To be held in Lille (France), on 8-9 June 2017.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Uncertain Times
The objective of this two-day “Business and Society Research Seminar” (formerly “CSR Research Seminar”) is to bring together doctoral students, emerging scholars and more experienced academics to present and discuss their research projects and receive feedback. We will explore commonalities as well as differences in each other’s’ research approaches and themes in an inspiring, sociable and convivial academic setting. Similarly to previous editions of the seminar, the two-day research event will be composed of plenary, thematic, and workshop sessions dedicated to research methodology and publication strategy. Furthermore, this year will put emphasis on collaboration and dialogue with practitioners. All sessions will involve fellow PhD students, emerging scholars and more experienced researchers.
The seminar is hosted this year by the IÉSEG Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) at IÉSEG School of Management (France) in collaboration with the Louvain CSR Network of the Louvain School of Management Research Institute (UCL, Belgium), Audencia Business School (France) and ICHEC Brussels Management School (Belgium).
This year’s keynote speaker will be Jeremy Moon, Velux Professor of Corporate Sustainability at the Copenhagen Business School Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (cbsCSR), for a plenary session focused on the main theme of this 2017 edition on Corporate Social Responsibility in Uncertain Times.
In the face of damage or shocks to the current socio-political and economic system, businesses and their multiple constituencies are faced with increasing social, environmental and political challenges. In these uncertain times, novel efforts across the CSR, sustainability and social innovation agenda by different types of business-related actors are required to lead to a redefinition of the responsibilities, roles and opportunities for businesses and their constituencies to foster the emergence of meaningful, renewed forms of prosperity.
--> "Call for contributions "
For any further questions on the seminar or submission procedure, please contact us at