
LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

All the past PhD theses are included in the electronic catalogue of the UCLouvain library system.


Ongoing theses


More info about the ongoing theses 


Improving Information Security through Model Driven IT Governance

Researcher: Ghazaleh Aghakhani

Supervisors: Manuel Kolp, Yves Wautelet (KULeuven)


Integrating sustainability into entrepreneurship programs? The use of new teaching models in higher education institutions for sustainable entrepreneurship education and its value for organizations

Researcher: Selenia Anastasia

Supervisor: Amélie Jacquemin


Online Sensory Activation: The Role of Crossmodal Interaction in the Customer experience

Researcher: Alix Baert

Supervisor: Ingrid Poncin


The value of visual displays in financial disclosures − the case of initial coin offerings

Researcher: Diego Barrio Herrezuelo

Supervisor: James Thewissen


How organizations from large European cities benefit from Big-C culture: the particular ripple effects of the movie and music industries for organizations

Researcher: Valentine Brognion

Supervisor: Guilhem Bascle


Thesis in recommendation systems

Researcher: Camille Charles

Supervisor: Corentin Vande Kerchove


Hybrid work and the re-regulation of performance: A university’s perspective

Researcher: Amine Chihi

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin


Workplace friendships through the lens of psychological capital: Insights from minoritized employees

Researcher: Antoine Cordier

Supervisor: Edina Doci


From Individual to Organizational Learning of CSR: Relations between Knowledge, CSR and Stakeholders in the Learning Journey

Researcher: Sabrina Courtois

Supervisor: Valérie Swaen


Institutional Entrepreneurship and Grand Challenges: the Enabling Role of Institutional Logics in the Emergence of Change Agents and their Strategies

Researcher: Marco Daprà

Supervisor: Frank Janssen


Sensory Webdesign: Cross-Modal Correspondences to Convey Sensory Perceptions Through Web Interfaces

Researcher: Manuel Da Silva

Supervisors: Gordy Pleyers, Jean Vanderdonckt


Disability in the new ways of working

Researcher: Ive David Klinksiek

Supervisors: Laurent Taskin, Eline Jammaers


Can tax policies prompt corporate behaviors with diminished environmental impact?

Researcher: Gregory De Boe

Supervisors: Marie Lamensch, Valérie Swaen


Corporate entrepreneurial ecosystem, an incumbent’s perspective on engagement with startups

Researcher: Lionel Delatte

Supervisor: Benoit Gailly


How do individuals develop knowledge about Corporate Social Responsibility? Role of conceptual change and socio-cognitive conflicts in the learning process of a contested concept

Researcher: Pauline de Montpellier d’Annevoie

Supervisors: Valérie Swaen, Mariane Frenay 


Smart retail technologies: influence of consumers’ experience on consumer engagement

Researcher: Diane Detry

Supervisors: Ingrid Poncin, Marion Garnier


Essays on Food Consumption Confusion in the age of sustainability: Study of underlying processes and reduction mechanisms  

Researcher: Axelle Dorisse

Supervisors: Karine Charry, Béatrice Parguel


Strategies and omnichannel retail cues to influence customer experience

Researcher: Ophélie Duquesne

Supervisors: Caroline Ducarroz, Simon Hazée


A Comparison of Machine Learning-based Approaches for Adapting Graphical User Interfaces to their Context of Use:  Application to Information Visualization

Researcher: Diego Eloi

Supervisor: Manuel Kolp


Can stories transform reality? A study of the performative effect of narratives and their potential for the impact scaling of sustainable ventures

Researcher: Chloé Faton

Supervisor: Julie Hermans


Thesis in entrepreneurship

Researcher: Alex Ferritto

Supervisor: Frank Janssen


Destination anthropomorphism: How does it shape tourists’ behavior?

Researcher: Nicolas Gerardy

Supervisor: Nicolas Kervyn


Thesis in New ways of working

Researcher: Nicolas Gervesse

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin


Humaniser la gestion de l’entreprise : une approche par la théorie des pratiques

Researcher: Antoine Inglebert

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin


Advancing Circular Business Models: Innovation Patterns, Categories, and Their Impact on Firm Value

Researcher: Josep Oriol Izquierdo Montfort

Supervisor: Yves De Rongé


Customer experience in interaction with artificial intelligence

Researcher: Antoine Juquelier

Supervisors: Ingrid Poncin, Simon Hazée


Towards an integrative model for open social innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial metaorganizations' performance

Researcher: Sana Larif

Supervisor: Frank Janssen


Sport Environmental Sustainability (SES): An Investigation into Non-Profit Sport Organisations from a Stakeholders Perspective

Researcher: Pierre Leonard

Supervisors: Jeroen Scheerder, Géraldine Zeimers


Sustainability Implementation in the Informal Sector: Processes, Challenges and Outcomes

Researcher: Anne Thérèse Meno Tamno

Supervisor: Valérie Swaen


3D Gesture Recognition of Human Body based on Computational Algebra

Researcher: Mehdi Ousmer

Supervisor: Jean Vanderdonckt



Researcher: Amaury Paradis

Supervisor: Alain Vas


The Extra-User Interface as a User Interface for Controlling other User Interfaces: Concept, Method, and Application in Information Visualization

Researcher: Alaa Sahraoui

Supervisor: Jean Vanderdonckt


Towards a More Sustainable and Responsible Consumption Using Recommender Systems 

Researcher: Chloé Satinet

Supervisor: François Fouss


Responsible post-crowdsourcing management

Researcher: Min Shuai

Supervisor: Valérie Swaen



Researcher: Eddy Sorby

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin



Thesis in information systems

Researcher: Colin Timmers

Supervisor: Corentin Vande Kerckhove


From Data to Responsible Decisions - Improving Diversity, Fairness and Explainability in Algorithmic Decision-Making

Researcher: Flore Vancompernolle Vromman

Supervisors: François Fouss, Marco Saerens


Economic growth sustainability of “21st Century Socialism” governments in South America: public policy analysis in the light of the development experience of East Asian new industrialised countries”

Researcher: Rodolfo David Villalobos Pozo

Supervisors: Jean-Christophe Defraigne, Régis Coeurderoy


Thesis in accounting

Researcher: Sébastien Wilmet

Supervisor: Yves De Rongé