
CJEU, 9 November 2023, X, Y and their six minor children v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid, C-125/22, EU:C:2023:843
The sliding scale of Article 15(c) of the Asylum Qualification Directive
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MOOC Migration Law
Who can migrate? What are the conditions for moving from one country to another?
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ECtHR, 19 October 2023, A.B. v. Italy, A.S. v. Italy, M.A. v. Italy, Appl. Nos. 13755/18, 20860/20, 13110/18
The hotspot approach in Lampedusa under the spotlight of the ECHR: Unlawful detention as well as inhuman and degrading treatment
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ECtHR, 13 July 2023, Emin Huseynov v. Azerbaijan (No. 2), Appl. No. 1/2016
The Arbitrary Deprivation of Citizenship under the Scrutiny of the European Court of Human Rights
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