News for sctoday
August 09, 2018
Tracking soybeans
The Trase platform, on which Patrick Meyfroidt and his team of researchers collaborate, is unique: it aims to retrace the channels of the main agricultural products responsible for deforestation. Once the channels are retraced, producers, traders, processors and distributors can no longer...
Click to know more July 31, 2018
Lipids and heart attacks
For the past five years, UCL professors Sandrine Horman and Christophe Beauloye have been studying one of the major players in thrombosis: blood platelets. Under certain conditions, they can become ‘hyper’ reactive and more easily form clots that clog our arteries. The professors’ recent...
Click to know more July 12, 2018
Standardising pack ice measurements to better predict...
At UCL’s Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (TECLIM), two researchers are passionate about polar region climate variations: François Massonnet and Hugues Goosse. ‘These regions fascinate me’, Dr Massonnet says. ‘They’re the sites of the last remaining almost...
Click to know more July 12, 2018
Alaska: Are surprises in store as permafrost thaws?
Permafrost refers to soil that has a temperature below 0° C for more than two consecutive years. With global warming, the thaw of permafrost is waking up its constituents. Their contact with water could have consequences for our climate. Sophie Opfergelt, an FNRS research associate...
Click to know more June 22, 2018
Digital image compression: after JPEG
The JPEG compression format is more than 25-years-old: a canonical age in the digital age. A UCL researcher and spin-off have imagined the compression standard of tomorrow: JPEG XS.
For 25 years, the JPEG image compression format has become widespread across the planet. This digital...
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