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- Coline Rondiat
Coline Rondiat
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 2021 Master en langues et lettres françaises et romanes, orientation générale UCLouvain 2021 Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale Université catholique de Louvain
Coline Rondiat is a graduate in Romance Studies and Political Science from the University of Louvain where she works as a teaching assistant. She specializes in political discourse analysis, especially in the study of democratic imaginaries and depoliticization processes of public discourse. Her doctoral research (UCLouvain - UAntwerpen) delves into the issue of democratic decision-making in context of crisis by exploring the conceptions of politicians and experts on political legitimacy during the pandemic.
Bailly, Jessy ; Rondiat, Coline ; Auge, Anais Camille ; Reuchamps, Min. Populism as a centrist strategy for disqualification: The use of ‘populism(s)/populist(s)’ in Belgian, French and Spanish Parliaments. In: Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 1, no.1, p. Online (2024). doi:10.1093/pa/gsae016.
Rondiat, Coline. 'Without health, no freedom': emerging meanings of health in the discourse of politicians and experts during the pandemic in Belgium. Language and conceptualisation in healthcare provision (Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Amsterdam, du 22/04/2024 au 23/04/2024).
Rondiat, Coline. Democracy in (time of) crisis: how experts and politicians conceived democracy during the pandemic. ECPR General Conference (Dublin, du 12/08/2024 au 15/08/2024).
Rondiat, Coline ; Hambye, Philippe. Sociopolitical Keywords in Contemporary Debates: Addressing Methodological Challenges for Qualitative Approaches. MethodsNET Launch Events 2024 (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 31/10/2024 au 01/11/2024).
Rondiat, Coline. Discussing the Boundaries of Science. Science* as a Sociopolitical Keyword in Debates on the Covid-19 Crisis Management. International Pragmatics Association Conference (Brussels, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. Décider en temps de pandémie. Analyse du débat politique sur la fermeture de l’HORECA . Journée des doctorants de l'ED3Bis Langues Lettres et Traductologie (Bruxelles, 22/05/2023).
Rondiat, Coline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Reuchamps, Min. Experts or politicians: who should decide? The reconfiguration of political legitimacy during covid-19 in Belgium. Discourses of covid-19 and the reconfiguration of the political (online, du 23/02/2023 au 24/02/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. Populism and Technocracy: so Far, yet so Close? The Polarization of Belgian Public Debate on Covid-19 Vaccine. PANCOPOP Symposium 2023: Pandemic Communication and Populism (Loughborough, du 12/06/2023 au 13/06/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. ‘Infections Are on the Rise, What Should We Do?’. A Study of the Practical Reasoning of Belgian Experts and Politicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Discourse and Politics Conference (online, du 11/04/2023 au 12/04/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. Justifier la décision en temps de crise. Une analyse discursive du raisonnement pratique des experts et des décideurs politiques belges. Convegno internazionale LinC (Linguaggi della Crisi) (Bari, du 02/12/2022 au 03/12/2022).
Rondiat, Coline. Experts and Decision-Making in Time of Health and Political Crisis. A Study of the Political Discourse on the Role of Experts during COVID-19 in Belgium. Knowledge and Power: Epistemic Conflicts in Democracy (Colchester, du 29/07/2021 au 30/07/2021).
Rondiat, Coline. Still Nationalist or Going Post-National? The Discursive Construction of Federal Entities in Belgium. 26th DiscourseNet Conference: Post-National Discourses (Gießen, 21/05/2021).
Hambye, Philippe ; Reuchamps, Min ; Rondiat, Coline. Who gets to decide? How does political discourse frame the role of politicians and scientific experts in times of pandemic?. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur, du 27/06/2021 au 02/07/2021).