d’une laccase immobilisée provenant d’un champignon de la pourriture blanche du bois”).
- Axelle Hubert, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2006, “Genetic organization and kinetic trends in the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by the bacteria Sphingomonas spp.” (“Organisation génétique et tendances cinétiques dans la dégradation des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) par des bactéries Sphingomonas spp.”).
- Pierre Malet, DES (= Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Specialized Master’s) Environmental Science & Management 2006, “Analysis and characterization of the liquid effluents of the Catholic University of Louvain” (“Analyse et caractérisation des effluents liquides de l’Université Catholique de Louvain”).
- Kevin Lemaire, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2007, “Biodegradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT): Denitration of TNT via a biomimetic system involving phenazine compounds and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)” (“Biodégradation du 2,4,6-trinitrotoluène (TNT) : Dénitration du TNT via un système biomimétique impliquant des composés phénazine et la nicotinamide adénine dinucléotide (NADH)”).
- Elisa Vecchi, M.Sc. Chemical & Process Engineering 2008 (Erasmus Program), “Physiological and biochemical characterization of aerobic bacteria degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for use in soil remediation” (“Caratterizzazione fisiologica e biochimica di batteri aerobi degradanti idrocarburi policiclici aromatici da impiegare nella bonifica dei suoli”) (co-supervisor with Dr. Luc Schuler and Prof. Fabio Fava, joint with University of Bologna, Italy).
- Philippe Demarche, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2008, “Biological Treatment of Matrices Contaminated by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)” (“Traitement biologique de milieux contaminés aux hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP))”.
- Lore Lambein, M.Sc. Biology 2009, “Physiological characterization, degradation test and study catabolic gene study of a bacterial consortium degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” (“Caractérisation physiologique, test de dégradation et étude de gène catabolique d’un consortium bactérien dégradant des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques”).
- Matteo Gigli, M.Sc. Chemical & Process Engineering 2009 (Erasmus Program), “Laccase from Coriolopsis polyzona and its use in cross-linked enzyme aggregates” (co-supervisor with Prof. Fabio Fava, joint with University of Bologna, Italy).
- Sébastien Stas, Master in Biongineering & Management – Enterprise Creation 2010, “ACTIV’ALGUES: Study of the conditions of industrial production and commercialization of astaxanthin from the alga Haematococcus pluvialis via photobioreactor technology” (“ACTIV'ALGUES: Étude des conditions de production et de commercialisation industrielle de l'astaxanthine issue de l'algue Haematococcus pluvialis via la technologie de photobioréacteur”).
- Bastien Soete, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 2010, “Degradation of bisphenol A by an oxidative enzyme in aqueous solution. Kinetic study of the use of Cross-Linked Enzyme Aggregates (CLEAs) of laccase in a membrane reactor”.
- Diego Christiane, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2011, “Mixotrophic cultivation of Haematococcus pluvialis and Scenedesmus obliquus using glycerol as a carbon source”.
- Gwennaël Bataille, M.Sc. Biology 2011, “Construction of a metagenomic library from an aquifer contaminated with BTEX” (“Construction d’une banque metagénomique d’un aquifère contaminé au BTEX”).
- Antoine Vanandruel, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2011, “Improvement of culture conditions of Acidobacteria: Experimental and genomic approaches” (“Amélioration des conditions de culture des Acidobactéries: approches expérimentales et génomiques”).
- Loïc Bouillet, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2011, “Ecology of Acidobacteria: identification and study of specific physiological properties that may explain their adaptation to the ‘soil’ environment” (“Écologie des Acidobactéries: identification et étude de propriétés physiologiques particulières pouvant expliquer leur adaptation à l’environnement « sol »”).
- Sophie Buyckx, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2012, “Laccase based packed-bed reactor: Design, Operation and Modeling”.
- Brieuc Urbain, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2012, “The effect of plantlet mass and cutting on the growth of Ochtodes secundiramea tissue cultures in photobioreactors”.
- Marisa Stamato, M.Sc. Chemical & Process Engineering 2013 (Erasmus Program), “Modeling, Caracterization and Microalgal Cultivation in a Flat Plate Airlift Photobioreactor” (co-supervisor with Dr. Jian Li and Prof. Fabio Fava, joint with University of Bologna, Italy).
- Antoine Delhaye, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2014, “Characterization of Carotenogenesis by a New Strain of Scenedesmaceae Microalgae under Stress Conditions”.
- Anastasia Piltsi, M.Sc. Environmental Engineering 2014 (Erasmus Program), “Degradation of Sulfonamide Antibiotics in Aqueous Matrices” (co-supervisor with Prof. Alexandros Aivasidis, joint with Democritus University of Thrace, Greece).
- Milena Marysková, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering 2014 (Erasmus Program), “Development of Nanofibrous Membrane Materials for Immobilization of Laccases of Sulfonamide Antibiotics in Aqueous Matrices” (co-supervisor with Dr. Inés Ardao, joint with University of Liberec, Czech Republic).
- Pierre-Baptiste Rousseau, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2015, “Chitin and lipid production from diatom cell culture under silicon deprivation”.
- Antonio Ramirez-Guanche, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2015, “Biogeochemical cycling of dimethylsulfoniopropionate using synthetic microbial communities”.
- Marion Latiers, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2015, “Growth modeling of fragmenting tissue cultures with respect to shear stress and CO2 input: extraction of growth features with Ochtodes secundiramea and analysis by image processing”.
- Alexandre le Jeune d'Allegeershecque, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2015, “Carotenogenesis of Coelastrella sp. in response to varying iron concentrations”.
- Gauthier Hoareau, B.Sc. Chemistry Senior Thesis 2015, “Study of an unconventional patway of nitrogen fixation catalyzed by thermophilic bacteria under aerobic conditions: Physiological and molecular characterization” (“Étude d’une voie non-conventionnelle de fixation de l’azote catalysée par des bactéries thermophiles en condtions aérobies: Caractérisation physiologique et moléculaire”). Co-supervision with Dr. B. Stenuit (Catholic University of Louvain and Higher Education Institute Leonardo Da Vinci, Brussels).
- Noé Davio, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2016, “Effects of microalgal-bacterial interactions and environmental conditions on the physiology of the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi producing dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)”.
- Diego Bleeckx, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2016, “Synthetic marine microbial communities involved in the cycling of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP): Diversity, function and robustness”.
- Oliver Vanweydeveld, M.Sc. Bioengineering 2017, “Molecular characterization and Ecophysiology of fluorine-degrading Sphingomonas sp. Strain LB126”.
- Discovering the diversity of native mycorrhizal fungi in species of agroforestry interest of Ecuador (Cacao, Cedar and Guayusa): a first step towards obtaining biofertilizers and developing sustainable agriculture (‘Descubriendo la diversidad de hongos micorrízicos autóctonos en especies de interés agroforestal del Ecuador (Cacao, Cedro y Guayusa): un primer paso hacia la obtención de biofertilizantes y el desarrollo de una agricultura sustentable’), supported by CEDIA (Ecuadorian Network of Research and Education), 2019-2022
- Immobilized laccases for the degradation of aromatic compounds in wastewater (‘Lacasas Inmovilizadas para la Degradación de compuestos Aromáticos en aguas residuales’ – ‘LIDA’), supported by CYTED (Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development), 2018-2020
- Establishing a network of genetics and genomics in Ecuador (‘Red de genética y genómica en el Ecuador’ – ReGG), supported by General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT), Quito, 2018-2019 (co-PI with J. Reichardt)
- Removal of nutrients in wastewater treatment via microalgae and biofuel/biomass production for environmental sustainability in Vietnam (‘RENEWABLE’). Research Projects for Development & Projects for Training in the South, supported by ARES (Academy of Research and Higher Education), Wallonia-Brussels Federation, 2016-2020
- Production of vaccine bio-conjugates for human usage. Project contract n° 7467 under the F.I.R.S.T. – Enterprises Program between UCL and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. Operational Directorate N° 6, Walloon Region, 2016-2018
- Demonstration of the feasibility of mycoremediation of complex pollution. Project contract n° 7301 under the F.I.R.S.T. – Enterprises Program between UCL and Almadius SPRL. Operational Directorate N° 6, Walloon Region, 2014-2016
- Towards predictive tools of the dynamics and biodegradation potential of aquatic microbial communities in anthropized watersheds (“DYNAMO”). Collaborative Research Project, National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), 2014-2018 (Co-Principal Investigator with P. Servais, ULB)
- Collection, identification and valorization of microalgae from natural resources. Project n°155419. Wallonia Brussels International (WBI) -- Cooperation with China, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), 2014-2015
- Integrated Biotechnological Solutions for Combating Marine Oil Spills (“KILL-SPILL”). FP7 EU Project under grant agreement n° 312139 (F7-KBBE), European Commission, 2013-2016
- Microbial Resource Management (MRM) in engineered and natural ecosystems (“Micro-Manager”). Inter-University Attraction Pole (IUAP) project n° 27, Belgian Federal Service of Science Policy (BELSPO), 2012-2017
- Biomimetic cell and enzyme entrapment. Equipment Grant (Credit to Researchers) for ‘Multisizer’ Coulter particle counter. Project n° 1.5158.12, National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), 2012-2015
- The Potential of White Rot Fungi Oxidative Enzyme Systems for Removal of Organic Micropollutants in Urban and Industrial Wastewaters – Phase II (“OXEROM 2”). Project n° IP-Envi 10, Program “Impulsion”, Directorate for Research & Innovation (INNOVIRIS), Brussels Capital Region, 2012-2014
- Integrated development of hybrid photosynthetic materials by encapsulation of microalgae for the production of high-value metabolites in a photobioreactor (“FOTOBIOMAT”). Project n° 1117323, Walloon Region, Program GREENOMAT, 2011-2015
- Oxidative Biocatalysis in a Cartridge (“BIOCATRIDGE”). Program Spin-Off in Brussels (SOIB), Directorate for Research & Innovation (INNOVIRIS), Brussels Capital Region, 2011-2013; extension 2013-2014
- Sustainable Production of Biologically Active Molecules of Marine Based Origin (“BAMMBO”). FP7 EU Project under grant agreement n° 265946 (F7-KBBE), 2011-2014
- Microorganism and enzyme immobilization: Novel techniques and approaches for upgraded remediation of underground-, wastewater and soil (“MINOTAURUS”). FP7 EU Project n° F7-KBBE-265946, European Commission, 2011-2013
- Competitiveness and sustainability of Walloon agro-food chains through the establishment of an interdisciplinary platform of expertise for reprocessing their related flows. Walloon Region Grant n° 6089 (“WAL-AID”). Phase II, 2011-2014
- BioEnergy from Microalgae (“BEMA”). Project n° 6161, Walloon Region, Competitiveness Cluster TWEED, 2009-2013
- Metagenomics for Bioexploration – Tools and Application (“METAEXPLORE”). Project n° FP7-222625-2, Program “Cooperation”, EU 7th Framework Program, European Commission, 2009-2013
- The Potential of White Rot Fungi Oxidative Enzyme Systems for Removal of Organic Micropollutants (“OXEROM”). Project n° IP-Envi 10, Program “Impulsion”, Brussels Capital Region, 2009-2012
- Laccase-nanoparticle conjugates for the treatment of wastewater bioreactor and disposal of chemical compounds acting as endocrine disruptors (“LANCE”). Regional support action n° 917011 within the EU funding scheme ERA-NET Matera (FP7), 2009-2011
- Competitiveness and sustainability of Walloon agro-food chains through the establishment of an interdisciplinary platform of expertise for reprocessing their related flows. Walloon Region Grant n° 6089 (“WAL-AID”). Phase I, 2009-2011
- Research Training for Good European Ground Water Resources (“GOODWATER”). Marie Curie Initial Training Network, Project n° FP7-212683-2, EU 7th Framework Program, European Commission, 2008-2012
- Scaleable Mesenchymal Stem Cell cultivation in Bioreactors, IN-Wallonia-Brussels International Doctoral Fellowship Support (BioWin Cluster), 2008-2011
- Efficient Bioreactors for the Production of High Added Value Molecules Based on an Innovative Technology of Implementing Nanoporous Materials (“BIOVAMAT”). Project n° 71/6662, Walloon Region, Program WINNOMAT II, 2008-2011
- Insolubilized Oxizymes: Innovative Biocatalysts for Industry and the Environment (“OXINSOL”). Project n°716617, Walloon Region, FIRST Post-Doc, 2008-2010
- Innovative Processes for the Bioremediation of Persistent Organic Polutants (POP). Project CFA/VIET/n°1.10. Walloon Region-Brussels Region-French Community of Belgium/Vietnam 2007-2009
- Microbial Consortia for the Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (“CONSOHAP”), contract n° 516144, Walloon Region, FIRST Doctorate (DEI) with Agrostar S.A., 2005-2007; Extension, 2007-2009
- Innovative Agents and Technologies for the Neutralization of Pollutant Mixtures in Soils and Wastewater. Project FC/BUL 2006/00384. Walloon Region-Brussels Region-French Community of Belgium (Cooperation French Community of Belgium – Bulgaria), 2006-2009
- Study of the Genes Involved in the Degradation of Fluorene by Sphingomonas, contract n° (Credit to Researchers). National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), 2005-2007
- Elimination of the Endocrine Disrupting Substances Nonylphenol, Bisphenol A and Triclosan by Means of Fungal Laccases. Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC, Canada) and Québec Fund for Research on Nature & Technologies (FQRNT) – Doctoral Fellowship Support between Université de Sherbrooke and Université Catholique de Louvain, 2004-2008
- Bioengineering of Stem Cells: a Prerequisite for Cell Therapy, Project FSR, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2004-2006
- Innovative Process of Remediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Project 04/13586. Walloon Region-Université catholique de Louvain (Cooperation French Community of Belgium – Vietnam), 2005-2007
- Development, Analysis and Testing of New Methods of Supervision and Control for On-Line Optimisation of Fed-Batch Enzyme Production, Grant N° 2.4623.04 for Equipment (Credit to Researchers). National Fund of Scientific Research (FNRS), Belgium, 2004-2005 (Co-Principal Investigator with D. Dochain)
- Genetic Dissection of the Degradation of Fluorene by Sphingomonas, Fund for the Promotion of Research in Industry and Agriculture (FRIA), Doctoral Fellowship Support, 2003-2007
- Microbial Denitration of Nitroaromatic Explosives, Fund for the Promotion of Research in Industry and Agriculture (FRIA), Doctoral Fellowship Support, 2003-2007
- Optimisation of Agro-Food Enzyme Production Processes, FSR Project, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2003-2005 (Co-Principal Investigator with D. Dochain)
- FELBIPUR – Integrated Cleanup of Recalcitrant Industrial Effluents by Electrochemical, Tangential Filtration and Biological Means. Directorate General of Technology, Research and Energy (DGTRE), Grant N° 215168. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain-Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2003-2005
- ENVIROFELLOWS – Short Term Exchanges of Early Career Scientists in Environmental Biotechnology between the European Union and the United States. CEE N° QLAM-2001-00292. Programme Quality of Life, EU 5th Framework, European Commission, 2002-2004
- MADOX – Molecular & Engineering Approach to the Anaerobic Degradation of Organic Xenobiotics. CEE N° QLRT-2001-00345. Coordinator & PI. Program Quality of Life, EU 5th Framework, European Commission, 2002-2005
- Study of the Physiology of Pseudomonas, Azoarcus anaerobius and Thauera aromatica in the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Amino- and Nitroaromatics. Large Equipment Grant (Credit to Researchers). National Fund of Scientific Research (FNRS), Belgium, 2001-2002
- Innovative Process of Remediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: The Hybrid Biological – Electrochemical Approach. Project 01/11818. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain (Cooperation French Community of Belgium – Vietnam), 2001-2004
- Denitrification of Water in Bioreactor Assisted by an Electric Field. Project 01/11981. Walloon Region-Université catholique de Louvain (Cooperation French Community of Belgium – Bulgaria), 2001-2003
- Bioengineering of Stem Cells. FSR Project, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2002-2004
- OPTICELL – Development of Cell Culture Systems Optimized and Made Safe for the Bioprocess Industries. Walloon Region, Grant N° 3677 FIRST SPIN-OFF, 2000-2002 (Co-Principal Investigator with Y.-J. Schneider)
- EASYFORM – Interdisciplinary Integration and Valorisation of Materials Moldable at Low Melting Point. Directorate General of Technology, Research and Energy (DGTRE), Grant N° 14585. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain-Université de Liège-Université Mons-Hainaut-Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2000-2004
- Development, Optimisation and Characterisation of a Multifunctional Permeable Barrier Technology for the Removal of Selected Pollutants. Grant N° 99-57 UCL-VITO from Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), 1999-2003
- Improvement of the Overall Functioning of Urban and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants: Impact of a Solubilisation Treatment Using Enzyme-Bacteria Complexes. Walloon Region, Grant N° 3957 FIRST-Entreprise (Industrial Partner: REALCO), 2000-2002
- New System of Glycoprotein Production in Perfused Bioreactor at High Cell Density. Directorate General of Technology, Research and Energy (DGTRE), Grant N° 981/3711. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain-Université de Liège, 1999-2002
- Psychrophilic Microorganisms, Tools of Choice for Bioremediation. Directorate General of Technology, Research and Energy (DGTRE), Grant N° 991/4213. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain-Université de Liège, 1999-2002
- Innovative Process of Biodegradation of Industrial Dyes Using Fungal Strains. Directorate General of Technology, Research and Energy (DGTRE), Grant N° 981/3870. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain-Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1999-2002
- Efficient Production of Proteins in Bioreactor: Impact and Control of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Cell-Baculovirus System. FSR Project, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1999-2001
- Development and Theoretical Analysis of Supervision and Control Methods of Discrete Parameter Systems. Development and Experimental Validation on a Biological Wastewater Treatment Process. Large Equipment Grant (Fund of Collective Fundamental Research, FRFC). National Fund of Scientific Research (FNRS), Belgium, 1998-2001 (Co-Principal Investigator with D. Dochain)
- Biological Wastewater Treatment (Reduction of Sludge Volume). Directorate General of Technology, Research and Energy (DGTRE), Grant N° 981/3800. Walloon Region-Université Catholique de Louvain-Université de Liège, 1998-2001
- CHLOREM – Demonstration Project: In Situ Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Chlorinated Ethenes and Nickel, Demonstration of Cleanup by Anaerobic Bacteria. CEE n° BIO4-CT98-0303. Programme BIOTECH, EU 4th Framework, European Commission, 1998-2001
- Wastewater Treatment Using Enzyme-Bacterial Complexes. Walloon Region, Industry-University Contract N° 3599 (Industrial Partner: REALCO), 1998-2000
- Elimination of N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Residues in Recombinant Glycoproteins. Animal Cell Factories RTD Project (Partners: Belgium, France, Italy, United Kingdom). Grant N° BIO4-CT96-0767. Programme BIOTECH, EU 4th Framework, European Commission DG XII, 1997-2000
- Biological Pre-Treatment of Sewage: an Innovative Technology to Improve the Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Walloon Region, Programme FIRST N° 3180 (Industrial Partner: REALCO), 1996-1999
- Efficient Production of Proteins by Insect Cells in Perfusion Reactor at High Cell Density. FDS Project, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1996-1998
- Enhanced Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds. Large Equipment Grant (Credit to Researchers). National Fund of Scientific Research (FNRS) - Loterie Nationale, Belgium, 1994-1995
- Bioremediation of Nitroaromatic Pollutants. FDS Project, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1993-1995
- Biodegradation of Nitro-Propellants. US Army, 1992-1993 (general support plus equipment)
- Antibiotic Fermentation. Bryan Cave, New York 1992-1993
- Analytical Equipment Grant. Hoffmann LaRoche, Inc., New Jersey, 1993
- Bioreactor Cultivation of Insect Cells. Schering-Plough Research Institute, New Jersey, 1989-1993
- Bioprocess Engineering for Heterologous Protein Production by Yeast. National Science Foundation (NSF), 1989 – 1992
- Enzyme Stabilization for Biosensor Development. Resource Technologies Group, Inc., West Virginia, subcontract of US Air Force, 1989 – 1992
- Bioreactor Culture of Insect Cells. US Public Health Service, 1987 – 1988
- Bioreactor Culture of Insect Cells. Rutgers University Research Council, 1987 – 1989
- Bioprocess Development for Cyclosporin Production. National Science Foundation (NSF) Career Initiation Award, 1987 – 1989
- Bioprocess Development for Immunosuppressant Elaboration. US Public Health Service, 1986 – 1987
- Cyclosporin Production by Free and Immobilized Cells. Rutgers University Research Council, 1985 – 1987
- Gramicidin Synthetase Stabilization. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada, 1983 – 1985
A. Livres édités
- S.N. Agathos and B. Stenuit, Volume Editors (2019). Environmental and Related Biotechnologies. Volume 6, Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition (M. Moo Young, Editor-in-Chief), Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 655 pp. ISBN: 978-0-444-64046-8.
- S.N. Agathos, Volume Editor (2011). Environmental Biotechnology and Safety. Volume 6, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition (M. Moo Young, Editor-in-Chief), Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 955 pp. ISBN: 978-0-444-53352-4.
- S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors (2002). Biotechnology for the Environment: Strategy and Fundamentals. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3a, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 248 pp. ISBN 1-4020-0529-6.
- S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors (2002). Biotechnology for the Environment: Soil Remediation. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3b, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 148 pp. ISBN 1-4020-1051-6.
- S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors (2003). Biotechnology for the Environment: Wastewater Treatment and Modeling, Waste Gas Handling. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3c, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 288 pp. ISBN 1-4020-1131-8.
B. Articles dans des révues à comité de lecture (* indique des articles à haut impact dans les révues principales du domaine correspondant)
- F. Liaqat, M.I. Khazi, A. Bahadar, L. He, A. Aslam, R. Liaquat, S.N. Agathos and J. Li (2022). Mixotrophic cultivation of microalge for carotenoid production. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14
- Y. Adamian, L. Lonappan, K. Alokpa, S.N. Agathos and H. Cabana (2021). Recent developments in the immobilization of laccase on carbonaceous supports for environmental applications – a critical review. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9:778239 Published 06 December 2021
- R.H. Baltz, E.J. Vandamme, J.W. Bennett, S.N. Agathos, S. Sanchez, H. Osada, Z. Deng and R. Gonzalez (2021). Introduction and commentaries for the special issue: “Arnold L. Demain – A life lived”. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 48(9-10) Advance access 01 December 2021
- E.C. Mollocana-Lara, M. Ni, S.N. Agathos and F.A. Gonzales-Zubiate (2021). The infinite possibilities of RNA therapeutics. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 48(9-10) Advance access 31 August 2021
- F. Augelletti, J. Tremblay, S.N. Agathos, A. Jousset and B. Stenuit (2020). Draft whole-genome sequence of the anthracene-degrading strain Mycolicibacterium frderiksbergense LB501T, isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9:e00671-20
- * X. Li, X. Wang, C. Duan, S. Yi, Z. Gao, C. Xiao, S.N. Agathos, G. Wang and J. Li (2020). Biotechnological production of astaxanthin from the microalga Haematococcus pluvalis. Biotechnology Advances, 43:107602
- F. Augelletti, A. Jousset, S.N. Agathos and B. Stenuit (2020). Diversity manipulation of psychrophilic bacterial consortia for improved biological treatment of medium-strength wastewater. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:1490
- M.S. Zambrano-Mila, S.N. Agathos and J.K.V. Reichardt (2019). Human genetics and genomics research in Ecuador: historical survey, current state, and future directions. Human Genomics, 13:64
- J.A. Castillo and S.N. Agathos (2019). A genome-wide scan for genes under balancing selection in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19:123
- S. Sart and S.N. Agathos (2018). Towards three-dimensional dynamic regulation and in situ characterization of single stem cell phenotype using microfluidics. Molecular Biotechnology, 60:843-861
- F. Augelletti, J. Tremblay, S.N. Agathos and B. Stenuit (2018). Draft whole-genome sequence of the fluorene-degrading Sphingobium sp. Strain LB126, isolated from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Genome Announcements, 6:e00249-18
- K. Mitropoulos, D.N. Cooper, C. Mitropoulou, S. Agathos, J.K.V. Reichardt, F. Al-Maskari, W. Chantratita, A. Wonkam, C. Dandara, T. Katsila, C. Lopez-Correa and G.P. Patrinos (2017). Genomic medicine without borders: Which strategies should developing countries employ to invest in precision medicine? A new “fast-second winner” strategy. OMICS, 21(11): 647-657
- C. Castillo-Chavez, P. Ponce, J. Reichardt, S. Agathos, P. Arellano, A. Griewank, E. Medina, H. Rodriguez and E.J. Patiño (2017). Yachay’s promise. Science, 357(6354): 881
- S.A. Dahoumane, C. Jeffryes, M. Mechouet and S.N. Agathos (2017). Biosynthesis of inorganic nanoparticles: A fresh look at the control of shape, size and composition. Bioengineering, 4: 14
- R. Taboada-Puig, M.T. Moreira, S.N. Agathos and J.M. Lema (2017). The impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on the environment and their potential biotransformation by white-rot fungi and their oxidative enzymes. Bionatura, 2(1): 263-271
- * E. Bouhajja, M. McGuire, M.R. Liles, G. Bataille, S.N. Agathos and I.F. George (2017). Identification of novel toluene monooxygenase genes in a hydrocarbon-polluted sediment using sequence- and function-based screening of metagenomic libraries. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101(2): 797-808.
- * E. Bouhajja, S.N. Agathos and I.F. George (2016). Metagenomics: Probing pollutant fate in natural and engineered ecosystems. Biotechnology Advances, 34: 1413-1426.
- C. De Mulder, S. Van Hoey, S. Van Hulle, S.N. Agathos, P. Cauwenberg, P. Mergen, P. Seuntjens, I. Smets, G. De Gueldre, A. Mouton, D. Schowanek, B. Meesschaert, W. Verstraete and I. Nopens (2016). Pressing topics in the Belgian water sector anno 2015. Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology, 7: 32-36.
- S.A. Dahoumane, M. Mechouet, F.J. Alvarez, S.N. Agathos and C. Jeffryes (2016). Microalgae: An outstanding tool in nanotechnology. Bionatura, 1(4): 196-201
- * J. Nesme, W. Achouak, S.N. Agathos, M. Bailey, P. Baldrian, D. Brunel, A. Frostegard, T. Heulin, J.K. Jansson, E. Jurkevitch, K.L. Kruus, G.A. Kowalchuk, A. Lagares, H.M. Lappin-Scott, P. Lemanceau, D. Le Paslier, I. Mandic-Mulec, J.C. Murrell, D.D. Myrold, R. Nalin, P. Nannipieri, J.D. Neufeld, F. O’Gara, J.J. Parnell, A. Pühler, V. Pylro, J.L. Ramos, L.F.W. Roesch, M. Schloter, C. Schleper, A. Sczyrba, A. Sessitsch, S. Sjöling, J. Sorensen, S.J. Sorensen, C.C. Tebbe, E. Topp, G. Tsiamis, J.D. van Elsas, G. van Keulen, F. Widmer, M. Wagner, T. Zhang, X. Zhang, L. Zhao, Y.-G. Zhu, T.M. Vogel and P. Simonet (2016). Back to the future of soil metagenomics. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7: 73
- S. Sart and S.N. Agathos (2016). Large-scale expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in microcarrier-based stirred bioreactors. Methods in Molecular Biology 1502: 87-102 (DOI 10.1007/7651_2015_314).
- E. Bouhajja, T. Efthymiopoulos, I.F. George, D. Moreels, R. Van Houdt, M. Mergeay, and S.N. Agathos (2016). Conjugative transfer of broad host range plasmids to an acidobacterial strain, Edaphobacter aggregans. Journal of Biotechnology, 221: 107-113.
- * B.S. Grama, S.N. Agathos and C. Jeffryes (2016). Balancing photosynthesis and respiration increases microalgal biomass productivity during photoheterotrophy on glycerol. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 4: 1611-1618.
- F. Spina, C. Junghanns, I. Donelli, R. Nair, P. Demarche, A. Romagnolo, G. Freddi, S.N. Agathos and G.C. Varese (2016). Stimulation of laccases from Trametes pubescens: Use in dye decolorization and cotton bleaching. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 46(7): 639-647.
- C. Jeffryes, V. Severi, A. Delhaye, B. Urbain, B. Grama and S.N. Agathos (2016). Energy conversion in an internally illuminated annular-plate airlift photobioreactor. Engineering in Life Sciences, 16: 348-354.
- * S. Sart, S.N. Agathos, Y. Li and T. Ma (2016). Regulation of mesenchymal stem cell 3D microenvironment: From macro to microfluidic bioreactors. Biotechnology Journal, 11: 43-57.
- P. Pérez-López, C. Jeffryes, S.N. Agathos, G. Feijoo, G. Rorrer and M.T. Moreira (2016). Environmental life cycle optimization of essential terpene oils produced by the macroalga Ochtodes secundiramea. Science of the Total Environment, 542: 292-305.
- C. Jeffryes, J. Li and S.N. Agathos (2015). Dimensionless equations to describe microalgal growth in a planar cultivation system. Biotechnology Letters, 37(11): 2167-2171.
- * I. Ardao, D. Magnin and S.N. Agathos (2015). Bioinspired production of magnetic laccase-biotitania particles for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 112(10): 1986-1996.
- * R.U. Meckenstock, M. Elsner, C. Griebler, T. Lueders, C. Stumpp, W. Dejonghe, L.L. Bastiaens, D. Springael, E. Smolders, N. Boon, S.N. Agathos, S.R. Sorensen, J. Aamand, H.J. Albrechtsen, P.L. Bjerg, S. Schmidt, W.E. Huang and B.M. Van Breukelen (2015). Biodegradation: Updating the concepts of control for microbial clean-up in contaminated aquifers. Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 7073-7081.
- P. Demarche, C. Junghanns, I. Ardao and S.N. Agathos (2015). Dynamic measurement of oxidase activity based on oxygen consumption in open systems. Engineering in Life Sciences, 15: 804-814.
- * B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2015). Deciphering microbial community robustness through synthetic ecology and molecular systems synecology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 33: 305-317.
- * C. Jeffryes, S.N. Agathos and G. Rorrer (2015). Biogenic nanomaterials from photosynthetic microorganisms. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 33: 23-31.
- J. Li, M. Stamato, E. Velliou, C. Jeffryes and S.N. Agathos (2015). Design and characterization of a scalable airlift flat panel photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27(1): 75-86.
- M. Majone, R. Verdini, F. Aulenta, S. Rossetti, V. Tandoi, N. Kalogerakis, S. Agathos, S. Puig, G. Zanaroli and F. Fava (2015). In situ groundwater and sediment bioremediation: barriers and perspectives at European contaminated sites. New Biotechnology 32(1): 133-146.
- M. Gavrilescu, K. Demnerová, J. Aamand, S. Agathos and F. Fava (2015). Emerging pollutants in the environment: present and future challenges in biomonitoring, ecological risks and bioremediation. New Biotechnology 32(1): 147-156.
- S. Sart, Y.-J. Schneider, Y. Li and S.N. Agathos (2014). Stem cell bioprocess engineering towards cGMP production and clinical applications. Cytotechnology 66(5): 709-722.
- * B.S. Grama, S. Chader, D. Khelifi, B. Stenuit, C. Jeffryes and S.N. Agathos (2014). Characterization of fatty acid and carotenoid production in an Acutodesmus microalga isolated from the Algerian Sahara. Biomass and Bioenergy 69: 265-275.
- L.I. Ramírez-Cavazos, C. Junghanns, N. Ornelas-Soto, D.L. Cárdenas-Chávez, C. Hernández-Luna, P. Demarche, E. Enaud, R. García-Morales, S.N. Agathos and R. Parra (2014). Purification and characterization of two thermostable laccases from Pycnoporus sanguineus and potential role in degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 108: 32-42.
- L.I. Ramírez-Cavazos, C. Junghanns, R. Nair, D.L. Cárdenas-Chávez, C. Hernández-Luna, S.N. Agathos and R. Parra (2014). Enhanced production of thermostable laccases from a native strain of Pycnoporus sanguineus using central composite design. J. Zheijiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 15(4): 343-352.
- S. Sart, S.N. Agathos and Y. Li (2014). Process engineering of stem cell metabolism for large scale expansion and differentiation in bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal 84: 74-82.
- * B.S. Grama, S. Chader, D. Khelifi, S.N. Agathos and C. Jeffryes (2014). Induction of canthaxanthin production in a Dactylococcus microalga isolated from the Algerian Sahara. Bioresource Technology, 151: 297-305.
- P. Pérez-López, S. González-García, C. Jeffryes, S.N. Agathos, E. McHugh, D. Walsh, P. Murray, S. Moane, G. Feijoo and M.T. Moreira (2014). Life cycle assessment of the production of the red antioxidant carotenoid astaxanthin by microalgae: from lab to pilot scale. Journal of Cleaner Production 64: 332-344.
- S. Sart, S.N. Agathos and Y. Li (2013). Engineering stem cell fate with biochemical and biomechanical properties of microcarriers. Biotechnology Progress 29: 1354-1366.
- P.M. Murray, S. Moane, C. Collins, T. Beletskaya, O.P. Thomas, A.W.F. Duarte, F.S. Nobre, I.O. Owoyemi, F.C. Pagnocca, L.D. Sette, E. McHugh, E. Causse, P. Pérez-López, G. Feijoo, M.T. Moreira, J. Rubiolo, M. Leirós, L.M. Botana, S. Pinteus, C. Alves, A. Horta, R. Pedrosa, C. Jeffryes, S.N. Agathos, C. Allewaert, A. Verween, W. Vyverman, I. Laptev, S. Sineoky, A. Bisio, R. Manconi, F. Ledda, M. Marchi, R. Pronzato and D.J. Walsh (2013). Sustainable production of biologically active molecules of marine based origin. New Biotechnology 30: 839-850.
- R.R. Nair, P. Demarche and S.N. Agathos (2013). Formulation and characterization of an immobilized laccase biocatalyst and its application to eliminate organic micropollutants in wastewater. New Biotechnology 30: 815-823.
- * S. Sart, A. Errachid, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N.Agathos (2013). Modulation of mesenchymal stem cell actin organization on conventional microcarriers for proliferation and differentiation in stirred bioreactors. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 7: 537-551.
- C. Arboleda, H. Cabana, E. De Pril, J.P. Jones, G.A. Jimenez, A.I. Mejia, S.N. Agathos and M.J. Penninckx (2013). Elimination of bisphenol A and triclosan using the enzymatic system of autochthonous Colombian forest fungi. ISRN Biotechnology, online journal Article ID 96824,
- * B. Stenuit, G. Lamblin, P. Cornelis and S.N. Agathos (2012). Aerobic denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in the presence of phenazine compounds and reduced pyridine nucleotides. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46: 10605-10613.
- P. Demarche, C. Junghanns, N. Mazy and S.N. Agathos (2012). Design-of-experiment strategy for the formulation of laccase biocatalysts and their application to degrade bisphenol A. New Biotechnology 30: 96-103.
- * J.-C. Drugmand, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2012). Insect cells as factories for biomanufacturing. Biotechnology Advances 30: 1140-1157.
- * P. Demarche, C. Junghanns, R. Nair and S.N. Agathos (2012). Harnessing the power of enzymes for environmental stewardship. Biotechnology Advances 30: 933-953.
- * I.F. George, M. Hartmann, M.R. Liles and S.N. Agathos (2011). Recovery of as-yet uncultured soil Acidobacteria on dilute soil media. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 8184-8188.
- J.-F. Michiels, S. Sart, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2011). Effects of a soy peptone on gamma-IFN production steps in CH-320 cells. Process Biochemistry 46: 1759-1766.
- * R. Taboada-Puig, C. Junghanns, P. Demarche, M.T. Moreira, G. Feijoo, J.M. Lema and S.N. Agathos (2011). Combined cross-linked enzyme aggregates from versatile peroxidase and glucose oxidase: Production, partial characterization and application for the elimination of endocrine disruptors. Bioresource Technology 102: 6593-6599.
- J.-F. Michiels, J. Barbau, S. De Boel, S. Dessy, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2011). Characterization of beneficial and detrimental effects of a soy peptone as an additive for CHO cell cultivation. Process Biochemistry, 46: 671-681.
- * B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2010). Microbial 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene degradation: could we learn from (bio)chemistry for bioremediation and vice versa? Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 88: 1043-1064.
- S. Sart, Y.J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2010). Influence of culture parameters on ear mesenchymal stem cells expanded on microcarriers. J. Biotechnol. 150: 149-160.
- V. Elisashvili, E. Kachlishvili, T. Khardziani and S.N. Agathos (2010). Effect of aromatic compounds on the production of laccase and manganese peroxidase by white-rot basidiomycetes. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 37: 1091-1096.
- I. George, M.R. Liles, M. Hartmann, W. Ludwig, R.M. Goodman and S.N. Agathos (2009). Changes in soil Acidobacteria communities after 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene contamination. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 296: 159-166.
- S. Chader, H. Hachene and S.N. Agathos (2009). Study of hydrogen production by three strains of Chlorella isolated from the soil in the Algerian Sahara. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34: 4941-4946.
- * L. Schuler, Y. Jouanneau, S.M. Ní Chadhain, C. Meyer, M. Pouli, G.J. Zylstra, P. Hols and S.N. Agathos (2009). Characterization of a ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase from phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 able to oxidize benz[a]anthracene. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 83: 465-475.
- * H. Cabana, C. Alexandre, S.N. Agathos and J. P. Jones (2009). Immobilization of the laccase from the white-rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona and use of the immobilized biocatalyst for the continuous elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Bioresource Technology 100: 3447-3458.
- * H. Cabana, J.P. Jones and S.N. Agathos (2009). Utilization of cross-linked laccase aggregates in a perfusion basket reactor for the continuous elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 102: 1582-1592.
- * B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, R. Rozenberg, J.L. Habib Jiwan, S. Matthijs, P. Cornelis and S.N. Agathos (2009). Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in aqueous solutions using small-molecular-weight catalyst(s) secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ESA-5. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43: 2011-2017.
- S. Sart, Y.J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2009). Ear mesenchymal stem cells: An efficient adult multipotent cell population fit for rapid and scalable expansion. J. Biotechnol. 139: 291-299.
- V. Elisashvili, E. Kachlishvili, N. Tsiklauri, E. Metreveli, T. Khardziani and S.N. Agathos (2009). Lignocellulose-degrading enzyme production by white-rot Basidiomycetes isolated from the forests of Georgia. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 25: 331-339.
- B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2009). Rapid and unbiased colorimetric quantification of nitrite and ammonium ions released from 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene during biodegradation studies: Eliminating interferences. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr. 63: 116-122.
- * B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, L. Schuler, S.N. Agathos and I. George (2008). Emerging high-throughput approaches to analyze bioremediation of sites contaminated with hazardous and/or recalcitrant wastes. Biotechnology Advances 26: 561-575.
- * L. Eyers, B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2008). Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ESA-5 in the presence of ferrihydrite. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 79: 489-497.
- I. George, L. Eyers, S. El-Fantroussi and S.N. Agathos (2008). Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene on soil bacterial communities. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35: 225-236.
- * L. Schuler, S.M. Ní Chadhain, Y. Jouanneau, C. Meyer, G.J. Zylstra, P. Hols and S.N. Agathos (2008). Characterization of a novel angular dioxygenase from fluorene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LB126. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 1050-1057.
- * S. Vanhulle, M. Trovaslet, E. Enaud, M. Lucas, S. Taghavi, D. Van der Lelie, B. Van Aken, M. Foret, R.C.A. Onderwater, D. Wesenberg, S.N. Agathos, Y.-J. Schneider and A.-M. Corbisier (2008). Decolourisation, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity reduction during a combined ozonation/fungal treatment of dye contaminated wastewater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42: 584-589.
- S. Chader, H. Hacene, M. Belhamel and S. Agathos (2007). Etudes des procédés de production biologiques de l’hydrogène. Revue des Energies Renouvelables 10: 497-505.
- L. Coulibaly and S.N. Agathos (2007). Effects of Aspergillus niger inoculum concentration upon the kinetics of starchy wastewater pretreatment in a tanks-in-series bioreactor under transitory conditions. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 24: 499-507.
- H. Cabana, J.P. Jones and S.N. Agathos (2007). Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using white rot fungi and their lignin modifying enzymes: A review. Engineering in Life Sciences 7: 429-456.
- H. Cabana, J.P. Jones and S.N. Agathos (2007). Preparation and characterization of cross-linked laccase aggregates and their application to the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals. J. Biotechnol. 132: 23-31.
- H. Cabana, J.-L. Habib Jiwan, R. Rozenberg, V. Elisashvili, M. Penninckx, S.N. Agathos and J.P. Jones (2007). Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol and bisphenol A and personal care product ingredient triclosan using enzyme preparation from the white rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona. Chemosphere 67: 770-778.
- * B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, R. Rozenberg, J.-L. Habib-Jiwan and S.N. Agathos (2006). Aerobic growth of Escherichia coli on 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) as sole nitrogen source and evidence of TNT denitration by whole cells and cell-free extracts. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72: 7945-7948.
- A. Provost, G. Bastin, S.N. Agathos, Y.-J. Schneider (2006). Metabolic design of macroscopic bioreaction models: application to Chinese hamster ovary cells. Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng. 29: 349-366.
- * L. Eyers, J.C. Smoot, L.M. Smoot, C. Bugli, H. Urakawa, Z. McMurry, S. Siripong, S. El Fantroussi, P. Lambert, S.N. Agathos and D.A. Stahl (2006). Discrimination of shifts in a soil microbial community associated with TNT-contamination using functional ANOVA of 16S rRNA hybridized to oligonucleotide microarrays. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40: 5867-5873.
- L. Coulibaly and S.N. Agathos (2006). Influence of Aspergillus niger inoculum size upon the kinetics of macromolecule degradation under transient operating conditions. Eur. J. Sci. Res. 15: 38-51.
- H. Ali-Khodja, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (2005). The removal of methyl ethyl ketone in an essentially gaseous-phase biofilm bioreactor: aspects of dynamic behaviour and the influence of operating characteristics. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 14: 709-715.
- * J. Dries, L. Bastiaens, D. Springael, S.N. Agathos and L. Diels (2005). Combined removal of chlorinated ethenes and heavy metals by zerovalent iron in batch and continuous flow column systems. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39: 8460-8465.
- * J. Dries, L. Bastiaens, D. Springael, S. Kuypers, S.N. Agathos and L. Diels (2005). Effect of humic acids on heavy metal removal by zero-valent iron in batch and continuous flow columns. Water Research 39: 3531-3540.
- B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, S. El Fantroussi and S.N. Agathos (2005). Promising strategies for the mineralization of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Rev. Environ. Sci. Biotechnol. 4: 39-60.
- J. Mols, C. Peeters-Joris, R. Wattiez, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2005). Recombinant interferon-gamma secreted by CHO-320 cells cultivated in protein-free media is protected against extracellular proteolysis by the expression of natural protease inhibitors and by the addition of plant protein hydrolysates to the culture medium. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol. - Animal 41: 83-91.
- * S. El Fantroussi and S.N. Agathos (2005). Is bioaugmentation a feasible strategy for pollutant removal and site remediation? Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 8: 268-275.
- J.S. Ballez, J. Mols, C.C. Burteau, S.N. Agathos and Y.J. Schneider (2004). Plant protein hydrolysates support CHO-320 cells proliferation and recombinant interferon-gamma production in suspension and inside microcarriers in protein-free media. Cytotechnology 44: 103-114.
- * L. Eyers, I. George, L. Schuler, B. Stenuit, S.N. Agathos and S. El Fantroussi (2004). Environmental genomics: exploring the unmined richness of microbes to degrade xenobiotics. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 66: 123-130.
- L. Ikonomou, G. Bastin, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2004). Effect of partial medium replacement on cell growth and protein production in the insect cell-baculovirus system. Cytotechnology 44: 67-76.
- J. Mols, C. Peeters-Joris, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2004). Origin of rice protein hydrolysates added to protein-free media alters secretion and extracellular proteolysis of recombinant interferon-gamma as well as CHO-320 cell growth. Biotechnol. Lett. 26: 1043-1046.
- * J. Dries, L. Bastiaens, D. Springael, S.N. Agathos and L. Diels (2004). Competition for sorption and degradation of chlorinated ethenes in batch zero-valent iron systems. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 2879-2884.
- V. Beschkov, S. Velizarov, S.N. Agathos and V. Lukova (2004). Bacterial denitrification of waste water stimulated by constant electric field. Biochemical Engineering Journal 17: 141-145.
- L. Coulibaly G. Gourene and S.N. Agathos (2003). Utilization of fungi for biotreatment of raw wastewater. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 2: 620-630.
- C.C. Burteau, F.R. Verhoeye, J.F. Mols, J.S. Ballez, S.N. Agathos and Y.J. Schneider (2003). Fortification of a protein-free cell culture medium with plant peptones improves cultivation and productivity of an interferon-gamma producing CHO cell line. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol. - Animal 39: 291-296.
- * I. Sokolovska, R. Rozenberg, C. Riez, P.G. Rouxhet, S.N. Agathos and P. Wattiau (2003). Carbon source-induced modifications in the mycolic acid content and cell wall permeability of Rhodococcus erythropolis E1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 69: 7019-7027.
- L. Coulibaly and S.N. Agathos (2003). Transformation kinetics of mixed polymeric substrates under transitory conditions by Aspergillus niger. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 2: 438-443.
- * D. Wesenberg, I. Kyriakides and S.N. Agathos (2003). White-rot fungi and their enzymes for the treatment of industrial dye effluents. Biotechnol. Adv. 22: 161-187.
- * L. Ikonomou, Y.-J. Schneider and S. N. Agathos (2003). Insect cell culture for industrial production of recombinant proteins. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 62: 1-20.
- S.J. Goux, N. Shapir, S. El Fantroussi, S. Lelong, S.N. Agathos and L. Pussemier (2003). Long-term maintenance of rapid atrazine degradation in soils inoculated with atrazine degraders. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus 3: 131-142.
- L. Ikonomou, J.-C. Drugmand, G. Bastin, Y.-J. Schneider and S. N. Agathos (2002). Microcarrier Culture of Lepidopteran Cell Lines: Implications for Growth and Recombinant Protein Production. Biotechnol. Progress 18: 1345-1355.
- * P. Wattiau, D. Springael, S.N. Agathos and S. Wuertz (2002). Use of the pAL5000 Replicon in PAH-Degrading Mycobacteria: Application for Strain Labelling and Promoter Probing. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 59: 700-705.
- * L. Coulibaly, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (2002). A tanks-in-series bioreactor to simulate macromolecular-laden wastewater pretreatment under sewer conditions by Aspergillus niger. Water Research 36: 3941-3948.
- * O. Drzyzga, R. El Mamouni, S.N. Agathos and J.C. Gottschal (2002). Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Ethenes and Immobilization of Nickel in Anaerobic Sediment Columns under Sulfidogenic Conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36: 2630-2635.
- R. El Mamouni, R. Jacquet, P. Gerin and S.N. Agathos (2002). Influence of Electron Donors and Acceptors on the Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Trichloroethene and Nickel: Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Study. Water Sci. Technol. 45: 49-54.
- D. Wesenberg, F. Buchon and S.N. Agathos (2002). Degradation of Dye-Containing Textile Effluent by the Agaric White-Rot Fungal Strain Clitocybula dusenii. Biotechnology Letters 24: 989-993.
- L. Ikonomou, C. Peeters-Joris, Y.-J. Schneider and S. N. Agathos (2002). Supernatant Proteolytic Activities of High-Five Insect Cells Grown in Serum-Free Culture. Biotechnology Letters 24: 965-969.
- I. Sokolovska, P. Wattiau, P. Gerin and S.N. Agathos (2002). Biodegradation of Fluorene at Low Temperature by a Psychrotrophic Sphingomonas sp. Chemical Papers 56: 36-40.
- * B. Van Aken and S.N. Agathos (2002). Implication of Manganese (III), Oxalate, and Oxygen in the Degradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds by Manganese Peroxidase (MnP). Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 58: 345-351.
- G.-T. Chun and S.N. Agathos (2001). Application of Oxygen Uptake Rate Measured by a Dynamic Method for Analysis of Related Fermentation Parameters in Cyclosporin A Fermentation: Suspended and Immobilized Cell Cultures. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 11: 1055-1060.
- L. Ikonomou, G. Bastin, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2001). Design of an Efficient Medium for Insect Cell Growth and Recombinant Protein Production. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol. - Animal 37: 549-559.
- * C. M. Peres, R. Russ, H. Lenke and S. N. Agathos (2001). Biodegradation of 4-nitrobenzoate, 4-aminobenzoate and their mixtures: new strains, unusual metabolites and insights into pathway regulation. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 37: 151-159.
- B. Van Aken and S.N. Agathos (2001). Biodegradation of nitro-substituted explosives by ligninolytic white-rot fungi: A mechanistic approach. Adv. Appl. Microbiol. 48: 1-77.
- * R. Borraccino, M. Kharoune, R. Giot, S.N. Agathos, E.-J. Nyns, H.P. Naveau and A. Pauss (2001). Abiotic transformation of catechol and 1-naphthol in aqueous solution - Influence of environmental factors. Water Research 35: 3729-3737.
- * P. Wattiau, M.-E. Renard, P. Ledent, V. Debois, G. Blackman and S.N. Agathos (2001). A PCR Test to Identify Bacillus subtilis and Closely Related Species and Its Application to the Monitoring of Wastewater Biotreatment. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 56: 816-819.
- * B. Van Aken, M.D. Cameron, J.D. Stahl, A. Plumat, H. Naveau, S.D. Aust and S.N. Agathos (2000). Glutathione-Mediated Mineralization of 14C-Labeled 2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene by Manganese-Dependent Peroxidase H5 from the White-Rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 54: 659-664.
- * S.J. Goux, M. Ibanez, M. Van Hoorick, P. Debongnie, S.N. Agathos and L. Pussemier (2000). Biodegradation of Atrazine in Sand Sediments and in a Sand-Filter. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 54: 589-596.
- T. Patarinska, D. Dochain, S.N. Agathos and L. Ganovski (2000). Modelling of Continuous Microbial Cultivation Taking into Account the Memory Effects. Bioprocess Engineering 22: 517-527.
- B. Van Aken, J.D. Stahl, H. Naveau, S.N. Agathos and S.D. Aust (2000). Transformation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Reduction Products by Lignin Peroxidase (H8) from the White-Rot Basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Bioremediation Journal 4: 135-145.
- C.M. Peres and S.N. Agathos (2000). Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Pollutants: from Pathways to Remediation. Biotechnology Annual Review 6: 197-220.
- * V. Acha, M. Meurens, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (2000). ATR-FTIR Sensor Development for Continuous On-line Monitoring of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in a Fixed-Bed Bioreactor. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 68: 473-487.
- B. Van Aken, P. Ledent, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (2000). Co-immobilization of Manganese Peroxidase from Phlebia radiata and Glucose Oxidase from Aspergillus niger on Porous Silica Beads. Biotechnology Letters 22: 641-646.
- M.R. Kosseva, V.N. Beschkov, C. Peres and S.N. Agathos (1999) Removal of 2,4-Dinitrophenol by Simultaneous Adsorption and Bacteria Pseudomonas putida Fixed on Solid Supports. Bulg. Chem. Comm. 31: 45-50.
- V. Acha, M. Meurens, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Detoxification of a Mixture of Aliphatic Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in a Fixed-Bed Bioreactor: Continuous On-Line Monitoring via an ATR-FTIR (Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared) Sensor. Water Sci. Technol. 40: 41-47.
- V. Acha, M. Meurens, H. Naveau, D. Dochain, G. Bastin and S.N. Agathos (1999). Model-Based Estimation of an Anaerobic Reductive Dechlorination Process via an ATR-FTIR (Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared) Sensor. Water Sci. Technol. 40: 33-40.
- * C.M. Peres, B. Van Aken, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Continuous Degradation of Mixtures of 4-Nitrobenzoate and 4-Aminobenzoate by Immobilized Cells of Burkholderia cepacia strain PB4. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 52: 440-445.
- * S. El Fantroussi, M. Belkacemi, E.M. Top, J. Mahillon, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Bioaugmentation of a Soil Bioreactor Designed for Pilot Scale Anaerobic Bioremediation Studies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33: 2992-3001.
- B. Van Aken, M. Hofrichter, K. Scheibner, A.I. Hatakka, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Transformation and Mineralization of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) by Manganese Peroxidase from the White-Rot Basidiomycete Phlebia radiata. Biodegradation 10: 83-91.
- * P. Ledent, H. Michels, G. Blackman, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Reversal of the Inhibitory Effect of Surfactants upon Germination and Growth of a Consortium of Different Strains of Bacillus. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 51: 370-374.
- B. Van Aken, L. Godefroid, C. Peres, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Mineralization of 14C-U-Ring Labeled 4-Hydroxylamino-2,6-Dinitrotoluene by Manganese-Dependent Peroxidase of the White-Rot Basidiomycete Phlebia radiata. J. Biotechnol. 68: 159-169.
- S. Goux, S.N. Agathos and L. Pussemier (1998). Metabolic Characterization of Fifteen Atrazine Degrading Microbial Communities. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 21: 254-259.
- S. El Fantroussi, E. Ntibahezwa, S. Thomas, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1998). Effects of Specific Inhibitors on the Anaerobic Reductive Dechlorination of 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol by a Stable Methanogenic Consortium. Anaerobe 4: 197-203.
- * C.M. Peres, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1998). Biodegradation of Nitrobenzene by Simultaneous Reduction of Nitrobenzene into Aniline and Mineralization of the Aniline Formed. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 49: 343-349.
- S. El Fantroussi, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1998). Anaerobic Dechlorinating Bacteria. Biotechnology Progress 14: 167-188.
- S. El Fantroussi, R. Giot, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1998). Acclimation of a Methanogenic Consortium to a Mixture of Hydroxylated Aromatic Compounds. Chemosphere 36: 1575-1583.
- S.N. Agathos, E. Hellin, H. Ali-Khodja, S. Deseveaux, F. Vandermesse and H. Naveau (1997). Gas-Phase Methyl Ethyl Ketone Biodegradation in a Tubular Biofilm Reactor: Microbiological and Bioprocess Aspects. Biodegradation 8: 251-264.
- D. Dochain, S.N. Agathos and P. Vanrolleghem (1997). Asymptotic Observers as a Tool for Modelling Process Dynamics. Water Sci. Technol. 36: 259-268.
- S. El Fantroussi, J. Mahillon, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). Introduction and PCR Detection of Desulfomonile tiedjei in Soil Slurry Microcosms. Biodegradation 8: 125-133.
- B. Van Aken, K. Skubisz, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). Biodegradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) by the White-Rot Basidiomycete Phlebia radiata. Biotechnology Letters 19: 813-817.
- * S. El Fantroussi, J. Mahillon, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). Introduction of Anaerobic Dechlorinating Bacteria in Soil Slurry Microcosms and Nested PCR Monitoring. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63: 806-811.
- S.N. Agathos (1996). Insect Cell Bioreactors. Cytotechnology 20: 173-189.
- * J.-B. Boucquey, P. Renard, P. Amerlynck, P. Modesto Filho, S.N. Agathos, H. Naveau and E.-J. Nyns (1995). High-Rate Continuous Biodegradation of Concentrated Chlorinated Aliphatics by a Durable Enrichment of Methanogenic Origin under Carrier-Dependent Conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 47: 298-307.
- W.T. Hensler and S.N. Agathos (1994). Evaluation of Monitoring Approaches and Effects of Culture Conditions on Recombinant Protein Production in Baculovirus-Infected Insect Cells. Cytotechnology 15: 177-186.
- W. Hensler, V. Singh and S.N. Agathos (1994). Sf9 Insect Cell Growth and β-Galactosidase Production in Serum and Serum Free Media. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 745: 149-166.
- * A. Nathan, S. Zalipsky, S.I. Ertel, S.N. Agathos, M.L. Yarmush and J. Kohn (1993). Copolymers of Lysine and Polyethylene Glycol: A New Family of Functionalized Drug-Carriers. Bioconjugate Chemistry 4: 54-62.
- G-T. Chun and S.N. Agathos (1993). Dynamic Response of Immobilized Cells to Pulse Addition of L-valine in Cyclosporin A Biosynthesis. J. Biotechnol. 27: 283-294.
- S.N. Agathos and J. Lee (1993). Mathematical Modeling of the Fungal Production of Cyclosporin A: Effect of L-valine. Biotechnology Progress 9: 54-63.
- * S.N. Agathos (1991). Production Scale Insect Cell Culture. Biotechnology Advances 9: 51-68.
- * J. Lee and S.N. Agathos (1991). Dynamics of L-valine in Relation to the Production of Cyclosporin A by Tolypocladium inflatum. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 34: 513-517.
- * G-T. Chun and S.N. Agathos (1991). Comparative Studies of Physiological and Environmental Effects on the Production of Cyclosporin A in Suspended and Immobilized Cells of Tolypocladium inflatum. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 37: 256-265.
- * T.H. Aarnio and S.N. Agathos (1990). Pigmented Variants of Tolypocladium inflatum in Relation to Cyclosporin Production. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 33: 435-437.
- S.N. Agathos, Y-H. Jeong and K. Venkat (1990). Growth Kinetics of Free and Immobilized Insect Cell Cultures. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 589: 372-398.
- S.N. Agathos and R. Parekh (1990). Enhancement of Cyclosporin Production in a Tolypocladium inflatum Strain after Epichlorohydrin Treatment. J. Biotechnol. 13: 73-81.
- T.H. Aarnio and S.N. Agathos (1989). Production of Extracellular Enzymes and Cyclosporin by Tolypocladium inflatum and Morphologically Related Fungi. Biotechnology Letters 11: 759-764.
- * J. Tasker and S.N. Agathos (1989). Dependence of In Vivo Inactivation Kinetics of Gramicidin S Synthetase on Cell Physiology. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 34:1037-1044.
- G-T. Chun and S.N. Agathos (1989). Immobilization of Tolypocladium inflatum Spores into Porous Celite Beads for Cyclosporine Production. J. Biotechnol. 9: 237-254.
- J. Lee and S.N. Agathos (1989). Effect of Amino Acids on the Production of Cyclosporin A by Tolypocladium inflatum. Biotechnol. Lett. 11: 77-82.
- S.N. Agathos, C. Madhosingh, J.W. Marshall and J. Lee (1987). The Fungal Production of Cyclosporine. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 506: 657-662.
- S.N. Agathos, J.W. Marshall, C. Moraiti, R. Parekh and C. Madhosingh (1986). Physiological and Genetic Factors for Process Development of Cyclosporine Fermentations. J. Ind. Microbiol. 1: 39-48.
- * S.N. Agathos and A.L. Demain (1986). Dissolved oxygen levels and the in vivo stability of gramicidin S synthetase. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24: 319-322.
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C. Chapitres de livres
- S.N. Agathos and B. Stenuit (2019). Introduction to Environmental and Related Biotechnologies. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental and Related Biotechnologies, pp. 1-3. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-0-444-64046-8.00334-7.
- F. Augelletti, B. Stenuit, S.N. Agathos and A. Jousset (2019). Manipulation of biodiversity to steer and optimize microbial community function. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental and Related Biotechnologies, pp. 29-41. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-0-444-64046-8.00478-X.
- I.F. George, E. Bouhajja and S.N. Agathos (2019). Metagenomics for bioremediation. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition, Volume 6 – Environmental and Related Biotechnologies, pp. 132- 142. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-0444-64046-8.00339-6.
- B.A. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2019). Biodegradation and bioremediation of TNT and other nitro explosives. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, 3rd Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental and Related Biotechnologies, pp. 181-196. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-0-444-64046-8.00348-7.
- G. Matos, A. Oliveira, D. Coutinho, T. Oliva, C. Junior, B. Stenuit, S.N. Agathos, M. Lutterbach and E. Sérvulo (2019). Culturable microbiome and biodegradation activity of diesel B5 and biodiesel (B100) in a contaminated soil bioremediation study. In: T. Lund Skovhus and C. Whitby, Editors, Oilfield Microbiology, Chapter 11, pp. 175-195. CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN: 978-1-1380-5775-3.
- B.S. Grama, A. Delhaye, S.N. Agathos and C. Jeffryes (2016). Beta-carotene and other carotenoids and pigments from micro-algae. In: E.J. Vandamme and J.L. Revuelta, Editors, Industrial Biotechnology of Vitamins, Biopigments, and Antioxidants, Chapter 10, pp. 265-286. Wiley – VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-527-33734-7.
- S. Sart and S.N. Agathos (2016). Large-scale expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in microcarrier-based stirred bioreactors. In: K. Turksen, Editor, Bioreactors in Stem Cell Biology, pp. 87-102 (Chapter 6), Springer Protocols in Molecular & Cell Biology, Humana Press, New York. ISBN: 978-1-4939-6476-5 (hardback); 978-1-4939-6478-9 (eBook).
- I. Ardao, S.N. Agathos, E. Ammann, F. Aulenta, P. Corvini, D. Frascari, M. Majone, R. Hochstrat, U. Hofmann, B. Kolvenbach, D. Schlosser and G. Zanaroli (2015). Immobilization techniques for biocatalysts. In: R. Hochstrat, T. Wintgens and P. Corvini, Editors, Immobilised Biocatalysts for Bioremediation of Groundwater and Wastewater, pp. 49-69. (Ch. 3). International Water Association IWA Publishing, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-78-040645-9 (Paperback); 978-1-78-040646-6 (eBook).
- L. Yu, I. Ardao, Y. Ma, P. Corvini and S.N. Agathos (2015). Enzyme reactors. In: R. Hochstrat, T. Wintgens and P. Corvini, Editors, Immobilised Biocatalysts for Bioremediation of Groundwater and Wastewater, pp. 79-96. (Ch. 5). International Water Association IWA Publishing, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-78-040645-9 (Paperback); 978-1-78-040646-6 (eBook).
- B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2013). Biodegradation and bioremediation of TNT and other nitro explosives. In: S.A. Elias, Editor, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN: 978-0-12-409548-9.
- I.F. George, E. Bouhajja and S.N. Agathos (2011). Metagenomics for bioremediation. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, pp. 47-57. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-0-444-53352-4.
- B.A. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2011). Biodegradation and bioremediation of TNT and other nitro explosives. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, pp. 167-181. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-0-444-53352-4.
- S.N. Agathos (2011). Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology and Safety. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, pp. 1-2. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-0-444-53352-4.
- M. Pouli and S.N. Agathos (2011). Bioremediation of PAH-contaminated sites: From pathways to bioreactors. In: A.I. Koukkou, Editor, Microbial Bioremediation of Non-metals, pp. 119-147. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK, ISBN: 978-1-904455-83-7.
- S.N. Agathos (2010). Insect cell culture. In: R.H. Baltz, J.E. Davies and A.L. Demain, Editors, Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 3rd Edition, pp. 212-222. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Press, Washington, DC, ISBN: 978-1-55581-512-7.
- I. George, B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos (2010). Application of metagenomics to bioremediation. In: D. Marco, Editor, Metagenomics: Theory, Methods and Applications, pp. 119-140. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK, ISBN: 978-1-904455-54-7.
- B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, L. Schuler, I. George and S.N. Agathos (2009). Molecular tools for monitoring and validating bioremediation. In: A. Singh, R.C. Kuhad and O.P. Ward, Editors, Advances in Applied Bioremediation, Soil Biology Series Volume 17, pp. 339-353. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-89620-3.
- B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, S.N. Agathos, I. George (2008). High-throughput approaches to analyse waste biotreatment in confined environments. In: Microbial Biodegradation: Genomics and Molecular Biology, E. Diaz (ed.), pp. 319-358. Caister Academic Press, Norwich, UK. ISBN: 978-1-904455-17-2.
- Agathos, S. N. (2007). Development of serum-free media for lepidopteran insect cell lines. In: D. W. Murhammer, Editor, Baculovirus Expression Protocols, second edition, Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Volume 388, pp. 155-185. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey. ISBN 978-1-58829-537-8.
- J.-C. Drugmand, J.-F. Michiels, S. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2007). Growth of mammalian and lepidopteran cells on BioNOC II disks, a novel macroporous microcarrier. In: R. Smith, Editor, Cell Technology for Cell Products, pp. 781-784, Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-1-4020-5475-4.
- J.-C. Drugmand, Y.-J. Schneider and S. Agathos (2007). Analysis and modeling of the metabolism of lepidopteran cells. In: R. Smith, Editor, Cell Technology for Cell Products, pp. 777-780, Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-1-4020-5475-4.
- J. Mols, N. Cavez, S. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2007). Plant peptones: Nutritional properties sustaining recombinant protein secretion by CHO cells. In: R. Smith, Editor, Cell Technology for Cell Products, pp. 599-601, Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-1-4020-5475-4.
- F. Fava and S.N. Agathos (2006). Uncertainty and research needs in the area of biological restoration of contaminated sediments. In: D. Reible and T. Lanczos, Editors, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, pp. 239-246, NATO Science Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 73, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN-10 1-4020-4958-7.
- S. El Fantroussi, S.N. Agathos, D.H. Pieper, R. Witzig, B. Camara, L. Gabriel-Jürgens; H. Junca, G. Zanaroli, F. Fava, J.R. Perez-Jimenez, L.Y. Young, K. Hamonts, R. Lookman, M. Maesen, L. Diels, W. Dejonghe, J. Dijk and D. Springael (2006). Biological assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments. In: D. Reible and T. Lanczos, Editors, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, pp. 179-238, NATO Science Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 73, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN-10 1-4020-4958-7.
- S.N. Agathos (2006). Chlorinated solvents biodegradation and nickel bioimmobilization in historically contaminated anaerobic sediments. In: P. Canepa and F. Fava, Editors, Biomonitoring, Bioavailability and Microbial Transformation of Pollutants in Sediments and Approaches to Stimulate their Biodegradation, pp. 33-44, Soil Remediation Series N° 7, INCA, Venice, Italy. ISBN 88-88214-32-1.
- S.N. Agathos (2005). Bioaugmentation as a strategy for in situ bioremediation. In: F. Fava and P. Canepa, Editors, Innovative Approaches to the Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites, pp. 291-300, INCA, Venice, Italy. ISBN 88-88214-33-X.
- J. Mols, F. Verhoeye, C. Peeters-Joris, S.N. Agathos and Y.J. Schneider (2005). Extracellular metallopreoteases and their inhibitors expressed by the IFN-gamma producing CHO-320 cell line. In: F. Gòdia and M. Fussenegger, Editors, Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics, pp. 175-177, Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-2791-5.
- J.C. Drugmand, Y.J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2005). Environmental effects of lactate on High-FiveTM insect cell metabolism. In: F. Gòdia and M. Fussenegger, Editors, Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics, pp. 91-94, Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-2791-5.
- L. Eyers, S.N. Agathos and S. El Fantroussi (2004). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) as a fingerprinting tool for analyzing microbial communities in contaminated environments. In: J.F.T. Spencer and A.L. Ragout de Spencer, Editors, Environmental Microbiology: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Biotechnology Series, Volume 16, pp. 407-417, Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey. ISBN 1-58829-116-2.
- S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke (2003). Preface. In: S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors, Biotechnology for the Environment: Wastewater Treatment and Modeling, Waste Gas Handling. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3c, pp. 1-2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 288 pp. ISBN 1-4020-1131-8.
- J. Dries, L. Bastiaens, D. Springael, S.N. Agathos and L. Diels (2002). Combined removal of chlorinated ethenes and heavy metals in zero valent iron systems. In: S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald, Editors, Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, IAHS Publication no. 275, pp. 447-452. IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxforshire, UK. ISBN 1-901502-86-4.
- J. Dries, L. Bastiaens, D. Springael D, S.N. Agathos and L. Diels (2002). Kinetics of trichloroethene (TCE) reduction by zero valent iron: effect of medium composition. In: S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald, Editors, Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, IAHS Publication no. 275, pp. 397-402. IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxforshire, UK. ISBN 1-901502-86-4.
- S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke (2002). Preface. In: S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors, Biotechnology for the Environment: Soil Remediation. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3b, pp. 1-2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 148 pp. ISBN 1-4020-1051-6.
- S. Goux, S.N. Agathos and L. Pussemier (2002). Towards a Better Understanding of Enhanced Pesticide Biodegradation. In: S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors, Biotechnology for the Environment: Stategy and Fundamentals. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3a, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 141-156. ISBN 1-4020-0529-6.
- S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke (2002). Preface. In: S.N. Agathos and W. Reineke, Editors, Biotechnology for the Environment: Strategy and Fundamentals. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3a, pp. v-vi, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 248 pp. ISBN 1-4020-0529-6.
- G. Baré, H. Charlier, L. De Nijs, F. Verhoeye, Y.-J. Schneider, S. Agathos and P. Thonart (2001). Effects of Rice Protein Hydrolysates on Growth of CHO Cells and Production of Human Interferon-gama in Serum-Free Medium. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, pp. 217-219, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-0264-5.
- J. Mols, C. Burteau, F. Verhoeye, C. Peeters-Joris, G. Bastin, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2001). Proteolytic Potential during Batch Cultivation in Serum-Free Media of an IFN-gamma Producing CHO Cell Line. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, pp. 227-229, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-0264-5.
- J.-C. Drugmand, L. Ikonomou, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2001). Growth of High-Five Cells on Cultispher-S Microcarriers. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, pp. 332-334, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-0264-5.
- L. Ikonomou, J.-C. Drugmand, G. Bastin, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2001). Physiology Effect of Insect Cells Cultured in a New Serum-Free Medium. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, pp. 338-340, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-0264-5.
- F. Verhoeye, C. Burteau, J. Mols, J.-S. Ballez, G. Baré, P. Thonart, G. Bastin, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2001). Use of Plant Peptone-Containing Serum-Free Media for the Cultivation of CHO Cells in Suspension and on Microcarriers. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, pp. 362-364, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-0264-5.
- F. Verhoeye, C. Burteau, S. Chenu, J.-L. Goergen, A. Marc, G. Bastin, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2001). Adaptation and Growth Kinetics of the Universal Host CHO Cell Lines in Serum-Free Medium. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, pp. 438-440, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-0264-5.
- C.M. Peres, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1999). Cross Induction of 4-Nitrobenzoate and 4-Aminobenzoate Degradation by Burkholderia cepacia strain PB4. In: R. Fass, Y. Flashner and S. Reuveny, Editors, Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution, pp. 71-82, Plenum, New York. ISBN 0-306-46102-1.
- L. Ikonomou, G. Bastin, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (1999). Growth on Microcarriers and Nutritional Needs of High Density Insect Cell Cultures. In: A. Bernard, B. Griffiths, W. Noé and F. Wurm, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products, pp. 371-373, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-6075-3.
- V. Achà, M. Meurens, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1998). Continuous On-Line Monitoring of Organochlorine Compounds in a Fixed Bed Bioreactor by an Optical Infrared Sensor. In: Bioremediation and Phytoremediation -- Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds (Wickramanayake, G.B. and Hinchee, R.E. Ed.), pp. 135-141, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.
- E. Hellin, H. Ali-Khodja, S. Deseveaux, F. Vandermesse, E.-J. Nyns, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). Gas-phase methyl ethyl ketone biodegradation in a tubular biofilm reactor: microbiological and bioreactor aspects. In: D.L. Wise, Editor, Global Environmental Biotechnology, pp. 417-436, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. ISBN 978-90-481-4836-3; eBook: ISBN 978-94-017-1711-3; DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1711-3.
- S. El Fantroussi, J. Mahillon, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). Introduction and PCR detection of Desulfomonile tiedjei in soil slurry microcosms. In: D.L. Wise, Editor, Global Environmental Biotechnology, pp. 437-449., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. ISBN 978-90-481-4836-3; eBook: ISBN 978-94-017-1711-3; DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1711-3.
- S.N. Agathos (1997). Environmental Biotechnology in Research and Education. In: C. Ronneau and O. Bitchaeva, Editors, Biotechnology for Waste Management and Site Restoration, pp. 33-39, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-4769-2.
- S.N. Agathos (1996). Insect Cell Bioreactors. In: J.M. Vlak, C.D. de Gooijer, J. Tramper & H.G. Miltenburger, Editors, Insect Cell Cultures: Fundamental and Applied Aspects, pp. 173-189, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-3403-5.
- T.H. Lee, G.T. Chun, Y.K. Chang, J.D. Lee and S.N. Agathos (1996) Bioprocess Engineering Considerations in Cyclosporin A Fermentation by Immobilized Fungus Tolypocladium inflatum. In: R.H. Wijffels, R.M. Buitelaar, C. Bucke & J. Tramper, Editors, Immobilized Cells: Basics and Applications, pp. 402-409, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. ISBN 0-444-81984-3. (Progess in Biotechnology, Volume 11).
- S.N. Agathos (1994). Large Scale Insect Cell Production. In: K. Maramorosch and A.H. McIntosh, Editors, Insect Cell Biotechnology, pp. 89-103, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- S.N. Agathos (1993). The Future of Insect Cell Culture Engineering. In: M.F.A. Goosen, A.J. Daugulis and P. Faulkner, Editors, Insect Cell Culture Engineering, pp. 218-237, Marcel Dekker, New York.
- S.N. Agathos (1992). Insect Cell Culture. In: A.I. Laskin, Editor, Biotechnology International 1990/1991, Century Press, London.
- S.N. Agathos (1991). Mass Production of Viral Insecticides. In: K. Maramorosch, Editor, Biotechnology for Biological Control of Pests and Vectors, pp. 217-235, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- S.N. Agathos and A.L. Demain (1988). The In Vivo Longevity of Antibiotic Synthetases. In: S. Aiba, Editor, Horizons of Biochemical Engineering, pp. 147-161, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York.
D. Actes (Proceedings) à comité de lecture
- Matos, G.I., Junior, C.S., Oliva, T.C., Subtil, D.F., Matsushita, L.Y., Chaves, A.L., Lutterbach, M.T., Sérvulo, E.F., Agathos, S.N., and Stenuit, B. (2015). Bacterial community dynamics and ecotoxicological assessment during bioremediation of soils contaminated by biodiesel and diesel/biodiesel blends. Proceedings, 20th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 30 January 2015. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 80/1: 157-161, ISSN 1379-1176.
- B.S. Grama, A. Delhaye, S. Chader, D. Khelifi, S.N. Agathos and C. Jeffryes (2014). Canthaxanthin, astaxanthin and adonixanthin production from a Dactylococcus microalga in a new flat-plate airlift photobioreactor. Proceedings, 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gembloux, Belgium, 7 February 2014. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci. 79/1: 65-70.
- S. Talvy, R. Nair, P. Demarche, S. Agathos and F. Debaste (2012). Modeling of bisphenol A degradation using immobilized/insolubilized laccase. Proceedings, 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2012 and 15th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-29 August 2012, 8 pp.
- S. Sart, A. Errachid, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2011). Controlled expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in a microcarrier based stirred bioreactor. Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), Vienna, Austria, May 15-18, 2011, BMC Proceedings 5 (Suppl. 8):P55. Published on line November 22, 2011.
- J.-F. Michiels, J. Barbau, S. Sart, S.N. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2009). Effects of soy peptone-supplemented medium on CHO-320 cells. Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10, 2009, ESACT Proceedings, Volume 5, Part 5, pp. 471-475. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0884-6_79.
- S. Sart, Y.-J. Schneider and S.N. Agathos (2009). Impact of growth factors on the proliferation of ear mesenchymal stem cells on porous microcarriers. Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10, 2009, ESACT Proceedings, Volume 5, Part 2, pp. 161-176. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0884-6_27.
- A. Provost, G. Bastin, S. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2005). Metabolic design of macroscopic models: Application to CHO cells. Proceedings of the 44th IEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference 2005 (ECC-CDC'05), Seville, Spain, December, 12-15, 2005, pp. 2982-2989.
- D. Roosens, M. Degrez, E.M.B. Michel, S.N. Agathos, C. Dessaucy, A. Van Lierde (2004). Combined industrial wastewater treatment by association of electrochemical and biological techniques and membrane filtration (MF, UF, NF), Proceedings of the Second National Conference of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM 2004), Bretton Hall, Wakefield, England, 13-15 September 2004, Edited by N.J. Horan, volume 2, pp 253-260, Leeds, U.K., ISBN: 1-903958-09-01.
- E.M.B. Michel, I. Sokolovska and S.N. Agathos (2004). Biodegradation of diesel fuel in soil at low temperature by Rhodococcus erythropolis. In: W. Verstraete, Editor, European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology ESEB 2004, pp. 843-846, Taylor & Francis Group, London. ISBN 90-5809-653-X
- L. Eyers, B. Stenuit, S. El Fantroussi and S.N. Agathos (2004). Microbial characterization of TNT contaminated soils and anaerobic TNT degradation: high and unusual denitration activity. In: W. Verstraete, Editor, European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology ESEB 2004, pp. 51-54, Taylor & Francis Group, London. ISBN 90-5809-653-X
- U. Nasution, F. Verhoeye, G. Bastin, S. Agathos and Y.-J. Schneider (2001). Quantitative modelling of growth and metabolism of CHO-K1 cell cultures in a serum-free medium. European Control Conference, ECC 2001, Porto, Portugal, September 4-7, 2001. Conference paper 7076307, Proceedings pp. 2522-2527. ISBN: 978-3-9524173-6-2
- S. Goux, Y. Van Elsen, S.N. Agathos and L. Pussemier (1997). Biodegradation of Three s-Triazine Herbicides in Liquid Media under Different Media Conditions. 49th International Symposium on Crop Protection. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent 62/2a: 235-242.
- O. Y. Bitchaeva, S.N. Agathos, C. Ronneau, G. Collard, J. Diaz, C.J. Duggleby, C. Sahut and J.H. Wissler (1997). Biotechnology for the Nuclear Industry. An International Experience. 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. Proc. ISEB (H. Verachtert and W. Verstraete, Eds.), Vol. I, pp. 295-301.
- B. Van Aken, K. Skubisz, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). The Biodegradation of Trinitrotoluene by the White-Rot Basidiomycete Phlebia radiata. 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. Proc. ISEB (H. Verachtert and W. Verstraete, Eds.), Vol. II, pp. 163-167.
- E. Hellin, H. Ali-Khodja, S. Deseveaux, F. Vandermesse, S.N. Agathos and H. Naveau (1997). A Useful Tool to Study and Optimize the Treatment of VOC in Gaseous Phase: The Tubular Biofilm Reactor. 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. Proc. ISEB (H. Verachtert and W. Verstraete, Eds.), Vol. II, pp. 159-162.
- C.M. Peres, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1997). Bioremediation of Nitrobenzene by Simultaneous Reduction of Nitrobenzene into Aniline and Mineralization of the Aniline Formed. 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Proc. ISEB (H. Verachtert and W. Verstraete, Eds.), Vol. I, pp. 169-172.
- S. El Fantroussi, J. Mahillon, H. Naveau and S.N. Agathos (1996). Introduction and PCR Detection of Anaerobic Dechlorinating Bacteria in Soil Slurry Microcosms. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent 61/4b: 1935-1938.
- B. Volesky and S. Agathos (1974). Oil removal from refinery wastes by air flotation. Water Pollution Research in Canada 9: 328-339.
E. Divulgations de brevets
- Jian Li, Suxia Guo, Ruiming Han, Zhaolei Zhang and Spiros N. Agathos (2014). A Method for Large Scale Cultivation of Microalgae. China Patent Application 201410468458.X.
- Jian Li, Zhaolei Zhang, Suxia Guo, Ruiming Han and Spiros N. Agathos (2014). A Method to Produce EPA from Marine Microalgae. China Patent Application 201410448353.8.
- M. Lucas, F. Buchon, B. Gobeau, V. Mertens, S. Vanhulle, S.N. Agathos, C.-M. Bols, A.-M. Corbisier and D. Wesenberg (2003). Sustainable Process for the Treatment and Detoxification of Liquid Waste. World Patent WO03/035581, May 1, 2003.
- F. Verhoeye, Y.-J. Schneider, P. Thonart, G. Baré and S. Agathos (2002). Cryoprotective Solutions. European Patent EP 1 181 865, February 27, 2002.
- P. Ledent, H. Michels, S. Agathos, P. Demyttenaere and G. Blackman (1999). Method for Reducing the Effect of Detergents upon Germination and/or Growth of Microorganisms. European Patent EP 915 061, May 12, 1999. World Patent WO99/20571, April 29, 1999.
- G.D. Case, M.M. Howton, D.S. Beattie, J.F. Worley III and S.N. Agathos (1989). Method of Detecting Cholinesterase Inhibiting Chemical Agents with Biochemical Amplifying Component in Film Form with a Self-Contained Electronic Membrane Sensor. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Application, November 14, 1989, Serial No. 07/435,765.
F. Éditoriaux
- G. Salum, S.A. Dahoumane and S.N. Agathos (2016). Letter to the Editor: Life Sciences at Yachay Tech University in Ecuador. Biotechnology. Bionatura 1(3): 106.
- S.N. Agathos and N. Boon (2015). Editorial Overview: Environmental Biotechnology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 33: 1-3.
- S.N. Agathos, F. Fava and A. Scoma (2013). Biotechnology for the bio- and green economy. New Biotechnology 30: 581-584.
- J.M. Park, S.N. Agathos and C.-O. Jeon (2013). Special issue on International Biotechnology Symposium, IBS-2012: September 16-21, Daegu, Korea. Bioresource Technology 145: 1.
- Y. Li, S. Sart and S.N. Agathos (2013). Mass production of stem cell-derived progeny in bioreactors. International Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation 1(2):1-3.
- S. Riva, P. Morandini, G. Sannia and S.N. Agathos (2011). Editorial – Special issue on International Biotechnology Symposium, IBS-2010: September 14-18, Rimini, Italy. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 49(6-7): pp. iv.
Abd-El-Aziz, Ahmad ; Li, Jian ; Fouda, Moustafa M.G. ; Sharaby, Carmen M. ; Zhang, Xinyue ; Ma, Ning ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Abd-El-Aziz, Alaa S.. Advances in nanoarchitectonics of metal-organic frameworks and metal-/metalloid-containing nanomaterials for antibacterial and antifungal applications. In: Applied Materials Today, Vol. 40, no. 5, p. 102335 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.apmt.2024.102335.
Fang, Jiaqi ; Sun, Yan ; Zhu, Zhujun ; Li, Jian ; Cheng, Pengfei ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Fu, Yuanyuan ; Zhang, Lin ; Zhou, Chengxu ; Han, Jichang. Algae-bacteria consortia promotes the cell growth of marine microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Chrysotila roscoffensis. In: Algal Research, Vol. 80, no.103535, p. 103535 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.algal.2024.103535.
Zhu, Zhengfeng ; He, Zhichao ; Li, Jian ; Zhou, Chengxu ; Li, Yanrong ; Zhang, Lin ; Li, Xiaohui ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Han, Jichang. An axenic strain reveals the responses of Phaeodactylum tricornutum to external organic carbon. In: Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Vol. 42, no.3, p. 1-13 (2024). doi:10.1007/s00343-024-3251-5.
Li, Jian ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gao, Zhengquan. Editorial: Emerging trends in genetic engineering of microalgae. In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol. 12, no.1403711, p. 1403711 (2024). doi:10.3389/fbioe.2024.1403711.
Cutolo, Edoardo Andrea ; Campitiello, Rosanna ; Caferri, Roberto ; Pagliuca, Vittorio Flavio ; Li, Jian ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Cutolo, Maurizio. Immunomodulatory Compounds from the Sea: From the Origins to a Modern Marine Pharmacopoeia. In: Marine Drugs, Vol. 22, no.7, p. 304 (2024). doi:10.3390/md22070304.
Zambonino, Marjorie C. ; Quizhpe, Ernesto Mateo ; Mouheb, Lynda ; Rahman, Ashiqur ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Dahoumane, Si Amar. Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles in Biomedical Sciences: Properties, Current Trends, Novel Opportunities and Emerging Challenges in Theranostic Nanomedicine. In: Nanomaterials, Vol. 13, no.3, p. 424 (2023). doi:10.3390/nano13030424.
Díaz, Magdalena ; Monfort-Lanzas, Pablo ; Quiroz-Moreno, Cristian ; Rivadeneira, Erika ; Castillejo, Pablo ; Arnau, Vicente ; Díaz, Wladimiro ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Sangari, Félix J. ; Jarrín-V, Pablo ; Molina, C. Alfonso. The microbiome of the ice-capped Cayambe Volcanic Complex in Ecuador. In: Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 14, no.1154815, p. 1154815 (2023). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1154815.
Liaqat, Fakhra ; Khazi, Mahammed Ilyas ; Bahadar, Ali ; He, Lu ; Aslam, Ayesha ; Liaquat, Rabia ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Li, Jian. Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae for carotenoid production. In: Reviews in Aquaculture, (2022). doi:10.1111/raq.12700 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Baltz, Richard H ; Vandamme, Erick J ; Bennett, Joan W ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Sánchez, Sergio ; Osada, Hiroyuki ; Deng, Zixin ; Gonzalez, Ramon. Introduction and commentaries for the special issue: “Arnold L. Demain—A life lived”. In: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 48, no.9-10, p. 1-8 (2021). doi:10.1093/jimb/kuab082.
Adamian, Younes ; Lonappan, Linson ; Alokpa, Komla ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Cabana, Hubert. Recent Developments in the Immobilization of Laccase on Carbonaceous Supports for Environmental Applications - A Critical Review. In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol. 9, no.9, p. 1-29 (2021). doi:10.3389/fbioe.2021.778239.
Mollocana-Lara, Evelyn C ; Ni, Ming ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gonzales-Zubiate, Fernando A. The infinite possibilities of RNA therapeutics. In: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 48, no.9-10, p. 1-14 (2021). doi:10.1093/jimb/kuab063.
Li, Xin ; Wang, Xiaoqian ; Duan, Chuanlan ; Yi, Shasha ; Gao, Zhengquan ; Xiao, Chaowen ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biotechnological production of astaxanthin from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis. In: Biotechnology Advances : research reviews, Vol. 43, no.1, p. 107602 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2020.107602.
Augelletti, Floriana ; Jousset, Alexandre ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoit. Diversity Manipulation of Psychrophilic Bacterial Consortia for Improved Biological Treatment of Medium-Strength Wastewater at Low Temperature. In: Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 11, no.1490, p. 1490 (2020). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.01490.
Augelletti, Floriana ; Tremblay, Julien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jousset, Alexandre ; Stenuit, Benoît. Draft Whole-Genome Sequence of the Anthracene-Degrading Strain Mycolicibacterium frederiksbergense LB501T, Isolated from a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soil. In: Microbiology Resource Announcements, Vol. 9, no.43, p. e00671-20 (2020). doi:10.1128/mra.00671-20.
Castillo, José A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. A genome-wide scan for genes under balancing selection in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. In: BMC Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 19, no.1, p. 123 (2019). doi:10.1186/s12862-019-1456-6.
Zambrano-Mila, Marlon S ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Reichardt, Juergen K V. Human genetics and genomics research in Ecuador: historical survey, current state, and future directions.. In: Human genomics, Vol. 13, no.1, p. 64 (2019). doi:10.1186/s40246-019-0249-8.
Augelletti, Floriana ; Tremblay, Julien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoît. Draft Whole-Genome Sequence of the Fluorene-Degrading Sphingobium sp. Strain LB126, Isolated from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soil. In: Genome Announcements, Vol. 6, no.15, p. e00249-18 (2018). doi:10.1128/genomea.00249-18.
Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Towards Three-Dimensional Dynamic Regulation and In Situ Characterization of Single Stem Cell Phenotype Using Microfluidics. In: Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 60, no.11, p. 843-861 (2018). doi:10.1007/s12033-018-0113-4.
Dahoumane, Si Amar ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Mechouet, Mourad ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biosynthesis of Inorganic Nanoparticles: A Fresh Look at the Control of Shape, Size and Composition. In: Bioengineering, Vol. 4, no. 1, p. 14 [1-16] (2017). doi:10.3390/bioengineering4010014.
Mitropoulos, Konstantinos ; Cooper, David N. ; Mitropoulou, Christina ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Reichardt, Jürgen K.V. ; Al-Maskari, Fatima ; Chantratita, Wasun ; Wonkam, Ambroise ; Dandara, Collet ; Katsila, Theodora ; Lopez-Correa, Catalina ; Ali, Bassam R. ; Patrinos, George P.. Genomic Medicine Without Borders: Which Strategies Should Developing Countries Employ to Invest in Precision Medicine? A New “Fast-Second Winner” Strategy. In: OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, Vol. 21, no.11, p. 647-657 (2017). doi:10.1089/omi.2017.0141.
Bouhajja, Emna ; McGuire , Micah ; Liles , Mark R. ; Bataille, Gwennaël ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; George, Isabelle F. Identification of novel toluene monooxygenase genes in a hydrocarbon-polluted sediment using sequence-and function-based screening of metagenomic libraries. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 101, no. 2, p. 797-808 (2017). doi:10.1007/s00253-016-7934-5.
Taboada-Puig, Roberto ; Moreira, Maria-Teresa ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Lema, Juan M.. The impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on the environment and their potential biotransformation by white-rot fungi and their oxidative enzymes. . In: BIONATURA, Vol. 2, no.1, p. 263-271 (2017). doi:10.21931/RB/2017.02.01.9.
Castillo-Chavez, Carlos ; Ponce, Patricio ; Reichardt, Jürgen ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Arellano, Paul ; Griewank, Andreas ; Medina, Ernesto ; Rodriguez, Hortencia ; Patiño, Edgar J. Yachay's promise.. In: Science (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 357, no.6354, p. 881 (2017). doi:10.1126/science.aao5451.
Nesme, Joseph ; Achouak, Wafa ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Bailey, Mark ; Baldrian, Petr ; Brunel, Dominique ; Frostegård, Åsa ; Heulin, Thierry ; Jansson, Janet K ; Jurkevitch, Edouard ; Kruus, Kristiina L ; Kowalchuk, George A ; Lagares, Antonio ; Lappin-Scott, Hilary M ; Lemanceau, Philippe ; Le Paslier, Denis ; Mandic-Mulec, Ines ; Murrell, J Colin ; Myrold, David D ; Nalin, Renaud ; Nannipieri, Paolo ; Neufeld, Josh D ; O'Gara, Fergal ; Parnell, John J ; Pühler, Alfred ; Pylro, Victor ; Ramos, Juan L ; Roesch, Luiz F W ; Schloter, Michael ; Schleper, Christa ; Sczyrba, Alexander ; Sessitsch, Angela ; Sjöling, Sara ; Sørensen, Jan ; Sørensen, Søren J ; Tebbe, Christoph C ; Topp, Edward ; Tsiamis, George ; van Elsas, Jan Dirk ; van Keulen, Geertje ; Widmer, Franco ; Wagner, Michael ; Zhang, Tong ; Zhang, Xiaojun ; Zhao, Liping ; Zhu, Yong-Guan ; Vogel, Timothy M ; Simonet, Pascal. Back to the Future of Soil Metagenomics.. In: Frontiers in microbiology, Vol. 7, no. 1, p. 73 [1-5] (2016). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00073.
Grama, Borhane S. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeffryes, Clayton S.. Balancing Photosynthesis and Respiration Increases Microalgal Biomass Productivity during Photoheterotrophy on Glycerol. In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 4, no. 3, p. 1611-1618 (2016). doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.5b01544.
Bouhajja, Emna ; Efthymiopoulos, Theocharis ; George, Isabelle F. ; Moreels, David ; Van Houdt, Rob ; Mergeay, Max ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Conjugative transfer of broad host range plasmids to an acidobacterial strain, Edaphobacter aggregans. In: Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 221, no. 3, p. 107-113 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2016.01.025.
Jeffryes, Clayton ; Severi, Veronica ; Delhaye, Antoine ; Urbain, Brieuc ; Grama, Borhane Samir ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Energy conversion in an internally illuminated annular-plate airlift photobioreactor. In: Engineering in Life Sciences, Vol. 16, no. 4, p. 348-354 (2016). doi:10.1002/elsc.201500042.
Pérez-López, Paula ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Feijoo, Gumersindo ; Rorrer, Gregory ; Moreira, María Teresa. Environmental life cycle optimization of essential terpene oils produced by the macroalga Ochtodes secundiramea. In: Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 542, no.2, p. 292-305 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.045.
Bouhajja, Emna ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; George, Isabelle F.. Metagenomics: Probing pollutant fate in natural and engineered ecosystems. In: Biotechnology Advances, Vol. 34, no.8, p. 1413-1426 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2016.10.006.
Dahoumane, Si Amar ; Mechouet, Mourad ; Alvarez, Francisco J. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeffryes, Clayton. Microalgae: An outstanding tool in nanotechnology. In: Bionatura, Vol. 1, no.4, p. 196-201 (2016). doi:10.21931/rb/2016.01.04.7.
De Mulder, C. ; Van Hoey, S. ; Van Hulle, S. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Cauwenberg, P. ; Mergen, P. ; Seuntjens, P. ; Smets, I. ; De Gueldre, G. ; Mouton, A.. Pressing topics in the Belgian water sector anno 2015. In: Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology, Vol. 7, p. 32-36 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.swaqe.2016.04.001.
Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Li, Yan ; Ma, Teng. Regulation of mesenchymal stem cell 3D microenvironment: From macro to microfluidic bioreactors. In: Biotechnology Journal, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 43-57 (2016). doi:10.1002/biot.201500191.
Spina, Federica ; Junghanns, Charles ; Donelli, Ilaria ; Nair, Rakesh ; Demarche, Philippe ; Romagnolo, Alice ; Freddi, Giuliano ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Varese, Giovanna Cristina. Stimulation of laccases from Trametes pubescens : use in dye decolorization and cotton bleaching. In: Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Vol. 46, no. 7, p. 639-647 (2015). doi:10.1080/10826068.2015.1128445.
Matos, Guilherme I. ; Junior, Clenilson S. ; Oliva, Thais C. ; Subtil, Debora Farias ; Matsushita, Leticia Yuki ; Chaves, Ana L. ; Lutterbach, Marcia T. ; Sérvulo, Eliana F. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoît. Bacterial community dynamics and ecotoxicological assessment during bioremediation of soils contaminated by biodiesel and diesel/biodiesel blends. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 80, no.1, p. 157-161 (2015).
Meckenstock, Rainer U. ; Elsner, Martin ; Griebler, Christian ; Lueders, Tillmann ; Stumpp, Christine ; Aamand, Jens ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Albrechtsen, Hans-Jørgen ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Bjerg, Poul L. ; Boon, Nico ; Dejonghe, Winnie ; Huang, Wei E. ; Schmidt, Susanne I. ; Smolders, Erik ; Sørensen, Sebastian R. ; Springael, Dirk ; van Breukelen, Boris M.. Biodegradation: Updating the Concepts of Control for Microbial Cleanup in Contaminated Aquifers. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 49, no.12, p. 7073-7081 (2015). doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b00715.
Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Rorrer, Greg. Biogenic nanomaterials from photosynthetic microorganisms. In: Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Vol. 33, no.1, p. 23-31 (June 2015). doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2014.10.005.
Ardao Palacios , Inés ; Magnin, Delphine ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioinspired production of magnetic laccase-biotitania particles for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals. In: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 112, no.10, p. 1986-1996 (2015). doi:10.1002/bit.25612.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Deciphering microbial community robustness through synthetic ecology and molecular systems synecology. In: Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Vol. 33, no.1, p. 305-317 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2015.03.012.
Li, Jian ; Stamato, Marisa ; Velliou, Eirini ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Design and characterization of a scalable airlift flat panel photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation. In: Journal of Applied Phycology, Vol. 27, no. 1, p. 75-86 (2015). doi:10.1007/s10811-014-0335-1.
Jeffryes, Clayton ; Li, Jian ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Dimensionless equations to describe microalgal growth in a planar cultivation system. In: Biotechnology Letters, Vol. 37, no.11, p. 2167-2171 (2015). doi:10.1007/s10529-015-1899-9.
Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Dynamic measurement of oxidase activity based on oxygen consumption in open systems. In: Engineering in Life Sciences, Vol. 15, no.8, p. 804-814 (2015). doi:10.1002/elsc.201500021.
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Boon, Nico. Editorial overview: Environmental biotechnology. In: Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Vol. 33, no. 1, p. v-vii (2015). doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2015.04.002.
Gavrilescu, Maria ; Demnerová, Kateřina ; Aamand, Jens ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Fava, Fabio. Emerging pollutants in the environment: present and future challenges in biomonitoring, ecological risks and bioremediation. In: New Biotechnology, Vol. 32, no. 1, p. 147–156 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2014.01.001.
Majone, Mauro ; Verdini, Roberta ; Aulenta, Federico ; Rossetti, Simona ; Tandoi, Valter ; Kalogerakis, Nicolas ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Puig, Sebastià ; Zanaroli, Giulio ; Fava, Fabio. In situ groundwater and sediment bioremediation: barriers and perspectives at European contaminated sites. In: New Biotechnology, Vol. 32, no. 1, p. 133-146 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2014.02.011.
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Delhaye, Antoine ; Chader, Samira ; Khelifi, Daoudi ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeffryes, Clayton. Canthaxanthin, astaxanthin and adonixanthin production from a Dactylococcus microalga in a new flat plate airlift photobioreactor. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Vol. 79, no.1, p. 65-70 (07-02-2014).
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Chader, Samira ; Khelifi , Douadi ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of fatty acid and carotenoid production in an Acutodesmus microalga isolated from the Algerian Sahara. In: Biomass & Bioenergy, Vol. 69, no.0, p. 265-275 (October 2014). doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.07.023.
Ramírez-Cavazos, Leticia I ; Junghanns, Charles ; Nair, Rakesh ; Cárdenas-Chávez, Diana L ; Hernández-Luna, Carlos ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Parra, Roberto. Enhanced production of thermostable laccases from a native strain of Pycnoporus sanguineus using central composite design.. In: Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B, Vol. 15, no.4, p. 343-52 (2014). doi:10.1631/jzus.B1300246.
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Chader, Samira ; Khelifi, Daoudi ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeffryes, Clayton. Induction of canthaxanthin production in a Dactylococcus microalga isolated from the Algerian Sahara. In: Bioresource Technology, Vol. 151, no. 1, p. 297-305 (Jan 2014). doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2013.10.073.
Pérez-López, Paula ; González-García, Sara ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; McHugh, Edward ; Walsh, Daniel ; Murray, Patrick ; Moane, Siobhan ; Feijoo, Gumersindo ; Moreira, Mª Teresa. Life cycle assessment of the production of the red antioxidant carotenoid astaxanthin by microalgae: from lab to pilot scale. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 64, no. 1, p. 332-344 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.07.011.
Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Li, Yan. Process engineering of stem cell metabolism for large scale expansion and differentiation in bioreactors. In: Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 84, no.1, p. 74-82 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.bej.2014.01.005.
Ramírez-Cavazos, Leticia I. ; Junghanns, Charles ; Ornelas-Soto, Nancy ; Cárdenas-Chávez, Diana L. ; Hernández-Luna, Carlos ; Demarche, Philippe ; Enaud, Estelle ; García-Morales, Raúl ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Parra, Roberto. Purification and characterization of two thermostable laccases from Pycnoporus sanguineus and potential role in degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals. In: Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, Vol. 108, p. 32-42 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.molcatb.2014.06.006.
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Li, Yan ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Stem cell bioprocess engineering towards cGMP production and clinical applications. In: Cytotechnology : international journal of cell culture and biotechnology, Vol. 66, no. 5, p. 709-722 (2014). doi:10.1007/s10616-013-9687-7.
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Fava, Fabio ; Scoma, Alberto. Biotechnology for the Bio- and Green Economy. In: New Biotechnology, Vol. 30, no.6, p. 581-584 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2013.08.009.
Arboleda, Carolina ; Cabana, H. ; De Pril, E. ; Jones, J. Peter ; Jiménez, G. A. ; Mejía, A. I. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Penninckx, M. J.. Elimination of Bisphenol A and Triclosan Using the Enzymatic System of Autochthonous Colombian Forest Fungi. In: ISRN Biotechnology, Vol. 2013, no.1, p. 1-12 (2013). doi:10.5402/2013/968241.
Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Li, Yan. Engineering stem cell fate with biochemical and biomechanical properties of microcarriers. In: Biotechnology Progress, Vol. 29, no.6, p. 1354-1366 (2013). doi:10.1002/btpr.1825.
Nair, Rakesh R. ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Formulation and characterization of an immobilized laccase biocatalyst and its application to eliminate organic micropollutants in wastewater. In: New Biotechnology, Vol. 30, no.6, p. 814-823 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2012.12.004.
Li, Yan ; Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Mass Production of Stem Cell-Derived Progeny in Bioreactors. In: International Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation, Vol. 1, no.2, p. 1-3 (mai 2013).
Sart, Sébastien ; Errachid, Abdelmounaim ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Modulation of mesenchymal stem cell actin organization on conventional microcarriers for proliferation and differentiation in stirred bioreactors.. In: Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Vol. 7, no. 7, p. 537-551 (7 july 2013). doi:10.1002/term.545.
Park, Jong Moon ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeon, Che-Ok. Special issue on International Biotechnology Symposium, IBS-2012: September 16–21, Daegu, Korea. In: Bioresource Technology, Vol. 145, no.1, p. 1 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2013.08.072.
Murray, Patrick M. ; Moane, Siobhan ; Collins, Catherine ; Beletskaya, Tanya ; Thomas, Olivier P. ; Duarte, Alysson W.F. ; Nobre, Fernando S. ; Owoyemi, Ifeloju O. ; Pagnocca, Fernando C. ; Sette, L.D. ; McHugh, Edward ; Causse, Eric ; Pérez-López, Paula ; Feijoo, Gumersindo ; Moreira, Ma.T. ; Rubiolo, Juan ; Leirós, Marta ; Botana, Luis M. ; Pinteus, Susete ; Alves, Celso ; Horta, André ; Pedrosa, Rui ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Allewaert, Céline ; Verween, Annick ; Vyverman, Wim ; Laptev, Ivan ; Sineoky, Sergei ; Bisio, Angela ; Manconi, Renata ; Ledda, Fabio ; Marchi, Mario ; Pronzato, Roberto ; Walsh, Daniel J.. Sustainable production of biologically active molecules of marine based origin. In: New Biotechnology, Vol. 30, no. 6, p. 839–850. doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2013.03.006.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Lamblin, Guillaume ; Cornelis, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Aerobic Denitration of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene in the Presence of Phenazine Compounds and Reduced Pyridine Nucleotides. In: Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 46, no. 19, p. 10605-10613 (2012). doi:10.1021/es302046h.
Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Mazy, Nicolas ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Design-of-experiment strategy for the formulation of laccase biocatalysts and their application to degrade bisphenol A. In: NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 30, no.1, p. 96-103 (15 November 2012). doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2012.05.023.
Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Harnessing the power of enzymes for environmental stewardship. In: Biotechnology Advances : research reviews, Vol. 30, no. 5, p. 933-953 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.05.013 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect cells as factories for biomanufacturing. In: Biotechnology Advances : research reviews, Vol. 30, no.5, p. 1140-1157 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.09.014.
Michiels, Jean-François ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Characterisation of beneficial and detrimental effects of a soy peptone, as an additive for CHO cell cultivation, collab. Barbau, Jérémie ; De Boel, Sébastien ; Dessy, Stéphanie. In: Process Biochemistry, Vol. 46, no. 3, p. 671-681 (March 2011). doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2010.11.012.
Taboada-Puig, R. ; Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Moreira, M.T. ; Feijoo, G. ; Lema, J.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Combined cross-linked enzyme aggregates from versatile peroxidase and glucose oxidase: Production, partial characterization and application for the elimination of endocrine disruptors. In: Bioresource Technology, Vol. 102, no. 11, p. 6593-6599 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.03.018.
Sart, Sébastien ; Errachid, Abdelmounaim ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Controlled expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in a microcarrier based stirred bioreactor.. In: BMC Proceedings, Vol. 5 Suppl 8, p. P55 (2011). doi:10.1186/1753-6561-5-S8-P55.
Riva, Sergio ; Morandini, Piero ; Sannia, Giovanni ; Fraaije, Marco ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Editorial. In: Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Vol. 49, no.6-7, p. iv (2011). doi:10.1016/S0141-0229(11)00222-5.
Michiels, Jean-François ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effects of a soy peptone on g-IFN production steps in CHO-320 cells, collab. Sart, Sébastien. In: Process Biochemistry, Vol. 46, no. 9, p. 1759-1766 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2011.05.025 (Accepté/Sous presse).
George, Isabelle F ; Hartmann, Manuela ; Liles, Mark R ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Recovery of as-yet-uncultured soil acidobacteria on dilute solid media.. In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 77, no. 22, p. 8184-8 (2011). doi:10.1128/AEM.05956-11.
Elisashvili, Vladimir ; Kachlishvili, Eva ; Khardziani, Tamar ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of aromatic compounds on the production of laccase and manganese peroxidase by white-rot basidiomycetes. In: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 37, no. 10, p. 1091-1096 (2010). doi:10.1007/s10295-010-0757-y.
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Junghanns, Charles ; Nair, Rakesh ; Parra, R. ; Jaouani, A. ; Demarche, Philippe. Harnessing the power of enzymes for environmental stewardship. In: Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 150, no. supplement, p. S57-S57 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.08.150.
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Influence of culture parameters on ear mesenchymal stem cells expanded on microcarriers.. In: Journal of biotechnology, Vol. 150, no. 1, p. 149-60 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.08.003.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene degradation: could we learn from (bio)chemistry for bioremediation and vice versa?. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 88, no. 5, p. 1043-1064 (2010). doi:10.1007/s00253-010-2830-x.
George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Liles, Mark R. ; Hartmann, Manuela ; Ludwig, Wolfgang ; Goodman, Robert M.. Changes in soil Acidobacteria communities after 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene contamination.. In: FEMS microbiology letters, Vol. 296, no. 2, p. 159-66 (2009). doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2009.01632.x.
Schuler, Luc ; Jouanneau, Yves ; Ní Chadhain, Sinéad ; Meyer, Christine ; Pouli, Maria ; Zylstra, Gerben ; Hols, Pascal ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of a ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase from phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 able to oxidize benz[a]anthracene.. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 83, no. 3, p. 465-475 (2009). doi:10.1007/s00253-009-1858-2.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; Rozenberg, Raoul ; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis ; Matthijs, Sandra ; Cornelis, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in aqueous solutions using small-molecular-weight catalyst(s) secreted by pseudomonas aeruginosa ESA-5.. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 43, no. 6, p. 2011-2017 (2009). doi:10.1021/es8024319.
Cabana, Hubert ; Alexandre, Céline ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jones, J. Peter. Immobilization of laccase from the white rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona and use of the immobilized biocatalyst for the continuous elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals.. In: Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100, no. 14, p. 3447-3458 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.02.052.
Elisashvili, Vladimir ; Kachlishvili, Eva ; Tsiklauri, Nino ; Metreveli, Eka ; Khardziani, Tamar ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Lignocellulose-degrading enzyme production by white-rot Basidiomycetes isolated from the forests of Georgia. In: World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 25, no. 2, p. 331-339 (2009). doi:10.1007/s11274-008-9897-x.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Rapid and unbiased colorimetric quantification of nitrite and ammonium ions released from 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene during biodegradation studies: Eliminating interferences. In: International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Vol. 63, no. 1, p. 116-122 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2008.09.001.
Cabana, Hubert ; jones, Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N.. The concept of continuous utilization of laccase CLEAs. In: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 102, no. 6, p. 341-354 (April 15, 2009). doi:10.1002/bit.22293.
Cabana, Hubert ; Jones, J. Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Utilization of Cross-Linked Laccase Aggregates in a Perfusion Basket Reactor for the Continuous Elimination of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals. In: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 102, no. 6, p. 1582-1592 (2009). doi:10.1002/bit.22198.
Schuler, Luc ; Ní Chadhain, Sinéad M ; Jouanneau, Yves ; Meyer, Christine ; Zylstra, Gerben J ; Hols, Pascal ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of a novel angular dioxygenase from fluorene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LB126.. In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 74, no. 4, p. 1050-1057 (2008). doi:10.1128/AEM.01627-07.
Vanhulle, Sophie ; Trovaslet, Marie ; Enaud, Estelle ; Lucas, Mathias ; Taghavi, Safiyh ; Van der Lelie, Daniel ; Van Aken, Benoit ; Foret, Magali ; Onderwater, Rob C A ; Wesenberg, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Corbisier, Anne-Marie. Decolorization, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity reduction during a combined ozonation/fungal treatment of dye-contaminated wastewater.. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 42, no. 2, p. 584-549 (2008). doi:10.1021/es071300k.
Eyers, Laurent ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ESA-5 in the presence of ferrihydrite., collab. Stenuit, Benoît. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 79, no. 3, p. 489-497 (2008). doi:10.1007/s00253-008-1434-1.
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Ear mesenchymal stem cells: An efficient adult multipotent cell population fit for rapid and scalable expansion.. In: Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 139, no. 4, p. 291-299 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.12.011.
George, Isabelle ; Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene on soil bacterial communities.. In: Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 35, no. 4, p. 225-236 (2008). doi:10.1007/s10295-007-0289-2.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; Schuler, Luc ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; George, Isabelle. Emerging high-throughput approaches to analyze bioremediation of sites contaminated with hazardous and/or recalcitrant wastes.. In: Biotechnology Advances : research reviews, Vol. 26, no. 6, p. 561-575 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2008.07.004.
Cabana, Hubert ; Jones, J. Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N.. New tools for new challenges: Innovative use of enzyme technology in micropollutant control, (Abstract IL-027). In: Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 136, no. /S, p. S604 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.07.1399.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Development of serum-free media for lepidopteran insect cell lines.. In: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), Vol. 388, p. 155-185 (2007). doi:10.1007/978-1-59745-457-5_8.
Coulibaly, L. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effects of aspergillus niger inoculum concentration upon the kinetics of starchy wastewater pretreatment in a tanks-in-series bioreactor under transitory conditions. In: Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 24, no. 4, p. 499-507 (2007). doi:10.1590/S0104-66322007000400004.
Cabana, Hubert ; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis ; Rozenberg, Raoul ; Elisashvili, Vladimir ; Penninckx, Michel ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jones, J. Peter. Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol and bisphenol A and personal care product ingredient triclosan using enzyme preparation from the white rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona. In: Chemosphere, Vol. 67, no. 4, p. 770-778 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.10.037.
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Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Eyers, Laurent ; Rozenberg, Raoul ; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis. Aerobic growth of Escherichia coli with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) as the sole nitrogen source and evidence of TNT denitration by whole cells and cell-free extracts.. In: Applied and environmental microbiology, Vol. 72, no. 12, p. 7945-8 (2006). doi:10.1128/AEM.01052-06.
Eyers, Laurent ; Smoot, James C ; Smoot, Laura M ; Bugli, Céline ; Urakawa, Hidetoshi ; McMurry, Zack ; Siripong, Slil ; El-Fantroussi, Said ; Lambert, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stahl, David A. Discrimination of shifts in a soil microbial community associated with TNT-contamination using a functional ANOVA of 16S rRNA hybridized to oligonucleotide microarrays.. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 40, no. 19, p. 5867-73 (2006). doi:10.1021/es0609093.
Coulibaly, Lacina ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Influence of Aspergillus niger inoculum size upon the kinetics of macromolecule degradation under transient operating conditions. In: European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 15, no. 1, p. 38-51 (2006).
Provost, Agnès ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Metabolic design of macroscopic bioreaction models: application to Chinese hamster ovary cells.. In: Bioprocess and biosystems engineering, Vol. 29, no. 5-6, p. 349-66 (2006). doi:10.1007/s00449-006-0083-y.
Dries, Jan ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springaeld, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Combined removal of chlorinated ethenes and heavy metals by zerovalent iron in batch and continuous flow column systems. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 39, no. 21, p. 8460-8465 (2005). doi:10.1021/es050251d.
Dries, Jan ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Kuypers, Stefan ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Effect of humic acids on heavy metal removal by zero-valent iron in batch and continuous flow column systems. In: Water Research, Vol. 39, no. 15, p. 3531-3540 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.watres.2005.06.020.
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Is bioaugmentation a feasible strategy for pollutant removal and site remediation?. In: Current Opinion in Microbiology, Vol. 8, no. 3, p. 268-275 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.mib.2005.04.011.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Promising strategies for the mineralisation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. In: Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Vol. 4, no. 1-2, p. 39-60 (2005). doi:10.1007/s11157-005-5515-7.
Mols, J ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Peeters-Joris, C ; Wattiez, R. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Recombinant interferon-gamma secreted by Chinese hamster ovary-320 cells cultivated in suspension in protein-free media is protected against extracellular proteolysis by the expression of natural protease inhibitors and by the addition of plant protein hydrolysates to the culture medium.. In: In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, Vol. 41, no. 3-4, p. 83-91 (2005). doi:10.1290/0411075.1.
Ali Khodja, Hocine ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. The removal of methyl ethyl ketone in an essentially gaseous-phase biofilm bioreactor : aspects of dynamic behavior and the influence of operating characteristics. In: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 14, no. 8, p. 709-715 (2005).
Beschkov, V. ; Velizarov, S. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Lukova, V.. Bacterial denitrification of waste water stimulated by constant electric field. In: Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 17, no. 2, p. 141-145 (2004). doi:10.1016/S1369-703X(03)00149-9.
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Ikonomou, L ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of partial medium replacement on cell growth and protein production for the High-Five (TM) insect cell line. In: Cytotechnology : international journal of cell culture and biotechnology, Vol. 44, no. 1-2, p. 67-76 (2004). doi:10.1023/B:CYTO.0000043413.53044.fa.
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Mols, Johann ; Peeters-Joris, Chantal ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Origin of rice protein hydrolysates added to protein-free media alters secretion and extracellular proteolysis of recombinant interferon-gamma as well as CHO-320 cell growth. In: Biotechnology Letters, Vol. 26, no. 13, p. 1043-1046 (2004). doi:10.1023/B:BILE.0000032960.06112.31.
Ballez, JS ; Mols, Johann ; Burteau, Caroline ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Plant protein hydrolysates support CHO-320 cells proliferation and recombinant IFN-gamma production in suspension and inside microcarriers in protein-free media. In: Cytotechnology : international journal of cell culture and biotechnology, Vol. 44, no. 3, p. 103-114 (2004). doi:10.1007/s10616-004-1099-2.
Sokolovska, Ivana ; Rozenberg, Raoul ; Rouxhet, Paul ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Wattiau, Pierre. Carbon source-induced modifications in the mycolic acid content and cell wall permeability of Rhodococcus erythropolis E1, collab. Riez, Christophe. In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 69, no. 12, p. 7019-7027 (2003). doi:10.1128/AEM.69.12.7019-7027.2003.
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Burteau, Caroline ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Mols, Johann ; Ballez, Jean-Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Fortification of a protein-free cell culture medium with plant peptones improves cultivation and productivity of an interferon-g-producing CHO cell line. In: In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, Vol. 39, no. 7, p. 291-296 (2003). doi:10.1290/1543-706X(2003)039<0291:FOAPCC>2.0.CO;2.
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Goux, Sébastien ; Shapir, N. ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Lelong, Stéphanie ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pussemier, Luc. Long-term maintenance of rapid atrazine degradation in soils inoculated with atrazine degraders. In: Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, no. 3, p. 131-142 (2003). doi:10.1023/A:1023998222016.
Lucas, Mathias ; GOBEAU, B. ; Mertens, V. ; Vanhulle, Sophie ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Bols, Christian-Marie ; Corbisier, Anne-Marie ; Wesenberg, Dirk. Sustainable Process for the Treatment and Detoxification of Liquid Waste, 1 May, 2003, collab. Buchon, Frédéric. In: World Patent Information, , no. WO03/035561, p. 10 (2003).
Coulibaly, Lacina ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Transformation kinetics of mixed polymeric substrates under transitory conditions by Aspergillus niger. In: African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 2, no. 11, p. 438-443 (2003). doi:10.5897/AJB2003.000-1088.
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Sokolovska, I ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of fluorene at low temperature by a psychrotrophic Sphingomonas sp L-138. In: Chemical Papers, Vol. 56, no. 1, p. 36-40 (2002).
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Drzyzga, Oliver ; EL Mamouni, Rachid ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gottschal, Jan C.. Dehalogenation of chlorinated ethenes and immobilization of nickel in anaerobic sediment columns under sulfidogenic conditions. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 36, no. 12, p. 2630-2635 (2002). doi:10.1021/es010184x.
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Ikonomou, Laertis ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Microcarrier culture of lepidopteran cell lines: implications for growth and recombinant protein production.. In: Biotechnology progress, Vol. 18, no. 6, p. 1345-55 (2002). doi:10.1021/bp0255107.
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Wattiau, Pierre ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Wuertz, S. Use of the pAL5000 replicon in PAH-degrading mycobacteria: application for strain labelling and promoter probing.. In: Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Vol. 59, no. 6, p. 700-5 (2002). doi:10.1007/s00253-002-1081-x.
Wattiau, Pierre ; Renard, Marie Eve ; Ledent, Philippe ; Debois, V ; Blackman, G ; Agathos, Spiros N.. A PCR test to identify bacillus subtilis and closely related species and its application to the monitoring of wastewater biotreatment.. In: Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Vol. 56, no. 5-6, p. 816-9 (2001). doi:10.1007/s002530100691.
Borraccino, Rémi ; Kharoune, Mourad ; Giot, Renaud ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Nyns, Edmond-Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Pauss, André. Abiotic transformation of catechol and 1-naphthol in aqueous solution - Influence of environmental factors. In: Water Research, Vol. 35, no. 15, p. 3729-3737 (2001). doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00097-5.
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Peres, Caroline ; Russ, Rainer ; Lenke, Hiltrud ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of 4-nitrobenzoate, 4-aminobenzoate and their mixtures: new strains, unusual metabolites and insights into pathway regulation. In: FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 37, no. 2, p. 151-159 (2001). doi:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2001.tb00863.x.
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Dries, Jan ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Removal of Mixed Chlorinated Ethenes and Heavy Metals in Zero Valent Iron Systems. In: Universiteit Gent. Faculteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen. Mededelingen, Vol. 66, no. 4, p. 179-184 (2001).
Acha, V. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Meurens, Marc ; Naveau, Henry. ATR-FTIR sensor development for continuous on-line monitoring of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons in a fixed-bed bioreactor.. In: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 68, no. 5, p. 473-487 (2000). doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0290(20000605)68:5<473::AID-BIT1>3.0.CO;2-8.
Goux, Sébastien ; Ibanez, M. ; Van Horrick, M. ; Debongnie, P. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pussemier, Luc. Biodegradation of atrazine in sand sediments and in a sand-filter. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 54, no. 4, p. 589-596 (2000). doi:10.1007/s002530000418.
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Van Aken, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Cameron, M. D. ; Stahl, J. D. ; Plumat, A. ; Naveau, Henry ; Aust, S. D.. Glutathione-mediated mineralization of 14C-labeled 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene by manganese-dependent peroxidase H5 from the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium.. In: Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Vol. 54, no. 5, p. 659-64 (2000). doi:10.1007/s002530000436.
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Biotechnology for the Environment : Soil remediation, éd. Agathos, Spiros N. ; Reineke, Walter (Focus on Biotechnology; 3B), Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002. 1-4020-1131-8. 142 p.
Biotechnology for the Environment: Strategy and Fundamentals., éd. Agathos, Spiros N. ; Reineke, Walter (Focus on Biotechnology; 3A), Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002. 1-4020-0529-6. 248 p.
Hellin, Emmanuel ; Ali Khodja, Hocine ; Déséveaux, Sébastien ; Vandermesse, Fabrice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Naveau, Henry. A useful tool to study and optimize the treatment of voc in gaseous phase : the tubular biofilm reactor, 1997. 90-5204-031-1. n/a p.
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioremediation of nitrobenzene by simultaneous reduction of nitrobenzene into aniline and mineralization of the aniline formed, 1997. 90-5204-031-1. n/a p.
Bitchaeva, O.Y. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Ronneau, Claude ; Collard, G. ; Diaz, J. ; Duggleby, C.J. ; Sahut, C. ; Wissler, J.H.. Biotechnology for the nuclear industry. An international experience, 1997. 90-5204-031-1. n/a p.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Environmental biotechnology in research and education, Kluwer Academic Publ., 1997. 0-7923-4769-2. n/a p.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation and Bioremediation of TNT and Other Nitro Explosives. In: Murray Moo-Young (ed.), Comprehensive biotechnology, Elsevier Inc.: Oxford, UK, 2019. 978-0-444-64046-8. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-64046-8.00348-7.
Matos, Guilherme ; Oliveira, Ana ; Coutinho,Diogo ; Oliva, Thais ; Junior, Clenilson ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Lutterbach, Márcia ; Sérvulo, Eliana. Culturable Microbiome and Biodegradation Activity of Diesel B5 and Biodiesel (B100) in a Contaminated Soil Bioremediation Study. In: Torben Lund Skovhus, Corinne Whitby, Oilfield Microbiology, CRC Press: Boca Raton, 2019, p. 175-196. 9781315164700. doi:10.1201/9781315164700.
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoît. Introduction - Environmental and Related Biotechnologies. In: Murray Moo-Young, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Elsevier Inc.: Oxford, UK, 2019. 978-0-444-64046-8. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-64046-8.00334-7.
Augelletti, Floriana ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jousset, Alexandre. Manipulation of Biodiversity to Steer and Optimize Microbial Community Function. In: Murray Moo-Young (ed.), Comprehensive biotechnology, 3eme édition, Elsevier Inc.: Oxford, UK, 2019. 978-0-444-64046-8. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-64046-8.00478-X.
George, Isabelle F. ; Bouhajja, Emna ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Metagenomics for Bioremediation. In: Murray Moo-Young (ed.), Comprehensive biotechnology, Elsevier Inc.: Oxford, UK, 2019. 978-0-444-64046-8. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-64046-8.00339-6.
Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Large-scale expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in microcarrier-based stirred bioreactors. In: Kursad Turksen (ed.), Bioreactors in Stem Cell Biology : methods and protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology; 1502), Humana Press: New York, 2015, p. 87-102. 9781493964765. doi:10.1007/7651_2015_314.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation and Bioremediation of TNT and Other Nitro Explosives. In: Collectif, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier: Oxford, UK, 2013. 9780124095489. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.00364-X.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation and bioremediation of TNT and other nitro explosives. In: M. Moo Young, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, Elsevier Science Publishers: Oxford, UK, 2011, p. 167-181. 978-0-444-53352-4. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.00364-X.
Pouli, Maria ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioremediation of PAH-contaminated sites: From pathways to bioreactors. In: A.I. Koukkou, Editor, Microbial Bioremediation of Non-metals, Caister Academic Press: Norfolk, UK, 2011, p. 119-147. 978-1-904455-83-7.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Environmental Biotechnology and Safety - Volume 6. In: M. Moo Young, Editor-in-Chief, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Elsevier: Oxford, UK, 2011. 978-0-444-53352-4.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology and Safety. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, Elsevier: Oxford, UK, 2011, pp. 1-2. 978-0-444-53352-4.
George, Isabelle ; Bouhajja, Emna ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Metagenomics for bioremediation. In: M. Moo Young, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 - Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, Elsevier Science Publishers: Oxford, UK, 2011, p. 47-57. 978-0-444-53352-4.
George, Isabelle ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Application of Metagenomics to Bioremediation. In: Marco Diana (ed.), Metagenomics Theory, Methods and Applications, Caister academic press: Norfolk, UK, 2010, p. 119-140. 978-1-904455-54-7.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect cell culture. In: R.H. Baltz, J.E. Davies and A.L. Demain, Editors, Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (3rd Edition), American Society for Microbiology: Washington, DC, , 2010. 978-1-55581-512-7.
Michiels, Jean-François ; barbau, J. ; Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Effects of soy peptone-supplemented medium on CHO-320 cells. In: Jenkins, N., Barron, N., Alves, P. (eds), Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10, 2009 (ESACT Proceedings; 5), Springer, 2009, p. 471-475. 978-94-007-0883-9.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Impact of growth factors on the proliferation of ear mesenchymal stem cells on porous microcarriers. In: Nigel Jenkins, Niall Barron, Paula Alves (eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10, 2009 (ESACT Proceedings; 5 (part 2)), Springer, 2009, p. 161-176. 978-94-007-0883-9.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; Schuler, Luc ; George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Molecular Tools for Monitoring and Validating BioremediationSoil Biology, 1, Volume 17, Advances in Applied Bioremediation, Pages 339-353. In: Singh, Ajay; Kuhad, Ramesh C.; Ward, Owen P. (Eds.), Advances in Applied Bioremediation Soil Biology, 2009, XIII, 361 p. 50 illus., Springer Verlag,: Heidelberg, 2009, p. Volume 17, 339-353. 978-3-540-89620-3. doi:10.1007/978-540-89621-0_1.
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; George, Isabelle. High-throughput approaches to analyse waste biotreatment in confined environments. In: Diaz, E. (Ed.),, Microbial Biodegradation: Genomics and Molecular Biology, Caister Academic Press: Norwich, UK, 2008, p. 319-358. 978-1-904455-17-2.
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Analysis and Modeling of the Metabolism of Lepidopteran Cell Lines. In: Smith, Rodney (Ed.), Cell technology for cell products : Proceedings of the 19th ESACT Meeting, Harrogate, UK, June 5-8, 2005. Series: ESACT Proceedings, Vol. 3, Springer: Dordrecht, 2007, p. 770-780. 978-1-4020-5475-4.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Development of serum-free media for lepidopteran insect cell lines. In: David W. Murhammer, Baculovirus Expression Protocols, second edition, Methods in Molecular Biology Series, 2007, D. W., 6 juil. 2007 - 470 pages, Humana Press, , 2007, p. 155-185.
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Growth of mammalian and lepidopteran cells on BioNOC II disks, a novel macroporous microcarrier. In: R. Smith, Editor, Cell Technology for Cell Products. Proceedings of the 19th ESACT Meeting, Harrogate, UK, June 5-8, 2005, 24 January 2007 (Series: ESACT Proceedings, Vol. 3; 2007, LXXIX, 824 p.), Springer: Dordrecht, 2007, p. 781-784.
Mols, Johann ; Cavez, Nicolas ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Plant peptones: Nutritional properties sustaining recombinant protein secretion by CHO cells. In: R. Smith, Editor,, Cell Technology for Cell Products, Springer: Dordrecht, 2007, p. CHAPTER VI, 599-601. 978-1-4020-5475-4.
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pieper, D.H. ; Witzig, Robert ; Cámara, Beatriz ; Gabriel-Jürgens, Lotte ; Junca, Howard ; Zanaroli, Giulio ; Fava, Fabio. BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS. In: D. Reible and T. Lanczos (editors), Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Springer: Dordrecht, 2006, p. 179–238. 1-4020-4958-7.
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pieper, D.H. ; Witzig, R. ; Camara, B. ; Gabriel-Jürgens, L. ; Junca, H. ; Zanaroli, G. ; Fava, F. ; Perez-Jimenez, J.R. ; Young, L.Y. ; Hamonts, K. ; Lookman, R. ; Maesen, M. ; Diels, Ludo ; Dejonghe, W. ; Dijk, J. ; Springael, Dirk. Biological assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments. In: D. Reible and T. Lanczos, Editors, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Worksop on Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 18-21 May 2005. 2006, XXII, 246 p., Series: Nato Science Series: IV: (closed), Vol. 73, Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006, p. 179-238. 978-1-4020-4957-6.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Chlorinated solvents biodegradation and nickel bioimmobilization in historically contaminated anaerobic sediments. In: P. Canepa and F. Fava, Editors, Biomonitoring, Bioavailability and Microbial Transformation of Pollutants in Sediments and Approaches to Stimulate their Biodegradation, Soil Remediation, INCA: Venice, Italy, 2006, p. 33-44. 88-88214-32-1.
Fava, Fabio ; Agathos, Spiros N.. UNCERTAINTY AND RESEARCH NEEDS IN THE AREAOF THE BIOLOGICAL RESTORATIONOF CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS. In: D. Reible and T. Lanczos (editors), Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Springer: Dordrecht, NL, 2006. 1-4020-4958-7.
Fava, Fabio ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Uncertainty and research needs in the area of biological restoration of contaminated sediments. In: D. Reible and T. Lanczos, Editors, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, NATO Science Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Springer Verlag,: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006, p. 239-246. 1-4020-4958-7.
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Environmental effects of lactate on High-FiveTM insect cell metabolism. In: Godia Francesc & Fussenegger Martin (eds.), Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics (ESACT Proceedings; 2), Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2005, p. 91-94. 1-4020-2791-5.
Mols, Johann ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Peeters-Joris, Chantal ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Extracellular metalloproteases and their inhibitors expressed by the ifn-gamma producing CHO-320 cell line. In: Francesc Gòdia et Martin Fussenegger (eds), Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics : Proceedings of the 18th ESACT Meeting. Granada, Spain, May 11-14, 2003 (ESACT Proceedings; 2), 2005, p.175-177. 978-1-4020-2791-8. doi:10.1007/1-4020-3103-3_34.
Eyers, Laurent ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; El Fantroussi, Saïd. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) as a fingerprinting tool for analyzing microbial communities in contaminated environments. In: J.F.T. Spencer and A.L. Ragout de Spencer, Totowa, Methods in Biotechnology : Environmental Microbiology - Methods and Protocols, Humana Press: New Jersey, U.S.A., 2004, p. 407-417. 1-58829-116-2.
Goux, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pussemier, Luc. Towards a Better Understanding of Enhanced Pesticide Biodegradation. In: Agathos Spiros N. and Reineke W. (Eds.), Biotechnology for the Environment: Stategy and Fundamentals. Focus on Biotechnology Series Vol. 3A 2002, 248 p. 18 illus., Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002, p. 141-156. 978-1-4020-0529-9.
Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Chenu, S. ; Goergen, J.-L. ; Marc, A. ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Adaptation and Growth Kinetics of the Universal Host CHO Cell Lines in Serum-Free Medium. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, , Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, p. 438-440. 1-4020-0264-5.
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Fabry, Geneviève ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Jacquet, Roger ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation as a Tool for Complete and Rapid Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Chlorinated Ethenes, Anaerobic Digestion for Sustainable Development. In: M.J. Lexmond, J.B. van Lier, P.N.L. Lens, J.A. Field, L.W. Hulshoff Pol, G.Zeeman, Anaerobic Digestion for Sustainable Development Selected Proceedings of the Farewell Seminar for Prof. Dr Ir Gatze Lettinga, held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, 29-30 March 2001, IWA Publishing, 2001, p. 183-186. 978-1-900222-93-8.
Baré, G. ; Charlier, H. ; De Nijs, L. ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Thonart, P.. Effects of Rice Protein Hydrolysates on Growth of CHO Cells and Production of Human Interferon-gamma Serum-Free Medium. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, , Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, p. 217-219. 1-4020-0264-5.
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Ikonomou, Laertis ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Growth of High-FiveTM cells on Cultispher-S microcarriers. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology : From Target to Market, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, p. 332-334. 1-4020-0264-5.
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Physiology of insect cells cultured in a new serum-free medium. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, , Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, p. 338-340. 1-4020-0264-5.
Mols, Johann ; Burteau, Caroline ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Peeters-Joris, Chantal ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Proteolytic Potential During Batch Cultivation in Serum-Free Media of an IFN-gamma Producing CHO Cell Line. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors, Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, p. 227-229. 1-4020-0264-5.
Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Mols, Johann ; Ballez, J.S. ; Baré, G. ; Thonart, P. ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Use of Plant Peptone-Containing Serum-Free Media for the Cultivation of CHO Cells in Suspension and on Microcarriers. In: E. Lindner-Olsson, N. Chatzissavidou and E. Lüllau, Editors , Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, p. 362-364. 1-4020-0264-5.
Peres, Caroline ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of nitroaromatic pollutants : from pathways to remediation. In: M.R. El-Gewely, Ed., Biotechnology Annual Review, Elsevier Science Publishers: Amsterdam, 2000, p. 197-220. 0-444-50566-0.
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cross induction of 4-nitrobenzoate and 4-aminobenzoate degradation by Burkholderia cepacia strain PB4, Fass et al. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publ., New York. In: Fass Raffi, Flashner Yehuda et Reuveny Shaul (eds.), Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution, 1ere édition, Springer: (United States) New York, 1999, p. 71-81. 978-0-306-46102-6.
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Bastin, G. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Growth on microcarriers and nutritional needs of high density insect cell cultures. In: Bernard Alain, Griffith Bryan, Noé Wolfgang & Wurm Florian (eds.), Animal Cell Technology: Products from cells, cells as products, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 1999, p. 371-373. 978-0-7923-6075-9. doi:10.1007/0-306-46875-1_80.
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Continuous on-line monitoring or organochlorine compounds in a fixed bed bioreactor by an optical infrared sensor. In: Wickramanayake, Godage B. and Hinchee, Robert E., (eds.), Bioremediation and phytoremediation. Chlorinated and recalcitrant compounds, Battelle Press: Columbus, Ohio, 1998, p. 135-141. 9781574770599.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect Cell Bioreactors. In: J.M. Vlak, C.D. de Gooijer, J. Tramper, H.G. Miltenburger, Insect cell cultures: Fundamental and Applied Aspects, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, p. 173-189. 0-7923-3403-5.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Large Scale Insect Cell Production. In: Maramorsch K. & McIntosh (Eds.), Insect cell biotechnology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994, 89-103. 0-8493-4597-9.
Augelletti, Floriana ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoît. Effects of biodiversity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading consortia on system functionality and robustness. 14th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO) (Aberdeen, UK, du 04/06/2017 au 08/06/2017).
Augelletti, Floriana ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoît. Psychrophilic bacterial, synthetic consortia for biological treatment of artificial wastewater at low temperatures. Inter-University Attraction Poles programme on Microbial Resource Management in engineered and natural ecosystems, From syntheti (Ghent, Belgium, du 06/09/2017 au 08/09/2017).
Augelletti, Floriana ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoit. Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by synthetic bacterial communities: effects of biodiversity on multifunctionality and robustness. 21st National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium, 05/02/2016).
Augelletti, Floriana ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoit. Psychrophilic bacterial communities for biological treatment of wastewater at low temperatures. SfAM Winter Meeting Psychrophilic and Extremophile, January 19th, 2016, (London, UK, 19/01/2016).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Construction of chemostat arrays for the study of PAHs biodegradation by bacterial consortia under disturbances. 6th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VI) (Chania, Crete, Greece, du 29/06/2015 au 02/07/2015).
Augelletti, Floriana ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoit. Responses of synthetic microbial communities perturbed in multiplexed continuous bioreactors as an ecologically relevant proxy for microbial robustness prediction in natural and engineered ecosystems. 13th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO) (Milan, Italy, du 14/06/2015 au 18/06/2015).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Biotechnology for Sustainability – An Interdisciplinary Synthesis. 16th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS 2014) “Biotechnology for the Development of a Green Economy” (Fortaleza, Brazil, du 14/09/2014 au 19/09/2014).
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of fatty acid and carotenoid production in an Acutodesmus microalga isolated from the Algerian Sahara. Environmental sciences, Technologies and Management: Envitam - PhD Day (Université catholique de Louvain, 05/03/2014).
Skopelitou, Katholiki ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Fungal-bacterial “deposit” into the oil degradation “bank”. MedRem-2014, Microbial resource management for polluted marine environments and bioremediation (Hammamet, Tunisia, du 16/01/2014 au 18/01/2014).
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Chader, Samira ; Khelifi, Douadi ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeffryes, Clayton. Physiological response and photosynthetic modeling of a Dactylococcus microalga during mixotrophic cultivation on glycerol. 4th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, du 15/06/2014 au 18/06/2014).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Robustness and ecological resilience of microbial communities: from intrinsic natural dynamics to disturbance-driven responses. Workshop on Engineering and Control of Natural and Synthetic Microbial Communities, (The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical, Cambridge, UK., du 26/11/2014 au 28/11/2014).
Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bio-inspired entrapped laccases for the clean-up of micropollutants in wastewater. 5th Congress of European Microbiologists – FEMS 2013 (Leipzig (Germany), du 21/07/2013 au 25/07/2013).
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Chader, Samira ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jeffryes, Clayton. Carotenoids production in a Dactylococcus microalga from the Algerian Sahara. Belgian Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting - "Microbial Diversity for Science and Industry" (Academy Palace, Brussels, Belgium, du 26/11/2013 au 27/11/2013).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Conceptual and methodological framework to manage microbial robustness using molecular systems synecology: Applications for the biodegradation of contaminants of emerging concern. The 2nd Thünen Symp. on Soil Metagenomics (Braunschweig, Germany, du 11/12/2013 au 13/12/2013).
Bouhajja, Emna ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Liles, Mark R. ; George, Isabelle. INVESTIGATION OF A METAGENOMIC LIBRARY FOR AEROBIC TOLUENE DEGRADATION GENES. International symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms (Cancun, Mexico, du 23/06/2013 au 28/06/2013).
Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccase-biotitania magnetic biocatalysts produced via bio-inspired entrapment for the removal of micropollutants in wastewater. BSM Symposium on Microbial Diversity for Science and Industry (Brussels (Belgium), du 26/12/2013 au 27/03/2014).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Managing Microbial Robustness Using Molecular Systems Synecology: Applications for the Biogeochemical Cycling of Anthropogenic Compounds and Biogenic Molecules of Keystone Significance. Annual Symposium, Microbial Diversity for Science and Industry (BSM) (Brussel, Belgium, du 26/11/2013 au 27/11/2013).
Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Micropollutants clean-up by bio-inspired entrapped laccases. Water Technology and Management Symposium (Leuven (Belgium), du 20/11/2013 au 21/11/2013).
Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Li, Yan. Stem Cell Expansion and Differentiation in Microcarrier-Based Bioreactors for Large Scale Production. Annual meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) (San Francisco, California, U. S. A. , du 03/11/2013 au 08/11/2013).
Grama, Borhane Samir ; Chader, Samira ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Stress Induced Production of Canthaxanthin From a Novel Strain of Chlorella Isolated From theSahara Desert. 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting (San Francisco, California, United States, du 03/11/2013 au 08/11/2013).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Targeted illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA and functional marker genes to decipher microbial communities involved in biogeochemical cycling processes. Workshop MicroB3-MetaExplore. Harvesting Environmental Genomes for the Development of Biocatalysts (Groningen, Netherlands, du 14/10/2013 au 15/10/2013).
Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Agathos, Spiros N.. The ultimate cartridge for environmental clean-up. Micropol & Ecohazard 2013 (Zurich, du 16/06/2013 au 20/06/2013).
Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bio-inspired enzyme entrapment and cross-linking approaches as alternative tools for enzyme immobilization. International Workshop on New and Synthetic Bioproduction Systems (Hamburg (Germany), du 06/12/2012 au 07/12/2012).
Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biocatalysis for environmental Clean up: Past, Present and Future Developments. Biocatalysis 2012 (Cancun, Mexico, du 04/12/2012 au 07/12/2012).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Biocatalytic weapons against micropollutants. Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio and Green Economy (EMB2012) (Bologna, Italy, du 10 April 2012 au 12 April 2012). In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 11, no. 3, p. SS99-SS104 (March 2012).
Li, Jian ; Jeffryes, Clayton ; Stamato, Marisa ; Velliou, Eirini ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Bouhajja, Emna ; Junghanns, Charles ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Design, characterization and cultivation of microalgae in an airlift flat panel photobioreactor.. ACPAB 2012 8th Asia Pacific Conference in Algal Technology (Adelaide, Australia, du 09/07/2013 au 12/07/2013).
Nair, Rakesh ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Formulation and characterization of immobilized laccase biocatalysts and their application to eliminate endocrine disrupting chemicals. Oxizymes 2012 (Marseille, France, du 16/09/2012 au 19/09/2012).
Bouhajja, Emna ; George, Isabelle ; Liles, Marc ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Investigation of a metagenomic library for aerobic toluene degradation genes. 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14) (Copenhagen, Danemark, du 19 Aout 2012 au 24 Aout 2012).
Spina, Federica ; Nair, Rakesh ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccase production optimization by Trametes pubescens strain: Characterization and application of the crude extract. Oxizymes 2012 (Marseille, France, du 16/09/2012 au 19/09/2012).
Nair, Rakesh ; Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccases immobilized on mesoporous silica particles and their application in a continuous stirred reactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio and Green Economy (EMB2012) (Bologna, Italy, du 10/04/2012 au 12/04/2012). In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 11, no.3S, p. S103 (March 2012).
Ramirez Cavazos, Leticia Isabel ; Nair, Rakesh ; Enaud, Estelle ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimized production, purification and partial characterization of two thermostable Laccases from a Pycnoporus Sanguineus strain. Oxizymes 2012 (Marseille, France, du 16/09/2012 au 19/09/2012).
Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. ROBUST BIOCATALYSTS FOR POLLUTION CONTROL AND ENVIRONMENTALLY BENIGN BIOPROCESSING. 15th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS 2012) “Innovative Biotechnology for a Green World and Beyond”, (Daegu, South Korea, du 16/09/2012 au 21/09/2012).
Li, Jian ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Theory and practice of scaling up microalgae production from petri dish to industrial reactors.. Smart Short Course Algae Technology Europe (Gent, Belgium, du 05/12/2012 au 07/07/2013).
Schlosser, Dietmar ; Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Hofmann, Ulrike ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Treatment of micropollutants with free and immobilized ascomyceteous laccases . 5th International Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation (Prague, Czech Republic, du 24/06/2012 au 28/06/2012).
George, Isabelle ; Moreels, David ; Liles, Mark R. ; Bouillet, Loïc ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Antibiotic resistance pattern and potential for production of polyketides in novel soil Acidobacteria isolates . 11th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology – “Microbial Genetics & Ecology Inspire the Biotechnology of an Evolving Global Economy” (BAGECO 11). Book of Abstracts, p. . (Corfu Island, Greece, May 29-June 2, 2011). In: Book of Abstracts, 2011.
Sart, Sébastien ; Errachid, Abdelmounaim ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Controlled expansion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in a microcarrier based stirred bioreactor. 22nd Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) (Vienna, Austria, du May 15, 2011 au May 18, 2011).
Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cross-linking of multi-enzyme aggregates - Combi-CLEAs of two laccases with broadened pH-spectrum. 5th European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Greece, du 04/07/2011 au 07/07/2011).
Michiels, Jean-François ; Sart, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Investigation of the role of a soy peptone as an additive for the cultivation of CHO-320 cells . Poster presented at 22nd Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT). Book of Abstracts, page 186, communication P4.100 (Vienna, Austria, June 7-10, 2011). In: Book of Abstracts, 2011.
Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccase activity measurement based on oxygen consumption in open systems. 5th European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Greece, du 04/07/2011 au 07/07/2011).
Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccase immobilized on magnetic particles and their application in bioreactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals. OxiZymes, host of the 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases (Leipzig, Germany, du 14/06/2010 au 16/06/2010).
Talvy, Samuel ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Debaste, Frederic. Numerical flow characterization and effect of impeller type on experimental laccase production by white rot fungi in stirred tank. 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (Berlin, Germany, du 25/09/2011 au 29/09/2011).
Nair, Rakesh ; Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Preparation of cross-linked laccase aggregates using mild cross-linking conditions and their application to the elimination of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. FEMS 2011, 4th Congress of European Microbiologists (Geneva, Switzerland, du 26/06/2011 au 30/06/2011).
George, Isabelle ; moreels, David ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Searching for and Culturing the Unculturables. Invited oral presentation, 1st International Symposium on Microbial Resource Management in Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications. Scientific honorary farewell to Professor Willy Verstraete. Abstract, p. (‘t Pand, Ghent, Belgium, June 30-July 1, 2011).
Sart, Sébastien ; Errachid, Abdelmounaim ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell behavior on microcarriers for sequential proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation in bioreactors, Oral Presentation. 5th Annual International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cellular Therapies (Guimarães, Portugal, du 20/05/2010 au 21/05/2010).
Sart, Sébastien ; Errachid, Abdelmounaim ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell behavior on microcarriers for sequential proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation in bioreactors, Poster presentation, Poster number 15.. Meeting of the FNRS Contact-Group "Stem cells" 2010 (Liège, Belgium, 07/05/2010).
Sart, Sébastien ; Errachid, Abdelmounaim ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Controlled expansion and differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a microcarrier-based stirred bioreactor Poster presented at XIIIth Belgium Group of Animal Cell Technology (BELACT) Meeting “Stem Cells: From Science to Clinical Trials”, UCL Woluwé campus, Brussels, December 10, 2010. Book of Abstracts, page 30. Poster presented at XIIIth Belgium Group of Animal Cell Technology (BELACT) Meeting “Stem Cells: From Science to Clinical Trials”. Book of Abstracts, page 30 (UCL Woluwé campus, Brussels, December 10, 2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010.
Junghanns, Charles ; Parra, R. ; Jaouani, Atef ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cross-linked laccase aggregates from Coriolopsis polyzona - Optimisation of production and partial characterization. 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (San Diego, CA, USA, du 23/05/2010 au 27/05/2010).
Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cross-linked laccase aggregates from Coriolopsis polyzona - Optimization of production and partial characterization. ASM 110th general meeting (San Diego, USA, du 23/05/2010 au 27/05/2010). In: Final program, 2010. 978-1-55581-624-7, p. 79.
Junghanns, Charles ; Soete, Bastien ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of Bisphenol A by cross-linked laccase aggregates in a continuously operated membrane reactor and implications of its modeling. 5th European meeting in Oxizymes (Leipzig, Germany, du 14/06/2010 au 16/06/2010).
Junghanns, Charles ; Soete, Benoît ; Talvy, S. ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Debaste, F. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of bisphenol A by cross-linked laccase aggregates in a continuously operated membrane reactor and implications of its modeling, Abstract book.. OxiZymes in Leipzig, Host of the 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases (Leipzig, Germany, du 14/06/2010 au 16/06/2010).
Bouhajja, Emna ; Liles, Marc ; George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Development of a protocol for High Molecular Weight DNA extraction from BTEX- and PAH-contaminated sites. International Symposium on Soil Metagenomics – Implications of Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies on Microbial Diversity Research and Soil Ecology (Johann Heinrich von Thunen Institute (VTI), Braunschweig, Germany, du 8 Décembre 2010 au 10 Décembre 2010).
Junghanns, Charles ; Jaquani, Atef ; Parra, R. ; Nair, Rakesh ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Harnessing the power of enzymes for environmental stewardship, Final program p. 51. IBS-2010 - 14th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (Rimini, Italy, du 14/09/2010 au 18/09/2010).
Nair, Rakesh ; Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Increased laccase production, purification and characterization of extracellular laccase from Cerrena unicolor and Coriolopsis gallica. OxiZymes in Leipzig. Host of the 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases (Leipzig, Germany, du 14/06/2010 au 16/06/2010).
Nair, Rakesh ; Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Increased laccase production, purification and characterization of extracellular laccase from Cerrena unicolor and Coriolopsis gallica. IBIO-2010 BIT, 3rd World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology 2010 (Dalian, China, du 25/07/2010 au 27/07/2010).
Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Junghanns, Charles ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccase Production from White Rot Fungi and Immobilization on Nano Particles. 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (San Diego, CA, USA, du 23/05/2010 au 27/05/2010).
Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Junghanns, Charles ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccase production from white rot fungi and immobilization on nano particles. 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (San Diego, CA, USA, du 23/05/2010 au 27/05/2010).
Demarche, Philippe ; Junghanns, Charles ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccases immobilized on magnetic particles and their application in bioreactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals. OxiZymes in Leipzig. Host of the 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases (Leipzig, Germany, du 14/06/2010 au 16/06/2010).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Laccases: Powerful enzymes for the environment. Invited lecture at ‘Laccase Academy’, a short course for European early stage researchers jointly between COST Action 868 - Biotechnological Functionalisation of Renewable Materials and COST Action 602 – Biotechnology for Lignocellulose Biorefineries (BIOBIO). Course Syllabus pp. 385-417 (Porto, Portugal, March 8-10, 2010). In: Course Syllabus, 2010.
Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Novel PBR-based approaches for improved productivities of algal cell cultures – the role of materials science in algal cultivation. AquaFUELs Roundtable on the Algae State of the Art (Brussels, Belgium, du 20/10/2010 au 21/10/2011).
Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Novel photobioreactor - Based approaches for improved productivities of algal cell cultures - The role of materials science in photobioreactor design. 2010 European Biodiesel Board Aquafuels Symposium (Brussels, Belgium, du 21/10/2010 au 22/10/2010).
Nair, Rakesh ; Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Oxidative enzyme systems from white rot fungi: Removal of organic micropollutants in novel bioreactors. BIT's 3rd Abbual World Congress of industrial Biotechnology (Dalian, China, du 25/07/2010 au 27/07/2010).
Toboada-Puig, R. ; Junghanns, Charles ; Moreira, M.T. ; Feijoo, G. ; Lema, J.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Production and partial characterization of combined cross-linked enzyme aggregates from versatile peroxidase and glucose oxidase . 5th European Meeting on Oxizymes and 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases. Abstract Book, p. 128, Abstract N° P4.23 (Leipzig, Germany, June 14-16, 2010). In: Abstract Book, 2010.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Recombinant Protein Production by Insect Cells Invited oral presentation, 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), San Diego, CA, USA, May 23-27, 2010. General Meeting Final Program and Exhibit Guide, page 87. Invited oral presentation, 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). General Meeting Final Program and Exhibit Guide, page 87 (San Diego, CA, USA, du 23/05/2010 au 27/05/2010).
Jeffryes, Clayton ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Algae as a Frontier in Bioprocessing: Technical and Economic Challenges . Invited Keynote Lecture. Workshop “Algae: The Energy Supplier of the Future”, Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CERTH). Book of Abstracts, 2 pp. (Thessaloniki, Greece, October 19, 2009). In: Book of Abstracts, 2009.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioengineering Considerations in the Propagation of Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells . Invited oral presentation at the 5th International Greek Biotechnology Forum (IGBF5). Program, page 12 (Athens, Greece, , May 8-9, 2009).
George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cultivation of fastidious microorganisms: The case of Acidobacteria. 10th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology – “Coexisting on a Changing Planet” (BAGECO 10). Book of Abstracts, p. 168 (Abstract n° P87) (Uppsala, Sweden, 15-19 June 2009). In: Book of Abstracts, 2009.
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Najimi, Mustapha ; Sokal, Etienne. Culture of Adult Derived Human Liver Stem Cells on porous microcarriers . 21th Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT). Book of Abstracts, page 345, communication P225 (Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10 2009). In: Book of Abstracts, 2009.
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Culture of Ear Mesenchymal Stem cells on porous microcarriers. . Poster and Oral Presentation, 4th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapy (Lisbon, Portugal, April 29-30, 2009). In: Book of Abstracts, 2009, p. 34.
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Culture of ear mesenchymal stem cells on porous microcarriers. Journée des doctorands (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 20/05/2009).
Agathos, Spiros N.. From Bioremediation to Environmental Metagenomics and Back . Seminar, Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, March 2, 2009).
Junghanns, Charles ; Demarche, Philippe ; Nair, Rakesh ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Fungal oxidative enzymes to degrade organic micropollutants in novel bioreactors. Deuxième journée de réflexion de l'EDT GEPROC sur le thème du génie des procédés appliqué aux bioindustries (Espace Senghor, Gembloux, Belgique, 16 décembre 2009).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Multiple biodegradation pathways of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) catalyzed by P. aeruginosa, Poster ( XII. International Conference "Pseudomonas 2009" (Hannover, Germany, du 13/08/2009 au 17/08/2009).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Persistent Pollutants: From Bioremediation to Environmental Metagenomics . Invited Keynote Lecture. Workshop Molecular Techniques for the Mapping of the Invisible Microbial World (EU FP7 MicrobeGR Project) (Agrinion, Greece, October 15-17, 2009).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Serendipity (or “We Just Got Lucky”) in Environmental Biotechnology Invited after-dinner speech, US-EU Advanced Summer Course “Theoretical and Practical Course on Molecular Approaches for in situ Biodegradation”, Norman, Oklahoma, U. S. A., May 28, 2009. Invited after-dinner speech, US-EU Advanced Summer Course “Theoretical and Practical Course on Molecular Approaches for in situ Biodegradation” (Norman, Oklahoma, U. S. A., May 28, 2009).
Chader, Samira ; Hacene, Hocine ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Study of hydrogen production by three strains of Chlorella isolated from the soil in the Algerian Sahara. 2nd International Workshop on Hydrogen Energy from Renewable Origin (Ghardaia(Algeria), du 27/10/2007 au 29/10/2009). In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, no. 11, p. 4941-4946 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2008.10.058.
Schuler, Luc ; Pouli, Maria ; Fava, F. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: From genes and enzymes to slurry bioreactors, Invited lecture, Abstract EnvB-Agathos in CD-ROM, page 4 (ISBN 978.607.95065.0.6).. 1st International Congress on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (1ICBB) (Mexico City, Mexico, November 5-7, 2008).
Cabana, Hubert ; Jones, J.P. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioreactor implementation of immobilized and insolubilized laccase, Abstract Book, page 33, Abstract N° O7.1. 4rd European Meeting on Oxizymes (Helsinki, Finland, June 16-18, 2008).
Junghanns, Charles ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioremediation of emerging pollutants using fungi - Successes and challenges. 14th International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-14 (Messina, Italy, du 06/10/2008 au 11/10/2008).
Junghanns, Charles ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioremediation of emerging pollutants using fungi : Successes and challenges, IBBS14 abstract book: page 125. 14th International biodeterioration and biodegradation symposium IBBS14 (St Alessio Siculo, Messina, Italy, 06-11/10/2008).
George, Isabelle ; Liles, M.R. ; Hartmann, M. ; Ludwig, W. ; Goodman, R.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Changes in soil Acidobacteria communities after 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene contamination, Poster, Abstract Book, page 44, Poster N° P21. Workshop on Metabolomics and Environmental Biotechnology (Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 16-17, 2008).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Enzyme reactors for the elimination of micropollutants. Keynote lecture at Chemistry and 21st Century Challenges: Science and Innovation, Book of Abstracts, Abstract 6-KN1, page 283. 6th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries (ICOSECS-6) (Sofia, Bulgaria, September 10-14, 2008).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Explosive issues: From TNT bioremediation to metagenomics and back, Invited opening keynote lecture at the Our Unexplored National Wealth, Symposium Program pages 12-13. Also published on-line at:. 1st (Inaugural) Symposium of the Hellenic Scientific Society MicroBioKosmos (Athens, Greece, December 12-14, 2008).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect and CHO Cell-Based Production of Recombinant Proteins: Challenges and Perspectives . Seminar, School of Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Korea University (Seoul, South Korea, October 22, 2008).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect and CHO Cell-Based Production of Recombinant Proteins: Challenges and Perspectives Seminar, QueGen Biotech, Gyeonggi-Do (Ansang), South Korea, October 23, 2008. Seminar, QueGen Biotech, Gyeonggi-Do (Ansang), South Korea (South Korea, October 23, 2008).
Cabana, Hubert ; Jones, J.P. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. New tools for new challenges: Innovative use of enzyme technology in micropollutant control, Invited lecture. 13th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS 2008) Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society (Dalian, China, du 12/10/2008 au 17/10/2008).
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimization of the physical parameters affecting multipotent stromal cell culture on Cultispher-S microcarriers. Ph.D. Students Day (Louvain-La-Neuve Belgique, 16/05/2008).
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimization of the physical parameters affecting multipotent stromal cell culture on Cultispher-S microcarriers. Congrès de la société belge de biologie cellulaire et du développement "The Adult Stem/Progenitor Cell Niche" (Bruxelles, Belgique, 13-15/03/2008).
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimization of the physical parameters affecting multipotent stromal cell culture on Cultispher-S microcarriers, Book of abstracts, communication n°21.. Meeting of the FNRS Contact-Group « Stem cells » 2008 (Liège Belgique, May 16, 2008).
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimization of the physical parameters affecting multipotent stromal cell culture on Cultispher-S microcarriers, Book of abstracts, p. 26. XIIth BELACT meeting « 3D In Vitro Models From « Nanotoxicology » to Drug Delivery » (Namur, Belgique, May 16, 2008).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Recalcitrant pollutants: From remediation engineering to environmental metagenomics, Keynote Lecture, Program, p. 3.. Protection & Restoration of the Environment IX (PRE9) (Kefalonia, Greece, 29 June-3 July 2008).
Pouli, Maria ; Fava, Fabio ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Role of a Paracoccus strain in the degradation and bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. 4th European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Crete, Greece, du 03/09/2008 au 06/09/2008).
Barbau, Jérémie ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Vegetal peptones : Positive effects on CHO-320 cells and bioactive compound identification, Poster, Abstract Book, page 21. XIIth BELACT Meeting (Belgian Branch of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology) 3D In Vitro Models: from Nanotoxicology to Drug Delivery (Namur, Belgium, May 16, 2008).
Barbau, Jérémie ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Vegetal peptones : Positive effects on CHO-320 cells and bioactive compound identification, Poster, Book of Abstracts, Poster N° 43. Ph.D. Students Day of the Chemistry (Department and the Life Sciences Institute, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 16, 2008).
George, Isabelle ; Liles, M.L. ; Hartmann, M. ; Ludwig, W. ; Goodman, R.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Changes in soil Acidobacteria populations after 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) contamination (Poster award). Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, July 15-20, 2007).
George, Isabelle ; Liles, M.L. ; Hartmann, M. ; Ludwig, W. ; Goodman, R.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Changes in soil Acidobacteria populations after 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene contamination. BAGECO 9, 9th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (Freising, Germany, du 23/06/2007 au 27/06/2007).
Sart, Sébastien ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Culture of rat mesenchymal stem cells on Cultispher-S supports. 20th Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technoogy (ESACT) (Dresden, Germany, du June 12, 2007 au June 20, 2007).
Barbau, Jérémie ; Michiels, Jean-François ; De Boel, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Effects of vegetal peptones supplemented medium on CHO cells. 20th Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technoogy (ESACT) (Dresden, Germany, du June 12, 2007 au June 20, 2007).
Michiels, Jean-François ; Barbau, Jérémie ; De Boel, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Effects of vegetal peptones supplemented medium on CHO cells. Oral presentation. Ph.D. Students Day (Faculty of Science, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 30, 2007).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Genomics and Metagenomics in Environmental Biotechnology . Seminar, Institute of Tropical Biology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, April 3, 2007).
Schuler, Luc ; CHADHAIN, SINE´AD M. NI´ ; JOUANNEAU, Yves ; Meyer, C. ; ZYLSTRA, GERBEN J. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Identification and functional analysis of an angular dioxygenase involved in fluorene degradation by Sphingomonas sp. LB126. Oral presentation Book of Abstracts, p. 54. Ph.D. Students Day (Faculty of Science, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 30, 2007).
George, Isabelle ; Liles, M.R. ; Hartmann, M. ; Ludwig, W. ; Goodman, R.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Impact of the pollutant 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) on the proportion and diversity of Acidobacteria in soils. . 9th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO 9). Book of Abstracts, p. 96 (Abstract n° P 078) (Wernigerode, Germany, du 23 June 2007 au 27 June 2007). In: Book of Abstracts, 2007.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect and CHO cell based production of recombinant proteins: Challenges and perspectives. Invited Keynote lecture. Symposium on Molecular, Cellular and Therapeutic Aspects of Cancer (Thessaloniki, Greece, June 1, 2007).
Pouli, Maria ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Isolation and characterization of a Paracoccus sp. chrysene degrader. Poster presentation at Gordon Research Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA, July 15-20, 2007).
Chader, Samira ; Maiouf, B. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Procédés biologiques de production de l'hydrogène : aperçu et perspectives. Procédés biologiques de production de l’hydrogène : aperçu et perspectives, 2nd International Workshop on Hydrogen (2IWH) (Ghardaia, Algeria, October 27-29, 2007).
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, L. ; Rozenberg, R. ; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis. Why on earth would Escherichia coli attack a high explosive ? . Invited lecture presented at the 6th International Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology in Honor of Professor Arnold Demain (Stata Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, du 5 au 8 August).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Advantages and challenges of vaccine development in insect cells. International Association for Biologicals (IABs)International Scientific Workshop New Cells for New Vaccines : Focus on Plant and Insect Cell Technologies (Coral Gables, Florida, USA, September 28-29, 2006).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; Rozenberg, R. ; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Aerobic metabolism of 2,4,6-trinitroptoluene by Escherichia coli: Evidence of high TNT denitration with whole cells and cell-free extracts. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (International, European & Japanese Symposium: ISEB-ESEB-JSEB), Book of Abstracts (Leipzig, Germany, du 9 au 14 July).
George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Changes in soil bacterial communities after TNT contamination studied by culture dependent and independent approaches, Book of Abstracts, p. 57. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (International, European & Japanese Symposium: ISEB-ESEB-JSEB) (Leipzig, Germany, July 9-14, 2006).
George, Isabelle ; Liles, M.R. ; Goodman, R.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Changes in the soil Acidobacteria communities due to TNT contamination, Book of Abstracts, p. A126 (poster). 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME-11 : The Hidden Powers, Microbial Commubities in Action) (Vienna, Austria, August 20-25, 2006).
Cabana, Hubert ; Alexandre, Céline ; Jones, J. Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterization of immobilized laccase on Celite® and elimination of the endocrine disrupting substance bisphenol A in a packed-bed bioreactor. 41st Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Canada Centre for Inland Waters (Burlington, Ontario, Canada, February 13 & 14, 2006).
Eyers, L. ; Smoot, James C. ; Smoot, Laura M. ; Bugli, Céline ; Stahl, David A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Comparison of two 16S rRNA oligonucleotide microarrays with thermal dissociation analysis to assess microbial diversity of environmental samples, Book of Abstracts, p. 160. Poster n° P.ENV.44.. 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists Integrating Microbial Knowledge into Human Life (Madrid, Spain, July 4-8, 2006).
Pouli, Maria ; Hym, Piseth ; Hubert, Axelle ; Schuler, Luc ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a new Sphingomonas strain. Poster Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology, ISEB/ESEB/JSEB 2006 (Leipzig, Germany, July 9-13, 2006).
Pouli, Maria ; Hym, Piseth ; Hubert, Axelle ; Schuler, Luc ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a new Sphingomonas strain , Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 43/130, Poster n° 43. 10th BioForum (Université de Liège, Sart-Tilman, Liège, 17 May 2006).
Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Rozenberg, Raoul ; Habib Jiwan, Jean-Louis ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by a periplasmic extract from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (International, European & Japanese Symposium: ISEB-ESEB-JSEB) (Leipzig, Germany, du 9 au 14 July).
Cabana, Hubert ; Jones, J. Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol, bisphenol A and triclosan using crossed-linked laccase aggregates from the white-rot fungus coriolopsis polyzona. 56th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, du October 15, 2006 au October 18, 2006).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Enabling technology trends for the production of recombinant proteins by insect and animal cell culture(Conférence invitée). 3rd International Biotechnology Forum (Athens, Greece, du October 5, 2006 au October 7, 2006).
Schuler, Luc ; Pouli, Maria ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Genetic analysis of phenanthrene degrading Sphingomonas sp. LH128. International conference on environmental biotechnology, ISEB ESEB JSEB 2006 (Leipzig, Germany, du 9 July 2006 au 13 July 2006).
Pouli, Maria ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Isolation and characterization of a Paracoccus sp. chrysene degrader, Book of Abstracts, p 128, Poster n° BIM.65. 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists Integrating Microbial Knowledge into Human Life (Madrid, Spain, du July 4, 2006 au July 8, 2006).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Isolation of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ESA-5 strain that denitrates 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists Integrating Microbial Knowledge into Human Life, Book of Abstracts (Madrid, Spain, du July 4, 2006 au July 8, 2006).
Cabana, Hubert ; Jones, J. Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Preparation and characterization of crossed-linked laccase aggregates from the white-rot fungus coriolopsis polyzona. 3rd European meeting in Oxizymes (Oeiras, Portugal, du September 7, 2006 au September 9, 2006).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation as a strategy for in situ bioremediation : When does it work ?. Microorganisms - water and aquifers (Sede Boqer Campus, Israel, du 20/09/2005 au 21/09/2005).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation as a strategy for in situ bioremediation : when does it work ?. Oral presentation at the International Workshop entitled Microorganisms : Water and Aquifers, Ben-Gourion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus (Beersheba, Israel, du September 20, 2005 au September 21, 2005).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Ex situ and in situ biotreatment of contaminated sediments. Invited lecture. Complete ppt presentation (pp. 1-49). NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) : Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (Bratislava, Slovakia, May 18-21, 2005).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Growth of mammalian and lepidopteran cells on BioNOC® II disks, a novel macroporous microcarrier. Abstract Book, p. 220. Abstract P6.104. Cell Technology for Cell Products, 19th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting (Harrogate, United Kingdom, June 5-8, 2005).
George, Isabelle ; Liles, M.L. ; Eyers, L. ; Schuler, Luc ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Goodman, R.M. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Impact of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene contamination on soil microbial communities and on the new division Acidobacteria. Poster présenté au workshop Envirofellows (17/10/2005).
Provost, Agnès ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Metabolic design of macroscopic models : Application to CHO cells. Proceedings of the 44th IEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference 2005 (ECC-CDC'05) (Seville, Spain, du 12 December 2005 au 15 December 2005). doi:10.1109/CDC.2005.1582618.
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Modeling of the metabolism of lepidopteran cell lines, Poster presentation at Cell Technology for Cell Products. Abstract Book, p. 219. Abstract P6.103. 19th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting (Harrogate, United Kingdom, du June 5, 2005 au June 8, 2005).
Agathos, Spiros N.. New white-rot fungi and their enzymes for the treatment of industrial dye effluents. Extended Abstract, Proceedings, pp. 91-92. Invited lecture presented at the 5th International Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology in Honour of Professor Arnold Demain (Shanghai, China, June 27-29, 2005).
Mols, Johann ; Burteau, Caroline ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. The Janus face of Plant peptones. Cell Technology for Cell Products, 19th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) (Harrogate, United Kingdom, du 05/06/2005 au 08/06/2005).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. The detection and characterization of microbial processes in sediments. Invited lecture. Complete ppt presentation (pp. 1-49). NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) : Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (Bratislava, Slovakia, May 18-21, 2005).
Cabana, Hubert ; De Pril, E. ; Arboleda Ecchevaria, C. ; Jones, J. Peter ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Penninckx, M.. The potential of fungi in bioremediation. Elimination of endocrine disrupting substances using laccases from white rot fungi organised by the soil science society belgium, National committee for soil science composed by a) SPAQuE, b) Unité des Sciences du Sol, UCL and c) the Department Soil Management and Soil care. Thematic day : Polluted sites and soils : What is the contribution of research ? (Gent University, Gent, Belgium, 23rd November 2005).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation as a strategy for in situ bioremediation. Invited lecture at the European Summer School "Innovative Approaches to the Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites", Course Syllabus pp. 1-15. (Bologna, Italy, September 7-11, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation for enhancement of bioremediation, Abstract Book, p. 40.. International Conference on Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater (Cracow, Poland, September 5-8, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation: When is it appropriate for site remediation ?. Invited seminar at the Institute of Biotechnology Research, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) (Hanoi, Vietnam, February 24, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N. ; El Fantroussi, Saïd. Bioaugmentation: considerations of its feasibility as a strategy for in situ bioremediation. Invited lecture at Euro Summer School "Trends in Remediation of Soils and Sediments", Course Syllabus pp. 1-8. (Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 6-11, 2004).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of diesel fuel in soil at low temperature by Rhodococcus erythropoli. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, ESEB 2004 (Ostende, Belgique, 25-28 April 2004).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of diesel fuel in soil at low temperature by Rhodococcus erythropolis, abstract 1 p + Poster. European Summer School : Innovative Approaches to the Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites (Bologna, Italy, September 7-11, 2004).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of diesel fuel in soil at low temperature by Rhodococcus erythropolis. Abstract 1 p, Poster 41. PhD-Day of Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 14, 2004).
Roosens, D. ; Degrez, M. ; Michel, Estelle ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Dessaucy, Céline ; Van Lierde, André. Combined industrial wastewater treatment by association of electrochemical and biological techniques and membrane filtration (MF, UF, NF. Proceedings of the Second National Conference of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM 2004), Bretton Hall (Wakefield, England, 13-15 September 2004).
Eyers, Laurent ; Smoot, James C. ; Smoot, Laura M. ; Noble, P.A. ; Urakawa, Hidetishi ; McMurry, Zack ; Siripong, Slil ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stahl, David A.. Comparison of two 16S rRNA microarray formats for assessing microbial diversity in environmental samples, Abstract n° 96 + poster. 9th BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 7 December 2004).
Eyers, Laurent ; Smoot, James C. ; Smoot, Laura M. ; Noble, P.A. ; Urakawa, Hidetishi ; McMurry, Zack ; Siripong, Slil ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Stahl, David A.. Comparison of two 16S rRNA microarray formats for assessing microbial diversity in environmental samples. abstract 1p, Poster n° 26. PhD-Day of Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 14, 2004).
Stenuit, Benoît ; Eyers, Laurent ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Construction of a metagenomic library derived from soil contaminated by 2,4,6 trinitrotoluene: Screening for catabolic genes conferring productive biodegradation of TNT . European Science Foundation (ESF) Workshop "Environmental Genomics and Environmental Metagenomics", Poster No. 28, Book of Abstracts p. 62 (Granada, Spain, 18-20 November 2004).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene using enrichment cultures and metagenomic libraries . ISME-10 "Microbial Planet: Sub-Surface to Space"). Poster n° 226, Book of Abstracts p. 185. 10th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (Cancun, Mexico, August 22-27, 2004).
Schuler, Luc ; George, Isabelle ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Detection of Acidobacteria In Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil Samples, Abstract 1 p. + poster. Happy Hour du BIWA (Belgian Chapter of the International Water Association) (Brussels, Belgium, 25 October 2004).
Cabana, Hubert ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jones, J. Peter. Diminution of the Estrogenic Activity of a Solution of 4-Nonylphenol Using Laccase from Trametes versicolor TV17 . Poster presentation at the 2nd European Meeting Oxizymes, Abstract in Oxizymes in Naples (P. Vahala, K. Kruus and G. Sannia, Editors), p. 52. Poster n° 5 (Naples, Italy, June 2-5, 2004).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effects of lactate on insect cell metabolism. Abstract Book, p. 21.. Paper presented at the Xth BELACT Meeting (Belgian Branch of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology) Cytokines: From Signal to Products (Brussels, Belgium, December 17, 2004).
Cabana, Hubert ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jones, J. Peter. Elimination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Personal Care Products by using Laccase from the White Rot Fungus Coriolopsis polyzona, . 9th BioForum, BioForum Proceedings 2004. Winner of BIOTECH International Award, Abstract n° 59 + poster (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 7 December 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Enabling technologies for cell culture-based production of recombinant proteins . Quatrièmes Journées Biotechnologiques de l'Association Tunisienne de Biotechnologie, Invited Opening Talk. Proceedings 4-J.A.T.Biotech, 2 pp. (Hammamet, Tunisia, December 19-22, 2004).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Fed-Batch feeding strategies for recombinant protein production by insect cell culture. Oral presentation at the 11th International Conference on Invertebrate Cell and Tissue Culture (San Francisco, California, U.S.A., May 22, 2004).
Schuler, Luc ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Identification of the genes involved in fluorene degradation by Sphingomonas LB126 . PhD-Day of Université Catholique de Louvain, abstract 1p, Poster n° 49. (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 14, 2004).
George, Isabelle ; Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; El Fantroussi, Saïd. Impact of long-term contamination with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) on soil microbial communities. Poster n°35-ENV, Book of Abstracts p. 34.. Annual Symposium of the Belgian Society for Microbiology (Brussels, Belgium, December 3, 2004).
George, Isabelle ; Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; El Fantroussi, Saïd. Impact of long-term contamination with TNT on soil microbial communities, (ISME-10 "Microbial Planet: Sub-Surface to Space"). Poster n° 107, Book of Abstracts p. 46.. 10th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (Cancun, Mexico, August 22-27, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Insect and CHO cell culture-based production of recombinant proteins. Invited seminar, Institut Pasteur de Tunis (Tunis-Belvédère, Tunisia, December 22, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Is bioaugmentation a feasible strategy for pollutant removal and site remediation ? . Invited lecture, 1st International Greek Biotechnology Forum (IGBF-1), Programme IGBF, pp. 4-5 (Athens, Greece, June 10-12, 2004).
Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial characterization of TNT-contaminated soils and anaerobic TNT degradation: high and unusual denitration activity. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, ESEB 2004 (Ostende, Belgique, 25-28 April 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. New opportunities for the treatment of industrial effluents using white-rot fungi and their enzymes, Programme, p. 7. Invited lecture, 10th International Summer School of Chemical Engineering. Heat and Mass Transfer Processes, Chemical and Biochemical Reactors (Varna, Bulgaria, May 24-31, 2004).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimisation of feeding strategies for heterologous protein production in cultures using the insect cell - baculovirus system. Poster presented at the World Congress on In Vitro Biology 2004 (San Francisco, California, USA, May 23-26, 2004).
Drugmand, J. -C. ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimization of feeding strategies for heterologous protein production in cultures using the insect Cell-Baculovirus system. In: In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, Vol. 40, p. 41A-41A (2004).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Michiels, Jean-François ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimization of feeding strategies for heterologous protein production in cultures using the insect cell - baculovirus system. Abstract 1p, Poster n° 22. PhD-Day of Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 14, 2004).
Schuler, Luc ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Plasposons : a tool for expression profiling and rapid genetic analyses on environmental bacteria. European Science Foundation (ESF) Workshop "Environmental Genomics and Environmental Metagenomics" (Granada, Spain, 18-20 November 2004).
Schuler, Luc ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Plasposons : a tool for expression profiling and rapid genetic analyses on environmental bacteria. Bioforum Proceedings 2004, Abstract n° 61 + poster. 9th BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 7 December 2004).
Caillou, Samuel ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Wesenberg, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Properties of laccase isoforms from Trametes versicolor TV17 and their use in the decolorisation of a textile dye wastewater. Abstract in Oxizymes in Naples (P. Vahala, K. Kruus and G. Sannia, Editors), p. 46.. Oral presentation at the 2nd European Meeting Oxizymes (Naples, Italy, June 2-5, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Scale-up and optimizing the in vitro growth of insect cells for production of recombinant proteins and viral pesticides. In: In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, Vol. 40, p. 13A-13A (2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Scale-up and optimizing the in vitro growth of insect cells for production of recombinant proteins and viral pesticides. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, vol. 40: p. 13A (Abstract No. I-4). Invited keynote lecture. 2004 World Congress on In Vitro Biology and concurrent 11th International Conference on Invertebrate Cell and Tissue Culture (San Francisco, California, du 22/05/2004 au 26/05/2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Studies on the microbial degradation of recalcitrant compounds. Invited seminar, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Temple University School of Medicine (Philadelphia, PA (U.S.A.), May 20, 2004).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Animal cell culture processes in Europe: Challenges and perspectives. Invited address in honor of the CNRS Silver Medal Award to Dr. Annie Marc, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (Nancy, France, April 15, 2003).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of Diesel Fuel in Soil at Low Temperature by Rhodococcus erythropolis, Proceedings, pp. 59-62. Second European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30-July 4, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of nitro- and amino-aromatics: successes and challenges, Séminaire invité. Advanced EU-US Workshop on Molecular Biology for the Environment (National Center for Biotechnology, CSIC and Faculty of Biology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, February 6, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioprocess engineering for a cleaner environment. Seminar, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham (Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 12, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Biotechnology and Bioremediation, Biotech Nantes 2003. Programme & content of oral presentation at : pp.). 7th European Biotechnology Crossroads (Nantes, France, 25-26 September 2003).
Sokolovska, Ivana ; Rozenberg, Raoul ; Riez, Christophe ; Rouxhet, Paul ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Wattiau, Pierre. Carbon source-induced modifications in the mycolic acid content and cell wall permeability of Rhodococcus erythropolis E1. Proceedings, pp. 95-98. Second European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30-July 4, 2003).
Perpette, Valérie ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Characterisation of cell death in insect cell cultures, Proceedings, BIOFORUM, p. 108. BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Kyriakides, Irène ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation and potential compostability of novel polycaprolactone polyurethanes of low melting point, Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 40. BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Kyriakides, Irène ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation and potential compostability of novel polycaprolactone polyurethanes of low melting point. Book of Abstracts, p. 23.. PhD Students Day (Faculté de Sciences de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, Chemistry Department, The Life Sciences Institute, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 16, 2003).
Kyriakides, Irène ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of novel polycaprolactone-polyurethanes of low melting point during one composting cycle, Proceedings, pp. 176-179. Second European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30-July 4, 2003).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of nutrients on diesel fuel degradation by a psychrotrophic Rhodococcus erythropolis in soil, (B-IWA Happy Hour Award), Abstracts, 1 p. B-IWA Happy Hour (Brussels, Belgique, June 2, 2003).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of nutrients on diesel fuel degradation by a psychrotrophic rhodococcus eruthropolis in soil, Poster ayant obtenu un prix : PHIBRO Award - Technological Innovation, Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 90. BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Cabana, Hubert ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Jones, J. Peter. Elimination du potentiel de perturbation du système endocrinien d'un effluent aqueux contenant des APE à l'aide d'une combinaison d'oxydations biologique et chimique, abstract + Poster. 18ème Conférence de l'est, Association canadienne sur la qualité des eaux (ACQE) (Sherbrooke, Canada, 24 Octobre 2003).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Environmental effects of lactate on High-FiveTM insect cell metabolism, Abstract Book, p. 118, Abstract P-1.39. 18th ESACT Meeting (Granada, Spain, 11-14/05/2003).
Mols, Johann ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Peeters-Joris, Chantal ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Extracellular metalloproteases and their inhibitors expressed during cultivation of the interferon-gamma producing CHO-320 cell line in serum-free media, Abstract Book, p. 104, Abstract P-1.1. 18th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting, Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics (Granada, Spain, May 11-14, 2003).
Mols, Johann ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Peeters-Joris, Chantal ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Extracellular metalloproteases and their inhibitors expressed during cultivation of the interferon-gamma producing CHO-320 cell line in serum-free media, Abstract Book, p. 22.. IXth BELACT Meeting (Belgian Branch of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology) Cell Therapy : From Stem Cells to Gene Therapy (Brussels, Belgium, March 21, 2003).
Schuler, Luc ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Identification of the genes involved in fluorene degradation by Sphingomonas sp. LB126. Life TecXchange, Technologies for Life Sciences (Aachen, Germany, 23 October 2003).
Gielen, Michaël ; de Smet, C. ; Michel, Estelle ; LEDENT, PHILIPPE ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Improving the solubilisation and the biodegradability of wastewater sludges with enzymatic hydrolysis. BioForum, Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 92 (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Gielen, Michaël ; de Smet, C. ; Michel, Estelle ; LEDENT, PHILIPPE ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Improving the solubilisation and the biodegradability of wastewater sludges with enzymatic hydrolysis, Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 92. BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Influence of organic coating at the surface of soil particles on enzyme adsorption and b-glucosidase activity. PhD Students Day, UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 16 May 2003).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Influence of organic coating at the surface of soil particles on the adsorption and enzymatic activity of b-glucosidase, Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 103. BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Influence of organic coatings at the surface of soil particles on the adsorption and enzymatic activity of beta-glucosidase, Program & Abstracts Book, p. 99. Enzymes in the Environment : Activity , Ecology and Applications (Prague, Czech Republic, July 14-17, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Is bioaugmentation a feasible strategy for bioremediation ?. Symposium on Domestication of Microorganisms ("DOM"), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (Uppsala, Sweden, November 4, 2003).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial Ecology of TNT-contaminated soils, Poster. Gordon Research Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Connecticut College (New London, CT, USA, July 27 - August 1, 2003).
Pouli, Maria ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial degradation of high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. BioForum, Proceedings BIOFORUM, p. 86 (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Pouli, Maria ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial degradation of pyrene and chrysene. Second European Bioremediation Conference, Proceedings, pp. 111-114 (Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30-July 4, 2003).
Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial ecology of TNT-contaminated soils and anaerobic TNT biodegradation processes. 103rd ASM general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Poster. ASM Abstracts, p. 470 (Abstract No. Q-296) (Washington, USA, 18-23/05/2003).
Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial ecology of TNT-contaminated soils and anaerobic TNT biodegradation processes. FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, Poster. FEMS Abstracts, p. 218 (Abstract No. P4-100) (Ljubljana, Slovénie, 29th June 2003 - 3rd July 2003).
Eyers, Laurent ; Stenuit, Benoît ; El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial ecology of TNT-contaminated soils and anaerobic TNT biodegradation processes, Poster. PhD-Day of Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 16, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial transformation of selected recalcitrant pollutants: successes and challenges. Seminar, Department of Industrial Microbiology, University College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland, October 24, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial treatment of aqueous industrial effluents. Seminar (Brussels Agency for Enterprises (ABE/BAO), Institut Meurice, Brussels, Belgium, March 27, 2003).
Dries, Jan ; Geuens, S. ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Multibarrier, a technology concept for the in-situ remediation of mixed groundwater pollution. Proceedings (CD) of the 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil (Gent, Belgium, May 12th-16th, 2003).
Michiels, Jean-François ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimisation of feeding strategies for heterologous proteins production in cultures using the baculovirus- insect cells system. IXth BELACT Meeting "Cell Therapy : from stem cells to gene therapy" VUB. This poster received the best poster awards price, Abstract Book, p. 20 (Campus Jette, Belgium, 21 mars 2003).
Michiels, Jean-François ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimisation of feeding strategies for heterologous proteins production in cultures using the baculovirus- insect cells system, Proceedings, BIOFORUM, p. 107. BioForum (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 9 mai 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Panel Intervention : "Best Available Technologies for Bioremediation of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated with Recalcitrant Organic Compounds". Second European Bioremediation Conference (Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30-July 4, 2003).
Mols, Johann ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Peeters-Joris, Chantal ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Proteolysis of recombinant IFN-gamma secreted by the CHO-320 cells cultivated in serum-free media. PhD Students' Day, Faculté de Sciences de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, Chemistry Department, The Life Sciences Institute, Book of Abstracts, p. 27 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 16, 2003).
Dries, Jan ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Removal of mixed chlorinated ethenes and heavy metals in zero valent iron systems. Proceedings (CD) of the 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil (Gent, Belgium, May 12th-16th, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Research avenues in microbial biodegradation of xenobiotics and site bioremediation. Seminar, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens (Athens, Greece, April 11, 2003).
Agathos, Spiros N.. The use of pilot-scale bioreactors for studying in-situ bioremediation processes. Advanced EU-US Workshop on Molecular Biology for the Environment, Séminaire invité (National Center for Biotechnology-CSIC and Faculty of Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, February 6, 2003).
Dries, Jan ; Hendrickx, H. ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. A sequential reactive barrier concept for remediation of groundwater containing mixed pollution. Third international conference on Remadiation of chlorinated and recalcitrant compounds (Monterey, California, du 20/05/2002 au 23/05/2002). In: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Press: Columbus, OH, 2002. 1-57477-132-9, p. 20-22.
Eyers, Laurent ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Anoxic biodegradation of recalcitrant amino-aromatic pollutants by selected consortia, Poster. 1 p. A one day meeting at Liège University between the bioindustry and young researchers, Bioforum Liège (Ulg, Liège, Belgium, 3rd May 2002).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Biocatalytic potential of White-Rot Fungi for dye-containing wastewater. 1st ASEM Conference on Bioremediation (Environmental Biotechnologies for a cleaner Environment) (Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-27/09/2002).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegration of diesel fuel at low temperature using cold-adapted bacteria. 29th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, p. 225 (Hotel Hutník, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 27-31 May, 2002).
Dries, Jan ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Combined Removal of Chlorinated Ethenes and Heavy Metals in Zero Valent Iron Systems. 3rd International Conference on Groundwater Quality, Groundwater Quality 2001, n°275:447-452 (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, June 18-21, 2001).
Wesenberg, Dirk ; Kyriakides, Irène ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Decolorization of a dye-containing textile effluent by the agaric white-rot fungus Clitocybula dusenii. B-IWA Happy Hour (Bruxelles, Belgique, 18/03/2002).
Kyriakides, Irène ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of novel polyurethane thermoplastics in aerobic composting environments, Poster. 1 p. PhD Students Day, Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Chemistry Department, The Life Sciences Institute (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 17, 2002).
Kyriakides, Irène ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of novel polyurethane thermoplastics in aerobic composting environments, Proceedings, p. 52. Poster. 1 p. Bioforum Liège (Ulg, Liège, Belgium, 3rd May 2002).
Kyriakides, Irène ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degration of polyurethane thermoplastics in aerobic composting environments, 5 p.. 29th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering (Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SUT, Slovak Organization of Industrial Chemistry, 27-31 May, 2002).
Wesenberg, Dirk ; Kyriakides, Irène ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Dye-containing textile effluents : effects on and decolorization by ligninolytic basidiomycetous strains. Proceedings (J. Markos and V. Stefuca, Editors) p.50. Extended Proceedings on CD-ROM, 8 p. 29th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering (Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 27-31 May, 2002).
Dries, Jan ; Kemps, A. ; Trögl, J. ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Effect of humic acids on heavy metal removal by zero valent iron. Proceedings (CD) of the 3rd International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds (Monterey, California, USA, May 20th-23rd 2002).
Michel, Estelle ; Sokolovska, Ivana ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Hydrocarbon degradation in soil by a cold-adapted bacterium. 1st ASEM Conference on Bioremediation (Environmental Biotechnologies for a cleaner Environment) (Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-27/09/2002).
Dries, Jan ; Bastiaens, Leen ; Springael, Dirk ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Diels, Ludo. Kinetics of Trichloroethene (TCE) Reduction by Zero Valent Iron : Effect of Medium Composition, 3rd International Conference on Groundwater, n°275:397-402. Quality 'Groundwater Quality 2001 (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, June 18-21, 2001).
Sokolovska, Ivana ; Riez, Christophe ; Wattiau, Pierre ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Mycolic acids of actinomycetes with degradation potential for hydrophobic substrates : a comparative study, 9 p. 29th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering (Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SUT, Slovak Organization of Industrial Chemistry, 27-31 May, 2002).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Organic coatings at the surface of mineral particles influence the adsorption and enzymatic activity of beta-glucosidase, 5 p. 29 th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering (Hotel Hutník, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 27-31 May, 2002).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Organic coatings at the surface of mineral particles influence the adsorption and enzymatic activity of beta-glucosidase. 1st ASEM Conference on Bioremediation (Environmental Biotechnologies for a cleaner Environment) (Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-27/09/2002).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Organic coatings at the surface of soil mineral particles influence the adsorption and enzymatic activity of b-Glucosidase, Poster. 1 p. Bioforum Liège (Sart-Tilman, Liège, 3rd May 2002).
Alves, Alice ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Gerin, Patrick A.. Organic coatings at the surface of soil mineral particles influence the adsorption and enzymatic activity of b-Glucosidase, Poster. 1 p. PhD Students Day (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 17, 2002).
Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Chenu, S. ; Goergen, J.-L. ; Marc, A. ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Adaptation Process and Growth Kinetics of the Universal Host CHO Cell Lines in Serum-Free Medium, From Target to Market. 17th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), Abstract Book, p. 199, Abstract P4.142 (Tylösand, Sweden, June 10-14, 2001).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Applied Aspects of Insect Cell Culture. Department of Bioengineering, Institute of Biotechnology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, November 9, 2001).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Fabry, Geneviève ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Jacquet, Roger ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioaugmentation as a Tool for Complete and rapid Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Chlorinated Ethenes, 1 p.. Gordon Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, July 22-27, 2001).
Sokolovska, Ivana ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of fluorene at low temperature by a psychrotrophic Sphingomonas sp. Proceedings on CD-Rom, 7 p.. 28th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering (Hotel Hutník, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 21-25 May, 2001).
Wesenberg, Dirk ; Vanhulle, Sophie ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Lucas, Mathias ; Caillou, Samuel ; Mertens, V. ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Colson-Corbisier, Anne-Marie ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Decolorization and detoxification of dye-industry wastewater using novel white-rot fungi. First European Bioremediation Conference, pp. 209-212 (Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001).
Sokolovska, Ivana ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and aliphatic hydrocarbons at low temperature using cold-adapted bacteria. First European Bioremediation Conference, pp. 83-86 (Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001).
Baré, G. ; Charlier, H. ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Thonart, P.. Effects of Plant Protein Hydrolysates on Culture of CHO Cells in Media with Serum, without Serum and without Protein. 17th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), From Target to Market, Abstract Book, p. 160, Abstract P3.63 (Tylösand, Sweden, June 10-14, 2001).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effects of dextran on growth behaviour of High-Five insect cell in agitated suspension cultures. VIIIth BELACT meeting : Antibodies : from design to applications - from animal to man (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 14 December 2001).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Ikonomou, Laertis ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Growth of High-Five cells on Cultispher-S Micorcarriers Produces Extended Clumps and leads to Increased Protein Productivity Using a Baculovirus Expression Vector System. 17th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), From Target to Market, Abstract Book, p. 177, Abstract P4.98 (Tylösand, Sweden, June 10-14, 2001).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Hippocratean Ethical Imperatives in the Era of Post-Genomic Biotechnology. Presymposium on Bioethics, Professional Ethics and Hippocratean Medicine in association with the 2nd International Symposium on the History of Urology (Cos Island, Greece, May 18-20, 2001).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Jacquet, Roger ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Influence of Electron Donors and Acceptors on the Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Trichloroethene and Nickel: Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Study. 9th World Congress Anaerobic Digestion 2001 - Anaerobic Conversion for Sustainability. Proceedings, Part 1, pp. 177-182 (Antwerp, Belgium, September 2-6, 2001).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Modélisation des Procédés Microbiologiques, Modeling of Microbiological Processes. Interface UCL-REDE Hainaut (Charleroi, Belgium, June 7, 2001).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Ikonomou, Laertis ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Novel approaches in high-density insect cell culture for protein production in serum-free media, p. 15.. BioForum (Université de Liège, Sart-Tilman, Liège, 4 mai 2001).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-Scale Demonstration of In Situ Biotremediation. 4th International Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Program/Abstracts, pp. 16-17. (Merida Yucatan, Mexico, March 1-3, 2001).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Jacquet, Roger ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-Scale Demonstration of In-Situ Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Trichloroethene and Nickel: Cleanup by Indigenous Anaerobic Bacteria. 3rd Panhellenic Symposium of Chemical Engineering Science, Proceedings, Vol. II, pp. 1157-1160 (Athens, Greece, May 31-June 2, 2001).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Jacquet, Roger ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-Scale Demonstration of In-Situ Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Trichloroethene and Nickel: Cleanup by Indigenous Anaerobic Bacteria. 9th International Summer School of Chemical Engineering. Heat and Mass Transfer Processes, Chemical and Biochemical Reactors. Proceedings, pp. 281-286. (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 18-24, 2001).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Jacquet, Roger ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-scale demonstration of in-situ bioremediation of soil contaminated with trichloroethene and nickel : cleanup by indigenous anaerobic bacteria. Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology "ISEB 2000",. T. Imanaka, O. Yagi, H. Ohtake, G. Endo, M. Fukuda, K. Furukawa, Y. Igarashi and R. Kurane (Editors), (CD-ROM, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan), pp. 114-117 (Kyoto, Japan, July 9-13, 2000).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Jacquet, Roger ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-scale evaluation of electron donors for anaerobic bioremediation of chlorinated ethenes in soil. First European Bioremediation Conference, pp. 105-108. (Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001).
Mols, Johann ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Proteolytic Potential During Batch Cultivation in Serum-Free Media of an IFN-gamma Producing CHO Cell Line. 17th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), From Target to Market, Abstract Book, p. 164, Abstract P3.71. (Tylösand, Sweden, June 10-14, 2001).
Caillou, Samuel ; Wesenberg, Dirk ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Purification and characterization of laccases from the dye-decolorizing fungal strain TV17. 28 th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings on CD-Rom, 9 p. (Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 21-25 May, 2001).
Wesenberg, Dirk ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Caillou, Samuel ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Purification and characterization of ligninolytic enzymes from six new dye-decolorizing fungi. 8th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Proceedings, pp. 146-147. (Helsinki, Finland, June 4-8, 2001).
Wesenberg, Dirk ; Buchon, Frédéric ; Caillou, Samuel ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Purification and characterization of ligninolytic enzymes from six new dye-decolorizing fungi, 1 p. Gordon Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, July 22-27, 2001).
Buchon, Frédéric ; Wesenberg, Dirk ; Caillou, Samuel ; Vanhulle, Sophie ; Lucas, Mathias ; Mertens, Valérie ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Colson-Corbisier, Anne-Marie ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Purification and characterization of the ligninolytic enzymes from new dye-decolorizing white-rot fungi. First European Bioremediation Conference, pp. 380-383 (Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001).
Buchon, Frédéric ; Wesenberg, Dirk ; Vanhulle, Sophie ; Lucas, Mathias ; Caillou, Samuel ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Colson-Corbisier, Anne-Marie ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Rapid screening for best dye transforming conditions by five new white-rot basidiomycetes. 28th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings on CD-Rom, 1 p (Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 21-25 May, 2001).
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Study of Oxygen Effect in Perfusion Cultures of Immobilized Insect Cells with a New Serum-Free Medium. 17th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), From Target to Market, Abstract Book, p. 178, Abstract P4.100 (Tylösand, Sweden, June 10-14, 2001).
Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Mols, Johann ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Use of Plant Peptone-Containing Serum-Free Media for the Cultivation of CHO Cells in Suspension and on Fibra-Cel Microcarriers. 17th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT), From Target to Market, Abstract Book, p. 183, Abstract P4.110 (Tylösand, Sweden, June 10-14, 2001).
Vandenplas, S. ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Adaptation of the Universal Host-1 CHO cell line to serum-free medium. VIIth BELACT Meeting, Belgian Branch of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology, Château de Colonster, Université de Liège (Sart-Tilman, Liège, Belgium, May 5, 2000).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioremediation: From the Lab to the Field, IIIrd Event of the Fonds de Biotechnologie/Biotechnologie Stichting "What is Going On in Biotech R&D (III) - Biotechnology at UCL: From Multidisciplinary Research to Industry" Faculty of Medicine. Invited Lecture (Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, May 25, 2000).
Coulibaly, Lacina ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cinétique de la biodégradation de macromolécules par Aspergillus niger en régime transitoire, 1 p.. IAWQ 2000 (?, 13 juin 2000).
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Comparison of Immobilization Methods For Insect Cells, 2000 World Congress on In Vitro Biology and concurrent. 10th International Conference on Invertebrate Cell and Tissue Culture. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol.- Animal, 36(3): 36A (Abstract No. I-1002) (San Diego, California, 10-15 June 2000).
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Design of an Efficient Medium for Insect Cell Growth and Recombinant Protein Production. 2000 World Congress on In Vitro Biology and concurrent 10th International Conference on Invertebrate Cell and Tissue Culture. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol.- Animal, 36(3): 36A (Abstract No. I-1001) (San Diego, California, 10-15 June 2000).
Mariage, Pierre-Antoine ; Verhoeye, Francis ; Burteau, Caroline ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques. Development of an improved serum-free medium for the CHO cell growth in suspension and on Fibra-Cel microcarriers. VIIth BELACT Meeting, Belgian Branch of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology, Château de Colonster, Université de Liège (Sart-Tilman, Liège, Belgium, May 5, 2000).
Drugmand, Jean-Christophe ; Ikonomou, Laertis ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Growth at High Densities and Protein Production of Insect Cells in Serum-Free Media. VIIth BELACT Meeting, Belgian Branch of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology, Château de Colonster, Université de Liège (Sart-Tilman, Liège, Belgium, May 5, 2000).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-scale demonstration of In-Situ bioremediation of soil contaminated with trichloroethene and nickel : cleanup by indigenous anaerobic bacteria. Book of abstracts, Abstract P74. Sectoral Meeting for EC Project Contractors in Biodegradation "Biotechnology for Environmental Applications" (Roskilde, Denmark, 14-16 June 2000).
El Mamouni, Rachid ; Jacquet, Roger ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pilot-scale demonstration of in-situ bioremediation of soil contaminated with trichloroethene and nickel : cleanup by indigenous anaerobic bacteria. Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology "ISEB 2000 ", Program/Abstracts p. 105 (Abstract 012-7) (Kyoto, Japon, July 9-13, 2000).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Spin off : From Basic Science to Private Initiatives. Round Table with Academic Scientists. Invited Panel Intervention and Discussion in the Frame of Biotechnology in Europe Private Conference organized by Ernst & Young and Puilaetco (Conrad Hotel, Brussels, May 30-31, 2000).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Stakes and Challenges for University Education in the New Century. Invited Lecture at HELLADIA International Symposium, National University of Athens (Athens, Greece, April 14, 2000).
Goux, Sébastien ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pussemier, Luc. Atrazine Biodegradation : From Field Diagnostic to Bioremediation. 9th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB9). ECB9 Book of Abstracts (Abstract No. ECB9/2558). Also in CD-ROM ECB9, abstract 2558 (Brussels, Belgium, July 11-15, 1999).
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Peres, Caroline ; Van Aken, Benoît. Biochemical and Bioengineering Considerations for the Bioremediation of Nitroaromatic Compounds Using Bacteria and Fungi, Programme, P11. 3rd Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology in Honor of Professor Arnold L. Demain (Gent, Belgium, July 8-9, 1999).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biochemical and bioengineering considerations for remediating a nitroaromatic compound together with its corresponding amino derivative. Second International Symposium on biodegradation of nitroaromatic compounds and explosives. Symposium Program, p. 11 (Abstract N° 12) (Leesburg, Virginia, USA, September 8-9, 1999).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioprocess Engineering for Environmental Protection and Sustainability, 1 p. Invited Lecture at Second EU-US Conference, New Vistas in Transatlantic Science & Technology Cooperation (Stuttgart, Germany, June 21, 1999).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Bioprocessing in Europe. Biotechnology, Bioprocessing & Bioengineering - Who is Doing What and Why, vol. 17, p. 81. Conference Report in Biotechnology Advances (Ohio University, Athens, Ohio).
Coulibaly, Lacina ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Design and characterization of a new set of continuous-flow stirred-tank bioreactors in series for biodegradation of polymeric substrate (starch) under sewer conditions by Aspergillus niger MUCL 28817. 1 p. International Conference on Biological Treatment of Waste and The Environment "ORBIT 99" (Weimar, Germany, 2-4/09/99).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Design for Environment,1 p.. Invited Presentation at the Joint Meeting of Working Groups 1 (Plant Operation) and 3 (Mathematical Modelling), COST Action 624 (Grenoble, France, March 10-12, 1999).
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Detoxification of a mixture of aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons in a fixed-bed bioreactor: Continuous on-line monitoring via an attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared sensor. 5th Latin-American Workshop-Seminar on Wastewater Anaerobic Treatment (Vina del mare(Chile), du 27/10/1998 au 30/10/1998). In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 40, no. 8, p. 41-47 (1999). doi:10.1016/S0273-1223(99)00607-1.
Van Aken, Benoît ; STAHL, J. ; Aust, S.D. ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Mineralization of 14C-U-Ring Labeled 2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene by Mn(III)-Oxalate System. Second International Symposium on Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives. Symposium Program, p. 22 (Abstract No. 29) (Leesburg, Virginia, September 8-9, 1999).
Van Aken, Benoît ; HOFRICHTER, M. ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Mineralization of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene by Manganese Peroxidase from the White-Rot Fungus Phlebia radiata. 9th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB9). ECB9 Book of Abstracts (Abstract No. ECB9/1880). Also in CD-ROM ECB9, abstract 1880 (Brussels, Belgium, July 11-15, 1999).
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Naveau, Henry ; Dochain, Denis ; Bastin, Georges ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Model-based estimation of an anaerobic reductive dechlorination process via an attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared sensor. 5th Latin-American Workshop-Seminar on Wastewater Anaerobic Treatment (VINA DEL MAR(Chile), Oct 27-30, 1998). In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 40, no. 8, p. 33-40 (1999). doi:10.1016/S0273-1223(99)00606-X.
Verhoeye, Francis ; Bastin, Georges ; Schneider, Yves-Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Optimisation of the Culture of the Universal Host-1 CHO Cell Line. 16th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT). pp. 230, Abstract P9.52, Serono Symposia Editions (Lugano, Switzerland, April 25-29, 1999).
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Oxygen Demand and Nutritional Needs of High Density Insect Cell Cultures. 16th European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting. pp. 209, Abstract P9.09, Serono Symposia Editions (Lugano, Switzerland, April 25-29, 1999).
Van Aken, Benoît ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Transformation of 2,4-Diamino-6-Nitrotoluene and 2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrotoluene by Lignin Peroxidase H8 from the White-Rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Annual Meeting. ASM Abstracts, p. 581-582 (Abstract No. Q-253) (Chicago, Illinois, May 30-June 3, 1999).
LEDENT, PHILIPPE ; Coulibaly, Lacina ; Vounaki, Olga ; Evina, Jean-Jacques ; Michels, Henri ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. A Study of the Inhibitory Effect of Surfactants Upon the Growth of Different Strains Used for Urban Wastewater Treatment, p. 19P. 42nd OHOLO Conference "Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution" (Israel Institute for Biological Research, Eilat, Israel, May 3-7, 1998).
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Continuous on-line monitoring or organochlorine compounds in a fixed bed bioreactor by an optical infrared sensor, Abstract F.71. First international conference on remediation of chlorinated and recalcitrant compounds (Monterey, California, May 18-21, 1998).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Cross induction of 4-nitrobenzoate and 4-aminobenzoate degradation by Burkholderia cepacia, p. 11. 42nd OHOLO Conference "Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution" (Israel Institute for Biological Research, Eilat, Israel, May 3-7, 1998).
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Naveau, Henry ; Dochain, Denis ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Detoxification of a mixture of diphatic chlorirated hydrocarbons in a fixed-bed bioreactor : continuous on-line monitoring via an ATR-FTIR sensor and model-based estimation of state variables. Fifth Latin-American Workshop-Seminar on Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment: Kinetics, Modelling, Design and Process Control in Anaerobic Digestion (Vina del Mar, Chile, October). In: Proc. 5th Latin-American Workshop-Seminar Wastewater Anaerobic Treatment, 1998, 1-16.
Agathos, Spiros N.. Gas-phase pollutant degradation in an essentially dry tubular biofilm reactor. 8th International Summer School of Chemical Engineering. Heat and Mass Transfer Processes, Chemical and Biochemical Reactors, Proceedings, 308-334 (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 3-9, 1998).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Belkacemi, Malika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Inoculation of Desulfomonile tiedjei in a Soil Bioreactor Designed for Pilot Scale Anaerobic Bioremediation Studies, p. 3P. 42nd OHOLO Conference "Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution" (Israel Institute for Biological Research, Eilat, Israel, May 3-7, 1998).
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Hensler, W. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Oxygen demands and nutritional needs of high density insect cell cultures. Twelfth Forum for Applied Biotechnology (FAB) (Brugge, Belgique, 24-25 September 1998).
Ikonomou, Laertis ; Hensler, W. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Oxygen demands and nutritional needs of high density insect cell cultures. Med. Fac. Landbouww, 63/4a p. 1107 (Univ. Gent, Gent, Belgique).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Simultaneous biodegradation of 4-nitrobenzoate and 4-aminobenzoate by Burkholderia cepacia immobilized on celite. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. ASM Abstracts, p. 437 (Abstract No. Q-96) (Atlanta, Georgia, May 17-21, 1998).
Van Aken, Benoît ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. The white-rot basidiomycete phlebia radiata is able to mineralize 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. ASM Abstracts, p. 437 (Abstract No. Q-97) (Atlanta, Georgia, May 17-21, 1998).
Van Aken, Benoît ; HOFRICHTER, Martin ; SCHEIBNER, Katrin ; HATAKKA, Annele I. ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Transformation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) by manganese peroxidase of the white-rot Fungus Phlebia radiata, p. 2P. 42nd OHOLO Conference "Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution" (Israel Institute for Biological Research, Eilat, Israel, May 3-7, 1998).
Dochain, Denis ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Vanrolleghem, P.. Asymptotic observers as a tool for modelling process dynamics. 4th IAWQ International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Computing in Water Quality Management (WATERMATEX 97) (QUEBEC CITY(Canada), Jun 17-20, 1997). In: Proc. Watermatex97, 1997, 305-312. doi:10.1016/S0273-1223(97)00482-4.
Van Aken, Benoît ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of 2,4,6,-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) and its Reduction Products by the White-Rot Fungus Phlebia radiata. Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology. SIM Program & Abstracts, p. 89 (Abstract No. P22) (Reno, Nevada, August 3-7).
Van Aken, Benoît ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of 2,4,6,-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) and its Reduction Products by the White-Rot Fungus Phlebia radiata. Gordon Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, August 17-22).
Van Aken, Benoît ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodegradation of 2,4,6,-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) by the White-Rot Basidiomycete Phlebia radiata. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. ASM Abstracts p. 514 (Abstract No. Q-351) (Miami Beach, Flo., May 4-8).
Goux, Sébastien ; Van Elsen, Y. ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Pussemier, Luc. Biodegradation of Three s-Triazine Herbicides in Liquid Media under Different Media Conditions. 49th International Symposium on Crop Protection. 62/2a, 235-242, (Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, Gent, Belgium, May 6).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Biodégradation des composés nitroaromatiques par les bactéries : analyse des voies métaboliques. Triennale de la FABI (Palais des Congrès, Liège, Belgique, 1-2 octobre).
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Naveau, Henry. Continuous on-line measurement of organochlorine compounds by a infrared sensor inside a pilot scale fixed bed bioreactor. Workshop in Process Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Model Based Control (Institut Belge de Régulation et d'automatisme (IBRA), Mons, Belgium, October 14th,1997).
Acha, V. ; Meurens, Marc ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Naveau, Henry. Dosage automatique en continu des composés organochlorés par capteur infrarouge dans un bioréacteur à échelle pilote. Triennale de la FABI (Palais des Congrès, Liège, Belgique, 1-2 octobre,1997).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Belkacemi, Malika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Inoculation of Desulfomonile tiedjei in a Soil Bioreactor Designed for Pilot Scale Anaerobic Bioremediation Studies. Symposium on Evolution and Gene Transfer in Microorganisms, Belgian Society for Microbiology, Book of abstracts, Poster n° 50,.
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Mahillon, Jacques. Introduction and PCR-based monitoring of anaerobic microbial reductive dechlorination activity in soil slurry microcosms. Poster. Intern. Symp. Environmental Biotechnology, ISEB97 (Ostend, Belgium, April 21-23).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Naveau, Henry ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Introduction of anaerobic bioremediation activities in soil : from laboratory bench scale to pilot soil bioreactor. unknown (Oslo, , May 23-25, 1997).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. New Strategy to Degrade Nitroaromatic Compounds together with the Aminoaromatic Compounds Produced by their Reduction. ASM Abstracts, p. 513 (Abstract No. Q-347). Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (Miami Beach, Flo, May 4-8).
LEDENT, PHILIPPE ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Pré-épuration des eaux résiduaires urbaines au moyen de complexes enzymes/microorganismes. Triennale de la FABI (Palais des Congrès, Liège, Belgique, 1-2 octobre).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Strategies to Degrade Nitroaromatic Compounds together with the Aminoaromatic Compounds Produced by their Reduction. Gordon Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, August 17-22).
Peres, Caroline ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Strategies to Degrade Nitroaromatic Compounds together with the Aminoaromatic Compounds Produced by their Reduction. SIM Program & Abstracts, p. 89 (Abstract No. P21). Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology (Reno, Nevada, August 3-7).
Thalasso, Frédéric ; Nyns, Edmond-Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Development of a Novel Tubular Biofilm Reactor for Biodegradation of Volatile Organic Compounds. Global Environmental Biotechnology Approaching the Year 2000 - 3rd International Symposium of the ISEB (International Society for Environmental Biotechnology), Program and Abstracts, p. 145 (Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, July 15-20, 1996).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Introduction and PCR Detection of Anaerobic Dechlorinating Bacterial in Soil Slurry Microcosms. 61/4b, 1996, 1935-1938. 10th Forum for Applied Biotechnology (FAB) (Brugge, Belgium, Med. Fac. Landbouww.Univ. Gent, September 25-27).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Introduction and PCR detection of anaerobic dechlorinating bacteria in an agricultural soil slurry microcosm. 164th meeting of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Belgische Verening voor Biochemie en Moleculaire Biologie). Archiv. Physiol. Biochem. 104, B50. (Mons, Belgique, November 30).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Introduction of de novo anaerobic microbial reductive dechlorination in soil microcosms by inoculation Global Environmental Biotechnology Approaching the Year 2000. 3rd International Symposium of the ISEB (International Society for Environmental Biotechnology), Northeasten University. Program and Abstracts, p.158 (Boston, Mas., USA, July 15-20).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Belkacemi, Malika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Movement of anaerobic microbial dechlorinating activity in a three dimensional pilot scale bioreactor. International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Impact Assessment (Mohammedia, Morocco, October 9-11).
El Fantroussi, Saïd ; Belkacemi, Malika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; Naveau, Henry ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Movement of anaerobic microbial dechlorinating activity in a three dimensional pilot scale bioreactor. 164th meeting of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Belgische Verening voor Biochemie en Moleculaire Biologie), Archiv. Physiol. Biochem. 104, B50 (Mons, Belgium, November 30, 1996).
Boucquey, Jean-Baptiste ; Amerlynck, Pascale ; Agathos, Spiros N. ; Naveau, Henry ; Nyns, Edmond-Jacques. Biotic and abiotic anaerobic transformations of pentachloroethane in the presence of a dechlorinating enrichment culture of methanogenic origin. 9th Forum for Applied Biotechnology (Gent, Belgium, September 28-30, 1995).
Peres, C. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Microbial-degradation of Nonpolar Nitroaromatic Compounds. In: American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), Vol. 209, p. 93-BIOT (1995).
Agathos, Spiros N.. The Cyclosporin fermentation - An odyssey in fungal engineering. Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology in Honor of Professor Arnold L. Demain. Extended Abstract L3, pp. 9-10 (Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 27-30, 1995).
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Nyns, Edmond-Jacques ; Naveau, Henry. Three-dimensional mobility of anaerobic microbial activities in a 0.5 m3 model soil bioreactor for in-situ soil bioremediation study. Third International In-Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium. F3.6. (San Diego, CA, USA, April 24-27, 1995).
Agathos, Spiros N. ; Nyns, Edmond-Jacques ; Naveau, Henry. Three-dimensional mobility of anaerobic microbial activities in a 0.5-cubic meter model soil bioreactor for in situ soil bioremediation study. 9th Forum for Applied Biotechnology (Gent, Belgium, September 28-30, 1995).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of Insect Cell Aggregation on Growth and b-Galactosidase Production. Paper presented at the 204th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. ACS Abstracts , Abstract BIOT No. 24. (San Diego, California, March 12-17, 1994).
Hensler, WT. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Effect of Insect-cell Aggregation On Growth and Beta-galactosidase Production. In: American Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers (at the National Meeting), Vol. 207, p. 6-BIOT (1994).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Evaluation of Monitoring Approaches and Effects of Culture Conditions on Recombinant Protein Production in Baculovirus-Infected Insect Cells. Fourth International Conference on Cell Culture Engineering, Engineering Foundation Conferences. Cell Culture Engineering IV Program and Abstracts, Abstract No. P.10 (San Diego, California, March 7-12, 1994).
Agathos, Spiros N.. Hybrid Bioreactors for Cyclosporin Production. 8th Forum for Applied Biotechnology (FAB). Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 59/4a, 1709 (Brugge, Belgium, September 28-30, 1994).
Hensler, WT. ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Evaluation of Monitoring Approaches and Effects of Culture Conditions On Recombinant Protein-production in Baculovirus-infected Insect Cells. Cell Culture Engineering IV Conference (SAN DIEGO(Ca), du 07/03/1994 au 12/03/1994).
Ardao Palacios, Inés ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Bio-inspired titania-based laccase biocatalyst for removal of EDCs, 2013.
. Method for reducing the effect of detergents upon germination and/or growth of micro-organisms. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (1997-10-20) ; Publié (1999-04-29). AL, AU, BA, BB, BG, BR, CA, CN, CU, CZ, DE, EE, GD, GE, HR, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KP, KR, LC, LK, LR, LT, LV, MG, MK, MN, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SG, SI, SK, SL, TR, TT, UA, US, UZ, VN, YU African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW)Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE)African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG) AL, AU, BA, BB, BG, BR, CA, CN, CU, CZ, DE, EE, GD, GE, HR, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KP, KR, LC, LK, LR, LT, LV, MG, MK, MN, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SG, SI, SK, SL, TR, TT, UA, US, UZ, VN, YU African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW)Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE)African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Nair, Rakesh ; Demarche, Philippe ; Agathos, Spiros N.. Formulation and characterization of an immobilized laccase biocatalyst and its application to eliminate organic micropollutants in wastewater, 2013.