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Laboratory of Nutritional Psychiatry (NUPS)

ions | Bruxelles Woluwe, Louvain-la-Neuve


The gut microbiota is now considered a key factor in the development of psychiatric disorders, and nutrition is a main modulator shaping the gut microbiota. In the lab, we are using preclinical and clinical approaches to decipher the mechanisms underlying the gut-brain communication, particularly in the context of alcohol use disorder and major depression disorder. We are mainly interested in assessing gut microbiota composition (metagenomics) and function (metabolomics), inflammation (measurement of inflammatory cytokines), behaviour (emotion, cognition, sociability) and brain activity (MRI). We are conducting randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical studies to investigate the impact of nutritional interventions on the psychological symptoms developed by psychiatric patients.

  • LECLERCQ Sophie, Principal Investigator
  • MORNARD Marie, PhD Student
  • VAN HAVERBEKE Simon, PhD Student
  • CARBIA Carina, Post-doc fellow
  • T'SERSTEVENS Olivia, Master student
  • CALI Hugo, Master student
  • LAMBERMONT Isabelle, Technician


UCLouvain collaborations :

Prof. Philippe de Timary (UCLouvain/IONS/NEUR)
Prof. Peter Stärkel (UCLouvain/IREC/GAEN)
Prof. André Mouraux (UCLouvain/IONS/COSY)
Prof. Julie Duqué (UCLouvain/IONS/COSY)
Prof. Nathalie Delzenne (UCLouvain/LDRI/MNUT)
Prof. Pierre Maurage (UCLouvain/IPSY/LEP)
Dr. Laurence Dricot (UClouvain/IONS/NIMA)

International collaborations:

Prof. Olli Kärkkäinen (University of Eastern Finland)
Prof. Sophie Layé (Université de Bordeaux, France)
Prof. Santiago Canals (Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, Spain)


MGBA: Depression phenotypes, dietary habits, and biological pathways: An overall assessment of the Gut-Brain-Axis

W3-AUD: Impact of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on biological, emotional, cognitive and social dimensions in alcohol use disorders patients

Pain-Sleep-Microbiota: The objective of this study in healthy volunteers is to evaluate whether the composition of the gut microbiota and sleep quality influence the susceptibility to develop peripheral and central sensitization of pain pathways

S-URGE: Negative affect implications in cognitive and emotional processes in young binge drinkers: from brain to gut


  • Amadieu C., Coste V., Neyrinck AM., Thijssen V., Leyrolle Q., Bindels LB., Piessevaux H., Stärkel P., de Timary P., Delzenne NM. & Leclercq S. (2022) Restoring an adequate dietary fiber intake by inulin supplementation: a pilot study showing an impact on gut microbiota and sociability in alcohol use disorder patients, Gut Microbes (IF: 10.2), 14:1
  • Leclercq S. Le Roy T., Furgiuele S., Coste V., Bindels L., Leyrolle Q, Neyrinck A., Quoilin C., Amadieu C., Petit G, Dricot L, Tagliatti V., Cani P., Verbeke K., Colet J-M., Stärkel P., de Timary P., Delzenne N. (2020) Gut Microbiota-Induced Changes in β-Hydroxybutyrate Metabolism Are Linked to Altered Sociability and Depression in Alcohol Use Disorder. Cell Reports (IF: 8.1). Vol. 33, no.2, p. 108238 [1-24] (2020).
  • S. Leclercq, F. Mian, A. Stanisz, L. Bindels, E.Cambier, H. Ben-Amram O. Koren , P. Forsythe and J. Bienenstock (2017). Early life exposure to clinical dose penicillin induces long-term changes in gut microbiota, brain cytokines and behavior. Nature Communications (IF: 12.1) 2017 Apr 4;8:15062
  • S. Leclercq, S. Matamoros, P. D Cani, A. Neyrinck, F. Jamar, P.Stärkel, K. Windey, V. Tremaroli, F. Bäckhed, K. Verbeke, P. de Timary and N. M Delzenne (2014). Intestinal permeability, gut bacterial dysbiosis and behavioral markers of alcohol dependence severity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (IF: 9.8). Oct 21;111(42):E4485-93
  • S. Leclercq, C. Desaeger, N. Delzenne, P. de Timary, P. Stärkel (2014). Role of inflammatory pathways, blood mononuclear cells, and gut-derived bacterial products in alcohol dependence. Biological Psychiatry (IF: 10.5) . Nov 1;76(9):725-33