SDG Barometer 2020

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

After a first edition in 2018, the SDG Barometer 2020 presents a follow-up to evaluate the evolution of SDG awareness in Belgium. The results were presented during the SDG Forum 2020 on October 29.

In 2015 were launched the Sustainable Development Goals. In five years, they went from a topic of discussion to a strategic element in the management of a company or organization. To what extent? The SDG Barometer report outlines the sustainability landscape at a national level with insights about organizations’ engagement with the SDG.

The report highlights that SDG awareness in Belgium continues to rise. Three main findings emerge:

  • Nearly all organizations (98%) pay at least some attention to sustainability. Compared with the SDG Barometer 2018, a considerably smaller percentage of organizations now appears unaware of the SDGs (9%).
  • The most important driving forces for adopting SDGs appear to be complying with societal expectations, reducing social and environmental risks, and showing respect for the communities in which organizations operate.
  • Different types of organizations perceive different SDGs as important. Companies perceive SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 3 (Good health and well-being), and SDG 9 (Industry, innovation, and infrastructure) as the most relevant. Both companies and governments deem SDG 2 (Zero hunger) the least relevant SDG. SDG 14 (Life below water) is at the bottom for all types of organizations when it comes to relevance.

This barometer indicates that Belgian organizations are searching for strategic alignment with the SDGs, which is a good indicator in view of Agenda 2030. A specificity of this report is that the COVID-19 pandemic appeared during the report period of investigation. Even if it is clear that its effects will reverberate for times to come, the SDGs are seen as more important than ever in companies and organizations.

► To discover the results and download the full report, click here.

► For the press release, click here.

In collaboration with:

Antwerp Management School, Universiteit Antwerpen, UCLouvain, FIDO/IFDD, Alifucam, Alumni UCLouvain, AWEX, CAP Innove, CAP Construction, CCI Wallonie, CCI WAPI, CCI Luxembourg Belge, CIFAL Flanders, Cluster Eco-construction de Wallonie, Cluster Infopole, EPHEC, essenscia, Febelfin, Fevia, GreenWin, Hainaut développement, HEC Liège, HELMO, ICHEC, IDELUX, INNOVATECH, Logistics in Wallonia, MVO Vlaanderen, Plastiwin, Province du Hainaut, Réseau entreprendre Wallonie, Skywin, SDSN Belgium, Service Public de Wallonie, Solvay Business School, SPI, Susanova, The Shift, Tweed, UCM, ULB, UMons, UNamur, Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie, UWE, VBO-FEB, Voka, VVSG, Wagralim, Wallonia Clusters

Published on November 03, 2020