Au terme de ce programme, le diplômé est capable de :
1 Has in-depth knowledge and understanding of the concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and the interrelationships with human biology, disease mechanisms and pharmacology.
2 Has knowledge and understanding of the statistics and mathematics underlying the pharmacometric modelling of complex data to answer pharmacological questions.
3 Has knowledge and understanding of the methods and software tools used in the field of pharmacometrics.
4 Applies statistical/mathematical language, pharmacometric tools and methods to specific problems.
5 Translates results of pharmacometrics modelling and simulations correctly into actionable insights, recommendations and decisions that can be used in drug discovery, development, regulatory and clinical care.
6 Is able to independently scope a pharmacological project, (re-)formulate the critical pharmacometric questions, define the workflow and perform the project on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired.
7 Communicates audience-tailored, orally and in writing, in an appropriate and effective manner to diverse stakeholders.