Evaluation au cours de la formation

Les méthodes d’évaluation sont conformes au règlement des études et des examens. Plus de précisions sur les modalités propres à chaque unité d’apprentissage sont disponibles dans leur fiche descriptive, à la rubrique « Mode d’évaluation des acquis des étudiants ».

Throughout the course, a variety of assessment formats are introduced, ranging from traditional written and oral exams, open and closed book, assignments, presentations, tasks, but also online exams (e.g. XToledo or Ans). On the one hand, this enables a wide range of learning outcomes to be assessed, both in terms of knowledge and understanding, but also communication skills and research skills. On the other hand, it allows all students to experience a range of assessment formats, without favouring any particular assessment format that might be better or less well suited to the personality of individual students.