Boursière UCL
Antoine Lemor ; Shoghig Téhinian ; Van Belleghem, Clarisse ; Steven Eichenberger ; Aubin, David. Network dynamics in public health advisory systems: A comparative analysis of scientific advice for COVID-19 in Belgium, Quebec, Sweden, and Switzerland. In: Governance, Vol. 37, no.3, p. 1-20 (2024). doi:
Van Belleghem, Clarisse. Inclusion or representation? Questioning the argumentative grounds of Random Selection for Deliberative Assemblies . In: G. Grandjean (Ed.), Against Sortition? The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies, Imprint Academic, 2024, 312 pp.. 9781788361163.
Van Belleghem, Clarisse. L'organisation des réseaux d'expertise au Québec, Suisse, Belgique et Suède. 90ème Congrès de l'Acfas (Montréal, Canada, 12/05/2023).
Van Belleghem, Clarisse. The use of information by the Belgian federal government in its decision to lockdown. International Conference on Public Policy (Toronto, Canada, du 27/06/2023 au 29/06/2023).
Van Belleghem, Clarisse. Unity of beliefs between scientific experts and policymakers: The decision of the Belgian federal government to lockdown . ECPR General Conference (Praha, du 04/09/2023 au 08/09/2023).
Van Belleghem, Clarisse. Inclusion or representation? Questioning argumentative grounds of random selection for deliberative assemblies. Contre le tirage au sort ? (Université de Liège, Liège, 04/11/2022).