News for ispole

Towards an Affective Turn in Theories of Representation,...

Knops, L. (2022). Towards an Affective Turn in Theories of Representation: The Case of Indignation, Representation, DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2022.2091011 
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Indignation as Affective Transformation, Louise Knops...

Knops, L. and Petit, G. (2022). Indignation as Affective Transformation: an Affect-Theoretical Approach to the Belgian Yellow Vests Movement. Mobilization: An International Quarterly 27(2): 170-192.
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Stuck between the Modern and the Terrestrial, a...

Knops, L. (2021). Stuck between the Modern and the Terrestrial: the Indignation of the Youth for Climate Movement, Political Research Exchange, 3(1), 1-31  
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How not to mediate conflict, Valérie Rosoux publishes in...

Valérie Rosoux, How not to mediate conflict, International Affairs, Volume 98, Issue 5, September 2022, Pages 1717–1735,
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Fabienne Leloup, co-author of a "Courrier du CRiSP" issue

The refugee and covid crises, not to mention the war in Ukraine, have transformed the status of borders and cross-border cooperation within the European Union. Fabienne Leloup, Eric Delecosse and Loïc Delhuvenne in the double issue 2526-2527 of Courrier hebdomadaire du CRiSP explain and...
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