Publishing Impactful Research: A Workshop with the Journal of Management Studies

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

September 05, 2024

10.00 am - 1.00 pm


Auditoire DOYEN 21

Management scholars are increasingly expected to publish research that is not only novel, original and theoretical insightful also makes an impact on practice and society at large. But what is actually impact in a management context? In this workshop, we will discuss different forms of impact management scholarship can have, and how to conduct impactful research. We will also do several hands-on exercises with participants to consider the impact their ongoing research projects may have. 



Christopher Wickert Bio (from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Christopher Wickert is a Full Professor and Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility as well as Director of the VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub. He is also Research Director of the Department of Management & Organization at VU Amsterdam. 

His research examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate sustainability as well as the broader relationship between business and society by drawing on various strands of organization and management theory.

Christopher obtained his PhD in Management from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland in 2013. During his doctoral studies, he has also conducted research and taught at University of Zurich, University of St. Gallen and at IESE Business School in Barcelona. Prior to becoming a researcher, he worked as a consultant with the United Nations Global Compact Office in New York. He holds an MSc degree in business administration from WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar, Germany. 





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