News for ispole

Europe-Russie Chroniques d'une rupture annoncée : a book...

Laetitia Spetschinsky publishes the book "Europe-Russie Chroniques d'une rupture annoncée" by Presses universitaires de Louvain. Ces chroniques des débats européens sur la Russie et le voisinage oriental de l'Union débutent en octobre 2021 et parcourent douze mois...
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Valérie Rosoux shortlisted for the best 2022 article in...

In 2022, the journal International Affairs celebrated 100 years of publishing academically rigorous and policy-relevant research on International Relations.  As the journal moves into its second century, it wanted to highlight those articles published in its 100th year that best embody...
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"The Politicization of the European Union From Processes...

Tha book "The Politicization of the European Union From Processes to Consequences" is in open access:, coedited by Anne-Marie Houde, Thomas Laloux, Morgan Le Corre Juratic, Heidi Mercenier, Damien Pennetreau and Alban...
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Julien Vrydagh wins the ECPR best article award 2022

    The 2022 Best Paper Award is awarded to Julien Vrydagh (doctoral candidate, Vrije Universities Brussel and UCLouvain) for his paper “Managing expectations: what can and should we expect from deliberative mini publics?" The paper contributes to clarifying what...
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The Fear we Feel Everyday, an article by L. Knops in...

Knops, L. (2022). The Fear we Feel Everyday: Affective Temporalities in Fridays for Future, South Atlantic Quarterly 203-204,
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