Place Cardinal Mercier 10/L3.05.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
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- Arnaud Szmalec
Arnaud Szmalec
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 2000 Licencé en psychologie Rijksuniversiteit Gent 2005 Docteur en psychologie Rijksuniversiteit Gent
Développement du langage
Troubles du langage/Troubles d'apprentissage (dyslexie, bégaiement, dysphasie, dyscalculie)
Hauspie, C. ; Duyck, W. ; Schelfhout, S. ; Vereeck, A. ; Janse, M. ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Is studying latin associated with (Non–)linguistic cognitive transfer? A large-scale cross-sectional study. In: Contemporary Educational Psychology, Vol. 79, p. 102325 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2024.102325.
Tahry, Riëm El ; Dibué, Maxine ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Patel, Roshani ; Verner, Ryan ; Boffini, Massimiliano ; Fahoum, Firas ; Tzadok, Michal. Practical Considerations for the rapid titration of VNS. In: Epilepsy & Behavior Reports, Vol. 29, p. 100734 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.ebr.2024.100734.
Merel Dutry ; Alexandra Vereeck ; Wouter Duyck ; Eva Derous ; Stijn Schelfhout ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Evy Woumans ; Mark Schittekatte ; Dries Debeer ; Nicolas Dirix. Validation of the Children’s International Cognitive Ability Resource (Ch-ICAR). In: Behavior Research Methods, (2025) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Parmentier, Chloé ; Simonis, Morgane ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Nathalie ; Ordonez Magro, Laura ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Language proficiency and study achievement of pupils with dyslexia enrolled in content and language integrated learning (CLIL). In: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, p. 1-17 (2024). doi:10.1080/13670050.2024.2446991 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Attentional abilities of children enrolled in immersion education in French-speaking Belgium. In: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 26, no. 5, p. 554-571 (2023).
Hauspie, Cathy ; Schelfhout, Stijn ; Dirix, Nicolas ; Fonteyne, Lot ; Janse, Mark ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vereeck, Alexandra ; Duyck, Wouter. Does studying Latin in secondary education predict study achievement in academic higher education?. In: Language learning, (2024) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Cocquyt, Elissa-Marie ; Depuydt, Emma ; Santens, Patrick ; van Mierlo, Pieter ; Duyck, Wouter ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; De Letter, Miet. Effects of healthy aging and gender on the electrophysiological correlates of semantic sentence comprehension : the development of Dutch normative data. In: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, (2023) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Hauspie, Cathy ; Schelfhout, Stijn ; Dirix, Nicolas ; Fonteyne, Lot ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. Interactions of gender with predictors of academic achievement. In: Contemporary Educational Psychology, Vol. 74, p. 102186 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2023.102186.
El Tahry, Riëm ; Dibué, Maxine ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Patel, Roshani ; Verner, Ryan ; Boffini , Massimiliano ; Fahoum, Firas ; Tzadok, Michal. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE RAPID TITRATION OF VNS. In: Neuromodulation.
Rodríguez-Bailón, María ; Fernández-Solano, Ana Judit ; Vidaña-Moya, Laura ; Merchán-Baeza, José Antonio ; Cruyt, Ellen ; De Letter, Miet ; Vlerick, Peter ; Calders, Patrick ; De Pauw, Robby ; Oostra, Kristine ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van de Velde, Dominique ; De Vriendt, Patricia. The contribution of participation in meaningful activities on mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown in the Spanish population. In: Anales de Psicología, Vol. 39, no. 2, p. 176-187 (2023). doi:10.6018/analesps.512291.
Vereeck, Alexandra ; Janse, Mark ; De Herdt, Katja ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Hauspie, Cathy ; Duyck, Wouter. Zakaj Platon potrebuje psihologijo? Predlog teoretičnega okvirja za raziskave o kognitivnem transferju učinkov študija klasičnih jezikov. In: Psihološka obzorja, Vol. 32, no. 1, p. 121-130 (2023). doi:10.20419/2023.32.580.
Dedry, Marie ; Dricot, Laurence ; Van Parys, Vinciane ; Boucquey, Donatienne ; Delinte, Nicolas ; van Lith-Bijl, Julie ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Maryn, Youri ; Desuter, Gauthier. Brain adaptation following various unilateral vocal fold paralysis treatments: A magnetic resonance imaging based longitudinal case series.. In: Frontiers in neuroscience, Vol. 16, p. 947390 [1-18] (2022). doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.947390.
Dedry, Marie ; Maryn, Youri ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; van Lith-Bijl, Julie ; Dricot, Laurence ; Desuter, Gauthier. Neural correlates of healthy sustained vowel phonation tasks: A systematic review and meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. In: Journal of voice, p. [1-15] (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.02.008 (Accepté/Sous presse).
De Rom, Margot ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Reybroeck, Marie. The involvement of inhibition in word and sentence reading. In: Reading and Writing, (2022). doi:10.1007/s11145-022-10337-8 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Smalle, Eleonore H. M. ; Daikoku, Tatsuya ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter ; Möttönen, Riikka. Unlocking adults’ implicit statistical learning by cognitive depletion. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 119, no.2, p. e2026011119 (2022). doi:10.1073/pnas.2026011119.
Cocquyt, Elissa-Marie ; Santens, Patrick ; van Mierlo, Pieter ; Duyck, Wouter ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; De Letter, Miet. Age- and gender-related differences in verbal semantic processing: the development of normative electrophysiological data in the Flemish population. In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, (2021) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Ordonez Magro, Laura ; Majerus, Steve ; Attout, Lucie ; Poncelet, Martine ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Do serial order short-term memory and long-term learning abilities predict spelling skills in school-age children?. In: Cognition, Vol. 206, p. 104479 (2020) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Muylle, Merel ; Duyck, Wouter ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Less is more: Depleting cognitive resources enhances language learning abilities in adults. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, (2021) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Smalle, Eleonore H.M. ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Quick learning of novel vowel-consonant conjunctions within the mature speech production system – a commentary on Dell et al. (2019). In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, (2021). doi:10.1080/23273798.2021.1995613 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Woumans, Evy ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Hartsuiker, Robert ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Pistono, Aurélie ; De Letter, Miet ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Speech fluency in bilinguals who stutter: Language proficiency and attentional demands as mediating factors. In: Journal of fluency disorders, Vol. 69, p. 105850 [1-12] (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jfludis.2021.105850.
De Letter, Miet ; Cocquyt, Elissa-Marie ; Cromheecke, Oona ; Criel, Yana ; De Cock, Elien ; De Herdt, Veerle ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. The Protective Influence of Bilingualism on the Recovery of Phonological Input Processing in Aphasia After Stroke. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11 (2021). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.553970.
Simonis, Morgane ; Van der Linden, Lise ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Executive control performance and foreign-language proficiency associated with immersion education in French-speaking Belgium. In: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Vol. 23, no. 2, p. 355-370 (2020). doi:10.1017/S136672891900021X.
Maryn, Youri ; Dedry, Marie ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Desuter, Gauthier. Logopädische Behandlung unilateraler Stimmlippenparalysen. In: Sprache · Stimme · Gehör, (2019). doi:10.1055/a-0949-7863.
Ordonez Magro, Laura ; Majerus, Steve ; Attout, Lucie ; Poncelet, Martine ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud. The contribution of serial order short-term memory and long-term learning to reading acquisition: A longitudinal study. In: Developmental Psychology, Vol. 56, no. 9, p. 1671–1683 (2020) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Attout, Lucie ; Ordonez Magro, Laura ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Majerus, Steve. The developmental neural substrates of Hebb repetition learning and their link with reading ability. In: Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 41, no.14, p. 3956-3969 (2020). doi:10.1002/hbm.25099.
Cocquyt, Elissa-Marie ; Knockaert, Nils ; van Mierlo, Pieter ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter ; Santens, Patrick ; De Letter, Miet. The phonological Mismatch Negativity and P300 as diagnostic tools in stroke-related aphasia recovery: a longitudinal multiple case study. In: Aphasiology, (2020) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Cocquyt, E.-M. ; Lanckmans, E. ; van Mierlo, P. ; Duyck, W. ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Santens, P. ; De Letter, M.. The white matter architecture underlying semantic processing: A systematic review. In: Neuropsychologia, Vol. 136, p. 107182 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.107182.
Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Bogaerts, L. ; Page, M.P.A. ; Narang, V. ; Misra, D. ; Araújo, S. ; Lohagun, N. ; Khan, O. ; Singh, A. ; Mishra, R.K. ; Huettig, F.. Literacy improves short-term serial recall of spoken verbal but not visuospatial items – Evidence from illiterate and literate adults. In: Cognition, Vol. 185, p. 144-150 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2019.01.012.
Attout, Lucie ; Ordonez Magro, Laura ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Majerus, Steve. The developmental neural substrates of item and serial order components of verbal working memory. In: Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 40, no. 5, p. 1541-1553 (2019). doi:10.1002/hbm.24466.
Cocquyt, E.M. ; Coffé, C. ; van Mierlo, P. ; Duyck, W. ; Mariën, P. ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Santens, P. ; De Letter, M.. The involvement of subcortical grey matter in verbal semantic comprehension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of fMRI and PET studies. In: Journal of Neurolinguistics, Vol. 51, p. 278-296 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2019.04.001.
Kever, Anne ; Grynberg, Delphine ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Vermeulen, Nicolas. “Passion” versus “patience”: the effects of valence and arousal on constructive word recognition. In: Cognition and Emotion, Vol. 33, no. 6, p. 1302-1309 (2019). doi:10.1080/02699931.2018.1561419.
Van der Linden, Lize ; Dricot, Laurence ; De Letter, Miet ; Duyck, Wouter ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Ivanoiu, Adrian ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A case study about the interplay between language control and cognitive abilities in bilingual differential aphasia: Behavioral and brain correlates. In: Journal of Neurolinguistics, Vol. 46, p. 37-68 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2017.12.011.
Smalle, Eleonore ; Page, Mike ; Duyck, Wouter ; Edwards, Martin ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Children retain implicitly learned phonological sequences better than adults: A longitudinal study. In: Developmental Science, Vol. 21, no. 5, p. e12634 [1-15] (2018). doi:10.1111/desc.12634.
Van der Linden, Lize ; Verreyt, Nele ; De Letter, Miet ; Hemelsoet, Dimitri ; Mariën, Peter ; Santens, Patrick ; Stevens, Michaël ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. Cognate effects and cognitive control in patients with parallel and differential bilingual aphasia. In: International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, Vol. 53, no. 3, p. 515-525 (2018). doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12365.
Van der Linden, Lize ; Van De Putte, Eowyn ; Duyck, Wouter ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does extreme language control training improve cognitive control? A comparison of professional interpreters, L2 teachers and monolinguals. In: Frontiers in Psychology, . doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01998.
Ordonez Magro, Laura ; Attout, Lucie ; Majerus, Steve ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Short-and long-term memory determinants of novel word form learning. In: Cognitive Development, Vol. 47, p. 146–157 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2018.06.002.
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Assessing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in French-speaking Belgium: Linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives. In: Les Cahiers de Recherche du Girsef, Vol. 17, no. 109, p. 1-25 (2017).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Panouilleres, Muriel ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Möttönen, Riikka. Language learning in the adult brain: disrupting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates word-form learning. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, no.1, p. not specified (2017). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14547-x.
Smalle, Eleonore ; Muylle, Merel ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. The different time course of phonotactic constraint learning in children and adults: Evidence from speech errors.. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. doi:10.1037/xlm0000405.
Smalle, Eleonore ; Bogaerts, Louisa ; Simonis, Morgane ; Duyck, Wouter ; Page, Michael P. A. ; Edwards, Martin ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Can Chunk Size Differences Explain Developmental Changes in Lexical Learning?. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, no.1925, p. 1-14 (2016). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01925.
Verreyt, Nele ; Woumans, Evy ; Vandelanotte, D ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck. The influence of language switching experience on the bilingual executive control advantage. In: Bilingualism: language and cognition, Vol. 19, no. 1, p. 181-190. doi:10.1017/S1366728914000352.
Bogaerts, Louisa ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; De Maeyer, Marjolijn ; Page, Mike ; Duyck, Wouter. The involvement of long-term serial-order memory in reading development: A longitudinal study. In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol. 145, p. 139 - 156 (22/12/2015). doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2015.12.008.
Olszanowski, Michal ; Bajo, Maria Teresa ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A conflict monitoring account of the control mechanisms involved in dual-tasking. In: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 27, no. 6, p. 704-714. doi:10.1080/20445911.2015.1022553.
Bogaerts, Louisa ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Hachmann, Wibke ; Page, Mike ; Woumans, Evy ; Duyck, Wouter. Increased susceptibility to proactive interference in adults with dyslexia?. In: Memory, Vol. 23, no. 2, p. 268-277. doi:10.1080/09658211.2014.882957.
Bogaerts, Louisa ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Hachmann , Wibke ; Page, Mike ; Duyck, Wouter. Linking memory and language: Evidence for a serial-order learning impairment in dyslexia. In: Research in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 43-44, p. 106-122. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2015.06.012.
De Visscher, Alice ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Noël, Marie-Pascale. Serial-order learning impairment and hypersensitivity-to-interference in dyscalculia. In: Cognition, Vol. 144, no.1, p. 38-48 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2015.07.007.
Woumans, Evy ; Ceuleers, Evy ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. Verbal and nonverbal cognitive control in bilinguals and interpreters. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol. 41, no. 5, p. 1579-1586 (1 september 2015). doi:10.1037/xlm0000107.
Núñez Castellar, Elena ; Van Looy, Jan ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; de Marez, Lieven. Improving arithmetic skills through gameplay : assessment of the effectiveness of an educational game in terms of cognitive and affective learning outcomes. In: Information Sciences, Vol. 264, p. 19-31 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.ins.2013.09.030.
Hachmann, Wibke M. ; Bogaerts, Louisa ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Woumans, Evy ; Duyck, Wouter ; Job, Remo. Short-term memory for order but not for item information is impaired in developmental dyslexia. In: Annals of Dyslexia, Vol. 64, no. 2, p. 121-136 (2014). doi:10.1007/s11881-013-0089-5.
Timarova, Sarka ; Cenkova, Ivana ; Meylaerts, Reine ; Hertog, Erik ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. Simultaneous interpreting and working memory executive control. In: Interpreting, Vol. 16, no. 2, p. 139 - 168 (2014). doi:10.1075/intp.16.2.01tim.
Van Reybroeck, Marie ; Schelstraete, Marie-Anne ; Hupet, Michel ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Switching between noun and verb agreement rules comes at a cost: cross-sectional and interventional studies in a developmental sample. In: Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 226-250 (2014). doi:10.2478/plc-2014-0016.
Szmalec, Arnaud. Bilinguisme et bégaiement chez l’enfant. In: Enfance : psychologie, pédagogie, neuro-psychiatrie, sociologie, , no.3, p. 287-298 (2013). doi:10.4074/S0013754513003091.
Bombeke, Klaas ; Van Looy, Jan ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. Leaving the third dimension : no measurable evidence for cognitive aftereffects of stereoscopic 3D movies. In: Society for Information Display. Journal, Vol. 21, no.4, p. 159-166 (2013). doi:10.1002/jsid.164.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Page, Mike ; Duyck, Wouter. The development of long-term lexical representations through Hebb repetition learning. In: Journal of Memory and Language, Vol. 67, no.3, p. 342-354 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.jml.2012.07.001.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Verbruggen, Frederick ; Vandierendonck, André ; Kemps, Eva. Control of interference during working memory updating. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol. 37, no.1, p. 137-151 (2011). doi:10.1037/a0020365.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Loncke, Maaike ; Page, Mike P. A. ; Duyck, Wouter. Order or disorder? Impaired Hebb learning in dyslexia. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol. 37, no.5, p. 1270-1279 (2011). doi:10.1037/a0023820.
Vandamme, Kimberley ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Liefooghe, Baptist ; Vandierendonck, André. Are voluntary switches corrected repetitions? . In: Psychophysiology : an international journal, Vol. 47, no.6, p. 1176-1181 (2010). doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2010.01032.x.
Szmalec, Arnaud. Psychologica Belgica: Preface. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 50, no. 3-4, p. 145- (2010).
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter ; Notebaert, Wim ; Brysbaert, Marc. Working memory and executive control : a festschrift for André Vandierendonck. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 50, no.3/4, p. 147-152 (2010). doi:10.5334/pb-50-3-4-147.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Demanet, Jelle ; Vandierendonck, André ; Verbruggen, Frederick. Investigating the role of conflict resolution in memory updating by means of the one-back choice RT task. In: Psychological Research : an international journal of perception, attention, memory and action, Vol. 73, no.3, p. 390-406 (2008). doi:10.1007/s00426-008-0149-3.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter ; Vandierendonck, André ; Mata, Ariadna Barberá ; Page, Mike P. A.. The Hebb repetition effect as a laboratory analogue of novel word learning. In: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 62, no.3, p. 435-443 (2009). doi:10.1080/17470210802386375.
Imbo, Ineke ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vandierendonck, André. The role of structure in age-related increases in visuo-spatial working memory span. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 49, no.4, p. 275-291 (2009). doi:10.5334/pb-49-4-275.
Duyck, Wouter ; Anseel, Frederik ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Mestdagh, Pascal ; Tavernier, Antoine ; Hartsuiker, Robert J.. Improving Accuracy in Detecting Acoustic Onsets. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol. 34, no. 5, p. 1317-1326 (2008). doi:10.1037/0096-1523.34.5.1317.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Verbruggen, Frederick ; Vandierendonck, André ; De Baene, Wouter ; Verguts, Tom ; Notebaert, Wim. Stimulus ambiguity elicits response conflict. In: Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 435, no. 2, p. 158-162 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2008.02.023.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vandierendonck, A.. Estimating the executive demands of a one-back choice reaction time task by means of the selective interference paradigm. In: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 60, no. 8, p. 1116-1139 (2007).
Verbruggen, Frederick ; Liefooghe, Baptist ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vandierendonck, André. Inhibiting responses when switching: Does it matter?. In: Experimental Psychology, Vol. 52, no. 2, p. 125-130 (2005). doi:10.1027/1618-3169.52.2.125.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vandierendonck, André ; Kemps, Eva. Response selection involves executive control: Evidence from the selective interference paradigm. In: Memory and Cognition, Vol. 33, no. 3, p. 531-541 (2005). doi:10.3758/BF03193069.
Kemps, Eva ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vandierendonck, André ; Crevits, Luc. Visuo-spatial processing in Parkinson's disease: Evidence for diminished visuo-spatial sketch pad and central executive resources. In: Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, Vol. 11, no. 3, p. 181-186 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.parkreldis.2004.10.010.
Vandierendonck, A ; Szmalec, Arnaud. An assymetry in the visuo-spatial demands of forward and backward recall in the Corsi blocks task. In: Imagination, Cognition and Personality : consciousness in theory, research, clinical practice, Vol. 23, p. 225 - 231.
Vandierendonck, André ; Kemps, Eva ; Fastame, Maria ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Working memory components of the Corsi blocks task. In: British Journal of Psychology, Vol. 95, no. 1, p. 57-79 (2004). doi:10.1348/000712604322779460.
Duyck, Wouter ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Kemps, Eva ; Vandierendonck, André. Verbal working memory is involved in associative word learning unless visual codes are available. In: Journal of Memory and Language, Vol. 48, no. 3, p. 527-541 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0749-596X(02)00533-8.
Andrade, J. ; Kemps, E. ; Werniers, Y. ; Jon, M. ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Insensitivity of visual short-term memory to irrelevant visual information. In: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section A: Human Experimental Psychology, Vol. 55, no. 3, p. 753-774 (2002). doi:10.1080/02724980143000541.
Vandierendonck, A ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Spatial Working Memory, Psychology Press: Hove, UK, 2011. 9781848720336. 216 p.
Szmalec, Arnaud. Mémoire et apprentissages chez les personnes dyslexiques. In: Séverine Casalis (coord.), Les dyslexies, Elsevier Masson, 2017.
Timarova, Sarka ; Cenkova, Ivana ; Meylaerts, Reine ; Hertog, Erik ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Duyck, Wouter. Simultaneous interpreting and working memory capacity. In: A. Ferreira & J.W. Schwieter, Psycholinguistic and cognitive inquiries in translation studies., John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 2015, p. 101-126. 9789027258557.
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Brysbaert, Marc ; Duyck, Wouter. Working memory and (second) language processing. In: J. Altarriba & L. Isurin, Memory, Language, and Bilingualism: Theoretical and Applied Approaches., Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 74-94. 9781107419865.
Vandierendonck, André ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Progress in spatial working memory research.. In: A. Vandierendonck & A. Szmalec, Spatial Working Memory, Psychology Press: Hove, UK, 2011, p. 1-18. 9781848720336.
Vandierendonck, André ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Deschuyteneer, Maud ; Depoorter, Ann. Towards a multicomponential view of executive control. The case of response selection.. In: N. Osaka, R.H. Logie & M. D'Esposito, The cognitive neuroscience of working memory, Oxford University Press: (United Kingdom) Oxford, 2007, p. 247 - 259. 9780198570394. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570394.001.0001.
Van Audenhaege, Alice ; Mattioni, Stefania ; Cerpelloni, Filippo ; Gau, Remi ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Collignon, Olivier. Distinct occipito-temporal regions selectively encode phonological representations from sound and vision. Language in Interaction - Highlights in the Language Sciences 2024 Conference (Nijmegen, NL, du 08/07/2024 au 11/07/2024).
Bonnet, Camille ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Reybroeck, Marie ; Vanderauwera, Jolijn. The relation between home language environment and structural neural connectivity in infants with and without an elevated risk for oral language disorders. Flux Congress The International Congress for Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (Paris, France, du 07/09/2022 au 09/09/2022).
Bonnet, Camille ; Van Reybroeck, Marie ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Vanderauwera, Jolijn. The relationship between home language environment and fractional anisotropy in the arcuate fasciculi in infants with and without a risk for a language disorder. Groupe de contact FNRS en Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (UMons, 25/11/2022).
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Executive control performance and foreign-language proficiency associated with immersion education in French-speaking Belgium. World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2021) (Groningen, the Netherlands, du 16/08/2021 au 21/08/2021).
Szmalec, Arnaud. Executive control performance and foreign-language proficiency associated with immersion education in French-speaking Belgium. Annual Meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN) (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 01/12/2020).
De Rom, Margot ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Reybroeck, Marie. The relationship between inhibition and reading at the word and sentence levels.. Groupe de Contact en psycholinguistique et neurolinguistique 2020 (01/12/2020).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk. L’immersion en question(s). Résultats d’un projet de recherche multidisciplinaire. Assessing CLIL: International perspectives (Fondation Universitaire, Brussels, du 07/05/2019 au 09/05/2019).
Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk. Assessing Dutch and English CLIL education in French-speaking Belgium: Linguistic, cognitive and socio-educational perspectives. Focus on Language (Freiburg, du 22/03/2018 au 24/03/2018).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Content and Integrated Language Learning onder de taalkundige, cognitieve en socio-affectieve loep. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Roubaix, 07/12/2018).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Immersieonderwijs en de effecten op cognitie. Longitudinale studies naar verbale en non-verbale ontwikkeling.. Colloque intercommunautaire sur CLIL (Sénat de Belgique, Bruxelles, 08/02/2018).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Dricot, Laurence ; De Letter, Miet ; Duyck, Wouter ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Ivanoiu, Adrian ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A case study about the interplay between language control and cognitive abilities in bilingual differential aphasia: Behavioral and brain correlates. Learning and Plasticity 2017 (Äkäslompolo, Finland, du 02/04/2017 au 05/04/2017).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Hartsuiker, Robert ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; Pierart, Bernadette ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does L2 fluency affect speech fluency in bilinguals who stutter?. Conference on Multilingualism 2017 (Groningen, The Netherlands, du 06/11/2017 au 08/11/2017).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. European Society of Cognitive Psychology 2017 (Potsdam, Germany, du 03/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. Learning and Plasticity 2017 (Äkäslompolo, Finland, du 02/04/2017 au 05/04/2017).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Hartsuiker, Robert ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Pierart, Bernadette ; Szmalec, Arnaud. L2 proficiency affects speech fluency in adults who stutter. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) (Potsdam, Germany, du 03/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Möttönen, Riikka ; Panouilleres, Muriel. Language learning in the adult brain: Disrupting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates word-form learning. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) (Potsdam, Germany, du 03/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Szmalec, Arnaud. Stronger short-term verbal serial recall abilities in literate compared to illiterate people. Annual Meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique(GCPN) (Université de Liège, Belgium, 12/12/2017).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Pierart, Bernadette ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; Szmalec, Arnaud. The cognitive basis of stuttering in bilinguals. (Dis)Fluency 2017 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Simonis, Morgane ; Edwards, Martin ; Szmalec, Arnaud. The cognitive basis of the child advantage in language learning: A memory based approach. Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning (Bilbao, Spain, du 28/06/2017 au 30/06/2017).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium, du 26/05/2016 au 27/05/2016).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. Conference on multilingualism 2016 (Ghent, Belgium, du 11/09/2016 au 13/09/2016).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. 8th European Working Memory Symposium (Liège, Belgium, du 31/08/2016 au 02/09/2016).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Evaluatie van CLIL in Franstalig België: een multidisciplinair onderzoeksproject. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 19/02/2016).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Page, Mike ; Duyck, Wouter ; Edwards, Martin ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Evidence for the less-is-more hypothesis in language acquisition using the Hebb repetition paradigm. 8th European Working Memory Symposium (Liège, Belgium, du 31/08/2016 au 02/09/2016).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Page, Mike ; Duyck, Wouter ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Is lexical integration really a matter of time? A Hebb learning approach. Psycholinguistics in Flanders (Antwerpen, Belgium, du 26/05/2016 au 27/05/2016).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Pierart, Bernadette ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; Reunes, Gert ; Szmalec, Arnaud. The cognitive basis of stuttering in bilinguals. 8th European Working Memory Symposium (Liège, Belgium, du 31/08/2016 au 02/09/2016).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Duyck, Wouter ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Simonis, Morgane ; Szmalec, Arnaud. What can proactive interference tell us about the cognitive architecture of bilingual lexico-semantic memory?. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium, du 26/05/2016 au 27/05/2016).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Duyck, Wouter ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Simonis, Morgane ; Szmalec, Arnaud. What can proactive interference tell us about the cognitive architecture of bilingual lexico-semantic memory?. Conference on Multilingualism (Ghent, Belgium, du 11/09/2016 au 13/09/2016).
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Bogaerts, Louisa. A Hebb learning approach to developmental differences in language acquisition performance. the 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Paphos, Cyprus, du 17/09/2015 au 20/09/2015).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Edwards, Martin ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Better offline retention of phonological sequences in children compared to adults. Psycholinguistics in Flanders (Marche-en-Famenne Belgium, du 21/05/2015 au 22/05/2015).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Evaluation de l’Enseignement d’une Matière par Intégration d’une Langue Etrangère (EMILE) : perspectives linguistiques, cognitives et éducationnelles. Séminaire Cripedis (Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les pratiques enseignantes et les disciplines scolaires (Louvain-la-Neuve, 27/03/2015).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Duyck, Wouter ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Investigating bilingual memory organization through proactive interference. Bilingualism and executive function (New York, New York, du 18/05/2015 au 19/05/2015).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Is lexical integration really a matter of time? A Hebb learning approach. 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Paphos, Cyprus, du 17/09/2015 au 20/09/2015).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A Hebb learning perspective to developmental differences in phonological learning. International Workshop on Learning and Memory Consolidation (Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, du 10/07/2014 au 11/07/2014).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A memory perspective on sensitive periods in language acquisition. Psycholinguistics in Flanders (Oostende, Belgium, du 08/05/2014 au 09/05/2014).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A memory perspective on sensitive periods in language acquisition. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society (Leuven, Belgium, 27/05/2014).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Duyck, Wouter. Cross-language interference in bilingual working memory. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2014 (Ostend, Belgium, du 08/05/2014 au 09/05/2014).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Présentation projet ARC (2014-2019): Evaluation de l’Enseignement d’une Matière par Intégration d’une Langue Etrangère (EMILE) : perspectives linguistiques, cognitives et éducationnelles. Séminaire de recherche Valibel (Louvain-la-Neuve, 18/11/2014).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; Reunes, Gert ; Hartsuiker, Robert. The working memory basis of normal and pathological speech dysfluencies. European Symposium on Fluency Disorders 2014 (Antwerp, Belgium, du 28/03/2014 au 29/03/2014).