Doctoral workshop by Louis Mulotte - Performance feedback theory

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

March 21, 2022

2.00 - 4.00 pm



Performance feedback theory


The performance feedback theory claims that organizational performance relative to pre-defined aspirations triggers organizational search, risk taking, and possibly change. The propensity to change depends on how much above or below aspirations actual performance is. Recently, studies on performance feedback have enhanced our understanding of a variety of organizational actions and processes, including internal governance mechanisms, R&D activities, new product introductions and market entry, etc. The purpose of this session is to examine whether we can use a performance feedback lens to develop an understanding of firms’ successive choices of corporate development activities.

Please register before March 7 by sending an email to 


Louis Mulotte is also coming for two more doctoral workshops : 

On March 14 (morning) : Ins & outs of publishing

On March 14 (afternoon) : Writing an introduction