1er bloc annuelContenu:EconomicsBECGE1113A Economics IBINGE1113 Economics IIManagementEKULB1320 Marketing
q1 52h 6 crédits
EINGE1110 Financial Accounting AEN
q1 26h+12h 3 crédits
EINGE1111 Financial Accounting BEN
q2 26h+12h 3 crédits
BECGE1116 Introduction to financial marketsLawEINGE1120 Introduction to LawEN
q2 52h 6 crédits
Computer Science and Quantitative MethodsEINGE1133 Mathematics for Business Engineers IEN
q1 52h+26h 6 crédits
EINGE1134 Mathematics for Business Engineers IIEN
q2 52h+26h 6 crédits
Other Human and Social SciencesBINGE1160 Global Economic HistoryLanguage : EnglishEINGE1150 English 1EN
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1250 English 2EN
q2 26h 3 crédits
2e bloc annuelContenu:EconomicsBECGE1217 MicroeconomicsManagementBECGE1216 Human Resource ManagementEINGE1212 Production and Logistics Management
q2 52h 6 crédits
EINGE1213 Financial Statement AnalysisEN
q1 39h 6 crédits
Computer Science and Quantitative MethodsEN
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1236 Software DevelopmentEN
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1233 Linear OptimisationEN
q2 0h+26h 3 crédits
EINGE1235 Statistics for Data ScienceEN
q2 52h 6 crédits
Science and TechnologyOther Human and Social SciencesBESPO1164 GeopoliticsLanguage choiceLanguage choice : FrenchPlease select successively:
- French 1, French 2 and French 3
No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from these courses. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of French are not allowed to follow these courses either.
- French 1 (advanced), French 2 (advanced) and French 3 (advanced)
Prior knowledge is required. Only students who are independent users of French may register for these courses.
EINGE1154 French 1FR
q1 52h 3 crédits
EINGE1155 French 1 (advanced)FR
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1254 French 2FR
q2 52h 3 crédits
EINGE1255 French 2 (advanced)FR
q2 26h 3 crédits
Language choice : GermanPlease select successively German 1, German 2 and German 3. No prior knowledge is required. Students who are independent users of German may not register for these courses.
EINGE1152 German 1DE
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1252 German 2DE
q2 26h 3 crédits
Language choice : DutchPlease select successively:
- Dutch 1, Dutch 2 and Dutch 3.
No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from these courses. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of Dutch are not allowed to follow these courses either.
- Dutch 1 (advanced), Dutch 2 (advanced) and Dutch 3 (advanced).
Prior knowledge is required. Only students who have obtained level B1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) may register for these courses.
EINGE1153 Dutch 1NL
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1156 Dutch 1 (advanced)NL
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1253 Dutch 2NL
q2 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1256 Dutch 2 (advanced)NL
q2 26h 3 crédits
Language choice : SpanishPlease select successively Spanish 1, Spanish 2 and Spanish 3.
No prior knowledge is required. Students who are independent users of Spanish may not register for these courses.
EINGE1151 Spanish 1ES
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1251 Spanish 2ES
q2 26h 3 crédits
3e bloc annuelContenu:EconomicsEINGE1314 Macroeconomics
q1 52h 5 crédits
ManagementBECGE1328 Management and strategyEINGE1315 Business ProjectEN
q2 16h 6 crédits
EINGE1316 Management AccountingEN
q2 26h 3 crédits
BECGE1327 Corporate FinanceComputer Science and Quantitative MethodsEINGE1332 Business Information SystemsEN
q1 52h 6 crédits
EINGE1333 EconometricsEN
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1331 Operations researchEN
q2 52h 6 crédits
Science and TechnologyEN
q2 40h 5 crédits
Other Human and Social SciencesBESPO1360 Ethics and the economyLanguage choiceYou will follow 1 language of choice. The language of the secondary school diploma cannot be chosen.
Students who have already taken 'course 3' of the chosen language in the second phase do not take this course in the third phase.
Language choice : FrenchPlease select successively:
- French 1, French 2 and French 3
No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from these courses. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of French are not allowed to follow these courses either.
- French 1 (advanced), French 2 (advanced) and French 3 (advanced)
Prior knowledge is required. Only students who are independent users of French may register for these courses.
EINGE1353 French 3FR
q1 52h 3 crédits
EINGE1354 French 3 (advanced)FR
q1 26h 3 crédits
Language choice : GermanPlease select successively German 1, German 2 and German 3. No prior knowledge is required. Students who are independent users of German may not register for these courses.
EINGE1351 German 3DE
q1 26h 3 crédits
Language choice : DutchPlease select successively:
- Dutch 1, Dutch 2 and Dutch 3.
No prior knowledge is required. Students who have obtained a Flemish secondary school diploma are excluded from these courses. Students with a secondary school diploma other than a Flemish one but who have an intermediate level of Dutch are not allowed to follow these courses either.
- Dutch 1 (advanced), Dutch 2 (advanced) and Dutch 3 (advanced).
Prior knowledge is required. Only students who have obtained level B1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) may register for these courses.
EINGE1352 Dutch 3NL
q1 26h 3 crédits
EINGE1356 Dutch 3 (advanced)NL
q1 26h 3 crédits
Language choice : SpanishPlease select successively Spanish 1, Spanish 2 and Spanish 3.
No prior knowledge is required. Students who are independent users of Spanish may not register for these courses.
EINGE1350 Spanish 3ES
q1 26h 3 crédits
Elective CoursesStudents select elective courses for 8 ECTS.
If you opt for the Dutch language immersion track, you are obliged to complete 3 out of 4 offered course units within that track. If you opt for the French language immersion track, you are obliged to complete 2 courses within that track. It is possible that you will include more than 8 ECTS and thus will graduate with more than 180 ECTS in your bachelor's programme.
Elective courses at FEB KU LeuvenEINGE1360 Elective Course (KU Leuven)EN
q1+q2 3 crédits
EINGE1361 Elective Course (KU Leuven)EN
q1+q2 6 crédits
Electives at UCLouvain - Saint-Louis - BruxellesBECGE1340 Seminar in Economic HistoryBECGE1317 European EconomicsBECGE1314 International EconomicsBECGE1341 Public policy seminarBECGE1215 Public economicsBCOMU1213 Intercultural communicationBCOMU1313 International communicationsLanguage Immersion Track : DutchStudents take 9 credits of this track. Students follow these courses in the third stage in Dutch, together with students of the Dutch programme Handelswetenschappen at KU Leuven Campus Brussels. Students can only choose this option provided they have achieved a cumulative study efficiency (CSE) of at least 75%.
EKULB1333 Ondernemerschap en business planningNL
q1 26h 3 crédits
EKULB1331 Europese InstellingenNL
q1 26h 3 crédits
EKULB1334 Internationale economieNL
q2 26h 3 crédits
EKULB1335 Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemenNL
q2 26h 3 crédits
Language Immersion Track : FrenchStudents must follow 2 of the courses mentioned below at Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles. Students can only choose the courses at Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles provided if they have achieved a cumulative study efficiency (CSE) of at least 75%.
BECGE1233 Théorie des jeuxBESPO1160 SociologieBDROI1272 Questions spéciales de droit économiqueBECGE1212 Economie publiqueElectives : Internships, Projects and Summer SchoolsStudents who want to include a summer school and/or an internship project in their programme select one or more of the following courses as appropriate with a maximum of one course per group and a maximum of 9 credits in the bachelor programme:
- a summer school: 'Short Mobility Economics and Business (Bachelor)' (D0S32A)(D0E54A)
- an internship: 'Internship Project (bachelor)' (D0E59A)(D0E60A)
Note: these elective courses can only be included in the ISP after prior approval. The application procedure can be consulted in the course description.
EKULB1336 Internship Project (bachelor)EN
q1 3 crédits
q2 3 crédits
EKULB1338 Internship Project (bachelor)EN
q2 3 crédits
q2 6 crédits
Students who have already taken 'course 3' of the chosen language in the second phase do not take this course in the third phase.