Mission Statement

The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) federates neuroscience research at UCLouvain. It hosts a network of over 300 scientists and supporting staff, committed to advancing translational research in neuroscience. Founded in 2010, the institute is structured around three research axes that implement complementary approaches to span all organizational levels of the nervous system.

The Cellular & Molecular axis (CEMO) focuses on the fundamental bases of neural development, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology and neuropathology.

The Systems & Cognition axis (COSY) explores perception, cognition and motor functions in humans.

The Clinical Neuroscience axis (NEUR) aims to advance knowledge and enable diagnosis and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders, including advanced neurorehabilitation strategies, in collaboration with two academic hospitals, the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc and the UCLouvain CHU Namur-Godinne.

Scientific Agenda

News ions

Les Éclaireurs - avec le professeur Benoît Delhaye

Le samedi 15 juin 2024, le professeur Benoit Delhaye, Chercheur Qualifié FNRS à l’Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) et à l’Institut ICTEAM de...
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Television report on Alzheimer's research in UCLouvain

A few days ago, journalists from RTL TVI visited the Louvain Aging Brain Lab led by Professor Hanseeuw to report on Alzheimer's research at...
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EURON PhD Days 2024

Les 22 et 23 février derniers, une délégation d'une vingtaine de membres de l'Institut de Neuroscience (IoNS) a eu le privilège de participer aux...
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