Research Seminar by Carlos ALARIO

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

November 08, 2019

14:00 - 15:30


d144, Dupriez building


In the framework of ARC Project
« MOOCresearch2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms »


Research Seminar by Prof. Carlos ALARIO, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


"Characterizing MOOC Learners through Interactions with Peers and Content"

Learners registered in MOOCs usually present characteristics which differ from those learners that can be found in undergraduate or postgraduate programs. This is why there has been a growing interest in trying to characterize the learners who register in MOOCs, with the aim to offer them a better e-learning experience. This presentation addresses some research results in relation to the characterization of MOOC learners from three different perspectives: 1) motivation and self-regulated learning skills, which are fundamental for facing a MOOC without the support from instructors: 2) interaction with peers through MOOC forums and social tools; and 3) interaction with course content and prediction of behavior from this interaction.


Carlos Alario-Hoyos is Deputy Vice President for Strategy and Digital Education and Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. He received M.S. in Telecommunication Engineering and PhD in Information and Communication Technologies from Universidad of Valladolid, Spain, in 2007 and 2012 respectively. His skills and experience include research and development in MOOCs, social networks, collaborative learning, or evaluation of learning experiences, among others. He has been involved in the design and enactment of MOOCs deployed in MiríadaX, edX and Open edX at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is also subdirector of the UNESCO Chair on “Scalable Digital Education for All” and has led the technical implementation of the Erasmus+ “MOOC-Maker” project.