News for sctoday


Disperse to survive

Dispersion is an essential biological process for the survival of individuals and species. A UCLouvain research team led by Nicolas Schtickzelle, professor of ecology and biodiversity at the Earth and Life Institute, recently published the results of two concomitant studies on dispersion in the...
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Mars, about to reveal its inner side

Mars was habitable 4.6 million years ago. Today, it isn’t. Véronique Dehant, department head at the Royal Observatory of Belgium and a part-time professor at UCLouvain, tries to understand how the red planet has evolved, by studying the inside of it. She tells us about two upcoming missions that...
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New monoclonal antibody in clinical development

Long-term research at UCLouvain has led to a possible new biomedicine: an anti-GARP monoclonal antibody. It may soon be clinically tested as a promising new treatment option for cancer patients. She has been working here for 14 years. Since completing her PhD, UCLouvain Prof. Sophie...
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A universal method for immobilising proteins

A team from UCLouvain's Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences has established a self-assembly method for proteins, which are complex molecules. This represents a giant leap in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine.  There are a variety of methods for immobilising...
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How do we live?

From 17 October to 9 November, the exhibition ‘Modes d'habiter’ (‘Ways of living’) offers visitors the chance to discover some examples of how people live in their environment and what this environment says about them and their vision of the world. It’s a multicultural and ‘multisensory’...
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