The RadarSense project ended last December 2022, but what is exactly this project all about?
The RadarSense project aims to develop new algorithmic approaches, software tools, and interactive applications (e.g., information systems, multimedia applications such as in the picture) for gesture interaction based on radar sensing technology.
Funded by Romania and Wallonie Bruxelles International, this 2-year collaborative project gathered researchers from University of Suceava and Université catholique de Louvain, and more specifically LouRIM members lead by Jean Vanderdonckt as principal Investigator and Sébastien Lambot from ELI. The scientific team collaborated on 3 main objectives:
- Perform a critical analysis of the input techniques and applications for radar-based interaction with computing systems
- Propose a new algorithmic approach for effective recognition of radar-based gestures
- Demonstrate radar-based input for practical interactive computer systems
You want to know more about this project? Watch the video depicting few researchers of the project explaining their contributions to the RadarSense project.
To have a better insight about who participated to this project, explicit examples of gesture interaction using radar sensing technology or still publications retalted to this project, let’s read the dedicated website. The RadarSense project was ranked #1 in its 2020 call.