LouRIM Speed Dating & Saint-Nicolas

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

December 09, 2019

14:00 - 16:00


Salle Vaes


LouRIM organizes its first speed dating and its traditional Saint-Nicolas


This speed dating is an opportunity for both professors and researchers to meet each other around their research themes and interests, in a totally different way. We hope that it will foster unsuspected synergies, but also a better knowledge of your colleagues' work.

We will organize the activity on the basis of the acceptance to the calendar invitation you received by email or your registration hereunder. Please confirm your participation by November 20 at the latest.

Confirmed participants will receive a standard questionnaire a few days before the event to guide and help them during your encounters.


Pssst … A rumor says that Saint-Nicolas may visit us and distribute sweets to all researchers who behaved well …