Clos Chapelle-aux-champs 30/B1.30.16
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- Nora Mélard
Nora Mélard
Collaboratrice scientifique
I am a teaching assistant at the Faculté de Santé Publique. I'm in charge of the practicals for the following courses: Introduction to statistics, Introduction to statistics in health sciences, Health economics, Biostatistics, Project management and Health mapping.
I am working on the SILNE-R project, which is a European collaboration between 8 research teams from 7 different countries. The aim of the projet is to understand, by in-depth comparisons of the participating countries, how strategies and programs to prevent youth smoking work, as well as how to improve them. The generated evidence will help decision makers implement those strategies in the most efficient way, by taking into account the opportunities, barriers, and available resources. The main aim of my research is to analyse the effect of school tobacco policies on adolescent smoking.
Mélard, Nora ; Grard, Adeline ; Delvenne, Jean-Charles ; Mercken, Liesbeth ; Perelman, Julian ; Kunst, Anton E. ; Lorant, Vincent. The Diffusion of Smoking: Association Between School Tobacco Policies and the Diffusion of Adolescent Smoking in 38 Schools in 6 Countries. In: Prevention Science, , p. 13p. (2023). doi:10.1007/s11121-022-01486-x.
Linnansaari, Anu ; Schreuders, Michael ; Kunst, Anton E. ; Rimpelä, Arja ; Kinnunen, Jaana M ; Lorant, Vincent ; Grard, Adeline ; Mélard, Nora ; Robert, Pierre-Olivier ; Richter, Matthias ; Mlinarić, Martin ; Hoffman, Laura ; Clancy, Luke ; Keogan, Sheila ; Breslin, Elisabeth ; Hanafin, Joan ; Federico, Bruno ; Marandola, Diego ; Marco, Anna di ; Nuyts, Paulien ; Kuipers, Mirte ; Perelman, Julian ; Leão, Teresa ; Alves, Joana ; Lindfors, Pirjo. Facilitating conditions for staff’s confidence to enforce school tobacco policies: qualitative analysis from seven European cities. In: Implementation Science Communications, Vol. 3, no.1, p. 10p. (2022). doi:10.1186/s43058-022-00362-7 (Soumis).
Mélard, Nora. L’interdiction de fumer dans les écoles : une solution efficace mais à peaufiner. In: Drogues, santé, prévention, no. 95, p. 11-13 (2021).
Mlinarić, Martin ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Lindfors, Pirjo ; Richter, Matthias ; Perelman, Julien ; Leão, Teresa ; Alves, Joana ; Federico, Bruno ; Marandola, Diego ; di Marco, Anna ; Lorant, Vincent ; Grard, Adeline ; Mélard, Nora ; Robert, Pierre-Olivier ; Kunst, Anton ; Schreuders, Michael ; Nuyts, Paulien ; Kuipers, Mirte ; Rimpleä, Arja ; Lindfors, Pirjo ; Linnansaari, Anu ; Kinnunen, Jaana ; Clancy, Luke ; Keogan, Sheila ; Breslin, Elisabeth. Enhancing implementation of smoke-free places: A comparative qualitative study across seven European cities. In: Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 247, p. 112805 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112805.
Mélard, Nora ; Grard, Adeline ; Robert, Pierre-Olivier ; Kuipers, Mirte A.G. ; Schreuders, Michael ; Rimpelä, Arja H. ; Leão, Teresa ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias ; Kunst, Anton E. ; Lorant, Vincent. School tobacco policies and adolescent smoking in six European cities in 2013 and 2016: A school-level longitudinal study. In: Preventive Medicine, Vol. 138, p. 106142 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106142.
Schreuders, Michael ; van den Putte, Bas ; Mlinarić, Martin ; Mélard, Nora ; Perelman, Julian ; Richter, Matthias ; Rimpela, Arja ; Kuipers, Mirte A G ; Lorant, Vincent ; Kunst, Anton E. The Association Between Smoke-Free School Policies and Adolescents’ Perceived Antismoking Norms: Moderation by School Connectedness. In: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Vol. 22, no.11, p. 1964-1972 (2020). doi:10.1093/ntr/ntz212.
Robert, Pierre-Olivier ; Grard, Adeline ; Mélard, Nora ; Mlinarić, Martin ; Rimpelä, Arja ; Richter, Matthias ; Kunst, Anton E. ; Lorant, Vincent ; Glantz, Stanton A.. The effect of school smoke-free policies on smoking stigmatization: A European comparison study among adolescents. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 15, no.7, p. e0235772 (2020). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0235772.
Hoffmann, Laura ; Mlinarić, Martin ; Mélard, Nora ; Leão, Teresa ; Grard, Adeline ; Lindfors, Pirjo ; Kunst, Anton E ; Richter, Matthias. ‘[…] the situation in the schools still remains the Achilles heel.’ Barriers to the implementation of school tobacco policies—a qualitative study from local stakeholder’s perspective in seven European cities. In: Health Education Research, Vol. 35, no.1, p. 32-43 (2020). doi:10.1093/her/cyz037.
Leão, Teresa ; Perelman, Julian ; Clancy, Luke ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Kinnunen, Jaana M ; Mélard, Nora ; Nuyts, Paulien A W ; Richter, Matthias ; Rimpelä, Arja ; Lorant, Vincent ; Kunst, Anton E. Cost of youth tobacco-control policies in seven European countries. In: European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 00, no.00, p. 6p. (2019). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckz150.
Leão, Teresa ; Perelman, Julian ; Clancy, Luke ; Mlinarić, Martin ; Kinnunen, Jaana M ; Nuyts, Paulien A W ; Mélard, Nora ; Rimpelä, Arja ; Lorant, Vincent ; Kunst, Anton E. Economic Evaluation of Five Tobacco Control Policies Across Seven European Countries. In: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, p. 1202-1209 (2019). doi:10.1093/ntr/ntz124.
Ladrière, Margaux ; Desseille, François ; Grard, Adeline ; Mélard, Nora ; Robert, Pierre-Olivier ; Lorant, Vincent. Le tabagisme chez nos adolescents namurois,présentation des résultats du projet SILNE. In: Education Santé, Vol. 354, p. 3-6 (2019).
Lagerweij, Naomi A. ; Kunst, Anton E. ; Mélard, Nora ; Rimpelä, Arja ; Alves, Joana ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias ; Kuipers, Mirte A.G.. Where do teens smoke? Smoking locations of adolescents in Europe in relation to smoking bans in bars, schools and homes. In: Health & Place, Vol. 60, no.00, p. 102213 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.102213.
Laloux, Pierre ; Mélard, Nora ; Lorant, Vincent. Implementation of tobacco-free school policies: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. 8th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (Florence, Italy, du 09/10/2023 au 12/10/2023). In: Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, Vol. 9, no.Supplement 2, p. 21 (2023). doi:10.18332/tpc/172648.
Mélard, Nora. Schools and smoking prevention : impact and implementation of school tobacco policies to prevent adolescent smoking and social inequalities in smoking, prom. : Lorant, Vincent, 26/10/2023.