News for sctoday


Rhythm on the brain

Professor Sylvie Nozaradan has received an ERC Starting Grant. This prestigious European funding will help her continue her research on the brain’s perception and production of rhythms. Here’s a portrait of an atypical researcher who studied medicine and the same time. ...
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The approach fundamental research has been waiting for

The Excellence of Science (EOS) programme, created by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen (FWO), supports fundamental research projects jointly conducted by researchers from the Flemish and Francophone communities. Four of the...
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The Planck legacy

Simulation performed by Christophe Ringeval, representing cosmic strings, which are possible traces of the unification of forces in the primordial universe. The Planck mission found no such traces in the CMB. The Planck satellite mission has delivered its final results, confirming the...
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Ingrid Falque

On 1 October 2018, Ingrid Falque, a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Civilisation, Arts and Letters (INCAL), will officially join the family of FNRS research associates. Passionate about Flemish primitive art since her first hours at the University of Liège, this art historian...
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Benoît Desguin

Cofactors are to enzymes what tools are to workers. Benoît Desguin has discovered a new ‘tool’, a cofactor containing nickel, and intends to identify the family of enzymes that use it to accomplish their tasks. Covering a lot of ground on bike or in the lab doesn’t scare Dr Desguin. He...
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