Welcome to the new research project “SUSHY”!

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

On February 1, 2023, the SUSHY project “Towards sustainable hybrid work: the study of hybrid work effects on well-being, productivity and environment”, a 4-year research project funded by Belspo, was officially launched.


The research consortium, with Laurent Taskin (LouRIM), Christophe Vanroelen (VUB), Hervé Jeanmart and Sergio Altomonte (IMMC-LAB) and Annick Castiaux (UNamur), has started its work. The interdisciplinary team intends to evaluate the combined issues of hybrid work in terms of energy consumption, well-being and productivity.


What is the SUSHY project? “The SUSHY project aims at assessing the combined effects of hybrid work on energy demands, well-being and productivity at work. We therefore combine expertise from four main fields of research: management, engineering, sociology and information systems.” - Laurent Taskin

Published on February 23, 2023