Projets & rapports
irec | Bruxelles Woluwe
Euphresco is a network of organisations funding research projects and coordinating national research in the phytosanitary area. The overall goal of Euphresco is to support coordination and collaboration in the area of phytosanitary research, and to become a strong, long-term network of funders that fully incorporate existing and new members.
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(2018-2020)Jérôme Ambroise, Bertrand Bearzatto
Université de Liège (ULiège) – Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium
Flanders research institute for agriculture, fisheries and food (ILVO) – Belgium
The development, validation and implementation of fast, reliable and affordable on-site detection and identification tools for viral pathogens is a key challenge for a safer trade of plants and plant goods. A unique Belgian transdisciplinary consortium associating plant virologists and biotechnology specialists in animal viruses is joining its skills to realize this project.
The consortium will evaluate in-depth the potential of the 3d generation Next Generation Sequencing from Oxford Nanopore Technologies® (ONT), based on high throughput sequencing, for identification of viruses on plants. Therefore the team will develop a scaled and efficient approach to assess the potential of ONT for fast and cheap identification of viruses on plants, and plant products.
Aside the technology development, the consortium will conduct a survey on the use and adoption of NGS technologies and on-site technology by various stakeholders like diagnostic laboratories, National Plant Protection Organization (NPPOs)… in order to foster information exchanges and understand their current developments and bottleneck for further diffusion.
The consortium will also create a community of volunteering stakeholders in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of current on-site diagnostic tools like Lateral Flow Devices, Loop Isothermal AMPlification (LAMP)… and to highlight the gaps and opportunities for routine on-site diagnostic. This community will also co-design the development of ONT technologies to make them fit-for-purpose by transferring current high throughput sequencing technologies from a research model to an ISO 17025 accredited diagnostic laboratory, including the validation of the new
B-LiFE COVID-19 Piemonte Mission
(2020 – 2021)
Consortium: UCLOUVAIN/CTMA (Prime) (Belgium), EONIX (Belgium), nazka mapps (Belgium), ETELM (France), SES Networks (Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg)
Aleksandr Vybornov, Jean-Paul Marcel, CTMA Team deployed in Piemont
The COVID-19 pandemics is creating a catastrophic health situation in the world and in all European countries. Some European countries are suffering more than others. Italy had the largest number of victims after China. The Italian health infrastructures are overloaded. Increasing the number of reliable diagnostic tests of suspect cases is critical to reduce the spreading of the disease.
B-LiFE has demonstrated his operational field diagnostic testing capacities during the successful B-LiFE deployment in Guinea, from 2014 to 2015, to fight the Ebola epidemics. The emergency response tools developed by B-LiFE with the integrated space assets are critical to bring assistance during the COVID-19 pandemics.
The B-LiFE medical / biological laboratory has been developed over the years with support from the European Space Agency (Business Applications and Space Solutions) to provide rapid diagnostic test capabilities using real-time qPCR analysis and antibodies testing. B-LiFE is also supported by a multi-mission, multi-user Telecommunication Emergency Node (TEN) integrating a range of new technologies among which : satellite telecommunication and terrestrial communication (LTE, TETRA, and Wi-Fi enabling broadband and narrowband communications simultaneously), mapping capabilities for situational awareness and epidemiological maps and an autonomous information management system including laboratory information management system (LIMS) and screening tool for patients.
The Piemont health authorities asked the CTMA B-LiFE team to a make a wide evaluation of the immunological status of Piemont first line responders directly involved in this massive response to a very unusual and devastating crisis by deploying its mobile capacity B-LiFE. The European Space Agency (ESA) confirmed their willingness to fully support financially the whole mission.
The objective was to assess the seroconversion among individuals from the regional civil protection (CP), police, health care system professionals in the region and volunteers involved in the COVID pandemic phase. The secondary objective was to detect asymptomatic cases and estimate their actual number within this particular cohort based on age, gender and residence. The third objective was to train local hotspot team to perform the testing after the B-LiFE deployment.
B-LiFE has been deployed in June - July 2020 in Turin and Novarra. The mission was supported by the Luxembourg Government providing the high-performance capabilities of the GovSat-1 satellite, Institut Pasteur –Paris (France) with biologists who have been integrated to the B-LiFE deployed teams and the company Zentech (Liège, Belgium) which supplyed serelogic tests and taking part to the COVID-19 Piemont B-LiFE study on the realization of the Smart Testing Strategy.
This strategy is based on the integration of both serological and antigenic lateral flow assays which are fast and easy upfront while RT-qPCR testing is more elaborated but time-consuming. This strategy developed by CTMA is the result of R&D efforts since the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe in early 2020.
The serological testing based on rapid lateral flow assays permits quick identification of seropositive patients that need further to be tested using antigen lateral flow assay and RT-qPCR. Seronegative patients can be discharged rapidly.
Funded projects in the EU HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Portable and fast surface plasmon resonance Point-of-Care test for COVID-19 H2020-SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2-CNECT (Innovation Action)
(2020 – 2021)
University of Lille (ULille) - France, University Hospital of Lille (CHU-Lille) - France, Aix Marseille University (AMU) - France, Université catholique de Louvain (UCLOUVAIN) (ICTEAM, CTMA) - Belgium, Magnostics Ltd. - Israel, PhotonicSys Ltd. (PSYS) - Ireland, Colmeris Medtech SAS - France
Aleksandr Vybornov
The ongoing pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections, has morphed into a more permanent and long-lasting pan-epidemic outbreak. One efficient manner to limit COVID-19 spreading and an adequate mean of better managing the COVID-19 outbreak is through unrestrained availability of fast, efficient, accurate and cost-effective point-of-care tests (POCT).
The project consortium proposes C-POCT-S, a rapid (< 20 Euros) solution to address this medical need. C-POCT-S is based on a combination of several technologies such as the use of COVID-19 specific nanobodies (VHH), magnetic nanoparticles with high magnetic strength and a VHH modified interfaces, all integrated in a a hand-held surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based POC test (CPOCT-S) for the screening of the presence/absence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in nasal and salvia samples.
The aim of this project is to complete product optimization, performance validation in a clinical setting and manufacturing quality control for C-POCT-S and completion of its technical file, to enable declaration of conformity and affixing of CE mark.
CTMA has a role as a technology validator and developer of the international LIMS interface in order to transfer data to national eHealth platforms, the European Commission and WHO. This rapid COVID diagnostic test will be deployable in the field in the mobile laboratory like ours (B-LiFE).
ENCIRCLE - European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster
Olga VYBORNOVA, Aleksandr Vybornov, Anne-Sophie Piette, Nicolas Dubois, Omar Nyabi, Jérôme Ambroise, Bertrand Bearzatto.
Consortium: Coordinator - UCL/CTMA (Belgium), BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd (United Kingdom), OUVRY SAS (OUVRY) (France), Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów (PIAP) (Poland), Tecnoalimenti (TCA) (Italy), Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (WAT) (Poland), European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRI) (Germany), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) (Italy), Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS) (France), Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Policlinico Gemelli Hospital (UCSC) (Italy), FALCON COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (FALCON) (United Kingdom), Smiths Detection Watford Limited (SMITHS) (United Kingdom), MIKKELIN KEHITYSYHTIO MIKSEI OY (MIKSEI) (Finland), ENVIRONICS OY (EOY) (Finland), CBRN UK (CBRN-UK) (United Kingdom)
To improve its resilience to new CBRN attacks and threats, the EU needs a specialized, efficient and sustainable industry, competitive on a less fragmented EU market and globally. Capitalizing on its experience in the EDEN Demonstration Project, in other CBRN relevant projects, and in the CBRN market and supply chain, the ENCIRCLE consortium proposes an innovative approach to reach this goal in a short to long term perspective so that SMEs and large industries can propose and invest in the best innovations on the market.
This approach results in 5 objectives aimed at prompting the innovation and business development, and filling market gaps in the project timeframe:
- Create an open and neutral EU CBRN cluster,
- Provide a sustainable and flexible vision and roadmap for the development of the European CBRN market and innovations,
- Provide integration with platforms (systems, tools, services, products) by proposing standardized interfaces and future EU standards to integrate CBRN technologies and innovations developed from the Part b projects,
- Support CBRN safety, security and defence commercial and market services,
- Improve and facilitate European CBRN dissemination and exploitation.
The project will be conducted by a consortium of specialized industries, trade associations and research organisations with flexible and lean procedures under the advice of the EC Community of Users. It will rely on two large interactive communities: practitioners and customers, and industrial and technological providers, the latter including many SMEs. To optimize the needs and gaps assessment and the innovation development, acceptance and success, ENCIRCLE will establish formal links with other consortia such as the future Part b projects.
The main expected impact is to enhance the EU CBRN industry competitiveness and enlarge its market while increasing the benefits of the EU research and innovation to improve CBRN preparedness, response, resilience and recovery efficiency.
PANDEM-2 Pandemic Preparedness and Response
Funding: EC H2020
(2021 – 2023)
Olga Vybornova
PANDEM-2 implements and demonstrates the most important novel concepts and IT systems to improve the capacity of European pandemic planning and response.
Following the PANDEM project (with the same coordinator and many shared partners) and extensive subsequent stakeholder engagement, research and prioritisation, PANDEM-2 meets the real-world needs of public health agencies responsible for pandemics (‘pandemic managers’) and first responders across Europe. PANDEM-2 will enable and demonstrate the capture and integration of pandemic-relevant data from international systems (Go.Data outputs, EWRS, TESSy...), participative surveillance (Influenzanet, Studybugs, etc.), from laboratory (next generation sequencing) systems and from social media (Twitter, Reddit). This data will be accessible and can be analysed via an online dashboard, designed and built to support the specific needs of pandemic managers. Additional high-priority tools for pandemic spread prediction, visual analytics and resources management, including workforce capacity mapping, will improve preparedness and planning, and enable pandemic managers to be as well positioned as possible for a pandemic when it comes. In order to test the system, while also networking and building relationships across borders and organisations, pandemic managers and first responders from multiple Member States will work together in EU-wise demonstrations, planning and responding to several pandemic scenarios, from Ebola to SARS/MERS CoV, to pandemic influenza. Pandemic communications, highlighted as a key capability gap, will be addressed by resource creation, training and evaluation.
eNOTICE - European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEntres
Olga VYBORNOVA, Aleksandr Vybornov
Consortium: Coordinator - UCL/CTMA (Belgium), Campus Vesta APB (Belgium), Fire and Rescue Service of Seine et Marne (SDIS77) (France), Association pour la recherche et le développement des méthodes et processus industriels (ARMINES) (France), Umea Universitet (UMU) (Sweden), Fire Department Dortmund (FDDO) (Germany), University of Paderborn (UPB) (Germany), Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence Vyškov (JCBRND COE) (Czech Republic), Middle East Technical University (METU) (Turkey), University of Rome Tor Vergata and The Italian Joint NBC Defense School (UNITOV) (Italy), West Midlands Police, National CBRN centre (WMP) (UK), War Studies University, CBRN Defence Training Centre (WSU) (Poland), Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection (CNBOP-PIB) (Poland)
This project aims to build a dynamic, functional and sustainable pan European network of CBRN training centres, testing and demonstration sites (CBRN TC) strengthening capacity building in training and users-driven innovation and research, based on well-identified needs. We seek to better European preparedness, resilience and incident response to CBRN attacks and emerging threats through close multi- (stakeholders) and single-discipline (practitioners) interactions. This makes CBRN TC the perfect operational intermediary between all civilian and military CBRN actors, EU relevant bodies and policy-makers, as well as the best cradle for expansion of a CBRN network of professionals. Main pillars for the network and confidence building will be to pool and share resources, effective practices and lessons learned, to map and label EU CBRN TC based on their capabilities and specificities, and to use a dedicated web based information and communication platform for exchanges and dissemination. Rather than usual workshops that are of no interest for task-focused, busy practitioners, the CBRN TC network will organize joint activities, training and debriefing in well-adapted infrastructures, using real-life or simulated situations (e.g., field exercises, table top, serious gaming and simulations), with external partners, in order to foster the identification of genuine users’ needs with users-driven technological solutions. This network will also benefit to national and EU CBRN projects, thereby expanding network scope and size, fast-tracking innovations and dissemination. Whilst using efficiently investments made across Europe in demonstration, testing, and training facilities for practitioners, this novel concept will issue meaningful users-guided recommendations to the EU R&D programme, enhance CBRN product performance and competitiveness, and decrease EU market fragmentation. Only such an interactive and collaborative approach is expected to reach long term sustainability.
Walloon Region (RW), Regional R&D Programme (WALLEO3, Biowin, WALinnov)
COVIMMUN - CORONAVIRUS (SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV & SARS-CoV-2), Influenza Virus and RSV Antigen and Genetic Detections Based on Lateral Flow Assays. ».
Funding Walloon Region Win²Wal
Cooperation : CTMA (lead), ULiège CRPP-HISTO, Zentech
Omar Nyabi, Mostafa Bentahir, Benjamin Smits, Nawfal Chibani
Acute dyspnea is one of the complex and disabling symptoms that recur in the emergency room. Their differential diagnosis is delicate and the causes can be multiple, ranging from panic attacks to acute heart failure.
The study of the epidemiology of viral respiratory infections, the understanding of their interaction with the human body and the improvement of knowledge on the progression of the disease require the development of tools to contain their spread.
In 2009, the H1N1 pandemic hit. Now, CoV-2-CoRSA is impacting our lives and our economy. The only strategy is a comprehensive response based on innovation, collaboration and commitment, which are necessary to create appropriate and sustainable responses. It therefore seems necessary to develop ways to improve the quality and acuity of diagnosis by offering, among other things, a rapid diagnostic system for respiratory viral infections caused mainly by respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and coronaviruses. CTMA and CRPP-HISTO (ULiège), in partnership with their industrial sponsor Zentech, which is particularly visible and active both in Belgium and internationally, will therefore focus their efforts on developing:
1- A lateral flow MPX/MPM test allowing the concomitant detection of the 5 viruses presenting a high prevalence and/or associated with acute respiratory distress (influenza viruses, RSV, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2).
2- A multiplex "Mass Screening" diagnostic test based on the combination of the LAMP-seq and MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) techniques. This technology will be transportable in the field. This partnership is based on one hand on an innovative development of an academic nature (university type research), and on the other hand on the mastery of the lateral flow test by the industrial partner Zentech. This partnership will enable a robust validation of the test.
Jamal Badir, Mostafa Bentahir, Omar Nyabi, Nawfal Chibani, Pierre Vandenberghe
Consortium: UCL/CTMA (Prime contractor), ULiège/Histologie humaine - CRPP, ZENTECH
Arboviroses are a heterogeneous group of vector-borne diseases, resulting in acute febrile syndromes, encephalitis or fatal haemorrhagic syndrome. Currently, there is no antiviral or prophylactic treatment. Arboviroses can be associated with rapidly spreading deadly epidemics, resulting in a serious threat to public health and significant costs. The economic burden of these viral diseases is in the billions, with significant losses in productivity. The lack of rapid, inexpensive and accurate diagnostic tests (sensitive and specific) significantly slows the diagnosis of infections in at-risk populations and limits the control of their epidemic spread. The global prevalence of these diseases is therefore on the rise, threatening more than 3 billion people worldwide. In Europe, global warming, which is leading to an increase in the population of mosquitoes carrying these diseases, and the context of global market and travel globalization are epidemic risk factors.
The objective of the DEMASQUE project is to respond to this diagnostic and technological challenge by developing a multi-parameter and multiplex differential diagnostic test for arboviruses (Arthropod-Borne Virus) by lateral flow device. Three viruses are targeted: Zika (ZIKV), Dengue fever (DENV) and yellow fever (YFV). This device, called “point-of-care testing (POCT)”, makes it easy to carry out the test in the field, in the immediate vicinity of the patient and outside any hospital or laboratory environment. This POCT combines both the simultaneous detection of protein and genetic targets of the virus on a single medium, and the specific antibodies produced by the patient against the virus during infection. POCT is performed on a single blood sample.
University's development cooperation (UDC)
Targeted Interuniversity Pole
Specific Multiplex and immunochromatographic Detection of a Well Defined Panel of Toxines nside a Representative Food Sample
Jamal BADIR, Auxane LADANG, Mostafa BENTAHIR, Benjamin SMITS, Olga MINEEVA-SWANGO, Florencia LINERO, Omar NYABI
National consortium: CTMA (Promotor), ULg - histologie humaine- CRPP
Accidental or intentional food poisonings are a source of growing concern for public health authorities and stakeholders in the food chain (producers, consumers). The major economic impact of the deadly food poisoning in Germany in 2011 and the increase in the risk of voluntary food contamination in industrialized countries illustrate the need to take preventive and corrective measures based on new technologies for rapid analysis of the nature and the potential source of the poisoning. In keeping with the theme 'food security', the TOXINEID project extends the register of activities initiated in previous projects and meets a major need in terms of detection and quick identification of food toxins.
The deliverable of the project is a multiplex immunochromogenique to innovative lateral flow detection device, simultaneously targeting a wide range of food toxins: a group targeting the botulinum toxin type A, B, and E, and the staphylococciques enterotoxins A and B; a group targeting the major representatives of the phycotoxines (saxitoxin, okadaique acid and domoic acid) and mycotoxins (aflatoxin and Ochratoxin). This deliverable will be integrated into the final PPS offering an electronic reader fitted with a high resolution, camera, an algorithm for analysis and image processing,a scanning software and an automatic transfer of results. Deliverable and PSS constitute a comprehensive miniaturized, robust, compatible with stand-alone use in extreme and is low cost. They meet the needs of a simple local use, requiring no specific expertise for users. By integrating perfectly in the arsenal of rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) and the innovative PointofCare Testing (PCOT) tests, this project responds to the needs of the market and societal needs.
Sustaining the capacity to detect diarrheal infectious diseases: focus on reducing morbidity and mortality due to cholera in South Kivu Province (Democratic Republic of Congo).
(2019 – 2021 with possible prolongation up to 2025)
Funding : Belgian Federal Government – Académie de Recherches et d’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES)
Cooperation : Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales (ISTM), Bukavu (RDC) - CTMA
This project aims to contribute to the reduction of mortality and illness related to cholera in the province of South Kivu (DRC) through the strengthening and optimization of diagnostic tools (rapid diagnosis, confirmatory diagnosis) of this diarrheal disease in the high-prevalence health areas of the province.
This project is part of an ambition to improve the effectiveness of the intervention of national and international partners involved in the fight against cholera in DRC. In addition, these tools for rapid and specific diagnosis of the causal agent of cholera (Vibrio cholerae) will be used to search for potential reservoirs of V. cholerae that may explain the persistence of this disease over the past decades in the province of South Kivu.
The project also aims to strengthen collaboration between the different actors of the Congolese health structures in the province of South Kivu who are involved in the fight against cholera, through frequent consultations and exchanges of information. This group of actors will include the Provincial Division of Health (DPS) of South Kivu, the Provincial Ministry of Health (MPS), doctoral students working on cholera within the framework of this project, academics from the universities and institutes of the province, managers of health zones affected by cholera, NGOs, both international and local, members of the WASH and Health clusters as well as the local network of Congolese researchers active in the health field, which has emerged from the activities of the PIC 2012-2016 project in South Kivu.
(2013 – 2021)
The project aims at producing freeze dried, gamma inactivated, fungal raw material for use in allergy research & treatment, starting from pure cultures & inert substrates.
A service type contract has recently been signed with a biopharmaceutical industry leader specialized in the treatment of severe respiratory allergies.
Consequently, selected strains have been deposited at Mycothèque de l’Université catholique de Louvain (BCCM/MUCL).
The production of biomasses can be adjusted to the specificities of any customer (scientific community or industrial sector) in order to guarantee the quality of allergen extracts made using our products.
UCL-CTMA/MYCO meets strict quality & safety standards, in compliance with European regulatory requirements (origin, processing, identification & purity).
It has the equipment & expertise allowing detection, identification & monitoring of microbial contaminants of indoor & outdoor air. Detection & monitoring is based on surface & air sampling methods. Identification of airborne particles is achieved by standard light microscopy, culture, SDS-PAGE profiling & DNA signature sequences.
Another goal of the project is to perform research on the quantification and analysis of proteins for test and control purposes and in the context of allergy test.
Syngulon - Antim
Antimicrobial resistance: bacteriocins in the fight against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Vibrio cholerae
Funding: Syngulon
Collaboration : Syngulon - CTMA
Anandi MARTIN, Jérôme AMBROISE, Leonid MWABANA IRENGEWith the increase in antimicrobial resistance and the lack of development of antibiotics, solutions are urgently needed to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria. Different sets of molecules are therefore being studied aiming to develop new drugs. Among these, bacteriocins, antimicrobial peptides naturally produced by bacteria, appear particularly promising and continue to attract the attention of scientists. They are of great interest in the food industry as a bio-preservative due to their antibacterial effects. Bacteriocins could be an alternative to antibiotics in the health sector. SYNGULON owns a unique collection of bacteriocins (PARAGEN collection) which allows us for the first time to test bacteriocins but also to combine them with antibiotics against bacteria known to be multi-drug resistant (such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis responsible for tuberculosis).
There is a demand for this market since broad-spectrum antibiotics have shown their limits with the emergence of resistant microbes. There is an internationally recognized urgency to find alternatives or strengthen the arsenal of antibiotics currently available to the medical world. Syngulon therefore decided to explore this potential based on its knowledge of bacteriocins and its PARAGEN collection. Exploring this new market requires Syngulon to acquire new skills in the area of microbial infection control. This project fits into this strategy through collaboration with CTMA. The aim is to explore the use of bacteriocins in the fight against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Vibrio cholerae infections as a new alternative to antibiotics.