Since September 2018, I am an Associate Professor of Bioinformatics at the UCLouvain, in Belgium, and director of the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBIO) group. I am located in the de Duve Institute, on the medical campus in Brussels, where I run a research group and teach at the faculty of pharmacy and biomedical sciences (FASB).
I am an avid open research advocate and make every possible effort to make my research reproducible and openly available. I am a Software Sustainability Institute fellow, a Data and Software Carpentry instructor, and an affiliated member of the Bioconductor project.
I am also involved in the Bullied Into Bad Science campaign, an initiative by and for early career researchers who aim for a fairer, more open and ethical research and publication environment. In 2017-2018, I was also part of the eLife Early-career advisory group and, since 2017, am a #ASAPbio ambassador.
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