Place du Levant 2/L5.04.03
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Boursier UCL
Place du Levant 2/L5.04.03
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Jean-Baptiste Crismer graduated with its bachelor in civil engineering at ULiege in 2019. Then, he moved to UCLouvain where he reveiveid his master degree in electro-mechanical engineering in 2021. His Master Thesis presents a study on the impact of yaw-based wind farm optimization strategies and their combination with load reducing Individual Pitch Control. He was supervised by Professor Chatelain. He is now continuing his education with a PhD on Airborne Wind Energy Sytems, at UCLouvain, under the supervision of Professor Winckelmans.
Année | Label | Institution |
2021 | (informations manquantes) | Université catholique de Louvain |
In Belgium, the last offshore sites likely to host wind farms are being exploited. It arises the question: How to increase the power production of existing wind farms? The idea is thus to investigate the feasibility of adding Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES) on top of existing wind farms to increase their energy production. No simulation tools allow to take into account complex control, unsteady aerodynamics, turbulent inflow and aeroelastic behaviour for AWES. The BORNE (Belgian Offshore aiRborne wind Energy) project, in collaboration with UGent, will firstly intend to close this gap, to then provide insight with simulations of different scenarios. The contributions of UCLouvain focuses on the accurate modelling of AWES wings aerodynamics (rigid or kites) and provide accurate Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The first step is the aerodynamic characterisation of such wings. Then a simple model based on the Prandtl lifting line theory has been developed. Improvements will be made on the actual actuator line model to best represent AWES, considering aerodynamics and aeroelasticity. Stall will be considered by using semi-empirical dynamic stall models to take into account the unsteady behaviour of AWES. Finally AWES will be studied in atmospheric boundary layer, turbulent wind and in interaction with wind turbines wakes.
Crismer, Jean-Baptiste. Airborne wind energy systems flying optimal trajectories in turbulent wind using flight path tracking. Torque 2024 (Florence, Italy, du 22/05/2024 au 24/05/2024). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2767, no.7, p. 072021 (2024). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2767/7/072021.
Crismer, Jean-Baptiste. Investigation of controlled AWES flying in turbulent atmospheric conditions using Large Eddy Simulation. Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2024 (Madrid, Spain, du 24/04/2024 au 26/04/2024).
Crismer, Jean-Baptiste. Large Eddy Simulation of Airborne Wind Energy Systems flying optimal trajectories in turbulent wind. Wind Energy Science Conference 2023 (Glasgow, Scotland, du 23/05/2023 au 26/05/2023).
Crismer, Jean-Baptiste ; Trigaux, François ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Large-Eddy Simulation of airborne wind energy systems wakes. Wake 2023 (Visby, Sweden, du 20/06/2023 au 22/06/2023). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2505, no.1, p. 012036 (2023). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2505/1/012036.
Crismer, Jean-Baptiste. Modeling and control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems using lifting line/surface aerodynamics. Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2021 (Milan, Italy, du 22/06/2022 au 24/06/2022).
Coquelet, Marion ; Moens, Maud ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Crismer, Jean-Baptiste ; Chatelain, Philippe. Performance assessment of wake mitigation strategies. Torque 2022 (Delft, Netherlands, du 01/06/2022 au 03/06/2022). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2265, p. 032078 (2022). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2265/3/032078.