Noa LIGOT is one of 18 winners of the 2019 VOCATIO competition. Prize: a grant of 10.000 euros to facilitate his field work in Ecuador


Noa Ligot, PhD student FRIA (Quantification of the risk posed by the impact of volcanic ash on agriculture) supervised by Pierre Delmelle and Patrick Bogaert, is one of the 18 winners of the VOCATIO 2019 competition. She will receive a grant of € 10.000 to facilitate her field work in Ecuador.

VOCATIO’s mission is to support young people between the ages of 18 and 30, Belgium

The fields selected are the performing arts, plastic arts, craft trades, science and technology, medical sciences, and humanities and social sciences.
Each year, some 15 grants of 10,000 euros are awarded. The bursary represents both a recognition, a springboard and a decisive “boost”.

Published on March 11, 2019