Ph.D. In 2006 I completed a Ph.D. degree in History of Islamic Sciences, titled The acoustic science in the Avicennian tradition (XI-XIII century). A comparative study of Greek and Arabic philosophical and medical theories. This work focused on the transmission of acoustic theories from Greek to Arabic and Persian scientific and medical writings. I carried out a comparative analysis of Greek and Arabic theories on published sources and manuscripts aiming to identify the dynamics of transmission of acoustic theories from the Greek to the Arabic scientific understanding. My primary focus was on the Avicennian tradition. A big part of my dissertation dealt with the Galenic tradition in Arabic (for the most part manuscript texts) on the diagnosis of the pulse.
DEA. In 2005 I took part in a Master in History of Medicine and Health at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. This activity consisted in translating and analyzing two edited writings by Avicenna on the ‘ilm al-nabd (the science of pulse).
Master-Bachelor. In 2002 I completed a Bachelor and Master of Arts in Oriental Languages and Civilizations at the Istituto Universitario Orientale of Naples, Italy with a dissertation thesis titled “The science of music in Fa²r al-Dīn al-Rāzī writings”. The work analyzes al-Rāzī (d.1209) writings on the acoustic.
During the years of my graduate research, I have spent long periods in the Middle East in order to improve my knowledge of the Arabic and Persian languages and conduct intensive field research on catalogs and manuscripts.
Yearly program. In 2004 I completed a yearly program in Arabic Languages at the French Institute of Arabic Studies of Damascus (IFEAD, now IFPO), taking advanced courses in the Arabic language.
Courses. In 2003 I attended courses in Arabic at The University of Damascus.