Cryptography and Information Security seek at building tools that enable to secure data and to communicate in a reliable, fair, and private way. Over thirty researchers are active in this field.
Principal Investigators :
Cristel Pelsser, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters, Etienne Rivière, Ramin Sadre, François-Xavier Standaert, Luc Vandendorpe
Research Labs :
Crypto Group, Cloud and Large Scale computing group, Image and Signal Processing Group (ISPGroup), Security and Performance of Networked Systems Group
Research Areas :
The research expertise at UCL, strong of over 30 researchers, covers the various layers of cryptography and its application to information security, namely:
- Design and analysis of strong security protocols: authentication, multiparty computation, voting, provable security, evaluations, ...;
- Design and analysis of efficient and secure cryptographic primitives symmetric and asymmetric encryption, digital signatures, ... ;
- Efficient implementations of cryptographic primitives under various environmental constraints, both in software and hardware smart card, RFID, FPGA, ASIC, sensor networks, ...;
- Implementation-related attacks (fault injection, side-channel) and countermeasures (distance-bounding protocols, masking, ...);
- Practical attacks against security applications: time-memory tradeoff, biometric passport, ...;
- Security from the physical layer: information theoretic cryptography, cooperative communications, ...;
- Algebra: number theory, algebraic geometry, quadratic forms, algebras over arbitrary fields, ...;
- Privacy-related issues at all levels ;
- Computer security: viruses, spam, distributed attacks, wireless networks, ...
Most recent publications
Below are listed the 10 most recent journal articles and conference papers produced in this research area. You also can access all publications by following this link : see all publications.