1st annual unitContent:Architectural project
q1+q2 240h 20 creditsTeacher(s):
> Arnd Amand
> Mathieu De Paepe
> Nicolas Lorent
> Matthieu Meunier
> Franck Miner
> Agnes Mory
> Barbara Noirhomme
Arnd Amand
Expression, representation and communicationMéthodologie et rechercheLTARC1105 Introduction to architectureFR
q1 30h+15h 4 credits
Context and cultureLTARC1102 Architectural theory : introductionMaterials, structure and constructionLTARC1143 Mathematics - geometryLTARC1144 Mathematics - calculusPratique professionnelleLanguagesLTARC1123 English I -
2nd annual unitContent:Architectural project
q1+q2 240h 20 creditsTeacher(s):
> Arnd Amand
> Clément Berton
> Christoffel Boghaert
> Geert De Groote
> Renaud De Villiers De La Noue
> Matthieu Delatte
> Jasmine Kenniche
> Martin Outers
> Elie Pauporté
> Damien Surroca
> Eric Van Overstraeten
Arnd Amand
Expression, representation and communicationContext and cultureLTARC1203 Architectural theory : TheoriesLTARC1243 PhilosophyLTARC1251 LandscapeLTARC1250 Theories of sustainabilityMaterials, structure and constructionLTARC1260 Building physicsLTARC1261 Structural analysis 2Pratique professionnelleLanguagesLTARC1228 English II -
3rd annual unitContent:Architectural project
q1+q2 240h 20 creditsTeacher(s):
> Ludovic Blanckaert
> Olivier Bourez
> Olivier Camus
> Gauthier Coton
> Jerome De Alzua
> Geert De Groote
> Jasmine Kenniche
> Anne Nottebaert
> Damien Surroca
> Emmanuelle Weiss
Ludovic Blanckaert
Expression, representation and communicationContext and cultureLTARC1344 Socio-anthropology : inhabiting spaceMaterials, structure and constructionLTARC1360 Building mechanical systems and comfortLTARC1361 Structural Design 1LTARC1362 Construction and materials : developmentPratique professionnelleLTARC1380 IntershipFR
q2 2 credits
LanguagesLTARC1323 English IIICours au choix bloc annuel 3Cours au choix bloc3 Q1-Q2L'étudiant.e choisira 6 crédits de cours au choix (de préférence 3 crédits au Q1 et 3 crédits au Q2).LTARC1352 Critical regionalismLTARC1365 Simple constructionsLTARC1369 Re-designLBARC1325 ExpressionLTARC1327 In situ : LempsLTARC1328 Theory of the imageLBARC1303 In-depth project : heritageFR
q2 45h 3 credits
LTARC1325 History of modern and contemporary artLBARC1347 Current landscapes seminarLBARC1366 Sustainable architectureFR
q2 3 credits
LTARC1302 Workshop d'immersion ConcoursFR
q2 36h 3 credits